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A new fluorescent amino acid, L-2-acridonylalanine, was incorporated into proteins at specific positions using 4-base codon/anticodon strategy. The efficiency of the incorporation was high enough to obtain enough quantities of the mutants. The acridonyl group was highly fluorescent when it was excited at the wavelengths of blue-lasers and was highly photodurable compared with conventional fluorophores often used for biological analyses. The fluorescence intensity was sensitive to small changes in the polarity of the environment. When the nonnatural amino acid was incorporated into specific positions of streptavidin, the mutant protein worked as a fluorescent sensor to biotin. Similarly, when the amino acid was incorporated into camel single-chain antibody, the mutant protein sensitively responded to the antigen molecule. The high incorporation efficiency, the high photodurability, the excitability with blue-lasers, and high sensitivity to the environment make the acridonylalanine as the promising fluorescent amino acid for sensing small molecules when incorporated into specific positions of various antibodies, receptors, and enzymes.  相似文献   
Sclerosteosis is an autosomal recessive disease that is characterized by overgrowth of bone tissue and is linked to mutations in the gene encoding the secreted protein SOST. Sclerosteosis shares remarkable similarities with "high bone mass" diseases caused by "gain-of-function" mutations in the LRP5 gene, which encodes a coreceptor for Wnt signaling proteins. We show here that SOST antagonizes Wnt signaling in Xenopus embryos and mammalian cells by binding to the extracellular domain of the Wnt coreceptors LRP5 and LRP6 and disrupting Wnt-induced Frizzled-LRP complex formation. Our findings suggest that SOST is an antagonist for Wnt signaling and that the loss of SOST function likely leads to the hyperactivation of Wnt signaling that underlies bone overgrowth seen in sclerosteosis patients.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic cells have developed specific mechanisms to overcome environmental stress. Here we show that the Src homology 2/3 (SH2/SH3) domain-containing protein Nck-1 prevents the unfolded protein response normally induced by pharmacological endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress agents. Overexpression of Nck-1 enhances protein translation, whereas it abrogates eukaryotic initiation factor 2alpha (eIF2alpha) phosphorylation and inhibition of translation in response to tunicamycin or thapsigargin treatment. Nck-1 overexpression also attenuates induction of the ER chaperone, the immunoglobulin heavy chain-binding protein (BiP), and impairs cell survival in response to thapsigargin. We provided evidence that in these conditions, the effects of Nck on the unfolded protein response (UPR) involve its second SH3 domain and a calyculin A-sensitive phosphatase activity. In addition, we demonstrated that protein translation is reduced in mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking both Nck isoforms and is enhanced in similar cells expressing high levels of Nck-1. In these various mouse embryonic fibroblasts, we also provided evidence that Nck modulates the activation of the ER resident eIF2alpha kinase PERK and consequently the phosphorylation of eIF2alpha on Ser-51 in response to stress. Our study establishes that Nck is required for optimal protein translation and demonstrates that, in addition to its adaptor function in mediating signaling from the plasma membrane, Nck also mediates signaling from the ER membrane compartment.  相似文献   
Exposure of the giant marine alga Valonia utricularis to acute hypo-osmotic shocks induces a transient increase in turgor pressure and subsequent back-regulation. Separate recording of the electrical properties of tonoplast and plasmalemma together with turgor pressure was performed by using a vacuolar perfusion assembly. Hypo-osmotic turgor pressure regulation was inhibited by external addition of 300 microM of the membrane-permeable ion channel blocker 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB). In the presence of 100 microM NPPB, regulation could only be inhibited by simultaneous external addition of 200 microM 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), a membrane-impermeable inhibitor of Cl(-) transport. At concentrations of about 100 microM, NPPB seems to selectively inhibit Cl(-) transporters in the tonoplast and K(+) transporters in the plasmalemma, whereas 300 microM NPPB inhibits K(+) and Cl(-) transporters in both membranes. Evidence was achieved by measuring the tonoplast and plasmalemma conductances (G(t) and G(p)) in low-Cl(-) and K(+)-free artificial seawater. Inhibition of turgor pressure regulation by 300 microM NPPB was accompanied by about 85% reduction of G(t) and G(p). Vacuolar addition of sulfate, an inhibitor of tonoplast Cl(-) transporters, together with external addition of DIDS and Ba(2+) (an inhibitor of K(+) transporters) also strongly reduced G(p) and G(t) but did not affect hypo-osmotic turgor pressure regulation. These and many other findings suggest that KCl efflux partly occurs via electrically silent transport systems. Candidates are vacuolar entities that are disconnected from the huge and many-folded central vacuole or that become disconnected upon disproportionate swelling of originally interconnected vacuolar entities upon acute hypo-osmotic challenge.  相似文献   
Quinaldine 4-oxidase (Qox), which catalyzes the hydroxylation of quinaldine to 1H-4-oxoquinaldine, is a heterotrimeric (LMS)2 molybdo-iron/sulfur flavoprotein belonging to the xanthine oxidase family. Variants of Qox were generated by site-directed mutagenesis. Replacement in the large subunit at E736, which is presumed to be located close to the molybdenum, by aspartate (QoxLE736D) resulted in a marked decrease in kcat app for quinaldine, while Km app was largely unaffected. Although a minor reduction of the glutamine substituted variant QoxLE736Q by quinaldine occurred, its activity was below detection, indicating that the carboxylate group of E736 is crucial for catalysis. Replacement of cysteine ligands C40, C45, or C60 (FeSII) and of the C120 or C154 ligands to FeSI in the small subunit of Qox by serine led to decreased iron contents of the protein preparations. Substitutions C40S and C45S (Fe1 of FeSII) suppressed the characteristic FeSII EPR signals and significantly reduced catalytic activity. In QoxSC154S (Fe1 of FeSI), the g-factor components of FeSI were drastically changed. In contrast, Qox proteins with substitutions of C48 and C60 (Fe2 of FeSII), and of the C120 ligand at Fe2 of FeSI, retained considerable activity and showed less pronounced changes in their EPR parameters. Taken together, the properties of the Qox variants suggest that Fe1 of both FeSI and FeSII are the reducible iron sites, whereas the Fe2 ions remain in the ferric state. The location of the reducible iron sites of FeSI and FeSII appears to be conserved in enzymes of the xanthine oxidase family.  相似文献   
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