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Everlasting reproduction of Yersinia pestis, plague bacillus in natural pestholes needs virulent causative agent to invade into the host entity, be potent to overcome protection powers of the rodent organism and to pullulate to entail bacteriemia for subsequent conveyance the plague bacillus to the new host by fleas. All of legs of life cyclic patterns of Yersinia pestis are maintained by a number of plague bacillus factors acting jointly or separately, participating at the different stages of infectious process or conveyance. However these factors provide the perpetuation of the plague bacillus in the ecosystems of natural pestholes only acting in conjunction independently on their distinct contributions. Not only biomolecules, organellas and bacteria systems ensured the pursuance of virulent properties, but other factors, essential for survival of Yersinia pestis and the relationship between separate virulence factors and expression of the different genes of housekeeping and virulence of plague bacillus are considered in this review. The report I covers the problems concerned with adaptational plasticity of Yersinia pestis, it represents the classification of plague causative factors, securing its perpetuation in the environmental space, and discussion the factors promoting plague bacillus survival in the host entity. Not only wellknown publications, but papers in out-of-the-way or hard-to-reach, especially for English-reading experts, editions, also were used to compile this communication. The English version of this review may be requested from Alerton Press.  相似文献   
Homologous genes and gene products often have redundant physiological functions. Members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family of cytokines can signal activation, proliferation, differentiation, costimulation, inhibition, or cell death, depending on the type and status of the target cell. TNF, lymphotoxin alpha (LTalpha), and LTbeta form a subfamily of a larger family of TNF-related ligands with their genes being linked within a compact 12-kb cluster inside the major histocompatibility complex locus. Singly TNF-, LTalpha-, and LTbeta-deficient mice share several phenotypic features, suggesting that TNF/LT signaling pathways may regulate overlapping sets of target genes. In order to directly address the issue of redundancy of TNF/LT signaling, we used the Cre-loxP recombination system to create mice with a deletion of the entire TNF/LT locus. Mice with a triple LTbeta/TNF/LTalpha deficiency essentially manifest a combination of LT and TNF single-knockout phenotypes, except for microarchitecture of the spleen, where the disorder of lymphoid cell positioning and functional T- and B-cell compartmentalization is severer than that found in TNF or LT single-knockout mice. Thus, our data support the notion that TNF and LT have largely nonredundant functions in vivo.  相似文献   
Lac(+)/Lac(-) selection of recombinant plasmids based on the insertional inactivation of LacZalpha gene cannot differentiate recombinant clones in some cases. Several fragments of exon 11 of human brca1 gene were cloned in LacZalpha-containing plasmids so that frameshift appeared at the 5(')-end of the fragments tested but these fragments were in frame with the part of LacZalpha situated downstream of the polylinker. All plasmids except one caused blue colonies formation after being transformed in Escherichia coli LacZDeltaM15 cells in spite of the frameshift. The fact may be explained by reinitiation of translation within the mRNA transcribed from the inserted DNA fragments at in-frame AUG, GUG, and UUG. The data demonstrated limitations on the Lac(+)/Lac(-) selection of LacZalpha-based recombinant plasmids.  相似文献   
The small mechanosensitive channel, MscS, is a part of the turgor-driven solute efflux system that protects bacteria from lysis in the event of osmotic downshift. It has been identified in Escherichia coli as a product of the orphan yggB gene, now called mscS (Levina et al., 1999, EMBO J. 18:1730). Here I show that that the isolated 31-kDa MscS protein is sufficient to form a functional mechanosensitive channel gated directly by tension in the lipid bilayer. MscS-6His complexes purified in the presence of octylglucoside and lipids migrate in a high-resolution gel-filtration column as particles of approximately 200 kDa. Consistent with that, the protein cross-linking patterns predict a hexamer. The channel reconstituted in soybean asolectin liposomes was activated by pressures of 20-60 mm Hg and displayed the same asymmetric I-V curve and slight anionic preference as in situ. At the same time, the single-channel conductance is proportional to the buffer conductivity in a wide range of salt concentrations. The rate of channel activation in response to increasing pressure gradient across the patch was slower than the rate of closure in response to decreasing steps of pressure gradient. Therefore, the open probability curves were recorded with descending series of pressures. Determination of the curvature of patches by video imaging permitted measurements of the channel activity as a function of membrane tension (gamma). Po(gamma) curves had the midpoint at 5.5 +/- 0.1 dyne/cm and gave estimates for the energy of opening DeltaG = 11.4 +/- 0.5 kT, and the transition-related area change DeltaA = 8.4 +/- 0.4 nm(2) when fitted with a two-state Boltzmann model. The correspondence between channel properties in the native and reconstituted systems is discussed.  相似文献   
Since available structures of native bc(1) complexes show a vacant Q(o)-site, occupancy by substrate and product must be investigated by kinetic and spectroscopic approaches. In this brief review, we discuss recent advances using these approaches that throw new light on the mechanism. The rate-limiting reaction is the first electron transfer after formation of the enzyme-substrate complex at the Q(o)-site. This is formed by binding of both ubiquinol (QH(2)) and the dissociated oxidized iron-sulfur protein (ISP(ox)). A binding constant of approximately 14 can be estimated from the displacement of E(m) or pK for quinone or ISP(ox), respectively. The binding likely involves a hydrogen bond, through which a proton-coupled electron transfer occurs. An enzyme-product complex is also formed at the Q(o)-site, in which ubiquinone (Q) hydrogen bonds with the reduced ISP (ISPH). The complex has been characterized in ESEEM experiments, which detect a histidine ligand, likely His-161 of ISP (in mitochondrial numbering), with a configuration similar to that in the complex of ISPH with stigmatellin. This special configuration is lost on binding of myxothiazol. Formation of the H-bond has been explored through the redox dependence of cytochrome c oxidation. We confirm previous reports of a decrease in E(m) of ISP on addition of myxothiazol, and show that this change can be detected kinetically. We suggest that the myxothiazol-induced change reflects loss of the interaction of ISPH with Q, and that the change in E(m) reflects a binding constant of approximately 4. We discuss previous data in the light of this new hypothesis, and suggest that the native structure might involve a less than optimal configuration that lowers the binding energy of complexes formed at the Q(o)-site so as to favor dissociation. We also discuss recent results from studies of the bypass reactions at the site, which lead to superoxide (SO) production under aerobic conditions, and provide additional information about intermediate states.  相似文献   
Endostatin is a potential inhibitor of Wnt signaling   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Secondary lymphoid organs provide the necessary microenvironment for the cooperation of antigen-specific T- and B-lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells in order to initiate an efficient immune response. Remarkable progress in understanding of the mechanisms of lymphoid organogenesis was achieved due to the analysis of various gene-targeted mice. This review primarily focuses on the role of lymphotoxin (LT) in development, maturation and maintenance of secondary lymphoid organs.  相似文献   
Cytokine regulation of pulmonary fibrosis in scleroderma   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Pulmonary fibrosis occurs in up to 70% of scleroderma patients and progresses to cause severe restrictive lung disease in about 15% of patients. The mechanisms that cause pulmonary fibrosis in scleroderma remain incompletely understood. Increased amounts of mRNA or protein for multiple profibrotic cytokines and chemokines have been identified in lung tissue or broncholveolar lavage samples from scleroderma patients, when compared to healthy controls. These cytokines include transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), oncostatin M (OSM), monocyte chemotactic factor-1 and pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokine (PARC). Potential cellular sources of these profibrotic cytokines and chemokines in scleroderma lung disease include alternatively activated macrophages, activated CD8+ T cells, eosinophils, mast cells, epithelial cells and fibroblasts themselves. This review summarizes the literature on involvement of cytokines and chemokines in the development of pulmonary fibrosis in scleroderma.  相似文献   
The structure of C-terminal domain (CaD136, C-terminal residues 636-771) of chicken gizzard caldesmon has been analyzed by a variety of physico-chemical methods. We are showing here that CaD136 does not have globular structure, has low secondary structure content, is essentially noncompact, as it follows from high R(g) and R(S) values, and is characterized by the absence of distinct heat absorption peaks, i.e. it belongs to the family of natively unfolded (or intrinsically unstructured) proteins. Surprisingly, effective binding of single calmodulin molecule (K(d) = 1.4 +/- 0.2 microM) leads only to a very moderate folding of this protein and CaD136 remains substantially unfolded within its tight complex with calmodulin. The biological significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   
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