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Acidification inside the vacuo-lysosome systems is ubiquitous in eukaryotic organisms and essential for organelle functions. The acidification of these organelles is accomplished by proton-translocating ATPase belonging to the V-type H+-ATPase superfamily. However, in terms of chemiosmotic energy transduction, electrogenic proton pumping alone is not sufficient to establish and maintain those compartments inside acidic. Current studies have shown that thein situ acidification depends upon the activity of V-ATPase and vacuolar anion conductance; the latter is required for shunting a membrane potential (interior positive) generated by the positively charged proton translocation. Yeast vacuoles possess two distinct Cl transport systems both participating in the acidification inside the vacuole, a large acidic compartment with digestive and storage functions. These two transport systems have distinct characteristics for their kinetics of Cl uptake or sensitivity to a stilbene derivative. One shows linear dependence on a Cl concentration and is inhibited by 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-stilbenedisulfonic acid (DIDS). The other shows saturable kinetics with an apparentK m for Cl of approximately 20 mM. Molecular mechanisms of the chemiosmotic coupling in the vacuolar ion transport and acidification inside are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial genes for enzymes that desaturate fatty acids at the 12 position, designated desA, were isolated from Synechocystis PCC6714, Synechococcus PCC7002 and Anabaena variabilis by crosshybridization with a DNA probe derived from the desA gene of Synechocystis PCC6803. The genes of Synechocystis PCC6714, Synechococcus PCC7002 and A. variabilis encode proteins of 349, 347 and 350 amino acid residues, respectively. The transformation of Synechococcus PCC7942 with the desA genes from Synechocystis PCC6714, Synechococcus PCC7002 and A. variabilis was associated with the ability to introduce a second double bond at the 12 position of fatty acids. The amino acid sequence of the products of the desA genes revealed the presence of four conserved domains. Since one of the conserved domains was also found in the amino acid sequences of 3 desaturases of Brassica napus and mung bean, this domain may play an essential role in the introduction of a double bond into fatty acids bound to membrane lipids.Abbreviations X:Y(Z) fatty acid containing X carbon atoms with Y double bonds in the cis configuration at position Z counted from the carboxyl terminus  相似文献   
We have used the promoter, 1st exon and 1st intron of the maize polyubiquitin gene (Ubi-1) for rice transformation experiments and revealed the characteristic expression of Ubi-1 gene: (1) Ubi-1 gene is not regulated systemically but rather individual cells respond independently to the heat or physical stress; (2) Ubi-1 gene changes its tissue-specific expression in response to stress treatment; (3) the expression of Ubi-1 gene is dependent on cell cycle.  相似文献   
Measuring the ratio of the number of photooriented chloroplaststo the total number of chloroplasts, we found that photoorientationof chloroplasts in protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneriscould be induced by brief irradiation with polarized red light.After irradiation with red light (R) of 3 or 10 min, orientationalmovement was detected as early as 10 min after the irradiation;it continued during the subsequent dark period for 30–60min, after which chloroplasts gradually dispersed again. WhenR-treated protonemata were irradiated briefly with a second10-min pulse of R, 60 min after the onset of the first irradiation,the orientational response of chloroplasts was again observed.Typical red/far-red photoreversibility was apparent in the response,indicating the involvement of phytochrome. By contrast, irradiationwith polarized blue light for 10 min was ineffective, whileirradiation with blue light (B) at the same fluence for a longerperiod of time clearly induced the photoorientation of chloroplasts.It is likely that longterm irradiation is necessary for theresponse mediated by a blue-light receptor. When protonemata were irradiated with far-red light (FR) immediatelyafter R or after a subsequent dark period of 10 min, the magnitudeof the orientational response was smaller and chloroplasts dispersedmore quickly than those exposed to R alone. When FR was appliedat 50 min, when the response to R had reached the maximum level,chloroplasts again dispersed rapidly to their dark positions.These results indicate that PFR not only induces the photoorientationmovement of chloroplasts but also fixes the chloroplasts atthe sites to which they have moved as a result of photoorientation. (Received June 2, 1993; Accepted January 11, 1994)  相似文献   
Abstract. Comparison of the results of immunohistochemical expression, such as proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in archival material of tumours, with the clinical course is extremely valuable in determining the biological malignant potential of newly detected tumours. To obtain stable and reproducible results of immunohistochemical expression of the PCNA of tumours, we studied the optimal conditions of fNation, processing and staining of samples using animal-implanted MBT-2 cells derived from chemical-induced mouse bladder carcinoma and PC10, a monoclonal antibody for PCNA. The intensity of staining and PCNA positive rates were stable and reproducible when resected specimens from the tumours were covered with gauze wetted with physiological saline at room temperature before fixation for less than 12 h, fixation in formaldehyde was less than 48 h, and paraffin-embedded sections were dried for less than 1 h. The most clear staining of PCNA positive nuclei was observed when 10% neutral buffered formaldehyde was used as a fixative. The PCNA positive rates obtained under these conditions was compared with the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) labelling indices. Although the average PCNA positive rate was significantly higher than the BrdUrd labelling index (P?0.01), a significant correlation between PCNA positive rates and BrdUrd labelling indices was observed. In order to study the cell cycle related expression of PCNA, Ehrlich ascites tumour cells were separated by centrifugal elutriation. PCNA positive nuclei were observed in all phases of the cell cycle including G,. Occurrence of PCNA positive G1 cells was expected at a half-life of the PCNA-protein of 20 h and a tumour cell doubling time of about 24h. Thus, the percentage of PCNA positive nuclei in a conventionally paraffin-embedded specimen of a tumour reflects both the growth fraction and the doubling time of the tumour and it may be a useful parameter of the biological malignant potential of tumours.  相似文献   
Phototropism of youngAdiantum fern leaves is induced by red light as well as blue light. The red light response is mediated by phytochrome. This is the first evidence of phytochrome action in diploid fern tissue. The blue light response is mainly mediated not by phytochrome, but probably by a blue light-absorbing pigment as in the case of almost all plants and fungi. The red light-induced phototropism becomes detectable within 2 hr after the onset of unilateral light. The highest bending rate is about 10 degrees/hr, which occurs between 3–5 hr after the induction of the tropic response. The bending region is about 6–8 mm from the highest point of the coiled crozier where the growth rate becomes slow.  相似文献   
Seiichi Ueda 《Mycoscience》1994,35(3):287-290
A new species ofCercophora, isolated from river sediment collected from Sakai River in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from the other knwon species by the morphology of its ascomatal peridium and ascospores, and by itsChrysosporium-like anamorph.  相似文献   
The cartilage pattern of the developing chick limb changes along the proximal-distal (PD) axis. It is assumed that these spatial changes are brought about by differences in the cellular properties of distal mesoderm, the progress zone (PZ). To examine whether these differences are actually maintained in the individual cells composing the PZ, we dissociated early (stage 20) and late (stage 25) PZ tissues into single cells, then mixed and recombined them with ectodermal jackets. The recombinants were grafted to limb bud stumps and allowed to develop into limb-like structures. Early PZ cells were distributed within whole cartilage elements along the PD axis of the limb-like structures, while cells from late PZ participated only in the formation of distal cartilage elements.
A difference in distribution pattern between the cells of early and late PZ in mixed culture was also observed. Cells of early PZ aggregated rapidly in patches and formed cartilage nodules, while the cells of late PZ distributed in regions surrounding these cell aggregates and gradually differentiated to cartilage cells. These results suggest that the cellular properties in the PZ concerning the rate of chondrogenic aggregate formation change during limb bud development, and that this change may relate to the cartilage pattern formation along the PD axis.  相似文献   
The helicities in various fragments of bovine serum albumin (BSA) were examined in the thermal denaturation and in sodium docecyl sulfate (SDS) denaturation. The thermal denaturation was examined in a temperature range between 2 and 65°C. The helicity decreased with a rise of temperature and it recovered to some degree upon cooling temperature. A rather high reversibility was observed in the BSA fragments, which were located in the N-terminal of the parent protein and then contained the first large loop with no disulfide bridge. The high reversibility was available also for the helicity in the first large loop of the fragment, disulfide bridges of which were reduced. The fragments, which were smaller than one domain, became unstable in the SDS denaturation. The helicities of such fragments decreased in lower SDS concentrations compared with those of the intact BSA and the large fragments, which contained one or more domains. A resistance to the SDS denaturation appeared in the helices of every large loop even after the fragmentation. On the other hand, helicities of the fragments decreased to 20–25% upon the reduction of disulfide bridges. However, the helicities of these fragments increased to 35–40% in the SDS denaturation.  相似文献   
Characteristics of specific125I-omega-conotoxin (-CgTX) binding were systematically investigated in crude membranes from rat whole brain. Kd and Bmax Values for the binding were 49.7 pM and 181.5 fmol/mg of protein, respectively. The effects of various types of Ca channel antagonists on the binding were investigated. Dynorphin A (1–13), in particular, specifically inhibited125I--CgTX binding, but not that of [3H](+)PN200-110. Spider venom fromPlectreurys tristes did not specifically inhibit specific binding of125I--CgTX, because the venom also inhibited the binding of [3H](+)PN200-110 to a similar degree. The amount of specific binding of125I--CgTX was less in the cerebellum than that in any other area of whole brain. The cross-linker disuccinimidyl suberate did not label with125I--CgTX and its binding sites in rat whole brain, although it did in chick whole brain, which was used as a positive control. These findings suggested that dynorphine A (1–13) was a selective blocker of -CgTX-sensitive Ca channels in crude membranes from rat whole brain and that -CgTX-sensitive Ca channels were mainly present a rat brain except cerebellum.  相似文献   
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