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Kaposi''s Sarcoma (KS), caused by Kaposi''s Sarcoma Herpesvirus (KSHV), is a highly vascularised angiogenic tumor of endothelial cells, characterized by latently KSHV-infected spindle cells and a pronounced inflammatory infiltrate. Several KSHV proteins, including LANA-1 (ORF73), vCyclin (ORF72), vGPCR (ORF74), vIL6 (ORF-K2), vCCL-1 (ORF-K6), vCCL-2 (ORF-K4) and K1 have been shown to exert effects that can lead to the proliferation and atypical differentiation of endothelial cells and/or the secretion of cytokines with angiogenic and inflammatory properties (VEGF, bFGF, IL6, IL8, GROα, and TNFβ). To investigate a role of the KSHV K15 protein in KSHV-mediated angiogenesis, we carried out a genome wide gene expression analysis on primary endothelial cells infected with KSHV wildtype (KSHVwt) and a KSHV K15 deletion mutant (KSHVΔK15). We found RCAN1/DSCR1 (Regulator of Calcineurin 1/Down Syndrome critical region 1), a cellular gene involved in angiogenesis, to be differentially expressed in KSHVwt- vs KSHVΔK15-infected cells. During physiological angiogenesis, expression of RCAN1 in endothelial cells is regulated by VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) through a pathway involving the activation of PLCγ1, Calcineurin and NFAT1. We found that K15 directly recruits PLCγ1, and thereby activates Calcineurin/NFAT1-dependent RCAN1 expression which results in the formation of angiogenic tubes. Primary endothelial cells infected with KSHVwt form angiogenic tubes upon activation of the lytic replication cycle. This effect is abrogated when K15 is deleted (KSHVΔK15) or silenced by an siRNA targeting the K15 expression. Our study establishes K15 as one of the KSHV proteins that contribute to KSHV-induced angiogenesis.  相似文献   
Toll-like receptor (TLR) mediated recognition of pathogen associated molecular patterns allows the immune system to rapidly respond to a pathogenic insult. The “danger context” elicited by TLR agonists allows an initially non-immunogenic antigen to become immunogenic. This ability to alter environment is highly relevant in tumor immunity, since it is inherently difficult for the immune system to recognize host-derived tumors as immunogenic. However, immune cells may have encountered certain TLR ligands associated with tumor development, yet the endogenous stimulation is typically not sufficient to induce spontaneous tumor rejection. Of special interest are TLR5 agonists, because there are no endogenous ligands that bind TLR5. CBLB502 is a pharmacologically optimized TLR5 agonist derived from Salmonella enterica flagellin. We examined the effect of CBLB502 on tumor immunity using two syngeneic lymphoma models, both of which do not express TLR5, and thus do not directly respond to CBLB502. Upon challenge with the T-cell lymphoma RMAS, CBLB502 treatment after tumor inoculation protects C57BL/6 mice from death caused by tumor growth. This protective effect is both natural killer (NK) cell- and perforin-dependent. In addition, CBLB502 stimulates clearance of the B-cell lymphoma A20 in BALB/c mice in a CD8+ T cell-dependent fashion. Analysis on the cellular level via ImageStream flow cytometry reveals that CD11b+ and CD11c+ cells, but neither NK nor T cells, directly respond to CBLB502 as determined by NFκB nuclear translocation. Our findings demonstrate that CBLB502 stimulates a robust antitumor response by directly activating TLR5-expressing accessory immune cells, which in turn activate cytotoxic lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Understanding the spatial pattern of species distributions is fundamental in biogeography, and conservation and resource management applications. Most species distribution models (SDMs) require or prefer species presence and absence data for adequate estimation of model parameters. However, observations with unreliable or unreported species absences dominate and limit the implementation of SDMs. Presence-only models generally yield less accurate predictions of species distribution, and make it difficult to incorporate spatial autocorrelation. The availability of large amounts of historical presence records for freshwater fishes of the United States provides an opportunity for deriving reliable absences from data reported as presence-only, when sampling was predominantly community-based. In this study, we used boosted regression trees (BRT), logistic regression, and MaxEnt models to assess the performance of a historical metacommunity database with inferred absences, for modeling fish distributions, investigating the effect of model choice and data properties thereby. With models of the distribution of 76 native, non-game fish species of varied traits and rarity attributes in four river basins across the United States, we show that model accuracy depends on data quality (e.g., sample size, location precision), species’ rarity, statistical modeling technique, and consideration of spatial autocorrelation. The cross-validation area under the receiver-operating-characteristic curve (AUC) tended to be high in the spatial presence-absence models at the highest level of resolution for species with large geographic ranges and small local populations. Prevalence affected training but not validation AUC. The key habitat predictors identified and the fish-habitat relationships evaluated through partial dependence plots corroborated most previous studies. The community-based SDM framework broadens our capability to model species distributions by innovatively removing the constraint of lack of species absence data, thus providing a robust prediction of distribution for stream fishes in other regions where historical data exist, and for other taxa (e.g., benthic macroinvertebrates, birds) usually observed by community-based sampling designs.  相似文献   
In this study, concentrations of heavy metals were determined by ICP-MS in the edible tissues of common sole (Solea solea Linnaeus, 1758), whiting (Merlangius merlangus Linnaeus, 1758), silver sillago (Sillago sihama Forsskål, 1775) and muscle-exoskeleton of green tiger shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan, 1844), from the seas of ?skenderun Bay, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey, in January–February, 2016. The lowest and highest mean concentrations of Mn, Cr, Cd, Ni, Hg, As, Pb, and Co in fish and shrimp’ muscles were found, respectively, as follows: 0.166–0.382, 0.134–0.336, 0.005–0.008, 0.091–0.140, 0.026–0.228, 1.741–29.254, 0.087–0.110, and <0.0005–0.027 mg kg?1; in the skin and exoskeleton, the values were found, respectively, as 0.103–15.819, 0.301–0.778, 0.007–0.026, 0.115–0.513, 0.021–0.243, 1.548–17.930, 0.148–0.295, and <0.0005–0.140 mg kg?1. According to the results, mean concentrations of all metals in the muscles of fish, except for arsenic and chromium, were found to be below certain legal limit values, especially arsenic levels in shrimp that were found to be above all the legal limit values. Also, the hazard quotients (HQ) of individual heavy metals in fish and shrimp, except for As, revealed safe levels for human consumption. However, the HQ values of estimated inorganic As exceeded 1 in the muscles of shrimp (P. semisulcatus), which may constitute a risk to public health.  相似文献   
The effect of the use of an oral contraceptive (OC) on the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and on the response in the alkaline comet assay (single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE)) was investigated in 18 women taking contraceptive pills daily for 24 months. As controls, fertile women were included with regular menstrual cycles who received no OC drugs. A significant increase in the number of lymphocytes with DNA migration and an increased frequency of SCE per metaphase were observed in OC users as compared with their age-matched untreated controls (P<0.005). As higher incidences of spontaneous SCEs in peripheral blood lymphocytes have been reported to occur in females during pregnancy due to profound changes in the levels of certain sex hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, particularly during the last trimester, 17 pregnant women served as positive controls in this study in order to test the rate of genetic damage due to those changes. Higher frequencies of SCEs and comet responses were observed in pregnant women than in their matched controls. However, no statistically significant difference in DNA damage was observed between OC users and pregnant women (P>0.05). This study underscores the fact that prolonged and extensive use of these drugs in our daily life may be hazardous and also, that OC users should be aware of multifactorial risk factors (environmental, genetic and life style patterns) that may be responsible for additional DNA damage.  相似文献   
The Vth International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Human Populations (VthICEMHP), 20-24 May 2007 was successfully completed in Antalya, Turkey. With approximately 200 participants from 35 countries, the conference participants enjoyed extensive exchange of scientific and cultural expertise. Like the previous conferences in this series, collaborative and sustainable projects were developed among the participants. Publications in this monograph represent outstanding reviews and experimental data from invited speakers.  相似文献   
Diabetes patients often show increased production of reactive oxidative species (ROS) together with vascular complications. The presence of these ROS may lead to increased DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes that may be revealed by the comet assay. To test whether DNA is damaged in diabetes, peripheral blood samples were taken from 30 control individuals and 63 diabetic patients (15 insulin dependent (IDDM) and 48 non-insulin dependent (NIDDM)) and the alkaline comet assay was used to evaluate background levels of DNA damage. Significant differences were detected between control and diabetic patients in terms of frequencies of damaged cells. The extend of DNA migration was greater in NIDDM patients by comparison with IDDM patients which might indicate that IDDM patients are handling more oxidative damage on a regular basis. Smoker individuals had higher frequencies of cells with migration by comparison with the non-smokers in both groups. Also, clear differences between patients on placebo and on Vitamin E supplementation for 12 weeks were observed on the basis of the extend of DNA migration during single cell gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   
Functional & Integrative Genomics - Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is an anomaly characterized by a defect in the diaphragm, leading to the passage of intra-abdominal organs into the...  相似文献   
In this work, the effects of polyamine (cadaverine, putrescine, spermidine, spermine) pretreatments on the germination of barley seeds, seedling growth under saline (NaCI) conditions and on leaf anatomy of the seedlings grown for 20 days in pots with perlite containing different concentrations of NaCI prepared with Hoagland solutions following the germination period of 7 days were studied. The inhibitive effect of salt on seed germination and seedling growth was alleviated in varying degrees, and dramatically, by polyamine pretreatments at the levels of NaCI studied; particularly with lower levels of salt, the control seeds were able to germinate with great difficulty. Also, the successes of these pretreatments continued, even decreased, with higher levels of NaCI such that the control seeds showed no germination. On the other hand, on the various parameters of leaf anatomy of barley seedlings, interactions between pretreatments of polyamine and salinity, with some of these being statistically important, were observed.  相似文献   


Mycobacterium ulcerans infection, known as Buruli ulcer, is a disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissues which is an important but neglected tropical disease with its major impact in rural parts of West and Central Africa where facilities for diagnosis and management are poorly developed. We evaluated fluorescent thin layer chromatography (f-TLC) for detection of mycolactone in the laboratory using samples from patients with Buruli ulcer and patients with similar lesions that gave a negative result on PCR for the IS2404 repeat sequence of M. ulcerans

Methodology/Principal findings

Mycolactone and DNA extracts from fine needle aspiration (FNA), swabs and biopsy specimen were used to determine the sensitivity and specificity of f-TLC when compared with PCR for the IS2404. For 71 IS2404 PCR positive and 28 PCR negative samples the sensitivity was 73.2% and specificity of 85.7% for f-TLC. The sensitivity was similar for swabs (73%), FNAs (75%) and biopsies (70%).


We have shown that mycolactone can be detected from M. ulcerans infected skin tissue by f-TLC technique. The technique is simple, easy to perform and read with minimal costs. In this study it was undertaken by a member of the group from each endemic country. It is a potentially implementable tool at the district level after evaluation in larger field studies.  相似文献   
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