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The Anion Cl/HCO3 Exchangers AE1, AE2, and AE3 are membrane pH regulatory ion transporters ubiquitously expressed in vertebrate tissues. Besides relieving intracellular alkaline and CO2 loads, the AEs have an important function during development and cell death and play a central role in such cellular properties as cell shape, metabolism, and contractility. The activity of AE(s) are regulated by neurohormones. However, little is known as to the intracellular signal transduction pathways that underlie this modulation. We show here that, in cardiomyocytes that express both AE1 and AE3, the purinergic agonist, ATP, triggers activation of anion exchange. The AE activation is observed in cells in which AE3 expression was blocked but not in cells microinjected with neutralizing anti-AE1 antibodies. ATP induces tyrosine phosphorylation of AE1, activation of the tyrosine kinase Fyn, and association of both Fyn and FAK with AE1. Inhibition of Src family kinases in vivo by genistein, herbimycin A, or ST638 prevents purinergic activation of AE1. Microinjection of either anti-Cst.1 antibody or recombinant CSK, both of which prevent activation of Src family kinase, significantly decreases ATP-induced activation of AE. Microinjection of an anti-FAK antibody as well as expression in cardiomyocytes of Phe397 FAK dominant negative mutant, also prevents purinergic activation of AE. Therefore, tyrosine kinases play a key role in acute regulation of intracellular pH and thus in cell function including excitation–contraction coupling of the myocardium.  相似文献   
A detailed electrospray ionization mass spectrometric study of the 3.5-MDa hexagonal bilayer hemoglobin (HBL Hb) from the pond leech Macrobdella decora has shown it to consist of at least six 17-kDa globin chains, of which two are monomeric and the remaining four occur as disulfide-bonded heterodimers, and three 24-kDa nonglobin linker chains (Weber et al., J. Mol. Biol. 251: 703–720, 1995). The cDNA sequences of the five major constituent chains, globin chains IIA, IIB, B, and C and linker chain L1, are reported here. The globins and linkers share 30%–50% and 20%–30% identity, respectively, with other annelid sequences. Furthermore, IIB and C align with strain A of annelid sequences, whereas IIA and B align with the strain B sequences. Although chains B and C are monomeric, chains IIA and IIB form the main disulfide-bonded dimer. They also have some unusual features: the distal His (E7) is replaced by Phe in IIA, and the highly conserved CD1Phe is replaced by Leu in IIB. In spite of these unusual features, the functional properties of Macrobdella Hb are comparable to those of other HBL Hbs. A phylogenetic analysis of the globin sequences from Macrobdella, the polychaete Tylorrhynchus, the oligochaete Lumbricus, and the vestimentiferan Lamellibrachia, indicates that the two strains originated by gene duplication followed by additional duplication of each of the two strains. The mutation rate of the linkers appeared to be faster than that of the globin chains. The phylogenetic trees constructed using the Maximum Likelihood, Neighbor-Joining and Fitch methods showed the Macrobdella globin sequences to be closest to Lumbricus, in agreement with a view of annelid evolution in which the divergence of the polychaetes occurred before the divergence of the leeches from oligochaetes.  相似文献   
The chemical synthesis of new compounds designed as inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis TMP kinase (TMPK) is reported. The synthesis concerns TMP analogues modified at the 5-position of the thymine ring as well as a novel compound with a six-membered sugar ring. The binding properties of the analogues are compared with the known inhibitor azido-TMP, which is postulated here to work by excluding the TMP-bound Mg(2+) ion. The crystallographic structure of the complex of one of the compounds, 5-CH(2)OH-dUMP, with TMPK has been determined at 2.0 A. It reveals a major conformation for the hydroxyl group in contact with a water molecule and a minor conformation pointing toward Ser(99). Looking for a role for Ser(99), we have identified an unusual catalytic triad, or a proton wire, made of strictly conserved residues (including Glu(6), Ser(99), Arg(95), and Asp(9)) that probably serves to protonate the transferred PO(3) group. The crystallographic structure of the commercially available bisubstrate analogue P(1)-(adenosine-5')-P(5)-(thymidine-5')-pentaphosphate bound to TMPK is also reported at 2.45 A and reveals an alternative binding pocket for the adenine moiety of the molecule compared with what is observed either in the Escherichia coli or in the yeast enzyme structures. This alternative binding pocket opens a way for the design of a new family of specific inhibitors.  相似文献   
Chondroitin and chondroitin sulfates belong to the family of glycosaminoglycans. They are most widely distributed in animal tissues, where they are involved in structural functions and in cell-cell communication. Their basic structures consist of a disaccharidic repeating unit of beta-D-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-galactose (GalNAc), this latter being sulfated at different positions. Molecular mechanics has been applied to calculate the adiabatic energy maps for each of the constituting disaccharides of chondroitin, chondroitin 4-sulfate, and chondroitin 6-sulfate using the MM3 force field. Based on these maps, higher levels of structural organization have been simulated. On one hand, the disordered state is studied through a Metropolis-based algorithm; the resulting chains present a behavior of semirigid polymers, with an order of stiffness: chondroitin 4-sulfate > chondroitin > chondroitin 6-sulfate. On the other hand, the exploration of the stable ordered forms leads to numerous helical conformations of comparable energies. Several of these conformations correspond to the experimentally observed ones. The ability of coordination with cations has also been explored, resulting in a preferential stereospecificity for calcium ions when compared to sodium ions.  相似文献   
The prolongation of life and the rapidly increasing incidence of Alzheimer's disease have brought to the foreground the need for greater understanding of the etiology of the disease and the means to prevent or at least slow down the process. Out of this need the transgenic mouse and the production of synthetic amyloid peptides have been developed in an attempt to create experimental models of Alzheimer's disease that will help our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which the pathology leads to memory dysfunction and to test potential therapeutic strategies. Despite 10 or so years of reasonably intensive research with these models, both fall short of producing a viable and faithful model of the complete pathology of Alzheimer's disease and the behavioral consequences are far from modelling the progressive decline in cognitive function. Here we review the advantages and the caveats associated with the two models in terms of the pathology, the associated memory dysfunction, and the effect on synaptic plasticity. Given the more recent advances that have been made in the understanding of the neurobiological changes that occur with the disease and with the consideration of other environmental effects, which have been clearly shown to have an impact on the progression of the disease in humans, we emphasis the advantage of pharmacological or environmental in transgenic mice or rodents injected with synthetic peptides that may prove to be more fruitful in our understanding of the memory deficits associated with the disease.  相似文献   
Localized acquired resistance (LAR) characterizes a narrow zone of living cells expressing strong defense responses and surrounding cells undergoing a hypersensitive response (HR). In Samsun NN tobacco plants, tissues undergoing tobacco mosaic virus-induced or elicitor-induced LAR exhibit a strong blue fluorescence under UV light. We have shown that scopoletin and its glucoside, scopolin, accounted for the fluorescence: (1) both compounds were identified after extraction and purification by thin layer and high performance liquid chromatography; (2) there was a strict correlation between the occurrence of fluorescence and accumulation of high amounts of scopoletin; and (3) infiltration of commercial scopoletin caused a similar fluorescence to that occurring in LAR tissues. There was a 20-fold increase in scopoletin levels in LAR tissues compared to tissues treated with a non-HR dose of elicitor, while PR1 protein accumulated in similar amounts in both types of tissues. Scopoletin was able to suppress the elicitor-induced HR only when co-infiltrated with very low HR-dose of elicitor. These two observations suggested that, although scopoletin alone would not be able to control the development of the HR through its known antioxidant activity, it may nevertheless participate to such function of LAR tissues in combination with other antioxidant molecules.  相似文献   
Insular mammalian populations living in areas of small size are often characterized by a drastic change in body mass compared to related continental populations or species. Generally, small mammals (less than 100 g) evolve into giant forms while large mammals (up to 100 g) evolve into dwarf forms. These changes, coupled with changes in other life, behavioural, physiological or demographic traits are referred to generally as the insular syndrome. We tested in this study the relative contribution of three factors — area of island, numbers of competitor species and number of predator species — to changes in body size of the woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Our results, based on a comparative analysis using the phylogenetic independent contrasts method, indicate that the increase in body size is related both to the decrease of island size and to the lower number of predator species. A decrease of competitor species does not seem to have an important effect.  相似文献   
The conformational behaviour of a cyclic disaccharide, di-β-d-glucopyranose 1,6′:1′,6-dianhydride hexaacetate, has been investigated. Because this molecule can exist only with the glucose rings in the unusual flexible forms, such conformational parameters as pseudorotation phase-angles have been used. Within a given number of approximations, the conformational space available for the whole system can be explored by considering only one two-dimensional map. Detailed investigations have shown that three stable conformations may be proposed. Among these, two correspond to minima found in the solid state. In one form, the six-membered rings adopt a boat conformation, whereas a skew conformation is found for the other form. However, these two conformations cannot be considered to be unique models of the conformation in solution; they both produce sets of proton-proton coupling-constants inconsistent with observed n.m.r.-spectroscopic results. At least the third form, having the six-membered rings in skew conformations, has to be taken into account. Deviations from coupling constants-molecular conformation relationships are thought to originate from ring strain.  相似文献   
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