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Nitrate reduction in the dissimilatory iron-reducing bacterium Geobacter metallireducens was investigated. Nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase activities in nitrate-grown cells were detected only in the membrane fraction. The apparent K m values for nitrate and nitrite were determined to be 32 and 10 μM, respectively. Growth on nitrate was not inhibited by either tungstate or molybdate at concentrations of 1 mM or less, but was inhibited by both at 10 and 20 mM. Nitrate and nitrite reductase activity in the membrane fraction was not, however, affected by dialysis with 20 mM tungstate. An enzyme complex that exhibited both nitrate and nitrite reductase activity was solubilized from membrane fractions with CHAPS and was partially purified by preparative gel electrophoresis. It was found to be composed of four different polypeptides with molecular masses of 62, 52, 36, and 16 kDa. The 62-kDa polypeptide [a low-midpoint potential (–207 mV), multiheme cytochrome c] exhibited nitrite reductase activity under denaturing conditions. No molybdenum was detected in the complex by plasma-emission mass spectrometry. Received: 26 March 1999 / Accepted: 16 August 1999  相似文献   
Electrochemical biosensors have revolutionized glucose monitoring but have not yet fulfilled their promise of a low cost, direct detection replacement for genetic amplification tests such as PCR [K. Kerman, M. Kobayashi, E. Tamiya, Recent trends in electrochemical DNA biosensor technology, Meas. Sci. Technol. 15 (2004) R1-R11; A. Chaubey, B.D. Malhotra, Mediated biosensors. Biosens. Bioelectron. 17 (6-7) (2002) 441-456]. It has been anticipated that the integration of nanoscale chemical structures such as self-assembled monolayers with electrochemical biosensors would increase sensitivity by decreasing inherent system noise. We have designed a novel biosensing approach incorporating such integration and achieved rapid, ultra-low concentration sensitivities without target amplification. Raw samples are mixed with lysis buffer to allow hybridization of nucleic acid targets with anchor and signal probes before immobilizing a signaling enzyme proximate to the biosensor surface. A bias potential is subsequently applied and the secondary byproduct of a cyclic peroxidase reaction measured. Further studies have demonstrated the application of our approach in protein, clinical chemistry, and ionic assays.  相似文献   
Knowledge on the main spatiotemporal trends in plant invasions of habitats is essential for a better understanding of the process of these invasions. The aim of this study was to determine the level of plant invasion, represented by relative richness and total cover of archaeophytes and neophytes, in 45 EUNIS habitat types along with spatiotemporal changes in invasion level with increasing altitude and time in Slovakia. In general, the most invaded habitats are those which are highly influenced by human activities. Generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed models were used to assess the associations between habitat-specific invasion level, altitude and time, respectively. There is a general decrease in the relative richness and total cover of archaeophytes and neophytes with increasing altitude in the invaded habitats. There is also an observable temporal trend in archaeophytes shifting from anthropogenic towards more natural habitats. Importantly, the relative neophyte richness has recently been increasing, predominantly in semi-natural and natural habitats, which brings about major concerns for nature conservation. This may be the manifestation of a lag phase in the dispersal of neophytes. However, accompanied with a significant increase in the relative richness of archaeophytes in some natural habitats, it may indicate more complex changes in the invaded habitats and be an early warning sign for ecological degradation of these habitats.  相似文献   
Properties of protein kinase C subspecies in human platelets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Protein kinase C (PKC) from human platelets was resolved into two fractions by hydroxyapatite column chromatography. One of the enzymes was indistinguishable from the brain type III PKC having alpha-sequence in its kinetic and immunological properties. The other enzyme was kinetically different from any of the brain PKC subspecies so far isolated, although it resembled the brain type II PKC having beta-sequence. With H1 histone as substrate, this platelet enzyme was not very sensitive to Ca2+, and activated partly by phosphatidylserine plus diacylglycerol or by free arachidonic acid. Both platelet enzymes could phosphorylate the P47 protein in vitro, but the enzyme physiologically responsible for the P47 protein phosphorylation in the activated platelets remains to be identified.  相似文献   
The wild crucifers,Rorippa indica andLepidium virginicum, are known to serve as host plants for the diamondback moth (DBM),Plutella xylostella, but they are less suitable than the preferred cultivated cruciferous plant, cabbage, in terms of adult body size and fecundity. The life history traits and flight activity of DBM adults grown on various host plants were investigated. The adults thus reared on each host plant were divided into three size groups (small, medium and large). In general, female adults grown on the wild crucifers were less fecund and lived longer than those reared on cabbage. Flight activity was higher in adults grown on wild crucifers than in those reared on cabbage. Male adults flew longer than females. Fecundity, longevity, flight activity and morphometrical characters of adults were positively correlated with pupal weight in individuals reared on the same host plant. A negative relationship was found between fecundity and flight activity in females of the same size group, but a positive one was observed in females reared on the same host plant.  相似文献   
Camptothecin (CPT) is an anti-tumor natural product that forms a ternary complex with topoisomerase I (top I) and DNA (CPT-top I-DNA). In this study, we identified the direct interaction between CPT and human heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNP A1) using the T7 phage display technology. On an avidin-agarose bead pull down assay, hnRNP A1 protein was selectively pulled down in the presence of C20-biotinylated CPT derivative (CPT-20-B) both in vitro and in vivo. The interaction was also confirmed by an analysis on a quartz-crystal microbalance (QCM) device, yielding a KD value of 82.7 nM. A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis revealed that CPT inhibits the binding of hnRNP A1 to top I (KD: 260 nM) in a non-competitive manner. Moreover, an in vivo drug evaluation assay using Drosophila melanogaster showed that the knockout of the hnRNP A1 homolog Hrb87F gene showed high susceptibility against 5–50 μM of CPT as compared to a wild-type strain. Such susceptibility was specific for CPT and not observed after treatment with other cytotoxic drugs. Collectively, our data suggests that CPT directly binds to hnRNP A1 and non-competitively inhibits the hnRNP A1/top I interaction in vivo. The knockout strain loses the hnRNP A1 homolog as a both CPT-binding partner and naïve brakes of top I, which enhances the formation of the CPT-top I-DNA ternary complexes and subsequently sensitizes the growth inhibitory effect of CPT in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   


How does the plant species composition of Pontic–Pannonian salt‐rich habitats vary on a large geographical scale? Do the floristic differences between Pannonia and the Balkans correspond to the current phytosociological classification?


Pannonia (Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Romania) and the Balkans (Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece).


Two thousand four hundred and thirty‐seven relevés from halophytic and sub‐halophytic habitats were classified using a modified TWINSPAN. The crispness of classification was checked. DCA and CCA with climate data as explanatory variables were applied.


The classification was best interpreted at the level of 15 clusters. The vegetation changed along the salinity gradient from sub‐halophytic grasslands (including Trifolion resupinati alliance of the Molinio‐Arrhenatheretalia class and Beckmannion eruciformis and Festucion pseudovinae p. p. alliances of the Festuco‐Puccinellietea class) and reed beds (Bolboschoenion maritimi p. p. alliance; the Phragmito‐Magnocaricetea class), through steppe and wet inland halophytic vegetation (Festucion pseudovinae p. p., Puccinellion limosae, Pucinellion convolutae, Bolboschoenion maritimi p. p. and Juncion gerardii of the Festuco‐Puccinellietea class) towards the extreme halophytic vegetation of the Thero‐Salicornietea, Crypsietea and Juncetea maritimi classes. This gradient was longer in the Balkan region, where it spanned from the sub‐mediterranean salt‐rich grasslands to the extremely halophytic vegetation at the Black Sea coast. The second most important gradient coincided with the water regime. Some vegetation types appeared to be confined to either the Pannonian or the Balkan region (especially within dry sub‐halophytic and steppe halophytic grasslands), while others were distributed across the entire study area. The above‐mentioned pattern did not always correspond with current classification systems.


Variation in salt‐rich vegetation predominantly follows the salinity and water regime gradients. Geographical variation, generally coinciding with climatic and historical effects, is also important, especially in drier salt‐rich habitats. Our large‐scale analysis of the floristic variation of salt‐rich habitats might be useful for the unification of classification systems that differ substantially between the countries involved. In addition, the analysis may be useful for adjustment of a classification system in the poorly explored Balkan region, where particular vegetation types were identified with, or delimited from, Central European vegetation types without detailed comparative analysis until now.
Infant gut microbiota development affects the host physiology throughout life, and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are promising key metabolites mediating microbiota-host relationships. Here, we investigated dense longitudinally collected faecal samples from 12 subjects during the first 2 years (n = 1048) to identify early life gut SCFA patterns and their relationships with the microbiota. Our results revealed three distinct phases of progression in the SCFA profiles: early phase characterised by low acetate and high succinate, middle-phase characterised by high lactate and formate and late-phase characterised by high propionate and butyrate. Assessment of the SCFA–microbiota relationships revealed that faecal butyrate is associated with increased Clostridiales and breastfeeding cessation, and that diverse and personalised assemblage of Clostridiales species possessing the acetyl-CoA pathway play major roles in gut butyrate production. We also found an association between gut formate and some infant-type bifidobacterial species, and that human milk oligosaccharides (HMO)-derived fucose is the substrate for formate production during breastfeeding. We identified genes upregulated in fucose and fucosylated HMO utilisation in infant-type bifidobacteria. Notably, bifidobacteria showed interspecific and intraspecific variation in the gene repertoires, and cross-feeding of fucose contributed to gut formate production. This study provides an insight into early life SCFA–microbiota relationships, which is an important step for developing strategies for modulating lifelong health.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Microbiome, Bacterial genetics  相似文献   
We isolated an acid-tolerant sulfate-reducing bacterium, GBSRB4.2, from coal mine-derived acidic mine drainage (AMD)-derived sediments. Sequence analysis of partial 16S rRNA gene of GBSRB4.2 revealed that it was affiliated with the genus Desulfosporosinus. GBSRB4.2 reduced sulfate, Fe(III) (hydr)oxide, Mn(IV) oxide, and U(VI) in acidic solutions (pH 4.2). Sulfate, Fe(III), and Mn(IV) but not U(VI) bioreduction led to an increase in the pH of acidic solutions and concurrent hydrolysis and precipitation of dissolved Al3+. Reduction of Fe(III), Mn(IV), and U(VI) in sulfate-free solutions revealed that these metals are enzymatically reduced by GBSRB4.2. GBSRB4.2 reduced U(VI) in groundwater from a radionuclide-contaminated aquifer more rapidly at pH 4.4 than at pH 7.1, possibly due to the formation of poorly bioreducible Ca-U(VI)-CO3 complexes in the pH 7.1 groundwater.  相似文献   
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