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On feeding 14CO2 to the shoots of lupine (25 mCi per plant) 30 min was the minimal time needed to determine the incorporation of label into bacteroid compounds. The predominant incorporation, exhibited in all root, nodule and bacteroid samples after 30 min exposure, was into sucrose (45–90% of the corresponding fraction radioactivity) of the neutral fraction; into malate (30–40%) of the acid fraction; into aspartic acid and asparagine (60–80% in sum) of the basic fraction. The composition of carbon compounds containing the greatest amount of 14C in the cytosol of nodules and in bacteroids was similar. Their radioactivity after 30 min exposure was for bacteroids (nCi per g of bacteroid fr. wt): sucrose 5.73, glucose 1.00, malate 0.15, succinate 0.11; for the nodule cytosol (nCi per g of nodule fr. wt): sucrose 200.00, glucose 8.40, malate 9.34, succinate 8.50. Thus it was demonstrated that in lupine, sucrose is the main photoassimilate entering not only into nodules but also into bacteroids. The biosynthesis of aspartic acid and asparagine occurs during nitrogen fixation in bacteroids.  相似文献   


A wealth of unannotated and functionally unknown protein sequences has accumulated in recent years with rapid progresses in sequence genomics, giving rise to ever increasing demands for developing methods to efficiently assess functional sites. Sequence and structure conservations have traditionally been the major criteria adopted in various algorithms to identify functional sites. Here, we focus on the distributions of the 203 different types of 3-grams (or triplets of sequentially contiguous amino acid) in the entire space of sequences accumulated to date in the UniProt database, and focus in particular on the rare 3-grams distinguished by their high entropy-based information content.  相似文献   
In this study, performance of a lab-scale hybrid up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, treating a chemical synthesis-based pharmaceutical wastewater, was evaluated under different operating conditions. This study consisted of two experimental stages: first, acclimation to the pharmaceutical wastewater and second, determination of maximum loading capacity of the hybrid UASB reactor. Initially, the carbon source in the reactor feed came entirely from glucose, applied at an organic loading rate (OLR) 1 kg COD/m(3) d. The OLR was gradually step increased to 3 kg COD/m(3) d at which point the feed to the hybrid UASB reactor was progressively modified by introducing the pharmaceutical wastewater in blends with glucose, so that the wastewater contributed approximately 10%, 30%, 70%, and ultimately, 100% of the carbon (COD) to be treated. At the acclimation OLR of 3 kg COD/m(3) d the hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 2 days. During this period of feed modification, the COD removal efficiencies of the anaerobic reactor were 99%, 96%, 91% and 85%, and specific methanogenic activities (SMA) were measured as 240, 230, 205 and 231 ml CH(4)/g TVS d, respectively. Following the acclimation period, the hybrid UASB reactor was fed with 100% (w/v) pharmaceutical wastewater up to an OLR of 9 kg COD/m(3) d in order to determine the maximum loading capacity achievable before reactor failure. At this OLR, the COD removal efficiency was 28%, and the SMA was measured as 170 ml CH(4)/g TVS d. The hybrid UASB reactor was found to be far more effective at an OLR of 8 kg COD/m(3) d with a COD removal efficiency of 72%. At this point, SMA value was 200 ml CH(4)/g TVS d. It was concluded that the hybrid UASB reactor could be a suitable alternative for the treatment of chemical synthesis-based pharmaceutical wastewater.  相似文献   
Haliloglu T  Bahar I 《Proteins》1999,37(4):654-667
An analytical approach based on Gaussian network model (GNM) is proposed for predicting the rotational dynamics of proteins. The method, previously shown to successfully reproduce X-ray crystallographic temperature factors for a series of proteins is extended here to predict bond torsional mobilities and reorientation of main chain amide groups probed by 15N-H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation. The dynamics of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) in the folded state is investigated using the proposed approach. Excellent agreement is observed between theoretical results and experimental (X-ray diffraction and NMR relaxation) data. The analysis reveals the important role of coupled rotations, or cross-correlations between dihedral angle librations, in defining the relaxation mechanism on a local scale. The crystal and solution structures exhibit some differences in their local motions, but their global motions are identical. Hinge residues mediating the cooperative movements of the alpha- and beta-domains are identified, which comprise residues in helix C, Glu35 and Ser36 on the loop succeeding helix B, Ile55 and Leu56 at the turn between strands II and III. The central part of the beta-domain long loop and the turn between strands I and II display an enhanced mobility. Finally, kinetically hot residues and key interactions are identified, which point at helix B and beta-strand III as the structural elements underlying the stability of the tertiary structure.  相似文献   
Do two‐state proteins fold by pathways or funnels? Native‐state hydrogen exchange experiments show discrete nonnative structures in equilibrium with the native state. These could be called hidden intermediates (HI) because their populations are small at equilibrium, and they are not detected in kinetic experiments. HIs have been invoked as disproof of funnel models, because funnel pictures appear to indicate (1) no specific sequences of events in folding; (2) a continuum, rather than a discrete ladder, of structures; and (3) smooth landscapes. In the present study, we solve the exact dynamics of a simple model. We find, instead, that the present microscopic model is indeed consistent with HIs and transition states, but such states occur in parallel, rather than along the single pathway predicted by the sequential stabilization model. At the microscopic level, we observe a huge multiplicity of trajectories. But at the macroscopic level, we observe two pathways of specific sequences of events that are relatively traditional except that they are in parallel, so there is not a single reaction coordinate. Using singular value decomposition, we show an accurate representation of the shapes of the model energy landscapes. They are highly complex funnels.  相似文献   
Identification of kinetically hot residues in proteins.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A number of recent studies called attention to the presence of kinetically important residues underlying the formation and stabilization of folding nuclei in proteins, and to the possible existence of a correlation between conserved residues and those participating in the folding nuclei. Here, we use the Gaussian network model (GNM), which recently proved useful in describing the dynamic characteristics of proteins for identifying the kinetically hot residues in folded structures. These are the residues involved in the highest frequency fluctuations near the native state coordinates. Their high frequency is a manifestation of the steepness of the energy landscape near their native state positions. The theory is applied to a series of proteins whose kinetically important residues have been extensively explored: chymotrypsin inhibitor 2, cytochrome c, and related C2 proteins. Most of the residues previously pointed out to underlie the folding process of these proteins, and to be critically important for the stabilization of the tertiary fold, are correctly identified, indicating a correlation between the kinetic hot spots and the early forming structural elements in proteins. Additionally, a strong correlation between kinetically hot residues and loci of conserved residues is observed. Finally, residues that may be important for the stability of the tertiary structure of CheY are proposed.  相似文献   
T. Haliloglu  I. Bahar 《Proteins》1998,31(3):271-281
A coarse-grained dynamic Monte Carlo method is proposed for investigating the conformational dynamics of proteins. Each residue is represented by two interaction sites, one at the α-carbon, and the other on the amino acid sidechain. Geometry and energy parameters extracted from databank structures are used. The method is applied to the crystal structure of apomyoglobin (apo-Mb). Equilibrium and dynamic properties of apo-Mb are characterized within computation times one order of magnitude shorter than conventional molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The calculated rms fluctuations in α-carbons are in good agreement with crystallographic temperature factors. Regions exhibiting enhanced conformational mobilities are identified. Among the loops connecting the eight helices A to H, the loop CD undergoes the fastest motions, leading to partial unwinding of helix D. Helix G is the most stable helix on the basis of the kinetic stability of dihedral angles, followed by the respective helices A, E, H, and B. These results, in agreement with H/D exchange and two-dimensional NMR experiments, as well as with MD simulations, lend support to the use of the proposed approach as an efficient, yet physically plausible, means of characterizing protein conformational dynamics. Proteins 31:271–281, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Two new diterpenes namely verbenacine (1) and salvinine (2) have been isolated from the aerial parts of Salvia verbenaca. Their structures have been elucidated on the basis of chemical and spectral data as 3alpha-hydroxy-19-carboxykaur-15-ene and 19-hydroxy-12,14-dioxo labda-15,17-diene.  相似文献   
Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) and type-2 (HSV-2) are among the most "successful" pathogens and code for a variety of proteins to direct the apoptosis/necrosis responses of the cells they infect. Nitric oxide (NO) is an important intracellular signaling molecule in pathological processes. Acyclovir (ACV) is a chain terminator that targets the viral DNA polymerase as an antiviral agent. In this study, NO signals, and apoptosis/necrosis responses of HEp-2 cells were compared when infected by HSV-1 and -2 for 24 hours against non toxic doses (starting from 48.8, 24.4, 12.2, 6.1, 3 to 1.5 microg/mL) of ACV. In 48.8, 24.4 and 12.2 microg/mL of ACV, HSV-1 had an "upregulating effect" whereas HSV-2 had a "downregulating effect" on NO production, and in 6.1, 3 and 1.5 microg/mL of ACV HSV-1 had a "down-regulating effect" whereas HSV-2 had an "upregulating effect" on NO responses (HSV-1 had a "downregulating effect" on NO production whereas HSV-2 had an "upregulating effect" on NO production without any ACV). In 48.8, 24.4 and 12.2 microg/mL of ACV, HSV-1 had an "anti-apoptotic effect" whereas HSV-2 had a stimulation on "apoptotic effect", and in 6.1, 3 and 1.5 microg/mL of ACV HSV-1 had an "apoptotic effect" and HSV-2 turned to "its natural viral apoptotic effect level" (HSV-1 had an "natural viral apoptotic effect" whereas HSV-2 had a "natural viral apoptotic effect" on apoptosis response without any ACV). In 48.8, and 24.4 microg/mL of ACV, HSV-1 had significant "necrotic effect" on necrotic cellular death, "necrosis" increased in 12.2, 6.1, 3 and 1.5 microg/mL of ACV (HSV-1 had a negligible "necrotic effect" on HEp-2 cells alone), and HSV-2 had a "natural viral necrotic effect" alone; and also in all non toxic ACV concentrations. These results showed that HSV-1 and -2 had different "strategies" on apoptosis/necrosis and NO with and without non toxic ACV. These differences deserve further studies in order to explain the interactions between apoptotic/anti apoptotic, necrotic genes and NO, and ACV in HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections respectively.  相似文献   
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