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Rates of organic matter mineralization in peatlands, and hence production of the greenhouse gases CH4 and CO2, are highly dependent on the distribution of oxygen in the peat. Using laboratory incubations of peat, we investigated the sensitivity of the anoxic production of CH4 and CO2 to a transient oxic period of a few weeks’ duration. Production rates during 3 successive anoxic periods were compared with rates in samples incubated in the presence of oxygen during the second period. In surface peat (5–10‐cm depth), with an initially high level of CH4 production, oxic conditions during period 2 did not result in a lower potential CH4 production rate during period 3, although production was delayed ~1 week. In permanently anoxic, deep peat (50–55‐cm depth) with a comparatively low initial production of CH4, oxic conditions during period 2 resulted in zero production of CH4 during period 3. Thus, the methanogens in surface peal—but not in deep peat—remained viable after several weeks of oxic conditions. In contrast to CH4 production, the oxic period had a negligible effect on anoxic CO2 production during period 3, in surface as well as deep peat. In both surface and deep peat, CO2 production was several times higher under oxic than under anoxic conditions. However, for the first 2 weeks of oxic conditions, CO2 production in the deep peat was very low. Still, deep peat obviously contained facultative microorganisms that, after a relatively short period, were able to maintain a considerably higher rate of organic matter mineralization under oxic than under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   
A new water mite species Sperchon (Hispidosperchon) serapae n. sp. is described. The material was collected from a slow-flowing stream during field study on the water mite fauna of the Lakes region in southwestern Turkey. An updated list of hitherto known species of Sperchon Kramer from Turkey, including nomenclatural changes and numerous new locality records to the species, is also given.  相似文献   
Inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) channels play an important role in setting the resting membrane potential and modulating membrane excitability. We have recently shown that cholesterol regulates representative members of the Kir family and that in the majority of the cases, cholesterol suppresses channel function. Furthermore, recent data indicate that cholesterol regulates Kir channels by specific sterol-protein interactions, yet the location of the cholesterol binding site in Kir channels is unknown. Using a combined computational-experimental approach, we show that cholesterol may bind to two nonanular hydrophobic regions in the transmembrane domain of Kir2.1 located between adjacent subunits of the channel. The location of the binding regions suggests that cholesterol modulates channel function by affecting the hinging motion at the center of the pore-lining transmembrane helix that underlies channel gating either directly or through the interface between the N and C termini of the channel.  相似文献   
Örjan Nilsson 《Grana》2013,52(2-3):279-363
The pollen morphology of several genera in Portulacaceae is described. Particular attention has been paid to the genera of the subfamily Montioideae, as a stage of continued monographical studies. Among genera especially dealt with are Claytonia, Montia, Crunocallis, Naiocrene, Neopaxia, Mona, Maxia, Limnalsine, and Montiastrum. In the taxonomical treatment of these genera the pollen morphology has proved to afford many important additional characters.

The pollen grains of Claytonia are distinguished from those of the remainder in being 3-colpate. The grains of the Claytonia-type have many similarities with those of Lewisia, a genus of the subfamily Portulacoideae. The other genera of Montioideae have pantocolpate pollen grains. Among these genera several different pollen types are distinguished, chiefly with regard to the sexine structures and the aperture membranes. The Montiastrum-type is especially interesting, with tholate grains, a particular pollen type not met with in any other genus in the family. The pollen morphology of some genera in the Portulacoideae is also treated. In some species in Calandrina and Talinum pantotreme pollen grains are observed with apertures transitional between pori and colpi. The apertures of the pantotreme grains are arranged in characteristic patterns.

Particular attention has been given to the variation of the pollen morphological characters. This variation has been examined with regard to the differences between different populations of the same species as well as between different species. The greatest variation has been observed in the shape and size of the grains. The structure and sculpture and thickness of the sexine and the aperture membranes are less variable. Some polyploid taxa are connected with the occurrence of pollen grains with divergent and varying aperture numbers.

In a survey of the genera the taxonomical results of the investigation are presented with particular regard to the pollen morphology. The new genus, Maxia Ö. Nilss., is described. One new species, Montia clara Ö. Nilss., is described and some new combinations are made.

Pollen morphological diagnoses are given for 46 different taxa. The aperture conditions for 96 different species are presented.  相似文献   
We developed a high quality reconstruction of May–June precipitation for the interior region of southwestern Turkey using regional tree-ring data calibrated with meteorological data from Burdur. In this study, three new climate sensitive black pine chronologies were built. In addition to new chronologies, four previously published black pine chronologies were used for the reconstruction. Two separate reconstructions were developed. The first reconstruction used all site chronologies over the common interval AD 1813–2004. The second reconstruction used four of the chronologies with a common interval AD 1692–2004. R 2 values of the reconstructions were 0.64 and 0.51 with RE values of 0.63 and 0.51, respectively. During the period AD 1692–1938, 41 dry and 48 wet events were found. Very dry years occurred in AD 1725, 1814, 1851, 1887, 1916, and 1923, while very wet years occurred in AD 1736, 1780, 1788, 1803, and 1892. The longest dry period was 16 years long between 1860 and 1875. We then explored relationships between the reconstructed rainfall patterns and major volcanic eruptions, and discovered that wetter than normal years occurred during or immediately after the years with the largest volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of 4-phenylacetamidomethyl-benzenesulfonamide (4ITP) bound to human carbonic anhydrase (hCA, EC II is reported. 4ITP is a medium potency hCA I and II inhibitor (KIs of 54–75 nM), a strong mitochondrial CA VA/VB inhibitor (KIs of 8.3–8.6 nM) and a weak transmembrane CA inhibitor (KIs of 136–212 nM against hCA IX and XII). This elongated compound binds in an extended conformation to hCA II, with its tail lying towards the hydrophobic half of the active site whereas the sulfonamide moiety coordinates the zinc ion. The present structure was compared to that of structurally related aromatic sulfonamides, such as 4-phenylacetamido-benzene-sulfonamide (3OYS), 4-(2-mercaptophenylacetamido)-benzene-sulfonamide (2HD6) and 4-(3-nitrophenyl)-ureido-benzenesulfonamide (3N2P). Homology models of the hCA I, VA, VB, IX and XII structures were build which afforded an understanding of the amino acids involved in the binding of these compounds to these isoforms. The main conclusion of the study is that the orientation of the tail moiety and the presence of flexible linkers as well polar groups in it, strongly influence the potency and the selectivity of the sulfonamides for the inhibition of cytosolic, mitochondrial or transmembrane CA isoforms.  相似文献   
?. P. Marin?ek, N. Nolde, I. Kardum‐Skelin, R. Nizzoli, B. Önal, T. Rezanko, E. Tani, K. T. Ostovi?, P. Vielh, F. Schmitt and G. Kocjan
Multinational study of oestrogen and progesterone receptor immunocytochemistry on breast carcinoma fine needle aspirates Objectives: To collect data on the variability of immunocytochemical (ICC) procedures used to detect oestrogen/progesterone receptors (ER/PR) on cytological material; to test the reproducibility of results; and to identify the crucial points in the ICC procedures that affect the result. Methods: Ten laboratories from eight countries participated in a two‐part study. In the first part, one of the participants (the coordinator) prepared and distributed cytospins from a fine needle aspirate of a primary breast carcinoma. Laboratories performed ICC staining for ER/PR according to their own methods on the test slides and in‐house positive controls. Slides were returned to the coordinator together with information on the preparation of positive control slides and the ICC methodology used. In the second part, obligatory methods of fixation and antigen retrieval were specified. Evaluation of results included grading the number of positive cells, staining intensity, background staining, cytoplasmic staining, sample condition and cellularity. Participants evaluated their own results, which were subsequently evaluated by the coordinator. Results: There was great variability in the preparation of slides for in‐house controls and ICC methodology. The outcome of ICC staining of in‐house control slides was excellent in two laboratories, adequate in three, sub‐optimal in four and inadequate in one. Only six obtained a positive reaction on the test slides and not all were of a high quality. Results of the second run were greatly improved in terms of cellularity of in‐house positive control slides, and scores for the percentage of stained cells and staining intensity of control and test slides. Cytospins and monolayer (ThinPrep®) preparations were superior to direct smears; methods of fixation and antigen retrieval were the key points in the staining process. Conclusions: Our experience points to the need for guidelines for hormonal receptor determination and external quality control on cytological material, in order for cytological methods to be used in routine clinical practice with a suitable degree of confidence.  相似文献   
The Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus is a waterbird commonly found in saline and brackish lagoons throughout the Mediterranean Region. We have gathered existing data on Greater Flamingos in Turkey and carried out field surveys to present the most up to date information on wintering (1999–2014) and breeding (1969– 2014). The wintering population of flamingos shows an increasing trend with 54,947±20,794 individuals mainly concentrated in the Gediz, Büyük Menderes and Çukurova deltas, respectively. Breeding attempts were recorded in at least seven wetlands in Turkey in the past, yet after 1999 most of the colonies were abandoned due to basin scale intensive water management practices in Central Anatolia. Currently, only Tuz Lake and Gediz Delta are used as regular breeding sites, while breeding has been recorded sporadically in Ac?göl and Ak?ehir Lakes. The breeding colony of Tuz Lake is of prime importance at the Mediterranean scale, with the number of young chicks in 2011, 2012 and 2013 accounting for the highest number of fledglings in the Mediterranean Region and West Africa (18,418, 20,274 and 20,292 respectively). Finally, building upon the previous findings about Turkey and the western Mediterranean metapopulation links, recent resightings of Turkish flamingos (despite the limited numbers) confirm post-fledging and natal dispersal reaching the western Mediterranean Basin and West Africa. Flamingos from Turkey were also found to disperse to Israel and to a region outside the known flyways of the western Mediterranean and West African flamingos (i.e. to Israel and UAE). Thus, Turkey, due to its geographic position, appears to be a crossroad between the western and eastern Mediterranean Region and southwest Asia.  相似文献   

The songs of Anthus spinoletta littoralis and A. pratensis, in sympatric populations in SW Sweden were recorded, analysed in sound spectrographs and tested in the field. The purpose was to investigate: a) if the strophes are species specifically and individually distinct and, if so, whether pipits are able to make such distinctions; b) if the species-specific and individual-specific patterns are concentrated in different sections of the song and, if so, whether the species-specific section transmits individual-specific information and the individual-specific section transmits species-specific information as well.

The basic structure of the syllables in the terminating section of the strophe was found to be intraspecifically stereotyped, but varied between the two species. Replay experiments showed that territorial males could discriminate between con- and heterospecific strophes and this ability persisted when the terminating section of the strophe was replayed alone. The terminating part of the strophe did not seem to transmit individual-specific information to conspecific males. On the other hand, the basic structure of the syllables in the first section of the strophe was intraindividually stereotyped but varied between most conspecific males. Playback experiments showed that a territorial male could discriminate his neighbours' song patterns and this ability remained intact when the introductory phrase of the strophe was replayed alone. Both song pattern and position were necessary properties of the identifying signal in these pipits. But the introductory phrase of a total stranger did not seem to transmit unambiguous species-specific information to conspecific males.  相似文献   
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