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J.Y. ROH, H.W. PARK, B.R. JIN, H.S. KIM, Y.M. YU AND S.K. KANG. 1996. Four Bacillus thuringiensis isolates from soil samples produced parasporal inclusions which were non-toxic to insects. The isolates were named B. thuringiensis NTB-1, NTB-2, NTB-3 and NTB-4. The parasporal inclusions were shown to be ovoid by phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy. The serotypes of the four isolates were determined by agglutination using 33 antisera; NTB-1 and NTB-4 seemed to be subsp. isruelensis ,and NTB-2 seemed to be subsp. pondzcheriensis . NTB-3 did not react with the 33 antisera. However, comparison of parasporal protein and plasmid DNA patterns of the four isolates with those of 15 known non-toxic B. thuringiensis strains demonstrated that the four isolates are novel.  相似文献   
STE20 encodes a protein kinase related to mammalian p65Pak which functions in several signal transduction pathways in yeast, including those involved in pseudohyphal and invasive growth, as well as mating. In addition, Ste20 plays an essential role in cells lacking Cla4, a kinase with significant homology to Ste20. It is not clear how the activity of Ste20 is regulated in response to these different signals in vivo, but it has been demonstrated recently that binding of the small GTP binding protein Cdc42 is able to activate Ste20 in vitro. Here we show that Ste20 functionally interacts with Cdc42 in a GTP-dependent manner in vivo: Ste20 mutants that can no longer bind Cdc42 were unable to restore growth of ste20 cla4 mutant cells. They were also defective for pseudohyphal growth and agar invasion, and displayed reduced mating efficiency when mated with themselves. Surprisingly, however, the kinase activity of such Ste20 mutants was normal when assayed in vitro. Furthermore, these alleles were able to fully activate the MAP kinase pathway triggered by mating pheromones in vivo, suggesting that binding of Cdc42 and Ste20 was not required to activate Ste20. Wild-type Ste20 protein was visualized as a crescent at emerging buds during vegetative growth and at shmoo tips in cells arrested with alpha-factor. In contrast, a Ste20 mutant protein unable to bind Cdc42 was found diffusely throughout the cytoplasm, suggesting that Cdc42 is required to localize Ste20 properly in vivo.  相似文献   
D Choi  H M Kim  H K Yun  J A Park  W T Kim    S H Bok 《Plant physiology》1996,112(1):353-359
The cloning and characterization of genes expressed in plant disease resistance could be an initial step toward understanding the molecular mechanisms of disease resistance. A metallothionein-like gene that is inducible by tobacco mosaic virus and by wounding was cloned in the process of subtractive cloning of disease resistance-response genes in Nicotiana glutinosa. One 530-bp cDNA clone (KC9-10) containing an open reading frame of 81 amino acids was characterized. Genomic Southern blot hybridization with the cDNA probe revealed that tobacco metallothionein-like genes are present in few or in one copy per diploid genome. Northern blot hybridization detected strong induction of a 0.5-kb mRNA by wounding and tobacco mosaic virus infection, but only mild induction was detected when copper was tested as an inducer. Methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid, and ethylene were also tested as possible inducers of this gene, but they had no effect on its expression. The possible role of this gene in wounded and pathogen-stressed plants is discussed.  相似文献   
J J Park  E B Smalley    F S Chu 《Applied microbiology》1996,62(5):1642-1648
Analysis of 98 moldy corn samples collected in Wisconsin between November 1992 and January 1993 for Fusarium toxins by various immunochemical assays revealed overall average mycotoxin concentrations of 305.6, 237.7, and 904.3 ng/g for type A trichothecenes (TCTCs), deoxynivalenol (DON)-related type B TCTCs (total DON), and zearalenone (ZE), respectively. A small portion (5.1%) of the samples was found to be contaminated with high levels ( > 1 microgram/g) of type A TCTCs and total DON during the whole survey. Over 40% of the samples had 100 to 1,000 ng of total DON per g, while 17% of the samples had the same levels of type A TCTCs. The analytical data were consistent with those from mycological examinations for the samples in which various toxic Fusarium spp., including F. sporotrichioides, F. poae, and F. graminearum, were found. The samples received in November 1992 had relatively low concentrations of toxin; the average levels of type A TCTCs and total DON were 9.9 and 79 ng/g, respectively. The toxin concentrations became progressively higher in the samples received in December. The average levels for the type A TCTCs and total DON increased to 920 and 335 ng/g, respectively. However, the levels of ZE were higher in the samples collected earlier. The average levels for samples collected in November and late December were 1,195 and 242 ng/g, respectively. Analysis of selected samples by high-performance liquid chromatography monitoring with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed that T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol, neosolaniol, and T-2 tetraol (T-2-4ol) were common in these samples. Statistical analysis revealed a weak correlation between the levels of total type A TCTCs and total DON in the samples (r = 0.18, P = 0.09), but a strong correlation between the levels of ZE and total type B TCTCs (r = 0.75, P < 0.0001) was found. The mycotoxin levels of total type A TCTCs, total DON-related type B TCTCs, and ZE in the cobs (5.2, 3.9, and 21 micrograms/g, respectively) were considerably higher than those in the kernels (1.0, 0.5, and 0.5 microgram/g, respectively). The type A toxin levels increased from a range of 14 to 35 ng/g to a range of 110 to 538 ng/g after the moldy corn samples were held at 5 degrees C for 8 days in the laboratory.  相似文献   
W Kim  K Choi  Y Kim  H Park  J Choi  Y Lee  H Oh  I Kwon    S Lee 《Applied microbiology》1996,62(7):2482-2488
Bacillus sp. strain CK 11-4, which produces a strongly fibrinolytic enzyme, was screened from Chungkook-Jang, a traditional Korean fermented-soybean sauce. The fibrinolytic enzyme (CK) was purified from supernatant of Bacillus sp. strain CK 11-4 culture broth and showed thermophilic, hydrophilic, and strong fibrinolytic activity. The optimum temperature and pH were 70 degrees C and 10.5, respectively, and the molecular weight was 28,200 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The first 14 amino acids of the N-terminal sequence of CK are Ala-Gin-Thr-Val-Pro-Tyr-Gly-Ile-Pro-Leu-Ile-Lys-Ala-Asp. This sequence is identical to that of subtilisin Carlsberg and different from that of nattokinase, but CK showed a level of fibrinolytic activity that was about eight times higher than that of subtilisin Carlsberg. The amidolytic activity of CK increased about twofold at the initial state of the reaction when CK enzyme was added to a mixture of plasminogen and substrate (H-D-Val-Leu-Lys-pNA). A similar result was also obtained from fibrin plate analysis.  相似文献   
Developing cladodes had lower water potentials and developingfruits had higher water potentials than the underlying cladodesof the widely cultivated prickly pear cactus, Opuntia ficus-indica.The 0.06 MPa lower value in 4-week-old daughter cladodes indicateda typical water potential gradient from the underlying clad-odealong the xylem of –0.2 MPa m–1; the 0.17 MPa highervalue in 4-week-old fruits, which decreased to 0.07 MPa by 10weeks, implicated the phloem as their supplier of water. Thephloem sap of the underlying cladodes had an osmotic pressureof only 0.90 to 0.98 MPa, so the phloem could supply a relativelydilute solution to the photosynthetically dependent fruits (daughtercladodes of O. ficus-indica are photosynthetically independentat 4 weeks). Although the water potentials were similar foradjacent tissues, the osmotic pressures were lower for the water-storagecompared with the photosynthetic tissue; the osmotic pressureswere higher for xylem sap from fruits, for which xylary flowapparently occurred toward the underlying cladodes, than fordaughter cladodes. The relative capacitance (change in relativewater content divided by change in tissue water potential) wasapproximately 0.71 MPa–1 for the water-storage tissueand the photosynthetic tissue of both daughter cladodes andfruits at 4 weeks of age. When these organs approached maturityat 10 weeks, the relative capacitance increased about 40% fortheir water-storage tissue, but decreased 30% for their photosynthetictissue. As the plant water content decreases during drought,about twice as much water will thus be lost per unit volumeof the water-storage tissue compared with the photosynthetictissue of maturing fruits and cladodes. Key words: Opuntia ficus-indica, phloem, relative water content, water capacitance, water potential  相似文献   
Pitayasfrom various species were an important edible fruit in semiarid lands of tropical and subtropical Mexico in ancient times. Recently, farmers have been cultivating plants selected from the wild, such as Stenocereus queretaroensis in the Sayula Basin of Jalisco. These cacti can flower and produce fruit before the onset of the summer rainy period. Their fruits have an attractively colored pulp (often dark red) with digestible seeds and without the nasty glochids found on cactus pears. The sugar content is 10 to 11%. The shelf life is only a few days, as the fruits tend to dehisce longitudinally. Pitayas bring a competitive price in local markets, resulting in a substantial financial return with relatively low inputs of water, fertilizer, and pesticides.  相似文献   
A T-DNA locus comprising nptII, uidA and nos genes — all under the control of the nos promoter (this locus was designated K because it encodes resistance to Kanamycin) - was found to be inherited erratically in a transgenic tobacco line. This anomalous behavior was partially explained following a karyotype analysis of plants representing several generations: these plants were aneuploids, presumably for the K-containing chromosome. During four generations of sexual propagation, transgenic plants that were either trisomic or tetrasomic for the K-containing chromosome (i.e. 2n=49 or 2n=50, respectively) were obtained. The trisomic plants (2n=48+1) were virtually indistinguishable phenotypically from normal euploids (2n=4x=48), whereas the tetrasomic plants (2n=48+2) were smaller, had somewhat misshapen leaves and exhibited reduced fertility. Although the amount of NPTH protein in different trisomic (K--, KK-, KKK) and tetrasomic (KK--, KKK-) plants was generally consistent with a K dosage effect, the genetic behavior of each trisomic — with respect to segregation of KanR and marker gene activity in progeny — was unique and not completely explicable by invoking aneuploidy. Specifically, unexpected gains or losses of K could occur, suggesting the formation of double reductional gametes and/or frequent gene conversion at this locus. The susceptibility of K locus marker genes to trans-inactivation in the trisomic and tetrasomic lines was tested by crossing in partially homologous silencing loci. In all transgenotypes tested, the three K marker genes were sensitive to trans-silencing, which was accompanied by methylation in all copies of the nos promoter. In addition to this directed inactivation/methylation, the K locus could also undergo infrequent, spontaneous partial methylation, which produced stable epialleles. In most plants, however, the multiple copies of the nos promoter at this locus remained unmethylated and active through four generations in all transgenotypes examined. The significance of these results for irregular inheritance patterns, aneuploid syndromes and homology-dependent gene silencing is discussed.  相似文献   
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