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The influence of nicotianamine (NA) on formation and elongation of adventitious roots in hypocotyls of de-rooted NA-less mutant seedlings of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, was examined in relation to the iron supply [ferric N-N'-ethylenediaminedi-(2-hydroxyphenylacetate) (FEDDHA), ferric ethylenediaminetetracetate (FeEDTA), ferric N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-ethylenediaminetriacetate (FeHEDTA, Fe-citrate and FeCl3] in the nutrient solution. The initiation of root primordia in hypocotyl cuttings was independent of NA and occurred with about the same frequency in both, mutant and wild-type. In the mutant the development of primordia to adventitious roots was blocked at all iron sources used, except FeEDTA. Addition of NA (5x 10−6 to 2 × 10−5 M ) to the rooting medium resulted in a fast growth of adventitious roots in mutant cuttings with all iron sources tested. Rooting of wild-type cuttings was independent from NA application and iron sources. We suppose that NA is involved in the intracellular transport of iron. Its function is possibly linked with chelation of ferrous iron in the cell.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses two glycogenin isoforms (designated as Glg1p and Glg2p) that both contain a conserved tyrosine residue, Tyr232. However, Glg2p possesses an additional tyrosine residue, Tyr230 and therefore two potential autoglucosylation sites. Glucosylation of Glg2p was studied using both matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and electrospray quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry. Glg2p, carrying a C-terminal (His6) tag, was produced in Escherichia coli and purified. By tryptic digestion and reversed phase chromatography a peptide (residues 219-246 of the complete Glg2p sequence) was isolated that contained 4-25 glucosyl residues. Following incubation of Glg2p with UDPglucose, more than 36 glucosyl residues were covalently bound to this peptide. Using a combination of cyanogen bromide cleavage of the protein backbone, enzymatic hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds and reversed phase chromatography, mono- and diglucosylated peptides having the sequence PNYGYQSSPAM were generated. MS/MS spectra revealed that glucosyl residues were attached to both Tyr232 and Tyr230 within the same peptide. The formation of the highly glucosylated eukaryotic Glg2p did not favour the bacterial glycogen accumulation. Under various experimental conditions Glg2p-producing cells accumulated approximately 30% less glycogen than a control transformed with a Glg2p lacking plasmid. The size distribution of the glycogen and extractable activities of several glycogen-related enzymes were essentially unchanged. As revealed by high performance anion exchange chromatography, the intracellular maltooligosaccharide pattern of the bacterial cells expressing the functional eukaryotic transgene was significantly altered. Thus, the eukaryotic glycogenin appears to be incompatible with the bacterial initiation of glycogen biosynthesis.  相似文献   
the entire mitochondrial genome (mt genome) of the unicellular green alga Platymonas subcordiformis (synonym Tetraselmis subcordiformis; Prasinophyceae) was cloned and a physical map for the four restriction enzymes Hind III, Eco RI, Bgl II and Xba I was constructed. The mt genome of P. subcordiformis is a 42.8 kb circular molecule, coding for at least 23 genes. Hybridization and sequence analysis revealed the presence of a ca. 1.5 kb inverted repeat on the mt genome of P. subcordiformis. Phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of several coxI genes were carried out. Our data indicate that mitochondria from P. subcordiformis and from land plants form a natural, monophyletic group.  相似文献   
The Penicillium frequentans strain Bi 7/2, using phenol as a sole source of carbon and energy,transformed the fluorinated phenols 2,3-, 2,4-, 2,5-and 3,4-difluorophenol rapidly. After growth on phenol, resting mycelia of the fungus converted the difluorophenols completely at an initial concentration of 0.5 mM within 6 hours. The corresponding difluorinated catechols were found to be intermediates of all difluorophenols investigated. A relatively unspecific phenol hydroxylase catalyzed this hydroxylation step and showed activities towards all difluorophenols tested. One difluorocatechol was formed from each difluorophenol substituted with fluorine in the ortho-position, whereas two catechols were formed from 3,4-difluorophenol, due to its two vacant ortho-positions. A partial defluorination (50-77%) was observed in all cases. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Metathoracic limb buds have been unilaterally ablated from locust embryos at 25 to 30% of embryonic development and the effect of this operation on the axon morphology of the motorneuron fast extensor tibiae (FETi) observed at later embryonic stages. In control embryos this neuron sends a single axon out the main leg nerve, nerve 5, to the extensor tibiae muscle in the femur. In limb ablated embryos the axon of FETi is found in a wide variety of aberrant peripheral nerve pathways and projects to a wide range of foreign muscles. There is a degree of apparent selectivity, but no rigid hierarchy, in the choice of pathway and muscle made by FETi. A high degree of variability is found between one embryo and another in the extent and pattern of axon branching. The axon of FETi is generally found in pathways that correspond to nerves in control embryos but on occasion grows along novel routes. An anteriorly directed dendritic branch, seldom seen in control FETi neurons, is frequently seen in experimental FETis. These findings are discussed in terms of the rules for specific axon growth in normal development.  相似文献   
Summary The structure of the setae on the proximal antennal segments of the beetle Loricera pilicornis is described using electron microscopical methods. These setae are part of a prey-capturing apparatus and are inserted within flexible sockets. They have no central lumen.Four or five sensory cells are connected to each seta. One cell is characterized as a mechanoreceptor due to the presence of a tubular body and the location of its dendritic outer segment. The other sensory cells are of two types. One type shows the usual features of sensillar receptors except that the dendritic outer segments end beneath the seta within the cuticular sheath. In the other type all parts of the cell, including the perikaryon, appear undersized, and no axon was found. In a single case a sixth cell was found which lacks any process, although, due to its location, it belongs to the sensory cell group.The enveloping cells also deviate from the usual pattern. Trichogen and tormogen cells have no membrane folds nor microvilli. From the membrane of the thecogen cell, where it borders on the inner receptor lymph cavity, invaginations have developed which form voluminous membrane whorls. Portasomes are found on these membranes.On the basis of the structural features we hypothesize that the setae represent sensilla undergoing stepwise reduction, losing primordial gustatory units whilst the prey-capturing mechanism is optimized.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Dietrich Schneider on occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
Summary Impulses in single afferent fibres from amino acid receptors were recorded extracellularly. Doseresponse relations were determined for different superfused amino acids; the relations all had a slope of 1, a common saturation level, and the action of different amino acids was characterized by a specific half saturation concentration,K M. The most effective amino acids were always L-serine, L-alanine and L-histidine, having aK M of 10–5, 2·10–5 and 1.5·10–4 mol/l, respectively. The sequence of effective amino acids was the same for all units tested. Structural requirements for optimal stimulatory action of the amino acid molecules were concluded.Abbreviation vH van Harreveld solution This work was supported by the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftWe gratefully acknowledge assistance in electronics from Mr. W. Zeitz, and in mechanics from Mr. D. Beyer and Mr. L. Müller. Technical help was provided by Mrs. E. Köster, secretarial help by Mrs. L. Bauer.  相似文献   
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