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The present study investigated a joint contribution of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) genes to ischemic stroke (IS) development and analyzed interactions between MMP genes and genome-wide associated loci for IS. A total of 1288 unrelated Russians (600 IS patients and 688 healthy individuals) from Central Russia were recruited for the study. Genotyping of seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of MMP genes (rs1799750, rs243865, rs3025058, rs11225395, rs17576, rs486055, and rs2276109) and eight genome-wide associated loci for IS were done using Taq-Man–based assays and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry iPLEX platform, respectively. Allele − 799T at rs11225395 of the MMP8 gene was significantly associated with a decreased risk of IS after adjustment for sex and age (OR = 0.82; 95%CI, 0.70-0.96; P = 0.016). The model-based multifactor dimensionality reduction method has revealed 21 two-order, 124 three-order, and 474 four-order gene-gene (G×G) interactions models meaningfully (Pperm < 0.05) associated with the IS risk. The bioinformatic analysis enabled establishing the studied MMP gene polymorphisms possess a clear regulatory potential and may be targeted by gene regulatory networks driving molecular and cellular pathways related to the pathogenesis of IS. In conclusion, the present study was the first to identify an association between polymorphism rs11225395 of the MMP8 gene and IS risk. The study findings also indicate that MMPs deserve special attention as a potential class of genes influencing the multistep mechanisms of cerebrovascular disease including atherosclerosis in cerebral arteries, acute cerebral artery occlusion as well as the ischemic injury of the brain and its recovery.  相似文献   
The loading module for the nystatin polyketide synthase (PKS) in Streptomyces noursei is represented by the NysA protein composed of a ketosynthase (KS(S)), acyltransferase, dehydratase, and an acyl carrier protein. The absolute requirement of this protein for initiation of nystatin biosynthesis was demonstrated by the in-frame deletion of the nysA gene in S. noursei. The role of the NysA KS(S) domain, however, remained unclear, since no data on the significance of the "active site" serine (Ser-170) residue in the loading modules of type I PKSs were available. Site-specific mutagenesis of Ser-170 both in the wild-type NysA and in the hybrid loading module containing malonyl-specific acyltransferase domain from the extender module had no effect on nystatin biosynthesis. A second mutation (S413N) of the NysA KS(S) domain was discovered that completely abolished the ability of the hybrids to restore nystatin biosynthesis, presumably by affecting the ability of the resulting proteins to catalyze the required substrate decarboxylation. In contrast, NysA and its Ser-170 mutants bearing the same S413N mutation were able to restore nystatin production to significant levels, probably by using acetyl-CoA as a starter unit. Together, these data suggest that the KS(S) domain of NysA differs from the KS(Q) domains found in the loading modules of several PKS type I systems in that the active site residue is not significant for its activity.  相似文献   
We studied oxidative stress in lignin peroxidase (LIP)-producing cultures (cultures flushed with pure O(2)) of Phanerochaete chrysosporium by comparing levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), cumulative oxidative damage, and antioxidant enzymes with those found in non-LIP-producing cultures (cultures grown with free exchange of atmospheric air [control cultures]). A significant increase in the intracellular peroxide concentration and the degree of oxidative damage to macromolecules, e.g., DNA, lipids, and proteins, was observed when the fungus was exposed to pure O(2) gas. The specific activities of manganese superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, and glutathione peroxidase and the consumption of glutathione were all higher in cultures exposed to pure O(2) (oxygenated cultures) than in cultures grown with atmospheric air. Significantly higher gene expression of the LIP-H2 isozyme occurred in the oxygenated cultures. A hydroxyl radical scavenger, dimethyl sulfoxide (50 mM), added to the culture every 12 h, completely abolished LIP expression at the mRNA and protein levels. This effect was confirmed by in situ generation of hydroxyl radicals via the Fenton reaction, which significantly enhanced LIP expression. The level of intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) was correlated with the starvation conditions regardless of the oxygenation regimen applied, and similar cAMP levels were obtained at high O(2) concentrations and in cultures grown with atmospheric air. These results suggest that even though cAMP is a prerequisite for LIP expression, high levels of ROS, preferentially hydroxyl radicals, are required to trigger LIP synthesis. Thus, the induction of LIP expression by O(2) is at least partially mediated by the intracellular ROS.  相似文献   
To gain greater insight into the nature of the bleeding tendency in hemophilia, we compared the spatial dynamics of clotting in platelet-free plasma from healthy donors and from patients with severe hemophilia A or B (factor VIII:C or IX:C<1%). Clotting was initiated via the intrinsic or extrinsic pathway in a thin layer of nonstirred plasma by bringing it in contact with the glass or fibroblast monolayer surface. The results suggest that clot growth is a process consisting of two distinct phases, initiation and elongation. The clotting events on the activator surface and the preceding period free of visible signs of clotting are the initiation phase. In experiments with and without stirring alike, this phase is prolonged in hemophilic plasma activated by the intrinsic, but not the extrinsic pathway. Strikingly, both hemophilia A and B are associated with a significant deterioration in the elongation phase (clot thickening), irrespective of the activation pathway. The rate of clot growth in hemophilic plasma is significantly lower than normal and declines quickly. The resulting clots are thin, which may account for the bleeding disorder.  相似文献   
Changes in the absorbance spectrum of aquo-cobalamin (Cbl x OH(2)) revealed that its binding to transcobalamin (TC) is followed by slow conformational reorganization of the protein-ligand complex (Fedosov, S. N., Fedosova, N. U., Nex?, E., and Petersen, T. E. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 11791-11798). Two phases were also observed for TC when interacting with a Cbl-analogue cobinamide (Cbi), but not with other cobalamins. The slow phase had no relation to the ligand recognition, since both Cbl and Cbi bound rapidly and in one step to intrinsic factor (IF) and haptocorrin (HC), namely the proteins with different Cbl specificity. Spectral transformations observed for TC in the slow phase were similar to those upon histidine complexation with Cbl x OH(2) and Cbi. In contrast to a closed structure of TC x Cbl x OH(2), the analogous IF and HC complexes revealed accessibility of Cbl's upper face to the external reagents. The binders decreased sensitivity of adenosyl-Cbl (Cbl x Ado) to light in the range: free ligand, IF x, HC x, TC x Cbl x Ado. The spectrum of TC x Cbl small middle dotAdo differed from those of IF and HC and mimicked Cbl x Ado participating in catalysis. The above data suggest presence of a histidine-containing cap shielding the Cbl-binding site in TC. The cap coordinates to certain corrinoids and, possibly, produces an incapsulated Ado-radical when Cbl small middle dotAdo is bound.  相似文献   
Electrospinning Bombyx mori silk with poly(ethylene oxide)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electrospinning for the formation of nanoscale diameter fibers has been explored for high-performance filters and biomaterial scaffolds for vascular grafts or wound dressings. Fibers with nanoscale diameters provide benefits due to high surface area. In the present study we explore electrospinning for protein-based biomaterials to fabricate scaffolds and membranes from regenerated silkworm silk, Bombyx mori, solutions. To improve processability of the protein solution, poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) with molecular weight of 900,000 was blended with the silk fibroin. A variety of compositions of the silk/PEO aqueous blends were successfully electrospun. The morphology of the fibers was characterized using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy. Fiber diameters were uniform and less than 800 nm. The composition was estimated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to characterize silk/PEO surface content. Aqueous-based electrospining of silk and silk/PEO blends provides potentially useful options for the fabrication of biomaterial scaffolds based on this unique fibrous protein.  相似文献   
The function of the fin digging behaviour in increasing food availability for the offspring was analysed in the convict cichlid, Cichlasoma (Archocentrus) nigrofasciatum. Consistent individual differences in the frequency of fin digging were found in the parental fish. Examination of the gastrointestinal tract of young revealed that higher frequency of parental fin digging was associated with higher consumption of large and more profitable prey (Diptera larvae), which inhabited deep horizons of the bottom substrate and possibly were difficult to access without parental assistance. Thus, parental fin digging was initially associated with a significant increase of the offspring growth rate. However, at later brood intervals, when parental care ceased, the young of the high-digging parents were characterised by a poorer consumption of small larvae that were most accessible for them without parental aid and represented an increasingly more important component of their ration than large larvae. Offspring of the low-digging parents, on the other hand, presumably as a result of their individual experience, showed a considerably better consumption of small larvae, increasing their growth rate. As a consequence, prior parental fin digging did not affect the offspring body size after independence. Thus, there exist pronounced individual differences and alternative parental styles in the convict cichlid.  相似文献   
In yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae translation termination factors eRF1 (Sup45) and eRF3 (Sup35) are encoded by the essential genes SUP45 and SUP35 respectively. Heritable aggregation of Sup35 results in formation of the yeast prion [PSI+]. It is known that combination of [PSI+] with some mutant alleles of the SUP35 or SUP45 genes in one and the same haploid yeast cell causes synthetic lethality. In this study, we perform detailed analysis of synthetic lethality between various sup45 nonsense and missense mutations on one hand, and different variants of [PSI+] on the other hand. Synthetic lethality with sup45 mutations was detected for [PSI+] variants of different stringencies. Moreover, we demonstrate for the first time that in some combinations, synthetic lethality is dominant and occurs at the postzygotic stage after only a few cell divisions. The tRNA suppressor SUQ5 counteracts the prion-dependent lethality of the nonsense alleles but not of the missense alleles of SUP45, indicating that the lethal effect is due to the depletion of Sup45. Synthetic lethality is also suppressed in the presence of the C-proximal fragment of Sup35 (Sup35C) that lacks the prion domain and cannot be included into the prion aggregates. Remarkably, the production of Sup35C in a sup45 mutant strain is also accompanied by an increase in the Sup45 levels, suggesting that translationally active Sup35 up-regulates Sup45 or protects it from degradation.Key Words: Sup45, Sup35, eRF1, eRF3, amyloid, [PSI+], translation termination, Saccharomyces cerevisiae  相似文献   
Aqueous solutions of highly stable supramolecular donor–acceptor complexes of chemically nonmodified pristine C60 fullerene molecules with H2O molecules (hydrated C60 fullerene–C60HyFn) and their labile nano-sized clusters were examined for their antioxidant effects on removal of hydroxyl radicals (OH) and protecting DNA against oxidative damage induced by ionizing radiation in vitro. The suppressing influence of C60HyFn on the formation of OH-radicals in water exposed to X-rays at doses of 1–7 Gy was assessed by determination of oxidation levels of coumarin-3-carboxylic acid. C60HyFn demonstrates apparent antiradical activity in vitro in the range of concentrations of 10−11–10−6 M. Paradoxically, the OH-removing efficacy of C60HyFn was in reverse correlation with fullerene concentration. It was hypothesized that the antiradical action of C60HyFn in water medium generally is due to a “nonstoichiometric” mechanism, supposedly to a hydrated free radical recombination (self-neutralization), which is catalyzed by specific water structures ordered by C60HyFn. With the use of 8-oxoguanine as a marker of oxidative damage to DNA, it has been demonstrated that C60HyFn in concentrations of 10−7–10−6 M protects nucleic acids against radical-induced damage. The second part of the present study was aimed to evaluate the overall radioprotective efficacy of C60HyFn in doses of 0.1 or 1 mg/kg b.w. injected intraperitoneally to mice either 1 h before or 15 min after lethal dose exposure of the X-ray (7 Gy) irradiation. Survival rate of the mice was observed at 30 day intervals after irradiation, while the weight gains of experimental animals were monitored as well. The most significant protective effect was demonstrated when 1 mg/kg dosage of C60HyFn was administered before irradiation. The outcome of the substance testing is 15% survival rate of irradiated animals at 30 days of observation, and prevention of noticeable weight loss characteristic for radiation impact, versus unprotected control animals. In conclusion, results of the study obviate that the apparent protective action of C60HyFn in vivo is determined by its considerable ability to decrease X-ray-generated reactive oxygen species. Based on the results and that neat C60 is nontoxic, actually in the hydrated form, without side effects and with sufficient radioprotective effects in low doses, C60HyFn may be considered as a novel antioxidant agent, which substantially diminishes the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.  相似文献   
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