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The 13-amino acid glycopeptide tx5a (Gla-Cys-Cys-Gla-Asp-Gly-Trp*-Cys-Cys-Thr*-Ala-Ala-Hyp-OH, where Trp* = 6-bromotryptophan and Thr* = Gal-GalNAc-threonine), isolated from Conus textile, causes hyperactivity and spasticity when injected intracerebral ventricularly into mice. It contains nine post-translationally modified residues: four cysteine residues, two gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues, and one residue each of 6-bromotryptophan, 4-trans-hydroxyproline and glycosylated threonine. The chemical nature of each of these has been determined with the exception of the glycan linkage pattern on threonine and the stereochemistry of the 6-bromotryptophan residue. Previous investigations have demonstrated that tx5a contains a disaccharide composed of N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and galactose (Gal), but the interresidue linkage was not characterized. We hypothesized that tx5a contained the T-antigen, beta-D-Gal-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalNAc, one of the most common O-linked glycan structures, identified previously in another Conus glycopeptide, contalukin-G. We therefore utilized the peracetylated form of this glycan attached to Fmoc-threonine in an attempted synthesis. While the result-ing synthetic peptide (Gla-Cys-Cys-Gla-Asp-Gly-Trp*-Cys-Cys-Thr*-Ala-Ala-Hyp-OH, where Trp* =6-bromotryptophan and Thr* = beta-D-Gal-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalNAc-threonine) and the native peptide had almost identical mass spectra, a comparison of their RP-HPLC chromatograms suggested that the two forms were not identical. Two-dimensional 1H homonuclear and 13C-1H heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy of native tx5a isolated from Conus textile was then used to determine that the glycan present on tx5a indeed is not the aforementioned T-antigen, but rather alpha-D-Gal-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalNAc.  相似文献   
This study was performed to explore novel and valuable uses of insect resources, important subjects of the natural compound used in bio‐industries. The whole bodies of two crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus and Teleogryllus emma, selected from medicinal insect species, were carefully ground and treated with 80% EtOH. The insect extracts were solubilized and separated by hexane, butanol, and D.W according to their polarities. Three types of extracts, a D.W fraction (G1) and a boiling extract (G2) of an introduced cricket, G. bimaculatus, and a D.W fraction (T1) of a Korean local cricket, T. emma, were prepared to assay immune stimulating activity of cricket originated compounds. The all of three treated cricket extracts showed to increase IL‐4, IFN‐, and TNF‐α. Among those extract, extract G2, boiled extract from G. bimaculatus, was the best immune–enhancing fraction. The results of this study could be fundamental information for further works to use insects as natural resources having plenty of potentials and varieties.  相似文献   
Rice is a leading grain crop and the staple food for over half of the world population. Rice is also an ideal species for genetic and biological studies of cereal crops and other monocotyledonous plants because of its small genome and well developed genetic system. To facilitate rice genome analysis leading to physical mapping, the identification of molecular markers closely linked to economic traits, and map-based cloning, we have constructed two rice bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries from the parents of a permanent mapping population (Lemont and Teqing) consisting of 400 F9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Lemont (japonica) and Teqing (indica) represent the two major genomes of cultivated rice, both are leading commercial varieties and widely used germplasm in rice breeding programs. The Lemont library contains 7296 clones with an average insert size of 150 kb, which represents 2.6 rice haploid genome equivalents. The Teqing library contains 14208 clones with an average insert size of 130 kb, which represents 4.4. rice haploid genome equivalents. Three single-copy DNA probes were used to screen the libraries and at least two overlapping BAC clones were isolated with each probe from each library, ranging from 45 to 260 kb in insert size. Hybridization of BAC clones with chloroplast DNA probes and fluorescent in situ hybridization using BAC DNA as probes demonstrated that both libraries contain very few clones of chloroplast DNA origin and are likely free of chimeric clones. These data indicate that both BAC libraries should be suitable for map-based cloning of rice genes and physical mapping of the rice genome.  相似文献   
Kang  Mohinder S. 《Glycobiology》1996,6(2):209-216
We have previously shown (Sunkara et al., 1989; Taylor et al.,1991) that 6-o-butanoyl castanospermine (BuCast) was a 30–50-foldbetter inhibitor of HIV syncytia formalion than castanospermine(Cast). Radiolabeled Cast and BuCast were used to study theuptake and metabolism of these compounds in cultured cells andin mice. BuCast was preferentially taken up by cells comparedto Cast. Approximately 30–50-fold higher radioactivitywas found in cells treated with BuCast compared to cells treatedwith Cast during the initial 4–6h of labeling. HPLC analysisshowed that once BuCast was taken up by cells, it was rapidlyconverted to Cast. Mice given oral doses of BuCast had 5–10-foldhigher levels of Cast in the plasma and tissues as comparedto Cast treated mice. However, when the compounds were giveni.v., the levels of plasma and tissue radioactivity obtainedfrom Cast or BuCast were equivalent suggesting rapid conversionof BuCast to Cast in the blood. In mice orally treated withBuCast, HPLC analysis suggested that only Cast was found inthe plasma and tissues. With multiple dosing of mice, additiveresults were obtained, suggesting that multiple doses may beused to obtain higher concentrations of the compound in thetarget cells. These data suggest that the lipophilic propertiesof butanoyl side chain on the Cast ring makes BuCast significantlybetter absorbed, and this may help to alleviate some of thegut toxicity associated with Cast treatment. HIV AIDS glycoproteins inhibitors  相似文献   
Summary The unusual amino acid hypusine [N -(4-amino-2-hydroxybutyl)lysine] is a unique component of one cellular protein, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A, old terminology, eIF-4D). It is formed posttranslationally and exclusively in this protein in two consecutive enzymatic reactions, (i) modification of a single lysine residue of the eIF-5A precursor protein by the transfer of the 4-aminobutyl moiety of the polyamine spermidine to its-amino group to form the intermediate, deoxyhypusine [N -(4-aminobutyl)lysine] and (ii) subsequent hydroxylation of this intermediate to form hypusine. The amino acid sequences surrounding the hypusine residue are strictly conserved in all eukaryotic species examined, suggesting the fundamental importance of this amino acid throughout evolution. Hypusine is required for the activity of eIF-5Ain vitro. There is strong evidence that hypusine and eIF-5A are vital for eukaryotic cell proliferation. Inactivation of both of the eIF-5A genes is lethal in yeast and the hypusine modification appears to be a requirement for yeast survival (Schnier et al., 1991 [Mol Cell Biol 11: 3105–3114]; Wöhl et al., 1993 [Mol Gen Genet 241: 305–311]). Furthermore, inhibitors of either of the hypusine biosynthetic enzymes, deoxyhypusine synthase or deoxyhypusine hydroxylase, exert strong anti-proliferative effects in mammalian cells, including many human cancer cell lines. These inhibitors hold potential as a new class of anticancer agents, targeting one specific eukaryotic cellular reaction, hypusine biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Most higher plants have complex genomes containing large quantities of repetitive DNA interspersed with low-copy-number sequences. Many of these repetitive DNAs are mobile and have homology to RNAs in various cell types. This can make it difficult to identify the genes in a long chromosomal continuum. It was decided to use genic sequence conservation and grass genome co-linearity as tools for gene identification. A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone containing sorghum genomic DNA was selected using a maize Adh1 probe. The 165 kb sorghum BAC was tested for hybridization to a set of clones representing the contiguous 280 kb of DNA flanking maize Adh1. None of the repetitive maize DNAs hybridized, but most of the low-copy-number sequences did. A low-copy-number sequence that did cross-hybridize was found to be a gene, while one that did not was found to be a low-copy-number retrotransposon that was named Reina. Regions of cross-hybridization were co-linear between the two genomes, but closer together in the smaller sorghum genome. These results indicate that local genomic cross-referencing by hybridization of orthologous clones can be an efficient and rapid technique for gene identification and studies of genome organization.  相似文献   
The Best Gastric Site for Obtaining a Positive Rapid Urease Test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background Rapid urease tests (RUTs) provide a simple, sensitive method of detecting Helicobacter pylori infection.
Objectives. Our aim, therefore, was to determine whether the yield of detecting H. pylori infection by RUT varied depending on the site of gastric biopsy.
Materials and Methods. Gastric biopsies were obtained from 50 patients for RUT by use of hp fast (GI Supply, Camp Hill, PA). Biopsies were taken from the prepyloric greater curve antrum, from the gastric angle, and from the greater curve in mid-corpus. One biopsy specimen was placed in the RUT gel, and the biopsy from the adjacent mucosa was placed in formalin for subsequent histological evaluation by using the Genta stain. RUTs were examined and scored at intervals of 5, 10, 15, 30, and 45 minutes and after 1, 2, 4, and 24 hours.
Results. Fifty patients were entered in the test (150 RUTs), 32 having H. pylori infection. There were no false-positive RUTs (specificity, 100%). The gastric angle site was positive in 100%. The prepyloric site was positive in 87%, and the corpus site was positive in 84.4% ( p < .052 for angle or prepyloric antrum versus corpus). The most common pattern was for all to be positive (74%). The median time to positivity was similar with angle and prepyloric sites (37.5 and 60 minutes, respectively, p = not significant) and shorter than the corpus biopsy (180 minutes); ( p < .05 for angle or prepyloric antrum versus corpus).
Conclusion. The maximum probability for detecting H. pylori infection using a RUT is to obtain a biopsy from the gastric angle. To prevent missing a positive result when intestinal metaplasia is present, we recommend that (at a minimum) biopsies be taken from both the angle and the corpus.  相似文献   
Summary Random copolymers of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and 4-hydroxybutyrate (4HB) with a wide range of compositions varying from 0 to 83 mol% 4HB were produced by Alcaligenes latus from the mixed carbon substrates of 3-hydroxybutyric and 4-hydroxybutyric acids. The structure and physical properties of P(3HB-co-4HB) were characterized by1H and13C NMR spectroscopy, gel-permeation chromatography, and differential scanning calorimetry. The isothermal radial growth rates of spherulites of P(3HB-co-4HB) were much slower than the rate of P(3HB) homopolymer. The enzymatic degradation rates of P(3HB-co-4HB) films by a PHB depolymerase were strongly influenced by the copolymer composition.  相似文献   
In polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, the transferrin receptor (TR) is selectively delivered to the basolateral surface, where it internalizes transferrin via clathrin-coated pits and recycles back to the basolateral border. Mutant tailless receptors are sorted randomly in both the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways, indicating that the basolateral sorting of TR is dependent upon a signal located within the 61–amino acid cytoplasmic domain. To identify the basolateral sorting signal of TR, we have analyzed a series of mutant human TR expressed in MDCK cells. We find that residues 19–41 are sufficient for basolateral sorting from both the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways and that this is the only region of the TR cytoplasmic tail containing basolateral sorting information. The basolateral sorting signal is distinct from the YTRF internalization signal contained within this region and is not tyrosine based. Detailed functional analyses of the mutant TR indicate that residues 29–35 are the most important for basolateral sorting from the biosynthetic pathway. The structural requirements for basolateral sorting of internalized receptors from the endocytic pathway are not identical. The most striking difference is that alteration of G31DNS34 to YTRF impairs basolateral sorting of newly synthesized receptors from the biosynthetic pathway but not internalized receptors from the endocytic pathway. Also, mutations have been identified that selectively impair basolateral sorting of internalized TRs from the endocytic pathway without affecting basolateral sorting of newly synthesized receptors. These results imply that there are subtle differences in the recognition of the TR basolateral sorting signal by separate sorting machinery located within the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways.  相似文献   
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