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Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is a secreted, extracellular matrix-associated signaling protein that regulates diverse cellular functions. In vivo, CTGF is expressed in many tissues with highest levels in the kidney and brain. The purpose of this study was twofold; first, to localize CTGF in normal bone in vivo during growth and repair, and second, to examine CTGF expression and function in primary osteoblast cultures in vitro and test its effect on bone formation in vivo. Northern and Western blot analyses confirmed that CTGF is expressed in normal long bones during the period of growth or modeling. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated intense staining for CTGF mRNA and protein in osteoblasts lining metaphyseal trabeculae. Examination of CTGF expression in the fracture callus demonstrated that it was primarily localized in osteoblasts lining active, osteogenic surfaces. In primary osteoblast cultures, CTGF mRNA levels demonstrated a bimodal pattern of expression, being high during the peak of the proliferative period, abating as the cells became confluent, and increasing to peak levels and remaining high during mineralization. This pattern suggests that CTGF may play a role in osteoblast proliferation and differentiation as previously demonstrated for fibroblasts and chondrocytes. Treatment of primary osteoblast cultures with anti-CTGF neutralizing antibody caused a dose-dependent inhibition of nodule formation and mineralization. Treatment of primary osteoblast cultures with recombinant CTGF (rCTGF) caused an increase in cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase activity, and calcium deposition, thereby establishing a functional connection between CTGF and osteoblast differentiation. In vivo delivery of rCTGF into the femoral marrow cavity induced osteogenesis that was associated with increased angiogenesis. This study clearly shows that CTGF is important for osteoblast development and function both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
The amino terminus of phospholipase D1 (PLD1) contains three potential membrane-interacting determinants: a phox homology (PX) domain, a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain and two adjacent cysteines at positions 240 and 241 within the PH domain that are fatty acylated in vivo. To understand how these determinants contribute to membrane localization, we have mutagenized critical residues of the PLD1 PH domain in the wild type or palmitate-free background in the intact protein, in a fragment that deletes the first 210 amino acids including the PX domain, and in the isolated PH domain. Mutants were expressed in COS-7 cells and examined for membrane residence, intracellular localization, palmitoylation, and catalytic activity. Our results are as follows. 1) Mutagenesis of critical residues of the PH domain results in redistribution of PLD1 from membranes to cytosol, independently of fatty acylation sites. Importantly, PH domain mutants in the wild type background showed greatly reduced fatty acylation, despite the presence of all relevant cysteines. 2) The isolated PH domain did not co-localize with PLD1 and was not palmitoylated. 3) The PX deletion mutant showed similar distribution and palmitoylation to the intact protein. Interestingly, PH domain mutants in this background showed significant palmitoylation and incomplete cytosolic redistribution. 4) PH domain mutants in the wild type or palmitate-free background maintained catalytic activity. We propose that membrane targeting of PLD1 involves a hierarchy of signals with a functional PH domain allowing fatty acylation leading to strong membrane binding. The PX domain may modulate function of the PH domain.  相似文献   
The involvement of reduction/oxidation (redox) state in cell sensitivity to apoptosis has been suggested by several studies in which induction of apoptosis was shown to require oxidative stress or GSH extrusion. On the other hand, biochemical studies of caspases revealed that their activation necessitates a reduced cysteine in their active site. This is ensured by maintaining intact intracellular glutathione status during apoptotic induction as reported by in vivo studies. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between intracellular glutathione levels and the sensitivity of mouse hepatocytes in culture to Fas-induced apoptosis as well as potential mechanisms responsible for this sensitivity. We found that total and reduced glutathione levels are decreased by one-half after cell isolation procedure and further decline by 25% during cell culture for 2 h in normal Williams' E medium. Cell culture in medium supplemented with cysteine and methionine maintains glutathione at a level similar to that measured just after cell isolation. Results show that the capacity of Fas to activate caspase-8 and to induce apoptosis requires important intracellular glutathione levels and high GSH/total glutathione ratio. In conclusion, the present study shows that intracellular glutathione plays an important role in maintaining the apoptotic machinery functional and is thus capable of transmitting the apoptotic signal.  相似文献   
A new class of acyclic nucleoside phosphonates PMAMG, PMAMA, PMAMC, and PMAMT (compounds 1, 2, 3 and 4) have been synthesized and tested in vitro against a wide variety of viruses, fungi and bacteria. PMAMG (1) was synthesized by the alkylation reaction of acetylguanine with the phosphonate side-chain, diisopropyl [[2-(bromomethyl)aziridin-1-yl]]methylphosphonate (9), followed by deesterification reaction in the presence of TMSBr. In similar way, PMAMA, PMAMC, and PMAMT were prepared.  相似文献   
Bacteriocin release proteins (BRPs) can be used for the release of heterologous proteins from the Escherichia coli cytoplasm into the culture medium. The gene for a highly thermostable alkaline protease was cloned from Bacillus stearothermophilus F1 by the polymerase chain reaction. The recombinant F1 protease was efficiently excreted into the culture medium using E. coli XL1-Blue harboring two vectors: pTrcHis bearing the protease gene and pJL3 containing the BRPs. Both vectors contain the E. coli lac promoter-operator system. In the presence of 40 microM IPTG, the recombinant F1 protease and the BRP were expressed and mature F1 protease was released into the culture medium. This opens the way for the large-scale production of this protease in E. coli. The recombinant enzyme was purified through a one-step heat treatment at 70 degrees C for 3h and this method purified the protease to near homogeneity. The purified enzyme showed a pH optimum of 9.0, temperature optimum of 80 degrees C, and was stable at 70 degrees C for 24h in the pH range from 8.0 to 10.0. The enzyme exhibited a high degree of thermostability with a half-life of 4 h at 85 degrees C, 25 min at 90 degrees C, and was inhibited by the serine protease inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF).  相似文献   
PCR-denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), a method suitable for the detection of microbial species in complex ecosystems, was evaluated for the detection and identification of Helicobacter spp. in feces and stomach tissue of mice. Two commercially available stool antigen tests for clinical diagnostics in humans were also evaluated in the C57Bl/6 mouse model of H. pylori infection. PCR-DGGE detected only Helicobacter ganmani in feces from H. pylori-infected as well as control animals, whereas in stomach specimens it demonstrated the presence of H. pylori in challenged and H. ganmani in control animals. Hence, the method detected DNA only of the predominant Helicobacter spp., which was also shown in cell dilution experiments. The Amplified IDEIA Hp StAR feces antigen test detected H. pylori in feces from all infected animals and generated no false-positive results, whereas the Premier Platinum HpSA-test also detected H. pylori in all infected animals but generated false-positive or equivocal results in 50% of the control animals. Premier Platinum HpSA, as opposed to Hp StAR, cross-reacted with non-pylori Helicobacter spp. in vitro.  相似文献   
Calcineurin mediates repression of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase-4 (PMCA4) expression in neurons, whereas c-Myb is known to repress PMCA1 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Here, we describe a novel mouse VSMC line (MOVAS) in which 45Ca efflux rates decreased 50%, fura 2-AM-based intracellular Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i) increased twofold, and real-time RT-PCR and Western blot revealed a 40% decrease in PMCA4 expression levels from G0 to G1/S in the cell cycle, where PMCA4 constituted 20% of total PMCA protein. Although calcineurin activity increased fivefold as MOVAS progressed from G0 to G1/S, inhibition of this increase with either BAPTA or retroviral transduction with peptide inhibitors of calcineurin (CAIN), or its downstream target nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) (VIVIT), had no effect on the repression of PMCA4 mRNA expression at G1/S. By contrast, Ca2+-independent activity of the calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-II (CaMK-II) increased eightfold as MOVAS progressed from G0 to G1/S, and treatment with an inhibitor of CaMK-II (KN-93) or transduction of a c-Myb-neutralizing antibody significantly alleviated the G1/S-associated repression of PMCA4. These data show that G1/S-specific PMCA4 repression in proliferating VSMC is brought about by c-Myb and CaMK-II and that calcineurin may regulate cell cycle-associated [Ca2+]i through alternate targets. calcineurin; c-Myb; plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase-4; cell cycle  相似文献   
The horse fly fauna of Jordan consists of 24 species belonging to seven genera. The present study adds two new records; Tabanus unifasciatus and Tabanus lunatus. Keys and illustrations for the horse flies of Jordan are presented based on examined materials. Distribution and geographic ranges for each species is also given.  相似文献   
Neural tube defects (NTDs) are severe congenital malformations and can be fatal. Intake of 0.4 mg folic in the periconceptional period reduces the risk of NTD by 50-70%. Consanguinity in the Arab population in Israel is a prevalent custom. The aim of this study was to assess the level of awareness regarding folic acid and its effect in the prevention of NTD among Arab Israeli women of childbearing age. We conducted a cross-sectional study. Of the 653 women (18-45 years) who were randomly selected for interview while visiting their family physician or well-baby clinic, 624 women completed the questionnaire. Fifty-three percent (n = 333) of the respondents had heard of folic acid; 14% (n = 89) were familiar with the protective effect of NTD and 3% (n = 18) had taken folic acid in the first months of pregnancy whereas none of them had used it in the preconception period. Highly educated women, women with one or two children, paramedics, and women of high socioeconomic status were more knowledgeable about the protective effects of folic acid (P < 0.001). Age and religion had no significant effect. An urgent need exists to improve the awareness of this population to the protective effect of folic acid. Daily supplementation and fertification of food with folic acid should be considered as the best way to improve the balance of folic acid in women of childbearing age of this special population (high prevalence of consanguinity).  相似文献   
Several pieces of evidence have demonstrated the importance of reduction/oxidation (redox) signaling in biological processes, including sensitivity toward apoptosis. In parallel, it was recently reported that growth factors induce the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that the anti-apoptotic effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) was mediated by changes in the redox state of hepatocytes through changes in GSH stocks. Isolated mouse hepatocytes were cultured and exposed to anti-Fas stimulation in order to induce apoptosis. Cell death by apoptosis was assessed by Hoechst 33258 staining and by measuring caspase-3 proteolysis activity. Cell treatment with EGF significantly decreased total (GSx) and reduced (GSH) glutathione levels in the presence and the absence of anti-Fas. Furthermore, glutathione reductase activity was lower in EGF-treated cultures (by 28%) as compared to untreated cultures which lead to a significant decline in GSH/GSx ratio. These effects were found to be EGF-receptor tyrosine kinase activity dependent. Co-stimulation of cells with anti-Fas and EGF attenuated caspase-3 activation and cell death by apoptosis by 70%. GSH monoethylester (GSHmee) significantly attenuated the effect of EGF on GSH and GSH/GSx ratio. It caused an increase in caspase-3 activation and in the percentage of apoptotic cells in anti-Fas + EGF-treated cells, thus resulting in a 53% decline in the protective effect of EGF. In conclusion, EGF induces a significant and specific depletion and oxidization of intracellular GSH, paralleled by a protection against Fas-induced apoptosis. GSH repenishment partly counteracted these effects suggesting that GSH depletion contributed to the protective effect of EGF against caspase-3 activation and cell death by apoptosis.  相似文献   
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