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以花生品种花育25号为试验材料,采用盆栽试验研究了开花期干旱和盐分胁迫对花生生长发育和荚果产量的影响,并运用高通量测序技术分析干旱、盐胁迫及旱盐双重胁迫下,花生根际土壤细菌群落结构的变化特征。结果表明: 不同胁迫处理花生根际土壤细菌群落均以变形菌门、放线菌门、Saccharibacteria、绿弯菌门、蓝藻菌门和酸杆菌门为主。干旱、盐胁迫及旱盐双重胁迫均不同程度降低了变形菌门和放线菌门的相对丰度,但显著提高了蓝藻菌门的含量,且旱盐双重胁迫较其单一胁迫引起的根际蓝藻菌门丰度变化更显著。土壤细菌功能预测分析显示,信号转导机制、防御机制及翻译后修饰、蛋白质周转和分子伴侣等相关功能在旱盐双重胁迫的细菌中活性更强,可能对花生生长及胁迫应答具有重要影响。统计学分析显示,开花期干旱、盐胁迫和旱盐双重胁迫严重影响花生生长发育,并显著降低产量。研究结果可为通过改良土壤微生物环境来提高植物胁迫耐受性提供参考。  相似文献   
病毒融合蛋白可以分为三种类型,不同类型的病毒融合蛋白的结构差异很大,但是会采用相似的\"发卡\"构象实现融合.在一定条件下,病毒融合蛋白的疏水结构域,融合环或融合肽插入靶膜中,通过其自身折叠形成发卡使病毒和宿主的膜靠近.与此同时,融合蛋白构象变化会释放出足够的能量将双方膜打破并完成融合.本文中,我们总结了三种类型病毒融合蛋白的特征,并对其中央发卡三聚体结构域、跨膜结构域以及近膜结构域在融合过程中的作用进行了论述.  相似文献   
Many gram-negative bacteria use type III secretion systems to translocate effector proteins into host cells. These effectors interfere with cellular functions in a highly regulated manner resulting in effects that are beneficial for the bacteria. The pathogen Yersinia can resist phagocytosis by eukaryotic cells by translocating Yop effectors into the target cell cytoplasm. This is called antiphagocytosis, and constitutes an important virulence feature of this pathogen since it allows survival in immune cell rich lymphoid organs. We show here that the virulence protein YopK has a role in orchestrating effector translocation necessary for productive antiphagocytosis. We present data showing that YopK influences Yop effector translocation by modulating the ratio of the pore-forming proteins YopB and YopD in the target cell membrane. Further, we show that YopK that can interact with the translocators, is exposed inside target cells and binds to the eukaryotic signaling protein RACK1. This protein is engaged upon Y. pseudotuberculosis-mediated β1-integrin activation and localizes to phagocytic cups. Cells with downregulated RACK1 levels are protected from antiphagocytosis. This resistance is not due to altered levels of translocated antiphagocytic effectors, and cells with reduced levels of RACK1 are still sensitive to the later occurring cytotoxic effect caused by the Yop effectors. Further, a yopK mutant unable to bind RACK1 shows an avirulent phenotype during mouse infection, suggesting that RACK1 targeting by YopK is a requirement for virulence. Together, our data imply that the local event of Yersinia-mediated antiphagocytosis involves a step where YopK, by binding RACK1, ensures an immediate specific spatial delivery of antiphagocytic effectors leading to productive inhibition of phagocytosis.  相似文献   
We compared four types of 30‐year‐old forest stands growing on spoil of opencast oil shale mines in Estonia. The stand types were: (1) natural stands formed by spontaneous succession, and plantations of (2) Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine), (3) Betula pendula (silver birch), and (4) Alnus glutinosa (European black alder). In all stands we measured properties of the tree layer (species richness, stand density, and volume of growing stock), understory (density and species richness of shrubs and tree saplings), and ground vegetation (aboveground biomass, species richness, and species diversity). The tree layer was most diverse though sparse in the natural stands. Understory species richness per 100‐m2 plot was highest in the natural stand, but total stand richness was equal in the natural and alder stands, which were higher than the birch and pine stands. The understory sapling density was lower than 50 saplings/100 m2 in the plantations, while it varied between 50 and 180 saplings/100 m2 in the natural stands. Growing stock volume was the least in natural stands and greatest in birch stands. The aboveground biomass of ground vegetation was highest in alder stands and lowest in the pine stands. We can conclude that spontaneous succession promotes establishment of diverse vegetation. In plantations the establishment of diverse ground vegetation depends on planted tree species.  相似文献   
 Science杂志于2001年发表了方精云等人关于中国森林植被碳库及其变化的论文(Fang et al., 2001, 291: 2320~2322)。该文利用大量的生物量实测数据,结合使用中国50年来的森林资源清查资料及相关的统计资料,基于生物量换算因子连续函数法,研究了中国森林植被碳库及其时空变化。这是一个大时空尺度的工作,涉及一些大尺度生态学研究的原理、方法以及尺度转换问题。由于篇幅所限,论文并未详细说明这些问题。为了帮助理解大尺度生态学研究的方法和思路,本文给出了论文中涉及生物量计算的理论基础,对  相似文献   
新疆生态用水量的初步估算   总被引:74,自引:5,他引:74  
贾宝全  慈龙骏 《生态学报》2000,20(2):243-250
以新疆为例 ,在干旱区生态用水的概念与分类基础上 ,依据部分试验资料及理论公式推导结果 ,确定了各类生态用水的用水定额 ,并以林业、草场资源等统计数据为依据 ,对新疆 1 995年的生态用水进行了初步估算。结果表明 ,全疆生态用水总量达 2 3 7.9× 1 0 8m3。其地区分布情况是北疆占 1 7.8%,东疆占 5.4 %,南疆占 76.8%。就其类型而言 ,天然植被生态用水量最大 ,其中又以低地草甸为最大  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯高原北缘水分梯度下天然植被分布格局初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以鄂尔多斯高原杭锦旗北部独贵塔拉镇的过渡带为研究对象,通过样线调查,研究了水分梯度下天然植被的空间分布规律.TWINSPAN的分类结果表明,群落以中生和旱生为主,一些耐盐的植物散布其中;相邻样方间相似性指数的变化反映了不同类型群落在研究区内的镶嵌分布,从而形成了该区域内群落的多样性和复杂性.对植被样方与地形地貌因子的CCA排序结果显示,植被群落空间格局的形成更多地取决于区域内的水分变化梯度.在本文的研究尺度上,这种水分变化梯度主要由微地形地貌的变化来决定,而不是由与黄河的距离因子来决定.因此,在本区域的土地开发利用过程中,应充分考虑目前已经形成的相对稳定的地形地貌单元特点,在缺乏完善的风沙防护措施和排水除盐措施的情况下,不宜采取大规模平整土地进行综合开发.  相似文献   
Water relations and gas exchange were studied in the crowns of small European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) trees with respect to branch position. The upper-crown branches showed significantly higher branch sap flux rate (F la) and branch conductance (g b) compared to the lower crown (P<0.001). Values of leaf conductance (g l), transpiration rate (E) and net photosynthesis (A), averaged for different ranges of atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (VPD), were also higher in the upper crown position. We suppose that the up to 2.6-fold smaller soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance observed in the lower branches (P<0.001, compared to upper branches) could contribute to the decreased values of F la, g b, g l, and E in the lower crown position. Variation in tracheid lumen diameter with respect to crown position (P<0.001) supported the hypothesis that branches growing at the crown base are hydraulically more constrained than branches located at the top of the tree. Leaf area to sapwood area ratio (A la/A sa) exhibited 1.4 times smaller values in lower crown (P<0.01), however, this could not compensate the effect of decreased hydraulic conductivity of the lower-crown branches.  相似文献   
利用全林木定位的方法, 对地表火干扰1年后的樟子松(Pinus sylvestris L. var. mongolica Litv.)林进行调查, 并通过假设检验和成对相关函数对其林火及林分结构特征和空间格局进行分析。结果表明, 林火强度相似的同一场地表火干扰下, 不同林分的密度均大大降低, 胸高断面积仅略有下降, 林分结构特征则有趋同的态势。不同林分的空间格局也有相似的变化趋势, 烧死木均表现为显著的双尺度聚集分布及显著的正相关, 活立木也表现出显著的正相关; 地表火干扰前后, 樟子松林的空间格局均为显著的聚集分布, 但地表火干扰后其聚集分布的尺度范围变小; 存活林木中, 大树和幼树则呈现出相互独立或略微排斥的关系。显然, 地表火驱动下, 不同樟子松林的空间格局呈现出相似的变化趋势, 并推动其向着成熟林方向演替, 这对天然樟子松林的资源保护和经营管理有着重要意义。  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) is mainly generated by endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) or neuronal NOS (nNOS). Recent studies indicate that angiotensin II generates NO release, which modulates renal vascular resistance and sympathetic neurotransmission. Experiments in wild-type [eNOS(+/+) and nNOS(+/+)], eNOS-deficient [eNOS(-/-)], and nNOS-deficient [nNOS(-/-)] mice were performed to determine which NOS isoform is involved. Isolated mice kidneys were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution. Endogenous norepinephrine release was measured by HPLC. Angiotensin II dose dependently increased renal vascular resistance in all mice species. EC(50) and maximal pressor responses to angiotensin II were greater in eNOS(-/-) than in nNOS(-/-) and smaller in wild-type mice. The nonselective NOS inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 0.3 mM) enhanced angiotensin II-induced pressor responses in nNOS(-/-) and wild-type mice but not in eNOS(-/-) mice. In nNOS(+/+) mice, 7-nitroindazole monosodium salt (7-NINA; 0.3 mM), a selective nNOS inhibitor, enhanced angiotensin II-induced pressor responses slightly. Angiotensin II-enhanced renal nerve stimulation induced norepinephrine release in all species. L-NAME (0.3 mM) reduced angiotensin II-mediated facilitation of norepinephrine release in nNOS(-/-) and wild-type mice but not in eNOS(-/-) mice. 7-NINA failed to modulate norepinephrine release in nNOS(+/+) mice. (4-Chlorophrnylthio)guanosine-3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate (0.1 nM) increased norepinephrine release. mRNA expression of eNOS, nNOS, and inducible NOS did not differ between mice strains. In conclusion, angiotensin II-mediated effects on renal vascular resistance and sympathetic neurotransmission are modulated by NO in mice. These effects are mediated by eNOS and nNOS, but NO derived from eNOS dominates. Only NO derived from eNOS seems to modulate angiotensin II-mediated renal norepinephrine release.  相似文献   
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