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Urease from jack bean meal and hydrated seeds has been obtained in 25 to 33% yield with specific activity in the range of 1000 to 1070 units/mg protein. A purification of 100 to 130-fold was achieved from meal and fully soaked seeds. Use of β-mercaptoethanol and EDTA was found essential to obtain this high yield and purity. Amino acid analysis showed all 18 amino acids commonly found in proteins. Electrophoresis of urease from soaked seeds (specific activity: 1025 units/mg protein) on a starch-gel block showed 2 peaks. Upon ultracentrifugation of urease samples having a low specific activity (less than 25% pure), the major portion of the urease was probably present in a peak having a sedimentation value of 11 to 12. With relatively pure samples (55-100% pure). S values in the range of 18 to 20 and 24 to 26 were obtained. Usually the purest samples of urease tested without any prior storage lacked the 24 to 26 S peak or the higher polymeric forms. The percentage areas under none of the ultracentrifuge peaks corresponded to the percentage purity of the sample analyzed. It is argued that the physical state of urease in the cell when associated with other seed proteins is as yet uncertain. In crude extracts, a portion of urease exists in a 12 S form but so far data on its origin and specific activity in relation to other species of urease are not available.  相似文献   
In most eukaryotes, centromeres assemble at a single location per chromosome. Naturally occurring telocentric chromosomes (telosomes) with a terminal centromere are rare but do exist. Telosomes arise through misdivision of centromeres in normal chromosomes, and their cytological stability depends on the structure of their kinetochores. The instability of telosomes may be attributed to the relative centromere size and the degree of completeness of their kinetochore. Here we test this hypothesis by analyzing the cytogenetic structure of wheat telosomes. We used a population of 80 telosomes arising from the misdivision of the 21 chromosomes of wheat that have shown stable inheritance over many generations. We analyzed centromere size by probing with the centromere-specific histone H3 variant, CENH3. Comparing the signal intensity for CENH3 between the intact chromosome and derived telosomes showed that the telosomes had approximately half the signal intensity compared to that of normal chromosomes. Immunofluorescence of CENH3 in a wheat stock with 28 telosomes revealed that none of the telosomes received a complete CENH3 domain. Some of the telosomes lacked centromere specific retrotransposons of wheat in the CENH3 domain, indicating that the stability of telosomes depends on the presence of CENH3 chromatin and not on the presence of CRW repeats. In addition to providing evidence for centromere shift, we also observed chromosomal aberrations including inversions and deletions in the short arm telosomes of double ditelosomic 1D and 6D stocks. The role of centromere-flanking, pericentromeric heterochromatin in mitosis is discussed with respect to genome/chromosome integrity.  相似文献   
In Xenopus laevis development, β-catenin plays an important role in the Wnt-signaling pathway by establishing the Nieuwkoop center, which in turn leads to specification of the dorsoventral axis. Cadherins are essential for embryonic morphogenesis since they mediate calcium-dependent cell–cell adhesion and can modulate β-catenin signaling. α-catenin links β-catenin to the actin-based cytoskeleton. To study the role of endogenous α-catenin in early development, we have made deletion mutants of αN-catenin. The binding domain of β-catenin has been mapped to the NH2-terminal 210 amino acids of αN-catenin. Overexpression of mutants lacking the COOH-terminal 230 amino acids causes severe developmental defects that reflect impaired calcium-dependent blastomere adhesion. Lack of normal adhesive interactions results in a loss of the blastocoel in early embryos and ripping of the ectodermal layer during gastrulation. The phenotypes of the dominant-negative mutants can be rescued by coexpressing full-length αN-catenin or a mutant of β-catenin that lacks the internal armadillo repeats.

We next show that coexpression of αN-catenin antagonizes the dorsalizing effects of β-catenin and Xwnt-8. This can be seen phenotypically, or by studying the effects of expression on the downstream homeobox gene Siamois. Thus, α-catenin is essential for proper morphogenesis of the embryo and may act as a regulator of the intracellular β-catenin signaling pathway in vivo.

In the present study, Aluminium quantification in immunobiologicals has been described using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) technique. The assay was found to be linear in 25-125 microg/ml Aluminium range. The procedure was found to be accurate for different vaccines with recoveries of external additions ranging between 93.26 and 103.41%. The mean Limit of Variation (L.V.) for both intra- and inter-assay precision was calculated to be 1.62 and 2.22%, respectively. Further the procedure was found to be robust in relation to digestion temperature, alteration in acid (HNO(3) and H(2)SO(4)) ratio used for sample digestion and storage of digested vaccine samples up to a period of 15 days. After validation, AAS method was compared for its equivalency with routinely used complexometric titration method. On simultaneously applying on seven different groups of both bacterial and viral vaccines, viz., DPT, DT, TT, Hepatitis-A and B, Antirabies vaccine (cell culture) and tetravalent DPT-Hib, a high degree of positive correlation (+0.85-0.998) among AAS and titration methods was observed. Further AAS method was found to have an edge over complexometric titration method that a group of vaccines, viz., ARV (cell culture, adsorbed) and Hepatitis-A, in which Aluminium estimation is not feasible by pharmacopoeial approved complexometric titration method (possibly due to some interference in the sample matrix), this newly described and validated AAS assay procedure delivered accurate and reproducible results.  相似文献   
Diphtheria toxin has the capacity to block protein synthesis in cultured mammalian cells, and thus causing cell death. This capacity of diphtheria toxin was utilized for in-vitro neutralization test to determine antibody titer, using Vero cells, which have been found to be susceptible to diphtheria toxin. In the present study, a Vero cell assay was standardized and validated for potency estimation of diphtheria antitoxin serum (DATS). The results obtained by Vero cell assay were compared with in-vivo biological assay. High degree of correlation (+0.98) was found between in-vivo biological assay and in-vitro Vero cell assay. The assay has also been found to be effective in determining the rising antibody titer in the equines inducted in DATS production. The present study indicated that although biological assays hold the key for final potency estimations till date but in the future scenario in-vitro Vero cell assay may be a good alternative to in-vivo biological assay.  相似文献   
We used multiple approaches to investigate the role of Rab6 relative to Zeste White 10 (ZW10), a mitotic checkpoint protein implicated in Golgi/endoplasmic reticulum (ER) trafficking/transport, and conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex, a putative tether in retrograde, intra-Golgi trafficking. ZW10 depletion resulted in a central, disconnected cluster of Golgi elements and inhibition of ERGIC53 and Golgi enzyme recycling to ER. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) against RINT-1, a protein linker between ZW10 and the ER soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor, syntaxin 18, produced similar Golgi disruption. COG3 depletion fragmented the Golgi and produced vesicles; vesicle formation was unaffected by codepletion of ZW10 along with COG, suggesting ZW10 and COG act separately. Rab6 depletion did not significantly affect Golgi ribbon organization. Epistatic depletion of Rab6 inhibited the Golgi-disruptive effects of ZW10/RINT-1 siRNA or COG inactivation by siRNA or antibodies. Dominant-negative expression of guanosine diphosphate-Rab6 suppressed ZW10 knockdown induced-Golgi disruption. No cross-talk was observed between Rab6 and endosomal Rab5, and Rab6 depletion failed to suppress p115 (anterograde tether) knockdown-induced Golgi disruption. Dominant-negative expression of a C-terminal fragment of Bicaudal D, a linker between Rab6 and dynactin/dynein, suppressed ZW10, but not COG, knockdown-induced Golgi disruption. We conclude that Rab6 regulates distinct Golgi trafficking pathways involving two separate protein complexes: ZW10/RINT-1 and COG.  相似文献   
The rate and effect of available beneficial mutations are key parameters in determining how a population adapts to a new environment. However, these parameters are poorly known, in large part because of the difficulty of designing and interpreting experiments to examine the rare and intrinsically stochastic process of mutation occurrence. We present a new approach to estimate the rate and selective advantage of beneficial mutations that underlie the adaptation of asexual populations. We base our approach on the analysis of experiments that track the effect of newly arising beneficial mutations on the dynamics of a neutral marker in evolving bacterial populations and develop efficient estimators of mutation rate and selective advantage. Using extensive simulations, we evaluate the accuracy of our estimators and conclude that they are quite robust to the use of relatively low experimental replication. To validate the predictions of our model, we compare theoretical and experimentally determined estimates of the selective advantage of the first beneficial mutation to fix in a series of ten replicate populations. We find that our theoretical predictions are not significantly different from experimentally determined selection coefficients. Application of our method to suitably designed experiments will allow estimation of how population evolvability depends on demographic and initial fitness parameters.  相似文献   
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