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Long-chain 3-hydroxydicarboxylic acids (3-OHDCAs) are thought to arise via beta-oxidation of the corresponding dicarboxylic acids (DCAs), although long-chain DCAs are neither readily transported into nor beta-oxidized in mitochondria. We thus examined whether omega-hydroxylation of 3-hydroxy fatty acids (3-OHFAs), formed via incomplete mitochondrial oxidation, is a more likely pathway for 3-OHDCA production. NADPH-fortified human liver microsomes converted 3-hydroxystearate and 3-hydroxypalmitate to their omega-hydroxylated metabolites, 3,18-dihydroxystearate and 3,16-dihydroxypalmitate, respectively, as identified by GC-MS. Rates of 3,18-dihydroxystearate and 3,16-dihydroxypalmitate formation were 1.23 +/- 0.5 and 1.46 +/- 0.30 nmol product formed/min/mg protein, respectively (mean +/- SD; n = 13). Polyspecific CYP4F antibodies markedly inhibited microsomal omega-hydroxylation of 3-hydroxystearate (68%) and 3-hydroxypalmitate (99%), whereas CYP4A11 and CYP2E1 antibodies had little effect. Upon reconstitution, CYP4F11 and, to a lesser extent, CYP4F2 catalyzed omega-hydroxylation of 3-hydroxystearate, whereas CYP4F3b, CYP4F12, and CYP4A11 exhibited negligible activity. CYP4F11 was the lone CYP4F/A enzyme that effectively oxidized 3-hydroxypalmitate. Kinetic parameters of microsomal 3-hydroxystearate metabolism were K(m) = 55 microM and V(max) = 8.33 min(-1), whereas those for 3-hydroxypalmitate were K(m) = 56.4 microM and V(max) = 14.2 min(-1). CYP4F11 kinetic values resembled those of native microsomes, with K(m) = 53.5 microM and V(max) = 13.9 min(-1) for 3-hydroxystearate and K(m) = 105.8 microM and V(max) = 70.6 min(-1) for 3-hydroxypalmitate. Our data show that 3-hydroxystearate and 3-hydroxypalmitate are converted to omega-hydroxylated 3-OHDCA precursors in human liver and that CYP4F11 is the predominant catalyst of this reaction. CYP4F11-promoted omega-hydroxylation of 3-OHFAs may modulate the disposition of these compounds in pathological states in which enhanced fatty acid mobilization or impairment of mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation increases circulating 3-OHFA levels.  相似文献   
Metagenomic based strategies have previously been successfully employed as powerful tools to isolate and identify enzymes with novel biocatalytic activities from the unculturable component of microbial communities from various terrestrial environmental niches. Both sequence based and function based screening approaches have been employed to identify genes encoding novel biocatalytic activities and metabolic pathways from metagenomic libraries. While much of the focus to date has centred on terrestrial based microbial ecosystems, it is clear that the marine environment has enormous microbial biodiversity that remains largely unstudied. Marine microbes are both extremely abundant and diverse; the environments they occupy likewise consist of very diverse niches. As culture-dependent methods have thus far resulted in the isolation of only a tiny percentage of the marine microbiota the application of metagenomic strategies holds great potential to study and exploit the enormous microbial biodiversity which is present within these marine environments.  相似文献   
Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess persistence and tissue invasion of Candida albicans strains isolated from a 65 year‐old patient with chronic hyperplastic candidosis (CHC), that subsequently developed into squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Materials and Methods: C. albicans (n=7) were recovered from the oral cavity of the patient over seven years. Confirmation of CHC and SCC in this patient was achieved by histopathological examination of incisional biopsy tissue. DNA fingerprinting was performed on the seven isolates from the CHC patient together with a further eight isolates from patients with normal oral mucosa (n=2), chronic atrophic candidosis (n=1), SCC (n=1) and CHC (n=4). Genotyping involved the use of inter‐repeat PCR using the eukaryotic repeat primer 1251. Characterisation of the tissue invasive abilities of the isolates was achieved by infecting a commercially available reconstituted human oral epithelium (RHE; SkinEthic, Nice, France). After 24 h. C. albicans tissue invasion was assessed by histopathological examination. Results: DNA fingerprinting demonstrated strain persistence of C. albicans in the CHC patient over a seven year period despite provision of systemic antifungal therapy. The strain of C. albicans isolated from this patient was categorised as a high invader within the RHE compared to other isolates. Conclusions: Candidal strain persistence was evident in a patient with CHC over seven years. This persistence may be due to incomplete eradication from the oral cavity following antifungal therapy or subsequent recolonisation from other body sites or separate exogenous sources. The demonstration of enhanced in vitro tissue invasion by this particular strain may, in part, explain the progression to carcinoma.  相似文献   
Whether postmenopausal hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk of breast cancer remains controversial, despite numerous epidemiological studies. We approached the question from a biochemical rather than an epidemiological direction - we hypothesized that if estrogen administration increases the risk of breast cancer, it should also alter a known estrogen biomarker of risk towards what has been observed in patients who already have breast cancer. The specific biomarker we studied was the ratio of the urinary excretion of two principal estradiol metabolites, 2-hydroxyestrone and 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone, which is markedly decreased in women with breast cancer and women with familial risk for breast cancer. We studied 34 healthy postmenopausal women not on HRT and 19 women on HRT (Premarin 0.625 mg daily plus Provera, 2.5 mg daily, in women with a uterus and Premarin alone in women without a uterus); treatment duration ranged from 3 months to 15 years. We also studied four women with recently diagnosed, untreated breast cancer. The women with breast cancer showed a significantly lower 2-hydroxyestrone to 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone ratio than control women on HRT (1.35 +/- 0.13 vs. 2.71 +/- 0.84; p < 0.0001). There was no significant difference in the metabolite ratio between healthy women on HRT and women not on HRT (2.82 +/- 0.92 vs. 2.71 +/- 0.84). There was no significant difference between women receiving Premarin alone and women receiving Premarin plus Provera (2.46 +/- 0.84 vs. 3.13 +/- 0.90), and neither differed significantly from women not on HRT (2.71 +/- 0.84). The finding that the ratio of women on HRT was not decreased to or toward the ratio in women with breast cancer can be interpreted, we believe, as a suggestive item of biochemical evidence that HRT is not a risk for breast cancer.  相似文献   
Robson, G. D., Prebble, E., Rickers, A., Hosking, S., Denning, D. W., Trinci, A. P. J., and Robertson, W. 1996. Polarized growth of fungal hyphae is defined by an alkaline pH gradient. Fungal Genetics and Biology 20, 289-298. Polarized cell growth is exhibited by a diverse range of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The events which are responsible for this growth are poorly understood. However, the existence of ion gradients may play an important role in establishing and driving cell polarity. Using a pH-sensitive, ratiometric fluorescent dye to monitor intracellular pH in growing fungal hyphae, we report a gradient at the extending hyphal tip that is up to 1.4 pH units more alkaline than more distal regions. Both the magnitude and the length of the pH gradient were strongly correlated with the rate of hyphal extension and eradication of the gradient-arrested growth. These results suggest that alkaline pH gradients may be integral to hyphal extension in fungi.  相似文献   
Fibrocystic disease of the breast manifesting palpable cysts express breast cyst fluids frequently containing estrogen sulfates at concentrations far exceeding those found in sera of the patient. The study explored the potential of the breast cyst to synthesize some of these estrogen sulfates. Deuterated estrone and estradiol were synthesized and either (estradiol, 4 cases or estrone, 2 cases) was injected into a cyst. The cyst was aspirated at approximately 0, 4 and 8 h, the target being 1 ml, 50% and complete aspiration respectively. Metabolites were purified sequentially by ether extraction, enzymatic hydrolysis of estrogen conjugates, chromatography on Sephadex LH 20 and identified by gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry. The unconjugated fraction isolated from the ether extract was subjected to the same purification and detection scheme. Among the conjugates, deuterated estrone sulfate was the major metabolite of either precursor in all studies, while estradiol sulfate was not detected in any of the 6 experiments. The sulfate fractions also yielded traces of 16alpha-hydroxyestrone (2 studies), 4-hydroxyestrone (4 studies) and 2-hydroxyestrone (1 study). In the unconjugated fraction, one study with deuterated estradiol, 4- hydroxyestrone was obtained. In one study with deuterated estrone, traces of 2-hydroxyestrone and 16alpha- hydroxyestrone were obtained. These novel data are significant because patients with fibrocystic disease are at slightly elevated risk for developing breast cancer and 16alpha-hydroxyestrone and 4- hydroxyestrone are reported carcinogens.  相似文献   
Isometric tension and isotonic shortening were measured at constant levels of calcium activation of varying magnitude in mechanically disrupted EGTA-treated ventricular bundles from guinea pigs. The results were as follows: (a) The effect of creatine phosphate (CP) on peak tension and rate of shortening saturated at a CP concentration more than 10 mM; below that level tension was increased and shortening velocity decreased. We interpreted this to mean that CP above 10 mM was sufficient to buffer MgATP(2-) intracellularly. (b) The activated bundles exhibited an exponential stress-strain relationship and the series elastic properties did not vary appreciably with degree of activation or creatine phosphate level. (c) At a muscle length 20 percent beyond just taut, peak tension increased with Ca(2+) concentration over the range slightly below 10(-6) to slightly above 10(-4)M. (d) By releasing the muscle length-active tension curves were constructed. Force declined to 20 percent peak tension with a decrease in muscle length (after the recoil) of only 11 percent at 10(-4)M Ca(2+) and 6 percent at 4x10(-6)M Ca(2+). (e) The rate of shortening after a release was greater at lower loads. At identical loads (relative to maximum force at a given Ca(2+) level), velocity at a given time after the release was less at lower Ca(2+) concentrations; at 10 M(-5), velocity was 72 percent of that at 10(-4)M, and at 4x10(-6)M, active shortening was usually delayed and was 40 percent of the velocity at 10(-4) M. Thus, under the conditions of these experiments, both velocity and peak tension depend on the level of Ca(2+) activation over a similar range of Ca(2+) concentration.  相似文献   
The Aspergillus fumigatus chsE (AfchsE) gene was isolated from an A. fumigatus DNA library on the basis of hybridization to a segment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CHS3 (ScCHS3). The amino acid sequence derived from AfchsE is 28% identical with ScCHS3 and 80% identical with the product of Aspergillus nidulans chsD (AnchsD). A mutant strain constructed by disruption of AfchsE has reduced levels of mycelial chitin, periodic swellings along the length of hyphae, and a block in conidiation that can be partially restored by growth in osmotic stabilizer. This phenotype is different from that reported for an AnchsD mutant, in which germinating conidia and hyphal tips undergo lysis and the colonial growth rate is significantly reduced. Despite the defects associated with the AfchsE- strain, its virulence was not significantly reduced when compared with the wild-type parental strain in a mouse model of pulmonary aspergillosis.  相似文献   
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