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Beak SM  Lee YS  Kim JA 《Biochimie》2004,86(7):425-429
The detrimental effects of ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation have been connected with the enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by UVB. However, the exact source of ROS produced by UVB has not been clearly revealed yet. In this study, we determined the source of ROS production and its role in the UVB-induced activation of nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB in HaCaT human keratinocytes. UVB irradiation generated ROS in a dose-dependent manner, and this was significantly inhibited by diphenylene iodonium (DPI), apocynin (Apo) and neopterine (Neo), inhibitors of the NADPH oxidase, and indomethacin (Indo), a cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor, but not by the mitochondrial electron transport inhibitors and other cytosolic enzyme inhibitors. In addition, these inhibitors of the NADPH oxidase and COX significantly blocked the UVB irradiation-induced nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB. These results suggest that the NADPH oxidase and COX may be major sources for the UVB-induced ROS generation, and play an essential role in the activation of NF-kappaB which is involved in the expression of a variety of genes induced by UVB in HaCaT cells. These results further suggest that these enzymes may be good targets for the preventive strategy of UVB-induced skin injury.  相似文献   
(+)-Deoxoartemisitene and its C-11, 13 derivatives were synthesized from artemisinic acid via a short and regiospecific process and several derivatives show 10-20 times more in vitro antimalarial activities against Plasmodium falciparum than artemisinin.  相似文献   
Miller LE 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(17):R714-R715
The mechanical complexity of the hand is indisputable, but there is increasing evidence that its control is simplified in many tasks around synergic groups of muscles that effectively decrease the number of controlled degrees of freedom.  相似文献   
Lipid raft proteome reveals ATP synthase complex in the cell surface   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bae TJ  Kim MS  Kim JW  Kim BW  Choo HJ  Lee JW  Kim KB  Lee CS  Kim JH  Chang SY  Kang CY  Lee SW  Lee SW  Ko YG 《Proteomics》2004,4(11):3536-3548
Since detergent-resistant lipid rafts are involved in pathogen invasion, cholesterol homeostasis, angiogenesis, neurodegenerative diseases and signal transduction, protein identification in the rafts could provide important information to study their function. Here, we analyzed detergent-resistant raft proteins isolated from rat liver by capillary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Out of 196 proteins identified, 32% belonged to the raft or plasma membrane, 24% to mitochondrial, 20% to microsomal, 7% to miscellaneous, and 17% are unknown proteins. For example, membrane-bound receptors, trimeric GTP-binding proteins, ATP-binding cassette transporters, and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins were identified in this analysis. Unexpectedly, there were many mitochondrial proteins, raising a new issue for the presence of mitochondrial rafts or the localization of mitochondrial proteins into plasma membrane rafts. We confirmed that ATP synthase alpha and beta were expressed on the surface of the plasma membrane in HepG2 hepatocytes by immunofluorescence, cell surface biotinylation, and cellular fractionation. They had two distinct biochemical properties, detergent insolubility and low density, suggesting that the ATP synthase complex might be located in plasma membrane rafts as well as in the mitochondria.  相似文献   
To understand the different responses of recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (rCHO) cells to low culture temperature regarding specific productivity (q), 12 parental clones and their corresponding amplified clones producing a humanized antibody were cultivated at 32 and 37 degrees C. The specific growth rate of all clones, including both parental and amplified clones, decreased by 30-63% at 32 degrees C, compared to rates at 37 degrees C. In contrast, their specific antibody productivity (qAb) was significantly enhanced at 32 degrees C. Furthermore, the degree of qAb enhancement at 32 degrees C varied a lot from 4- to 25-fold among the parental clones. At 32 degrees C, most of the amplified clones, regardless of methotrexate (MTX) levels, also showed enhanced qAb but to a lesser extent than their parental clones. However, clone 14 amplified at 0.32 microM MTX (clone 14-0.32) and clone 20 amplified at 1 microM MTX (clone 20-1.00), unlike their parental clones, did not show enhanced qAb at 32 degrees C. Thus, it was found that the enhancing effect of low culture temperature on q of rCHO cells depends on clones. Taken together, the results obtained here emphasize the importance of clonal selection for the successful application of low culture temperature to the enhanced foreign protein production in rCHO cells.  相似文献   
Lee WR 《Reviews in urology》2004,6(Z4):S49-S56
Recent developments in imaging science and treatment-planning software allow for accurate postimplant dosimetric assessment in all patients after prostate brachytherapy. This article reviews the available data correlating cancer control and morbidity with dosimetric quantifiers obtained from postimplant dosimetric assessment after prostate brachytherapy. Continued collection of dosimetric data in patients treated with prostate brachytherapy will allow for further refinements in the technique, leading to continued high rates of cure with increasingly lower rates of morbidity.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to examine whether minimizing plasma volume loss due to cold-induced diuresis can increase the survival time of rats maintained in long-term stable hypothermia (~24 h at a body temperature of 19 degrees C). Infusion of desmopressin (0.5-2.0 microg), a potent antidiuretic agent, during the cooling period enhanced survival over saline controls in a dose-related manner. The enhanced survival was accompanied by a significant delay in the expected increase of hematocrit and decrease of plasma volume as compared with those seen in saline controls. In contrast, treating the rats with the same dose range of another vasopressin analog, [beta-mercapto-beta,beta-cyclopentamethyl enepropionyl]-vasopressin, which has no antidiuretic action, failed to enhance survival over saline control. Further, treating the rats with the optimal dose of desmopressin (1 microg) at the later stage of hypothermia failed to elicit any beneficial effect. Our results indicate that by using desmopressin early during the cooling phase of the hypothermia, plasma volume and rheological parameters important for sustaining microcirculation can be better maintained than those seen in saline controls. These improvements may have contributed to the observed longer survival time in hypothermia.  相似文献   
Cytosolic CuZnSOD removes deleterious superoxides from plant cells. In order to understand its function better, we sought to express a monocot CuZnSODgene in transgenic Arabidopsis. We constructed a transgene usingthe CaMV 35S promoter to express a rice cytosolic CuZnSOD gene in Arabidopsis and generated over 200 transformants. A 16kD polypeptide, the same size as the native rice CuZnSOD polypeptide, was detected inthe transgenic Arabidopsis. Interestingly, two forms of riceCuZnSOD, rSODI and rSODII, having the same dimeric size, were detectedin the transgenic plants. rSODII protein was relatively abundant but hadlow specific activity. In contrast, rSODI protein was relatively rareand had high specific activity. Inter-conversion of rSODI and rSODIIcould be achieved by the addition and removal of copper ions into the purifiedrecombinant SOD and to the leaf extract of transgenic plants. Ouranalysis indicates that rSODI most likely corresponds to native riceCuZnSOD that has incorporated the Cu and Zn ions required for fullactivity, whereas the less active rSODII form may not have properlyincorporated the necessary copper ions.  相似文献   
Lee S 《Bioethics forum》2001,17(3-4):39-42
Disparities in social and economic status create a wall between the well and well-off and those living on the other side of town: the poor, the chronically ill, and the dying. In some cases, the needy to whom we turn a blind eye, those who need healthcare the most, live next door to us or across the street, only a zip code away. The case studies presented in this article draw attention to these members of our community and the imperfections in our present system.  相似文献   
Polymerase chain reactions with degenerate V gene segment primers were used to isolate the putative T-cell receptor alpha-chain gene (TCRA) from Japanese pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes). The putative TCRA chain cDNA is composed of an N-terminus leader peptide followed by the variable region and the constant region. The variable portion of the TCRA gene is encoded by V and J gene segments separated in the germline. As in mammals, the V-J junction sequences are GC rich and highly diversified. Amino acid residues that are required to maintain the function and structural integrity of the TCRA polypeptide, including the conserved Trp-Tyr-Lys and Tyr-Tyr-Cys motifs in the V gene segments, the Lys-Leu-X-Phe-Gly-X-Gly-Thr-X-Leu motif in the J gene segment, the three cysteine residues in the constant region and the charged residues in the transmembrane region are all preserved in the pufferfish. These conserved features suggest that the TCRA gene families in fish and mammals have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   
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