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Genomic Representational Difference Analysis (gRDA) is a subtractive DNA method to clone the differences between two related genomes, called tester and driver. We have evaluated this method to obtain polymorphic DNA markers for pedigree dogs. Amplified size-selected genomic restriction fragments (amplicons) of two dog littermates were repeatedly hybridized to each other in order to remove (subtract) those restriction fragments common to both sibs. Already after two rounds of subtractive hybridization, a clear enrichment of presumably tester-specific restriction fragments was observed, which was even more pronounced after the third round of subtraction. A plasmid library of 3000 recombinant clones was constructed of the second round and of the third round difference product. DNA sequence determination of randomly chosen clones of each difference product showed that approximately 1000 unique clones were obtained in the second-round difference product and approximately 500 in the third-round difference product. About half of the clones identified in the second-round difference product were also present in the third-round difference product. Of the second-round difference product, 39 different gRDA fragments could be identified, of which 21 were tester specific. In the third-round difference product, 22 different gRDA fragments were identified, of which 18 were tester specific. There were 13 fragments in common, resulting in a total of 48 different fragments. In order to establish the localization of these markers, we performed mapping using the dog radiation hybrid panel RHDF5000. Of 39 mapped clones, 29 were mapped to 20 existing RH groups, and 10 remained unlinked. It is concluded that gRDA is suitable to generate DNA markers to track disease genes within lines of pedigree dogs. Received: 26 April 2000 / Accepted: 11 May 2000  相似文献   
The distribution of parasites among individual hosts is characterised by high variability that is believed to be a result of variations in host traits. To find general patterns of host traits affecting parasite abundance, we studied flea infestation of nine rodent species from three different biomes (temperate zone of central Europe, desert of Middle East and tropics of East Africa). We tested for independent and interactive effects of host sex and body mass on the number of fleas harboured by an individual host while accounting for spatial clustering of host and parasite sampling and temporal variation. We found no consistent patterns of the effect of host sex and body mass on flea abundance either among species within a biome or among biomes. We found evidence for sex-biased flea infestation in just five host species (Apodemus agrarius, Myodes glareolus, Microtus arvalis, Gerbillus andersoni, Mastomys natalensis). In six rodent species, we found an effect of body mass on flea abundance (all species mentioned above and Meriones crassus). This effect was positive in five species and negative in one species (Microtus arvalis). In M. glareolus, G. andersoni, M. natalensis, and M. arvalis, the relationship between body mass and flea abundance was mediated by host sex. This was manifested in steeper change in flea abundance with increasing body mass in male than female individuals (M. glareolus, G. andersoni, M. natalensis), whereas the opposite pattern was found in M. arvalis. Our findings suggest that sex and body mass are common determinants of parasite infestation in mammalian hosts, but neither of them follows universal rules. This implies that the effect of host individual characteristics on mechanisms responsible for flea acquisition may be manifested differently in different host species.  相似文献   
Gut microbiome–host metabolic interactions affect human health and can be modified by probiotic and prebiotic supplementation. Here, we have assessed the effects of consumption of a combination of probiotics (Lactobacillus paracasei or L. rhamnosus) and two galactosyl‐oligosaccharide prebiotics on the symbiotic microbiome–mammalian supersystem using integrative metabolic profiling and modeling of multiple compartments in germ‐free mice inoculated with a model of human baby microbiota. We have shown specific impacts of two prebiotics on the microbial populations of HBM mice when co‐administered with two probiotics. We observed an increase in the populations of Bifidobacterium longum and B. breve, and a reduction in Clostridium perfringens, which were more marked when combining prebiotics with L. rhamnosus. In turn, these microbial effects were associated with modulation of a range of host metabolic pathways observed via changes in lipid profiles, gluconeogenesis, and amino‐acid and methylamine metabolism associated to fermentation of carbohydrates by different bacterial strains. These results provide evidence for the potential use of prebiotics for beneficially modifying the gut microbial balance as well as host energy and lipid homeostasis.  相似文献   
The aim of our study was to assess the water quality of the upper Moselle river by using biological indices. Simultaneous physico-chemical surveys were also undertaken from May 1999 to April 2000. Twelve sampling sites were selected in order to provide a wide range of potential pollution. Chemical analysis did not reveal any major problem of pollution. However a lower water quality resulting from domestic pollution was established for some sampling sites. A biological monitoring combining both macroinvertebrates and macrophytes was performed. Biological indices based on plant community structure and macrophyte composition were not pertinent tools, whereas simple indices based on taxonomic richness of particular groups of macroinvertebrates were strongly correlated with several chemical parameters, showing that such simple biological variables should represent powerful indicators of ecosystem degradation.  相似文献   
The impact of gene silencing on cellular phenotypes is difficult to establish due to the complexity of interactions in the associated biological processes and pathways. A recent genome-wide RNA knock-down study both identified and phenotypically characterized a set of important genes for the cell cycle in HeLa cells. Here, we combine a molecular interaction network analysis, based on physical and functional protein interactions, in conjunction with evolutionary information, to elucidate the common biological and topological properties of these key genes. Our results show that these genes tend to be conserved with their corresponding protein interactions across several species and are key constituents of the evolutionary conserved molecular interaction network. Moreover, a group of bistable network motifs is found to be conserved within this network, which are likely to influence the network stability and therefore the robustness of cellular functioning. They form a cluster, which displays functional homogeneity and is significantly enriched in genes phenotypically relevant for mitosis. Additional results reveal a relationship between specific cellular processes and the phenotypic outcomes induced by gene silencing. This study introduces new ideas regarding the relationship between genotype and phenotype in the context of the cell cycle. We show that the analysis of molecular interaction networks can result in the identification of genes relevant to cellular processes, which is a promising avenue for future research.  相似文献   
Summary We have investigated the dynamics and structural behaviour of two antigenic peptides using 1H NMR. The two cyclic peptides mimic the antigenic site A of influenza haemagglutinin protein; they only differ in the way they were cyclized and in the size of their respective linkers. Homonuclear relaxation parameters extracted from a complete NOE matrix were interpreted in terms of local dynamics. A set of distance constraints was deduced from these parameters which allowed 3D models to be constructed using distance geometry. NOE back-calculation was used to check the validity of the final models. Strong variations of internal motion amplitude have been found in both peptides along their backbone. Motions with high amplitudes have been localized in the Gly-Pro-Gly sequence which forms a -turn in both structures.Abbreviations DSS 3-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propanesulfonic acid - D-loop aspartic acid loop - ELISA enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay - f.i.d free induction decay - HOHAHA homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - K-loop lysine loop - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - r.m.s.d. root-mean-square deviation of atomic positions  相似文献   
Differential responses of freshwater wetland soils to sulphate pollution   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Sulphate (SO4 2-)reduction rates are generally low in freshwaterwetlands and are regulated by the scarceavailability of the ion. Increasedconcentrations of this electron acceptor due tosulphur (S) pollution of groundwater andsurface water may, however, lead to highSO4 2- reduction rates now regulatedby the availability of appropriate electrondonors. Due to variations in this availability,the response to S pollution (e.g. from surfacewater or groundwater) is expected to differbetween soils. This hypothesis was tested inlaboratory mesocosm experiments by comparingtwo wetland soil types with distinctlydifferent humus profiles: a Hydromoder and aRhizomull type. In the first type, expected tohave a higher availability of degradable soilorganic matter (SOM), SO4 2-availability appeared to be rate limiting forSO4 2- reduction. In the Rhizomullsoils, in contrast, the electron acceptor didnot limit SO4 2- reduction rates athigher concentrations. These differences inresponse could not, however, be attributed todifferences in the various SOM fractions or inSOM densities. Eutrophication and free sulphideaccumulation, two major biogeochemical problemscaused by SO4 2- pollution, occurredin both types. The absolute extent ofphosphorus mobilisation was determined by theconcentration of this element in the soil (C/Pratio), while the level of sulphideaccumulation was governed by the concentrationof dissolved iron in the pore water. It wastherefore concluded that neither the humusprofile nor the concentrations of different SOMfractions in the soils are reliable indicatorsfor the sensitivity of wetland types to Spollution.  相似文献   
Nutritional metabonomics: applications and perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nowadays, nutrition focuses on improving health of individuals through diet. Current nutritional research aims at health promotion, disease prevention, and performance improvement. Modern analytical platforms allow the simultaneous measurement of multiple metabolites providing new insights in the understanding of the functionalities of cells and whole organisms. Metabonomics, "the quantitative measurement of the dynamic multiparametric metabolic response of living systems to pathophysiological stimuli or genetic modifications", provides a systems approach to understanding global metabolic regulations of organisms. This concept has arisen from various applications of NMR and MS spectroscopies to study the multicomponent metabolic composition of biological fluids, cells, and tissues. The generated metabolic profiles are processed by multivariate statistics to maximize the recovery of information to be correlated with well-determined stimuli such as dietary intervention or with any phenotypic data or diet habits. Metabonomics is thus uniquely suited to assess metabolic responses to deficiencies or excesses of nutrients and bioactive components. Furthermore, metabonomics is used to characterize the metabolic phenotype of individuals integrating genetic polymorphism, metabolic interactions with commensal and symbiotic partners such as gut microflora, as well as environmental and behavioral factors including dietary preferences. This paper reports several experimental key aspects in nutritional metabonomics, reviews its applications employing targeted and holistic approach analysis for the study of the metabolic responses following dietary interventions. It also reports the assessment of intra- and inter-individual variability in animal and human populations. The potentialities of nutritional metabonomics for the discovery of new biomarkers and the characterization of metabolic phenotypes are discussed in a context of their possible utilizations for personalized nutrition to provide health maintenance at the individual level.  相似文献   
Yellow fever (YF) has re-emerged in the last two decades causing several outbreaks in endemic countries and spreading to new receptive regions. This changing epidemiology of YF creates new challenges for global public health efforts. Yellow fever is caused by the yellow fever virus (YFV) that circulates between humans, the mosquito vector, and non-human primates (NHP). In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we review and analyse data on the case fatality rate (CFR) and prevalence of YFV in humans, and on the prevalence of YFV in arthropods, and NHP in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We performed a comprehensive literature search in PubMed, Web of Science, African Journal Online, and African Index Medicus databases. We included studies reporting data on the CFR and/or prevalence of YFV. Extracted data was verified and analysed using the random effect meta-analysis. We conducted subgroup, sensitivity analysis, and publication bias analyses using the random effect meta-analysis while I2 statistic was employed to determine heterogeneity. This review was registered with PROSPERO under the identification CRD42021242444. The final meta-analysis included 55 studies. The overall case fatality rate due to YFV was 31.1% (18.3–45.4) in humans and pooled prevalence of YFV infection was 9.4% (6.9–12.2) in humans. Only five studies in West and East Africa detected the YFV in mosquito species of the genus Aedes and in Anopheles funestus. In NHP, YFV antibodies were found only in members of the Cercopithecidae family. Our analysis provides evidence on the ongoing circulation of the YFV in humans, Aedes mosquitoes and NHP in SSA. These observations highlight the ongoing transmission of the YFV and its potential to cause large outbreaks in SSA. As such, strategies such as those proposed by the WHO’s Eliminate Yellow Fever Epidemics (EYE) initiative are urgently needed to control and prevent yellow fever outbreaks in SSA.  相似文献   
Multiple regulated neutrophil cell death programs contribute to host defense against infections. However, despite expressing all necessary inflammasome components, neutrophils are thought to be generally defective in Caspase-1-dependent pyroptosis. By screening different bacterial species, we found that several Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) strains trigger Caspase-1-dependent pyroptosis in human and murine neutrophils. Notably, deletion of Exotoxins U or S in P. aeruginosa enhanced neutrophil death to Caspase-1-dependent pyroptosis, suggesting that these exotoxins interfere with this pathway. Mechanistically, P. aeruginosa Flagellin activates the NLRC4 inflammasome, which supports Caspase-1-driven interleukin (IL)-1β secretion and Gasdermin D (GSDMD)-dependent neutrophil pyroptosis. Furthermore, P. aeruginosa-induced GSDMD activation triggers Calcium-dependent and Peptidyl Arginine Deaminase-4-driven histone citrullination and translocation of neutrophil DNA into the cell cytosol without inducing extracellular Neutrophil Extracellular Traps. Finally, we show that neutrophil Caspase-1 contributes to IL-1β production and susceptibility to pyroptosis-inducing P. aeruginosa strains in vivo. Overall, we demonstrate that neutrophils are not universally resistant for Caspase-1-dependent pyroptosis.  相似文献   
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