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Remote-controlled Ca2+ influx, elicited by electropotential waves, triggers local signaling cascades in sieve elements and companion cells along the phloem of Vicia faba plants. The stimulus strength seems to be communicated by the rate and duration of Ca2+ influx into sieve elements (SEs). The cooperative recruitment of Ca2+ channels results in a graded response of forisome culminating in full sieve-tube occlusion. Several lines of evidence are integrated into a model that links the mode and strength of the electropotential waves (EPWs) with forisome dispersion, mediated by transiently enhanced levels of local Ca2+ release dependent on both plasma membrane and ER Ca2+ channels.Key words: distant injury, electropotential wave, remote sieve tube occlusion, activity of sieve element Ca2+ channels, signal cascades, Ca2+ hotspots  相似文献   
Hypermethylation is an important mechanism for the dynamic regulation of gene expression, necessary for metastasizing tumour cells. Our aim is to identify methylation tumour markers that have a predictive value for the presence of regional lymph node metastases in patients with oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OOSCC). Significantly differentially expressed genes were retrieved from four reported microarray expression profiles comparing pN0 and pN+ head-neck tumours, and one expression array identifying functionally hypermethylated genes. Additional metastasis-associated genes were included from the literature. Thus genes were selected that influence the development of nodal metastases and might be regulated by methylation. Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) primers were designed and tested on 8 head-neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and technically validated on 10 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) OOSCC cases. Predictive value was assessed in a clinical series of 70 FFPE OOSCC with pathologically determined nodal status. Five out of 28 methylation markers (OCLN, CDKN2A, MGMT, MLH1 and DAPK1) were frequently differentially methylated in OOSCC. Of these, MGMT methylation was associated with pN0 status (P = 0.02) and with lower immunoexpression (P = 0.02). DAPK1 methylation was associated with pN+ status (P = 0.008) but did not associate with protein expression. In conclusion, out of 28 candidate genes, two (7%) showed a predictive value for the pN status. Both genes, DAPK1 and MGMT, have predictive value for nodal metastasis in a clinical group of OOSCC. Therefore DNA methylation markers are capable of contributing to diagnosis and treatment selection in OOSCC. To efficiently identify additional new methylation markers, genome-wide methods are needed.  相似文献   
Preliminary experience with primary stenting in myocardial infarction has suggested a greater benefit in clinical outcome than has been obtained with direct balloon angioplasty. However, subacute thrombosis (SAT) remains a limitation for this new mode of therapy. In the BENESTENT II Pilot and main trials, the incidence of SAT with the heparin-coated Palmaz-Schatz stent was only 0.15%. Therefore, as a preamble to a large randomized trial, the feasibility and safety of the use of the Heparin-Coated Palmaz-Schatz trade mark Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) was tested in 101 patients enrolled between April and September 1996 in 18 clinical centres. In 101 stent-eligible AMI patients, as dictated by protocol, a heparin-coated stent was implanted. The primary objectives were to determine the in-hospital incidence of major adverse cardiac events (MACE: death, MI, target lesion revascularization) and bleeding complications, while the secondary objectives were the procedural success rate and the MACE, the restenosis and reocclusion rates at 6.5 months. Stent implantation (n 3 129 stents) was successful in 97 patients of the 101 who were included in this trial. During their hospital stay, two patients died and no patient experienced re-infarction, ischaemia prompting re-PTCA or CABG. Four patients suffered a bleeding complication, three major and one minor, of whom three required surgical repair. At 210 days follow-up, 81% of the patients were event free. At 6.5 months restenosis was documented in 18% of the 88 patients who underwent follow-up angiography, including three total occlusions. The results, both with respect to QCA and the occurrence of MACE, compare favourably with studies using elective stenting in both stable and unstable angina patients. As a result of this pilot study, a large randomized trial comparing direct balloon angioplasty with direct stenting in 900 patients with AMI was initiated in December 1996.  相似文献   


The Mus musculus musculus/M. m. domesticus contact zone in Europe is characterised by sharp frequency discontinuities for sex chromosome markers at the centre of wider clines in allozyme frequencies.  相似文献   
Substances known to alter cyclic nucleotide levels in cells were applied to the isolated toad retina and effects on rod electrical and adaptive behavior were studied. The retina was continually superfused in control ringer’s or ringer’s containing one or a combination of drugs, and rod activity was recorded intracellularly. Superfusion with cGMP, Bu(2)GMP, isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX; a phosphodiesterase inhibitor), or PGF(2α) (a prostaglandin) caused effects in rods that closely match those observed when extracellular Ca(2+) levels were lowered. For example, short exposures (up to 6 min) of the retina to these substances caused depolarization of the membrane potential, increase in response amplitudes, and some changes in waveform; but under dark-adapted or partially light-adapted conditions receptor sensitivity was virtually unaffected. That is, the position of the V-log I curve on the intensity axis was determined by the prevailing light level, not by drug level. These drugs, like lowered extracellular Ca(2+), also decreased the period of receptor saturation after a bright-adapting flash, resulting in an acceleration of the onset of membrane and sensitivity recovery during dark adaptation.

Long-term (6-15 min) exposure of a dark-adapted retina to 5 mM IBMX or a combination of IBMX and cGMP caused a loss of response amplitude and a desensitization of the rods that was similar to that observed in rods after a long-term low Ca(2+) (10(-9)M) treatment. Application of high (3.2 mM) Ca(2+) to the retina blocked the effects of applied Bu(2)cGMP. PGE(1) superfusion mimicked the effects of increasing extracellular Ca(2+). The results show that increased cGMP and lowered Ca(2+) produce similar alterations in the electrical activity of rods. These findings suggest that Ca(2+) and cGMP are interrelated messengers. We speculate that low Ca(2+) may lead to increased intracellular cGMP, and/or that applied cGMP, and/or that applied cGMP may lower cytosol Ca(2+), perhaps by stimulating Ca(2+)- ATPase pumps in the outer segment.

Necrotrophic fungal pathogens produce toxic compounds that induce cell death in infected plants. Often, the primary targets of these toxins and the way a plant responds to them are not known. In the present work, the effect of tenuazonic acid (TeA), a non–host‐specific toxin of Alternaria alternata, on Arabidopsis thaliana has been analysed. TeA blocks the QB‐binding site at the acceptor side of photosystem II (PSII). As a result, charge recombination at the reaction centre (RC) of PSII is expected to enhance the formation of the excited triplet state of the RC chlorophyll that promotes generation of singlet oxygen (1O2). 1O2 activates a signalling pathway that depends on the two EXECUTER (EX) proteins EX1 and EX2 and triggers a programmed cell death response. In seedlings treated with TeA at half‐inhibition concentration 1O2‐mediated and EX‐dependent signalling is activated as indicated by the rapid and transient up‐regulation of 1O2‐responsive genes in wild type, and its suppression in ex1/ex2 mutants. Lesion formation occurs when seedlings are exposed to higher concentrations of TeA for a longer period of time. Under these conditions, the programmed cell death response triggered by 1O2‐mediated and EX‐dependent signalling is superimposed by other events that also contribute to lesion formation.  相似文献   


Oesophageal cancer is a major clinical problem with a generally poor prognosis. As a result there has been interest in combining surgery with neoadjuvant chemotherapy to try and improve outcomes, although the current evidence for benefit is inconsistent. We aimed to compare, in a non-randomised study, the post-operative complication rate and short and long-term survival of patients who underwent surgical resection for carcinoma of the oesophagus and types I and II carcinoma of the oesophago-gastric junction with or without neo-adjuvant chemotherapy.


Details of all resections for oesophageal/junctional (types I and II) adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma between April 2000 and July 2006 were collected prospectively. Data from patients with T3 and/or N1 disease who underwent either neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) or not (non-NAC) were compared. Data were analysed using Kaplan-Meier plots, Mann-Whitney U-test, Cox Regression modelling, and Chi-squared test with Yates' correction where sample sizes <10.


167 patients were included (89 NAC and 78 non-NAC). The in-hospital post-operative mortality rate of the NAC group (n = 2 deaths; 2.2%) was significantly lower (p = 0.045) than the non-NAC group (n = 6 deaths; 7.7%). Most deaths were due to cardio-respiratory complications; however, there was no significant difference in rates of chest infections, anastomotic leaks, wound infections, re-operations, readmission to ITU or overall complications between the two groups. Although both the two-year survival rate (60.7%) and long-term survival of NAC patients (median survival = 793 days; 95% CI = 390–1196) was greater than non-NAC patients (two-year survival rate = 48.7%; median survival = 554 days; 95% CI = 246–862 respectively), these differences were not statistically significant.


This non-randomised study demonstrated that NAC was associated with a significant reduction in post-operative inpatient mortality rate. Whether this can be explained by a decreased co-morbidity in NAC patients or a protective phenomenon associated with NAC remains unclear. This study also demonstrated a greater two-year survival rate and overall median survival time following NAC but this was not statistically significant.
Aflatoxin contamination of staple crops, commonly occurring in warm areas, negatively impacts human and animal health, and hampers trade and economic development. The fungus Aspergillus flavus is the major aflatoxin producer. However, not all A. flavus genotypes produce aflatoxins. Effective aflatoxin control is achieved using biocontrol products containing spores of atoxigenic A. flavus. In Africa, various biocontrol products under the tradename Aflasafe are available. Private and public sector licensees manufacture Aflasafe using spores freshly produced in laboratories adjacent to their factories. BAMTAARE, the licensee in Senegal, had difficulties to obtain laboratory equipment during its first year of production. To overcome this, a process was developed in Ibadan, Nigeria, for producing high-quality dry spores. Viability and stability of the dry spores were tested and conformed to set standards. In 2019, BAMTAARE manufactured Aflasafe SN01 using dry spores produced in Ibadan and sent via courier and 19 000 ha of groundnut and maize in Senegal and The Gambia were treated. Biocontrol manufactured with dry spores was as effective as biocontrol manufactured with freshly produced spores. Treated crops contained safe and significantly (P < 0.05) less aflatoxin than untreated crops. The dry spore innovation will make biocontrol manufacturing cost-efficient in several African countries.  相似文献   
K channels in the basolateral membrane of insect hindgut were studied using current fluctuation analysis and microelectrodes. Locust recta were mounted in Ussing-type chambers containing Cl-free saline and cyclic AMP (cAMP). A transepithelial K current was induced by raising serosal [K] under short-circuit conditions. Adding Ba to the mucosal (luminal) side under these conditions had no effect; however, serosal Ba reversibly inhibited the short-circuit current (Isc), increased transepithelial resistance (Rt), and added a Lorentzian component to power density spectra of the Isc. A nonlinear relationship between corner frequency and serosal [Ba] was observed, which suggests that the rate constant for Ba association with basolateral channels increased as [Ba] was elevated. Microelectrode experiments revealed that the basolateral membrane hyperpolarized when Ba was added: this change in membrane potential could explain the nonlinearity of the 2 pi fc vs. [Ba] relationship if external Ba sensed about three-quarters of the basolateral membrane field. Conventional microelectrodes were used to determine the correspondence between transepithelially measured current noise and basolateral membrane conductance fluctuations, and ion-sensitive microelectrodes were used to measure intracellular K activity (acK). From the relationship between the net electrochemical potential for K across the basolateral membrane and the single channel current calculated from noise analysis, we estimate that the conductance of basolateral K channels is approximately 60 pS, and that there are approximately 180 million channels per square centimeter of tissue area.  相似文献   
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