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Bignoniaceous woody species are very important ecological components of neotropical forests, but the reproductive biology of many species, such as Cybistax antisyphilitica, remains virtually unknown. Most species of Bignoniaceae are characteristically self-sterile, despite typically exhibiting normal pollen tube growth throughout the style, combined with slow rates of ovule penetration, fertilisation and endosperm initiation in selfed pistils. Uniform abortion occurs within a few days of anthesis, indicating the occurrence of late-acting self-incompatibility (LSI). However, breeding system studies have been performed in fewer than 7% of species, and other types of breeding systems (e.g., self-compatibility and apomixis) have been reported in this family. In the present study, the reproductive biology of C. antisyphilitica was investigated by field observation of flower visitors and floral events. Moreover, reproductive biology of this species was examined through experimental pollinations, analyses of pollen tube growth and ovule penetration using fluorescence microscopy, verification of pistil longevity, and a histological analysis of unpollinated vs. self-pollinated pistils. Finally, morphological aspects, quantities and germination were investigated in seeds that resulted from different pollination treatments. Natural pollination was effected by large- and medium-sized bees, and their visiting behaviour favours a high proportion of geitonogamy and no pollen limitation. Self-pollinated flowers produced no fruits, and all of the characteristic post-pollination events cited above were verified, witnessing the occurrence of LSI with post-zygotic rejection of selfed pistils in C. antisyphilitica. Although some indications of extended pistil longevity were found in selfed pistils, this feature seemed to be affected by unidentified environmental factors. The seeds were always monoembryonic and with high viability. A larger variation in the number of viable seeds was found in fruits derived from natural pollination. A low fruit set was observed after both natural and cross-pollination, and most crossed fruits underwent abortion at several points during the juvenile phase, even when protected against herbivory. The formation of surplus flowers/juvenile fruits and the apparently wasteful selfing mechanism control implied in LSI are discussed in the context of the perennial life style of tropical woody plant species.  相似文献   
Tree Genetics & Genomes - This study aimed to further clarify the mechanisms of salt-alkali tolerance in Fraxinus velutina Torr. Shoots obtained from Fraxinus velutina Torr (also known as...  相似文献   
Pollen morphology of 38 Trigonella species was investigated with light microscopies and scanning electron microscopies. Pollen slides were prepared using Wodehouse technique. The pollen grains of Trigonella members are radially symmetrical and isopolar, their outlines are oblong in equatorial view and circular in polar view. Amb is semicircular. The pollen grains are prolate-spheroidal, oblate-spheroidal, suboblate, spheroidal, and prolate with the polar axes 13.5–49.9 μm and the equatorial axes 10.4–43.7 μm. The smallest dimensions are observed in T. spinosa and T. brachycarpa, and the largest in T. carica and T. rhytidocarpa. The pollen grains of Trigonella taxa are usually tricolporate or rarely tricolpate, pantocolporate, tetracolporate, and tricolpodiporate. Various ornamentation types were observed: Microreticulate (section Samaroideae, Pectinatae, Falcatulae, Cylindricae, Bucerates, Reflexae, Isthmocarpae, Capitatae and Foenum-graecum), rugulate-scabrate (section Lunatae, Uncinatae), perforate (T. halophila, T. rigida and T. carica from section Bucerates) and retipilatae (section Biebersteinianae) at equator region and psilate-perforate (section Samaroideae, Pectinatae, Bucerates, Reflexae, Isthmocarpae, Foenum-graecum, T. coelesyriaca, T. cilicica), rugulate-scabrate (section Lunatae, Uncinatae), microreticulate (Falcatulae, Cylindricae and Foenum-graecum) and retipilatae (section Biebersteinianae) at polar region. Ornamentations, pollen shape and the aperture type have been observed as important morphological characters.  相似文献   
Previous studies have indicated that splenic macrophages migrate into the liver and play a role in endotoxin-induced hepatic damage. The present study was designed to elucidate the mechanisms of hepatocyte injury induced by activated splenic macrophages, focusing especially on endogenously released NO and oxidative DNA alterations in hepatocytes. Splenic macrophages isolated from Wistar rats were incubated with either lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and cocultured with hepatocytes. Nitrite and nitrate levels in the culture medium were measured, and inducible-type NO synthase (iNOS) and nitrotyrosine were determined by immunofluorescence staining. The ratio of 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) to deoxyguanosine (dG) was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography, and single-stranded DNA in hepatocytes was detected with acridine orange. NO release and nitrotyrosine expression in hepatocytes increased after 8 h of coculture with activated macrophages, and this coculture also induced increases in the 8-OH-dG/dG ratio and single-stranded DNA in the hepatocytes. These alterations were attenuated by superoxide dismutase (SOD) and NO synthesis inhibitors. A similar pattern of alterations was observed in hepatocytes incubated with SIN-1, and these changes were also prevented by SOD. These results suggest that activated macrophage-derived NO and its oxidative metabolite, peroxynitrite, play key roles in hepatocyte injury during inflammation, and cause subsequent DNA damage in surviving hepatocytes.  相似文献   
Calcium-activated chloride channels are expressed in chemosensory neurons of the nose and contribute to secretory processes and sensory signal transduction. These channels are thought to be members of the family of anoctamins (alternative name: TMEM16 proteins), which are opened by micromolar concentrations of intracellular Ca2+. Two family members, ANO 1 (TMEM16A) and ANO 2 (TMEM16B), are expressed in the various sensory and respiratory tissues of the nose. We have examined the tissue specificity and sub-cellular localization of these channels in the nasal respiratory epithelium and in the five chemosensory organs of the nose: the main olfactory epithelium, the septal organ of Masera, the vomeronasal organ, the Grueneberg ganglion and the trigeminal system. We have found that the two channels show mutually exclusive expression patterns. ANO 1 is present in the apical membranes of various secretory epithelia in which it is co-localized with the water channel aquaporin 5. It has also been detected in acinar cells and duct cells of subepithelial glands and in the supporting cells of sensory epithelia. In contrast, ANO 2 expression is restricted to chemosensory neurons in which it has been detected in microvillar and ciliary surface structures. The different expression patterns of ANO 1 and ANO 2 have been observed in the olfactory, vomeronasal and respiratory epithelia. No expression has been detected in the Grueneberg ganglion or trigeminal sensory fibers. On the basis of this differential expression, we derive the main functional features of ANO 1 and ANO 2 chloride channels in the nose and suggest their significance for nasal physiology.  相似文献   
To complement our knowledge about the karyotypes of the genus Vernonia Schreb., different techniques of chromosome banding, including AgNOR, triple staining with fluorochromes CMA/DA/DAPI (CDD), and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for the 45S rDNA probe, were applied to three species of subsection Macrocephalae. Vernonia bardanoides was collected from an area of cerrado (savanna) vegetation in Itirapina, São Paulo State, Brazil, and V. linearifolia and V. tomentella were collected from areas of rocky, open altitudinal vegetation in Joaquim Felicio and Diamantina, respectively, in Minas Gerais State. All species showed two terminal CMA+ and NOR bands. FISH indicated two terminal 45S rDNA sites in V. linearifolia and V. tomentella, and six in V. bardanoides.  相似文献   
Forty-eight species of Astragalus L. sections Onobrychoidei DC., Uliginosi Gray and Ornithopodium Bunge (Fabaceae) in Turkey were studied in order to describe and investigate their seed morphologies and to evaluate the diagnostic value of this character using a stereoscopic microscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). SEM pictures of seeds were taken as a whole and in detail. The systematic implications of the findings are discussed. Six main seed types were observed. A key to identifying the different seed types is provided.  相似文献   


During natural fertilization, sperm fusion with the oocyte induces long lasting intracellular calcium oscillations which in turn are responsible for oocyte activation. PLCZ1 has been identified as the factor that the sperm delivers into the egg to induce such a response. We tested the hypothesis that PLCZ1 cRNA injection can be used to activate bovine oocytes.  相似文献   
Objectives: Detecting whether a possible disequilibrium between the excitatory and inhibitory interhemispheric interactions in paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (PKD) exists.

Methods: This study assessed measures of motor threshold, motor evoked potential latency, the cortical silent period, the ipsilateral silent period and the transcallosal conduction time (TCT) in PKD patients. Data were compared between the clinically affected hemisphere (aH) and the fellow hemisphere (fH).

Results: The transcallosal conduction time from the aH to the fH was 11.8?ms (range?=?2.3–20.7) and 13.6?ms (range?=?2.8–67.7) from the fH to the aH. The difference in TCT in the affected side was significant (p?=?.019).

Conclusion: The findings demonstrated that, although inhibitory interneurons act normally and symmetrically between the motor cortices and transcallosal inhibition was normal and symmetrical between both sides, the onset of transcallosal inhibition was asymmetrical. The affected hemisphere’s inhibition toward the unaffected hemisphere is faster compared to the inhibition provided by the fellow hemisphere. These results are consistent with an inhibitory deficit in the level of interhemispheric interactions.

Significance: This study revealed a defect in inhibition of the motor axis could be responsible in the pathological mechanisms of kinesigenic dyskinesia.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been implicated in the pathogenesis of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis. The effects of aminoguanidine and erdosteine on the bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis were evaluated in rats. The animals were placed into five groups: Vehicle + vehicle, vehicle + bleomycin (2.5 U/kg), bleomycin + aminoguanidine (200 mg/kg), bleomycin + erdosteine (10 mg/kg), and bleomycin + erdosteine + aminoguanidine. Bleomycin administration resulted in prominent lung fibrosis as measured by lung hydroxyproline content and lung histology, which is completely prevented by erdosteine and aminoguanidine. A strong staining for nitro tyrosine antibody in lung tissue and increased levels of lung NO were found in bleomycin group, that were significantly reduced by aminoguanidine and erdosteine. Aminoguanidine and erdosteine significantly prevented depletion of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase and elevated myeloperoxidase activities, malondialdehyde level in lung tissue produced by bleomycin. Data presented here indicate that aminoguanidine and erdosteine prevented bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis and that nitric oxide mediated tyrosine nitration of proteins plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis. Also our data suggest that antifibrotic affect of antioxidants may be due to their inhibitory effect on nitric oxide generation in this model.  相似文献   
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