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The conversion from soluble states into cross-β fibrillar aggregates is a property shared by many different proteins and peptides and was hence conjectured to be a generic feature of polypeptide chains. Increasing evidence is now accumulating that such fibrillar assemblies are generally characterized by a parallel in-register alignment of β-strands contributed by distinct protein molecules. Here we assume a universal mechanism is responsible for β-structure formation and deduce sequence-specific interaction energies between pairs of protein fragments from a statistical analysis of the native folds of globular proteins. The derived fragment–fragment interaction was implemented within a novel algorithm, prediction of amyloid structure aggregation (PASTA), to investigate the role of sequence heterogeneity in driving specific aggregation into ordered self-propagating cross-β structures. The algorithm predicts that the parallel in-register arrangement of sequence portions that participate in the fibril cross-β core is favoured in most cases. However, the antiparallel arrangement is correctly discriminated when present in fibrils formed by short peptides. The predictions of the most aggregation-prone portions of initially unfolded polypeptide chains are also in excellent agreement with available experimental observations. These results corroborate the recent hypothesis that the amyloid structure is stabilised by the same physicochemical determinants as those operating in folded proteins. They also suggest that side chain–side chain interaction across neighbouring β-strands is a key determinant of amyloid fibril formation and of their self-propagating ability.  相似文献   
Microtubules of the mitotic spindle are believed to provide positional cues for the assembly of the actin-based contractile ring and the formation of the subsequent cleavage furrow during cytokinesis. In Caenorhabditis elegans, astral microtubules have been thought to inhibit cortical contraction outside the cleavage furrow. Here, we demonstrate by live imaging and RNA interference (RNAi) that astral microtubules play two distinct roles in initiating cleavage furrow formation. In early anaphase, microtubules are required for contractile ring assembly; in late anaphase, microtubules show different cortical behavior and seem to suppress cortical contraction at the poles, as suggested in previous studies. These two distinct phases of microtubule behavior depend on distinct regulatory pathways, one involving the gamma-tubulin complex and the other requiring aurora-A kinase. We propose that temporal and spatial regulation of two distinct phases of astral microtubule behavior is crucial in specifying the position and timing of furrowing.  相似文献   
Genome variation studies in Plasmodium falciparum have focused on SNPs and, more recently, large-scale copy number polymorphisms and ectopic rearrangements. Here, we examine another source of variation: variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs). Interspersed low complexity features, including the well-studied P. falciparum microsatellite sequences, are commonly classified as VNTRs; however, this study is focused on longer coding VNTR polymorphisms, a small class of copy number variations. Selection against frameshift mutation is a main constraint on tandem repeats (TRs) in coding regions, while limited propagation of TRs longer than 975 nt total length is a minor restriction in coding regions. Comparative analysis of three P. falciparum genomes reveals that more than 9% of all P. falciparum ORFs harbor VNTRs, much more than has been reported for any other species. Moreover, genotyping of VNTR loci in a drug-selected line, progeny of a genetic cross, and 334 field isolates demonstrates broad variability in these sequences. Functional enrichment analysis of ORFs harboring VNTRs identifies stress and DNA damage responses along with chromatin modification activities, suggesting an influence on genome mutability and functional variation. Analysis of the repeat units and their flanking regions in both P. falciparum and Plasmodium reichenowi sequences implicates a replication slippage mechanism in the generation of TRs from an initially unrepeated sequence. VNTRs can contribute to rapid adaptation by localized sequence duplication. They also can confound SNP-typing microarrays or mapping short-sequence reads and therefore must be accounted for in such analyses.  相似文献   
The betacellulin precursor (pro-BTC) is a novel substrate for ADAM10-mediated ectodomain shedding. In this report, we investigated the ability of novel physiologically relevant stimuli, including G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) agonists and reactive oxygen species (ROS), to stimulate pro-BTC shedding. We found that in breast adenocarcinoma MCF7 cells overexpressing pro-BTC, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was a powerful stimulator of ectodomain shedding. The stimulation of pro-BTC shedding by H2O2 was blocked by the broad-spectrum metalloprotease inhibitor TAPI-0 but was still functional in ADAM17 (TACE)-deficient stomach epithelial cells indicating the involvement of a distinct metalloprotease. H2O2-induced pro-BTC shedding was blocked by co-culturing cells in the anti-oxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine but was unaffected by culture in calcium-deficient media. By contrast, calcium ionophore, which is a previously characterized activator of pro-BTC shedding, was sensitive to calcium depletion but was unaffected by co-culture with the anti-oxidant, identifying a clear distinction between these stimuli. We found that in vascular smooth muscle cells overexpressing pro-BTC, the GPCR agonist endothelin-1 (ET-1) was a strong inducer of ectodomain shedding. This was blocked by a metalloprotease inhibitor and by overexpression of catalytically inactive E385A ADAM10. However, overexpression of wild-type ADAM10 or ADAM17 led to an increase in ET-1-induced pro-BTC shedding providing evidence for an involvement of both enzymes in this process. This study identifies ROS and ET-1 as two novel inducers of pro-BTC shedding and lends support to the notion of activated shedding occurring under the control of physiologically relevant stimuli.  相似文献   
There exists a significant difference in pre-tRNA preference among prokaryotic tRNase Zs. This is an enigma, because pre-tRNAs should form the common L-shaped structure and tRNase Zs should form the common structure based on the alphabeta/betaalpha-fold. To address this issue, we examined six different eubacterial and archaeal tRNase Zs including two newly isolated tRNase Zs for cleavage of 18 different pre-tRNA substrates. Two Thermotoga maritima, one Thermus thermophilus, one Bacillus subtilis, one Thermoplasma acidophilum, and one Pyrobaculum aerophilum enzymes were tested. To our surprise, the newly isolated proteins T. maritima and T. thermophilus showed the weak tRNase Z activity, even though their primary amino acid sequences are, on the whole, quite different from those of the typical tRNase Zs. We confirmed that substrate recognition ability is quite different among those tRNase Zs. In addition, we found that the optimal conditions as a whole differ significantly among the enzymes. From these results, we provided several clues to solve the enigma by showing the potential importance of the 74th-76th nucleotide sequence of pre-tRNA, the flexible arm length of tRNase Z, the divalent metal ion species, and the histidine corresponding His222 in T. maritima tRNase Z.  相似文献   
DNA polymerase IV (Pol IV) is one of three translesion polymerases in Escherichia coli. A mass spectrometry study revealed that single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) in lysates prepared from exponentially-growing cells has a strong affinity for column-immobilized Pol IV. We found that purified SSB binds directly to Pol IV in a pull-down assay, whereas SSBΔC8, a mutant protein lacking the C-terminal tail, failed to interact with Pol IV. These results show that the interaction between Pol IV and SSB is mediated by the C-terminal tail of SSB. When polymerase activity was tested on an SSBΔC8-coated template, we observed a strong inhibition of Pol IV activity. Competition experiments using a synthetic peptide containing the amino acid sequence of SSB tail revealed that the chain-elongating capacity of Pol IV was greatly impaired when the interaction between Pol IV and SSB tail was inhibited. These results demonstrate that Pol IV requires the interaction with the C-terminal tail of SSB to replicate DNA efficiently when the template ssDNA is covered with SSB. We speculate that at the primer/template junction, Pol IV interacts with the tail of the nearest SSB tetramer on the template, and that this interaction allows the polymerase to travel along the template while disassembling SSB.  相似文献   
We have developed a multi-target cell tracking program TADOR, which we applied to a series of fluorescence images. TADOR is based on an active contour model that is modified in order to be free of the problem of locally optimal solutions, and thus is resistant to signal fluctuation and morphological changes. Due to adoption of backward tracing and addition of user-interactive correction functions, TADOR is used in an off-line and semi-automated mode, but enables precise tracking of cell division. By applying TADOR to the analysis of cultured cells whose nuclei had been fluorescently labeled, we tracked cell division and cell-cycle progression on coverslips over an extended period of time.  相似文献   
Myers' elegant and powerful bit-parallel dynamic programming algorithm for approximate string matching has a restriction that the query length should be within the word size of the computer, typically 64. We propose a modification of Myers' algorithm, in which the modification has a restriction not on the query length but on the maximum number of mismatches (substitutions, insertions, or deletions), which should be less than half of the word size. The time complexity is O(m log |Σ|), where m is the query length and |Σ| is the size of the alphabet Σ. Thus, it is particularly suited for sequences on a small alphabet such as DNA sequences. In particular, it is useful in quickly extending a large number of seed alignments against a reference genome for high-throughput short-read data produced by next-generation DNA sequencers.  相似文献   
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