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The endosymbiotic unit of Paramecium bursaria and Chlorella spec. shows two types of photobehaviour: 1) A step-up photophobic response which possibly depends on photosensitive agents in the ciliate cell itself — as is also shown by alga-free Paramecium bursaria - and can be drastically enhanced by photosynthetic activity of symbiotic algae; and 2) a step-down photophobic response. The step-down response leads to photoaccumulation of green paramecia. Both types of photobehaviour in Paramecium bursaria do not depend on any special kind of algal partners: The infection of alga-free Paramecium bursaria with different Chlorella species results in new ciliatealgae-associations. They are formed not only by combination of the original symbiotic algae with their host, but also by infection with other symbiotic or free-living (aposymbiotic) chlorellae, respecitively. Systems with other than the original algae are not permanently stable — algae are lost under stress conditions — but show the same types of photobehaviour. Photoaccumulation in general requires algal photosynthesis and occurs only with ciliates containing more than fifty algae/cell. It is not mediated by a chemotactic response to oxygen in the medium, since it occurs at light fluence rates not sufficient for a release of oxygen by the symbiotic system, e.g., below its photosynthetic compensation point. Photoresponses can be inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). Sensory transduction does not depend on any special symbiotic features of the algae, e.g., sugar excretion. The participation of oxygen in the Paramecium cell, of its cytoplasmic pH and of ions released or taken up by endosymbiotic algae in sensory transduction is discussed.  相似文献   
Five different strains of wine yeasts were investigated with respect to active uptake of [35S] sulfate and its regulation by methionine. Considerable differences exist between low and high sulfite-producing strains in the initial velocity of sulfate uptake. Further differences were established in repression of sulfate permease by l-methionine, most evident in a total lack of repression in one of the high sulfite producers. These findings explain in part variable sulfite and sulfide formation.List of Abbreviations CCMP carbonylcyanide-p-trifluormethoxyphenylhydrazone  相似文献   
The structure of canarione, a new naphthoquinone from the lichens Usnea canariensis and U. hookeri was elucidated by UV, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, mass spectrometry, and chemical degradation as 5,8-dihydroxy-2-methyl-4H-naphtho [2,3b]-pyran-4,6,9 (6H, 9H)- trione.  相似文献   
Marabou Storks in their natural environment were observed to practise an insightful method of food amelioration.  相似文献   
Methyl 2,3,6-trideoxy-2-C-[2-hydroxy-1,1-(ethylenedithio)ethyl]-α-l-threo-hexopyranosid-4-ulo-22,4-pyranose (1) crystallizes in a rhombic space group P212121 with four molecules in the elementary unit. The structure was refined to an R-value of 0.057. The aldopyranose ring adopts a 1C4 conformation with an axial side-chain forming a hemiacetal ring to the keto group at C-4. Both six-membered rings connected in the 2,7-dioxabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane system differ only slightly from the 1C4 chair conformation. The spirocyclic dithiolane ring adopts a nearly ideal envelope form with a deviation of C-21 from the plane S-1-C-7-S-2-C-22. The dihedral angle O-5-C-1 O-1-C-11 of 59.1° is an agreement with the exo-anomeric effect.  相似文献   
Wir haben eingangs die Existenz bestimmter ükologischer Faktoren vermutet, aufgrund derer die Pflanzengesellschaften auf Sandbüden ihr besonderes Gepräge erhalten. In der Tat sind zumindest die Mainzer Sande arm an Nährstoffen und von nur beschränkter Aufnahmefähigkeit für Wasser; andererseits schützt die geringe Kapillarität des Sandes den Boden vor Wasserverlust durch Verdunstung. Tiefgehende Pfahlwurzelsysteme, die sich in unteren Bodenbezirken reich verzweigen — also insgesamt etwa birnenfürmige Gestalt annehmen — entsprächen somit den Erwartungen. Der tiefgehende Anteil der T-Systeme stimmt weitgehend mit dieser Vorstellung überein, der proximale querstreichende Anteil hingegen wie auch die geotropische Umstimmung der Primärwurzeln von Sommer-Hapaxanthen ist ükologisch offenbar ?sinnlos”, wenn nicht sogar schädlich. Ähnliches gilt für die sproßbürtige Bewurzelung. Wir künnen somit drei Gruppen von Merkmalen an Radikationen unterscheiden:
  • 1 . Merkmale, die aus dem Bauplan der Sippe resultieren und als solche natürlich genetisch fixiert sind. Sie sind häufig, aber durchaus nicht immer ?ükologisch sinnvoll”, so z. B. die Sproßbürtigkeit der Bewurzelung.
  • 2 . Merkmale, die sich unter bestimmten ükologischen Verhältnissen ausgebildet haben und die genetisch fixiert sind. Sie werden auch dann noch beibehalten, wenn sich die ükologischen Bedingungen längst gewandelt haben. Im querstreichenden Teil des T-Systems wird ein solches Relikt vermutet.
  • 3 . Merkmale, die infolge der modifikatorischen Kraft bestimmter Umweltfaktoren auftreten; sie sind dementsprechend nicht erblich und eigentlich Gegenstand der Physiologie. Die Reaktion der Wurzel auf bestimmte Nährstoffverhältnisse gehürt hierher und wohl auch die Polaritätsänderung der Primärwurzel.
Einer vergleichend-morphologischen Fragestellung sind somit nur Merkmale der ersten beiden Kategorien zugänglich; dies ist um so bedauerlicher, als die meisten Gestaltsmerkmale (?exomorphen” Merkmale) der dritten Gruppe angehüren.  相似文献   
Observations of young fertile leaf primordia provide information about the development of the sporophyll ofAnemia phyllitidis Sw. The marginal meristem which surrounds the leaf primordium forms the pinna primordia, firstly the two “spore pinnae” by meristem fractionation. These are turned with their adaxial side towards the leaf apex and continue marginal meristem fractionations until products of the 5th order are formed.—In the sporophyll development two events are significant: (1) The fractionation products of the 2nd order reverse their direction of coiling. (2) From the marginal meristem of the fractionation products of the 5th order the sporangia arise in acropetal succession each originating from one initial cell.—Three observations—the fractionation products of the 2nd order being accessory outgrowths of the leaf margin, their reversed coiling direction, and the aggregation of the sporangia on the last segments—lead to the following concept of a sorus type: Each fractionation product of the 2nd order represents a marginal acropetal sorus with a branched receptaculum.  相似文献   
Wolfgang Horn 《Hydrobiologia》1991,225(1):115-120
Planktonic crustacean biomass as well as structure are important factors influencing water transparency. The significant dependence of the water quality (Secchi depth) on the concentration and the share of the Daphnia biovolume and not on the total Crustacea biovolume in the Saidenbach reservoir indicates that the density of the Crustacea is only a measure of the cleaning performance, if Daphnia dominates. Using the mean size, the influence of the crustacean structure on the Secchi depth can be recorded. If big size categories prevail (like Daphnia) the water transparency is high. The mainly occurrence of little species (Mesocyclops, Bosmina) results in lower Secchi depths. However, a well defined (significant) relationship is being prevented by the different feeding behaviour of the several species.  相似文献   
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