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The interactions of the drugs amlodipine and paroxetine, which are prescribed respectively for treatment of hypertension and depression, with the metabolizing enzyme cytochrome CYP2B4 as the drug target, have been studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Poly ethylene glycol was used to control the drugs’ interactions with each other and with the target CYP2B4. Thirteen simulation systems were carefully designed, and the results obtained from MD simulations indicated that amlodipine in the PEGylated form prescribed with paroxetine in the nonPEGylated form promotes higher cytochrome stability and causes fewer fluctuations as the drugs approach the target CYP2B4 and interact with it. The simulation results led us to hypothesize that the combination of the drugs with a specific drug ratio, as proposed in this work, manifests more effective diffusivity and less instability while metabolizing with enzyme CYP2B4. Also, the active residues in the CYP2B4 enzyme that interact with the drugs were determined by MD simulation, which were consistent with the reported experimental results.
Graphical Abstract Efficient drug-enzyme interactions, as a result of PEGylation.
A hidden Markov model (HMM) has been utilized to predict and generate artificial secretory signal peptide sequences. The strength of signal peptides of proteins from different subcellular locations via Lactococcus lactis bacteria correlated with their HMM bit scores in the model. The results show that the HMM bit score +12 are determined as the threshold for discriminating secreteory signal sequences from the others. The model is used to generate artificial signal peptides with different bit scores for secretory proteins. The signal peptide with the maximum bit score strongly directs proteins secretion.  相似文献   
We study a model of competition for resource through a chemostat-type model where species consume the common resource that is constantly supplied. We assume that the species and resources are characterized by a continuous trait. As already proved, this model, although more complicated than the usual Lotka–Volterra direct competition model, describes competitive interactions leading to concentrated distributions of species in continuous trait space. Here we assume a very fast dynamics for the supply of the resource and a fast dynamics for death and uptake rates. In this regime we show that factors that are independent of the resource competition become as important as the competition efficiency and that the direct competition model is a good approximation of the chemostat. Assuming these two timescales allows us to establish a mathematically rigorous proof showing that our resource-competition model with continuous traits converges to a direct competition model. We also show that the two timescales assumption is required to mathematically justify the corresponding classic result on a model consisting of only finite number of species and resources (MacArthur in, Theor Popul Biol 1:1–11, 1970). This is performed through asymptotic analysis, introducing different scales for the resource renewal rate and the uptake rate. The mathematical difficulty relies in a possible initial layer for the resource dynamics. The chemostat model comes with a global convex Lyapunov functional. We show that the particular form of the competition kernel derived from the uptake kernel, satisfies a positivity property which is known to be necessary for the direct competition model to enjoy the related Lyapunov functional.  相似文献   
Differentiation is an inseparable process of development in multicellular organisms. Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) represent a valuable research tool to conduct in vitro studies of cell differentiation. Apoptosis as a well known cell death mechanism shows some common features with cell differentiation, which has caused a number of ambiguities in the field. The research question here is how cells could differentiate these two processes from each other. We have investigated the role of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and cell energy level during differentiation of mESCs into the cardiomyocytes and their apoptosis. p53 expression, cytochrome c release, apoptosome formation, and caspase-3/7 activation are observed upon induction of both apoptosis and differentiation. However, remarkable differences are detected in time of cytochrome c appearance, apoptosome formation, and caspase activity upon induction of both processes. In apoptosis, apoptosome formation and caspase activity were observed rapidly following the cytochrome c release. Unlike apoptosis, the release of cytochrome c upon differentiation took more time, and the maximum caspase activity was also postponed for 24 h. This delay suggests that there is a regulatory mechanism during differentiation of mESCs into cardiomyocytes. The highest ATP content of cells was observed immediately after cytochrome c release 6 h after apoptosis induction and then decreased, but it was gradually increased up to 48 h after differentiation. These observations suggest that a delay in the release of cytochrome c or delay in ATP increase attenuate apoptosome formation, and caspase activation thereby discriminates apoptosis from differentiation in mESCs.  相似文献   
Bacterial cellulose (BC) is a very fascinating microbial biopolymer which is mainly produced by Gluconacetobacter xylinum. Optimization of BC production by G. xylinum was performed based on scale-down studies in miniature-bioreactor and response surface methodology in which the optimum pH value (6.5) and shaking rate (50?rpm) were obtained. The static culture condition for BC production has newly been defined. Nanostructure of BC includes nanofibers up to (60?nm) and nanoporosity up to (265?nm) was observed by scanning electron microscopy. By Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy study, the most expected BC interaction is nucleophilic interaction. MTT assay showed high biocompatibility. Appropriate mechanical strength (0.37?MPa) and Young’s modulus (3.36?MPa) evinced BC scaffold utilization for skin tissue. The results indicate that BC sheets can be utilized in biomedical application and nanotechnology approaches.  相似文献   
Human pluripotent embryonal carcinoma (NT2) cells are increasingly considered as a suitable model for in vitro developmental toxicity and neurotoxicity (DT/DNT) studies as they undergo neuronal differentiation upon stimulation with retinoic acid (RA) and allow toxicity testing at different stages of maturation. However, differentiation of NT2 cells is not straightforward. There are different protocols available in the literature reporting varying results with regard to differentiation efficiency, expression of neuronal markers and morphological characteristics of differentiated cells. Yet, the efficiency of available protocols has not been systematically compared. To address this question, we quantified the number and size of cell cluster formed during differentiation using published and modified protocols and analyzed the abundance of neuronal and non‐neuronal expression markers using immunocytochemistry. In the course of the experiments we observed that differentiation results strongly depend on the cell density at differentiation‐initiation as well as on the type of used cell culture plastic ware. Based on those observations and the results from our comparative analysis, we created our own optimized and robust protocol that reproducibly reveals differentiated cells with high yield. We conclude that our method may be superior to differentiation of NT2 cells for systematic in vitro‐based primary screening for developmental toxicants and neurotoxicants at different stages of maturation over previous protocols used. Our approach will also contribute to reduce animal testing in the context of the 3Rs.  相似文献   
Nanotubes are believed to open the road toward different modern fields, either technological or biological. However, the applications of nanotubes have been badly impeded for the poor solubility in water which is especially essential for studies in the presence of living cells. Therefore, water soluble samples are in demand. Herein, the outcomes of Monte Carlo simulations of different sets of multiwall nanotubes immersed in water are reported. A number of multi wall nanotube samples, comprised of pure carbon, pure silicon and several mixtures of carbon and silicon are the subjects of study. The simulations are carried out in an (N,V,T) ensemble. The purpose of this report is to look at the effects of nanotube size (diameter) and nanotube type (pure carbon, pure silicon or a mixture of carbon and silicon) variation on solubility of multiwall nanotubes in terms of number of water molecules in shell volume. It is found that the solubility of the multi wall carbon nanotube samples is size independent, whereas multi wall silicon nanotube samples solubility varies with diameter of the inner tube. The higher solubility of samples containing silicon can be attributed to the larger atomic size of silicon atom which provides more direct contact with the water molecules. The other affecting factor is the bigger inter space (the space between inner and outer tube) in the case of silicon samples. Carbon type multi wall nanotubes appeared as better candidates for transporting water molecules through a multi wall nanotube structure, while in the case of water adsorption problems it is better to use multi wall silicon nanotubes or a mixture of multi wall carbon/ silicon nanotubes.  相似文献   
Journal of Applied Phycology - Phlorotannins are polyphenolic compounds in brown algae and can be used as a natural UV filter in sunscreen formulations. The aim of the present study was to...  相似文献   
Cluster Computing - Due to the limitations associated with the processing capability of mobile devices in cloud environments, various tasks are offloaded to the cloud server. This has led to an...  相似文献   
Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Sleep disturbances have multiple negative effects on psychological, social, and occupational aspects. The effects of sleep disturbances on the risk of taking sick...  相似文献   
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