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A reverse genetic system for studying excision of the transposable elementDs1 in maize plants has been established previously. In this system, theDs1 element, as part of the genome of maize streak virus (MSV), is introduced into maize plants via agroinfection. In the presence of theAc element, excision ofDs1 from the MSV genome results in the appearance of viral symptoms on the maize plants. Here, we used this system to study DNA sequences requiredin cis for excision ofDs1. TheDs1 element contains theAc transposase binding motif AAACGG in only one of its subterminal regions (defined here as the 5′ subterminal region). We showed that mutation of these motifs abolished completely the excision capacity ofDs1. This is the first direct demonstration that the transposase binding motifs are essential for excision. Mutagenesis with oligonucleotide insertions in the other (3′) subterminal region resulted in elements with either a reduced or an increased excision efficiency, indicating that this subterminal region also has an important function.  相似文献   
Non-antagonistic interactions between arthropods and leaves of insectivorous plants with adhesive traps so far have never been reported. The mites are common prey of such plants, but we have found a new subspecies of the mite Oribatula tibialis living on the leaves of Pinguicula longifolia. Because of its small size and the low glandular density of the host, the mite moves without being trapped by the mucilaginous droplets of the leaf surface. P. longifolia provides shelter and food for the mite, while the plant may also benefit because of its fungivorous and scavenging activities. This new interaction is another dramatic example of widespread miteplant associations.  相似文献   
Zinc is an essential trace element necessary to life. This metal may exert some of its physiological effects by acting directly on cellular membranes, either by altering permeability or by modulating the activity of membrane-bound enzymes. On the other hand, calcium is an essential element in a wide variety of cellular activities. The aim of the present work was to study a possible interaction between zinc and calcium on intestinal transport ofd-galactose in jejunum of rabbit in vitro. In media with Ca2+, when ZnCl2 was present at 0.5 or 1 mM, zinc was found to reduce thed-galactose absorption significantly. In Ca2+-free media, where CaCl2 was omitted and replaced isotonically with choline chloride, the sugar transport was not modified by zinc. Verapamil at 10−6 M (blocking mainly Ca2+ transport) did not modify the inhibitory effect of zinc ond-galactose transport. When 10−6 M of A 23187 (Ca2+-specific ionophore) was added with/without Ca2+ to the media, ZnCl2 produced no change in sugar transport. These results could suggest a possible interaction of calcium and zinc for the same chemical groups of membrane, which could affect the intestinal absorption of sugars.  相似文献   
Pine seedlings are able to accumulate chlorophylls and develop green plastids in a light-independent manner. In this work, we have characterized ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (EC; Fd-GOGAT), a key enzyme in nitrogen interconversion during this process. Fd-GOGAT has been purified about 170-fold from cotyledons of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). As occurs in angiosperms, the native enzyme is a single polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of 163–168 kDa that is confined to the chloroplast stroma. Polyclonal antibodies generated against the purified enzyme were used to immunoscreen a gt11 expression library from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings and partial cDNA clones were isolated and characterized. The clone with the longest cDNA insert (pGOP44) contained the codification for the C-terminal (550 amino acids) of the pine Fd-GOGAT polypeptide. Immunological cross-reactivity and comparative amino sequence analysis revealed that Fd-GOGAT is a well conserved protein in higher plants. Western blot analyses showed that protein was expressed in chloroplast-containing pine tissues and this expression pattern was not affected by exogenously supplied nitrogen. Fd-GOGAT mRNA, polypeptide and enzyme activity accumulated in substantial amounts in dark-grown pine seedlings. The presence of a functional Fd-GOGAT may be important to provide the required glutamate for the biosynthesis of nitrogen compounds during chloroplast biogenesis in the dark.  相似文献   
Four xylanase preparations that are commercially available, namely Cartazyme from Sandoz, Ecopulp from Alko-ICI, Irgazyme from Ciba-Genencor and Pulpzyme HB from Novo Nordisk, were tested in bleaching experiments of kraft pulps from Pinus radiata. The main objective of this study was to optimize a reduction in the consumption of chlorine dioxide in the bleaching sequences C90/D10EoDED, C70/D30EoDED and D100EDED. Enzymatic treatments led to savings of ClO2 between 3.5 and 3.9 kg per air-dried tons (ADT) in the three bleaching sequences, without affecting the target brightness of the pulps. In these assays, some minor although reproducible differences in the performance of the enzymes were observed. In most cases, xylanase treatment partially affected the beatability of the pulps, measured as the number of revolutions in the PFI mill required to reach the same tensile index as the respective controls.  相似文献   
The ultrastructural patterns characterizing wheat straw degradation by the ligninolytic fungi Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Trametes versicolor were studied. During fungal attack, the less lignified tissues were degraded first, whereas the xylematic and sclerenchymatic fibers underwent a delayed attack. In straw samples degraded by T. versicolor, partial delignification, defibrillation and swelling of cell walls, often causing separation between primary and secondary walls, were observed. By contrast, the formation of erosions and fissures, with minor lignin removal, characterized the attack to the cell wall by P. chrysosporium. At an advanced stage of decay, KMnO4 staining demonstrated abundant electron-dense material around hyphae and in the proximity of the cell-wall surface. In the case of P. chrysosporium, spherical black bodies were found in the erosions and fissures produced during fungal attack.  相似文献   
Summary— We designed a protocol for cell labeling with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) linked to the fluorochrome tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC) for effective detection of the B16F10 melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma (LLc) cells on pulmonary histological sections from C57BL6; mice. We have also determined a suitable concentration of WGA-TRITC (10 μg/ml), which leads to a very intense and homogeneous labeling of the cells, as it avoids cell clumping due to the presence of the lectin WGA. In order to determine to what extent the method affects these tumor cells, we have studied some important aspects related to their metastatic behavior, taking into account three parameters: a) viability and rate of proliferation of the cells cultured in vitro; b) percentage of animals C57BL6 mice) bearing metastasis 15 days after intravenous inoculation with 105 B16F10 or LLc cells; and c) pattern of distribution of tumor foci in lung. There were no significant differences in these three parameters between the WGA-TRITC labeled-cells compared to the cultures of non-labeled cells in either of the cell lines (B16F10, LLc). Thus, we conclude that B16F10 and LLc tumor cells can be labeled following the protocol set-up in our study, as it allows these cells to be neatly identified on tissue sections and it causes no important physiological changes in the cells, with regard to metastatic behavior. These points make this technique very suitable for the detection of B16F10 and LLc cells on histological sections in studying their behavior during the first stages of the metastatic process.  相似文献   
Transport of aminopeptidase I (API) to the vacuole appears to be insensitive to blockage of the secretory pathway. Here we show that the N-terminal extension of the 61 kDa precursor of API (pAPI) is proteolytically processed in two sequential steps. The first step involves proteinase A (PrA) and produces a 55 kDa unstable intermediate (iAPI). The second step involves proteinase B (PrB) and converts iAPI into the 50 kDa stable, mature enzyme (mAPI). Reversion of the cup1 growth phenotype by a pAPI-CUP1 chimera indicates that pAPI is transported to the vacuole by a post-translational mechanism. Deletion of the first 16 amino acids results in accumulation of the truncated protein in the cytosol, indicating that pAPI is actively transported to the vacuole. The chimera pAPI-myc, constructed by fusing a myc tag to the C-terminus of pAPI, was exploited to dissect the mechanism of pAPI transport. Cell fractionation studies show the presence of iAPI-myc and mAPI in a fraction of vacuoles purified by density centrifugation. This and the sequential conversion of pAPI-myc into iAPI-myc and mAPI lacking the myc tag is consistent with insertion of pAPI into the vacuolar membrane through its N-terminal extension. The specific mechanism of API sorting demonstrates a new pathway of protein transport in vacuolar biogenesis.  相似文献   
Summary We tested the adaptive significance of flowering synchrony by means of a quantitative analysis of selection and by flowering induction experiments with the deciduous shrubErythroxylum havanense. Temporal schedules of flower and fruit production were determined for a local population (in three sites) in a Mexican seasonal forest for 2 years (1987–1988). The consequences of natural variation in flowering time (flowering initiation day) on maternal reproductive success (fecundity) were evaluated. We observed high levels of inter- and intraindividual flowering synchrony in 1987, but not in 1988 and this contrast was related to differences in rainfall patterns between the two years. A significant proportion (15.4%) of the phenotypic variation in flowering initiation day was accounted for by environmental variance. The expression of phenotypic variance of flowering time and, consequently, the opportunity for selection to act, are controlled by annual variation in rainfall. Despite the between-year difference in flowering synchrony, we detected a relatively intense directional selection on flowering initiation day in both years, but selection coefficients were of opposite sign (standardized directional gradients were –0.326 and 0.333 for 1987 and 1988, respectively). For both years there was a significant relationship between individual relative fitness and the number of neighbouring flowering plants in a given day, suggesting positive frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   
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