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Seeds of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] accumulate more isoflavones than any tissue of any plant species. In other plant parts, isoflavones are usually released to counteract the effects of various biotic and abiotic stresses. Because of the benefits to the plant and positive implications that consumption may have on human health, increasing isoflavones is a goal of many soybean breeding programs. However, altering isoflavone levels through marker-assisted selection (MAS) has been impractical due to the small and often environmentally variable contributions that each individual quantitative trait locus (QTL) has on total isoflavones. In this study, we developed a Magellan × PI 437654 F7-RIL population to construct a highly saturated non-redundant linkage map that encompassed 451 SNP and SSR molecular markers and used it to locate genomic regions that govern accumulation of isoflavones in the seeds of soybean. Five QTLs were found that contribute to the concentration of isoflavones, having single or multiple additive effects on isoflavone component traits. We also validated a major locus which alone accounted for up to 10% of the phenotypic variance for glycitein, and 35–37% for genistein, daidzein and the sum of all three soybean isoflavones. This QTL was consistently associated with increased concentration of isoflavones across different locations, years and crosses. It was the most important QTL in terms of net increased amounts of all isoflavone forms. Our results suggest that this locus would be an excellent candidate to target for MAS. Also, several minor QTLs were identified that interacted in an additive-by-additive epistatic manner, to increase isoflavone concentration.  相似文献   


Recently there has been an increased interest in the pharmacologically active natural products associated with remedies of various kinds of diseases, including cancer. Fucoidan is a polysaccharide derived from brown seaweeds and has long been used as an ingredient in some dietary supplement products. Although fucoidan has been known to have anti-cancer activity, the anti-metastatic effects and its detailed mechanism of actions have been poorly understood. Therefore, the aims of this study were to demonstrate the anti-metastatic functions of fucoidan and its mechanism of action using A549, a highly metastatic human lung cancer cell line.

Methods and Principal Findings

Fucoidan inhibits the growth of A549 cells at the concentration of 400 µg/ml. Fucoidan treatment of non-toxic dose (0–200 µg/ml) exhibits a concentration-dependent inhibitory effect on the invasion and migration of the cancer cell via decreasing its MMP-2 activity. To know the mechanism of these inhibitory effects, Western blotting was performed. Fucoidan treatment down-regulates extracellular signal-related kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)–Akt–mammalian target of rapamycin (PI3K-Akt-mTOR) pathways. Furthermore, fucoidan decreases the cytosolic and nuclear levels of Nuclear Factor-kappa B (p65).


The present study suggests that fucoidan exhibits anti-metastatic effect on A549 lung cancer cells via the down-regulation of ERK1/2 and Akt-mTOR as well as NF-kB signaling pathways. Hence, fucoidan can be considered as a potential therapeutic reagent against the metastasis of invasive human lung cancer cells.  相似文献   
Humans and animals recover their sense of position and orientation using properties of the surface layout, but the processes underlying this ability are disputed. Although behavioral and neurophysiological experiments on animals long have suggested that reorientation depends on representations of surface distance, recent experiments on young children join experimental studies and computational models of animal navigation to suggest that reorientation depends either on processing of any continuous perceptual variables or on matching of 2D, depthless images of the landscape. We tested the surface distance hypothesis against these alternatives through studies of children, using environments whose 3D shape and 2D image properties were arranged to enhance or cancel impressions of depth. In the absence of training, children reoriented by subtle differences in perceived surface distance under conditions that challenge current models of 2D-image matching or comparison processes. We provide evidence that children’s spontaneous navigation depends on representations of 3D layout geometry.  相似文献   
Upon phagocytosis, Legionella pneumophila translocates numerous effector proteins into host cells to perturb cellular metabolism and immunity, ultimately establishing intracellular survival and growth. VipD of L. pneumophila belongs to a family of bacterial effectors that contain the N-terminal lipase domain and the C-terminal domain with an unknown function. We report the crystal structure of VipD and show that its C-terminal domain robustly interferes with endosomal trafficking through tight and selective interactions with Rab5 and Rab22. This domain, which is not significantly similar to any known protein structure, potently interacts with the GTP-bound active form of the two Rabs by recognizing a hydrophobic triad conserved in Rabs. These interactions prevent Rab5 and Rab22 from binding to downstream effectors Rabaptin-5, Rabenosyn-5 and EEA1, consequently blocking endosomal trafficking and subsequent lysosomal degradation of endocytic materials in macrophage cells. Together, this work reveals endosomal trafficking as a target of L. pneumophila and delineates the underlying molecular mechanism.  相似文献   
The quaternary structure of an active form of rabbit muscle phosphofructokinase was studied by sedimentation and electron microscopy. Active enzyme centrifugation studies at pH 7.0 and 23 +/- 1 degrees C showed that phosphofructokinase sediments as a single component with a sedimentation coefficient of 12.2 +/- 0.5 S. Identical results were obtained in two assay and three solvent systems. Boundary sedimentation studies of phosphofructokinase in the presence of 1.0 mM fructose 6-phosphate, 0.1 mM adenylyl imidodiphosphate at pH 7.0 and 23 +/- 1 degrees C were performed. The results showed that the sedimentation coefficient of phosphofructokinase remains constant within the range of protein concentration studied and assumes a value of 12.4 S. The molecular weights of the subunit and the 12.4 S component were measured by sedimentation equilibrium yielding values of 83,000 and 330,000 for the monomeric and polymeric species, respectively. It is, therefore, concluded that the active form of phosphofructokinase is indeed the tetrameric species. The structure of the phosphofructokinase tetramer was also studied by electron microscopy of negatively stained specimens. Particles identified as tetramers measured approximately 9 nm in diameter by 14 nm in length. The observed size and shape are consistent with the hydrodynamic measurements. Structural features within the tetramer were interpreted as due to the four individual subunits, each one approximately 4 X 6 X 6 nm in size, arranged with D2 symmetry.  相似文献   
Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is a proline-directed serine/threonine kinase and its dysregulation is implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. Likewise, C-terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP) is linked to neurological disorders, serving as an E3 ubiquitin ligase for targeting damaged or toxic proteins for proteasomal degradation. Here, we demonstrate that CHIP is a novel substrate for Cdk5. Cdk5 phosphorylates CHIP at Ser20 via direct binding to a highly charged domain of CHIP. Co-immunoprecipitation and ubiquitination assays reveal that Cdk5-mediated phosphorylation disrupts the interaction between CHIP and truncated apoptosis-inducing factor (tAIF) without affecting CHIP''s E3 ligase activity, resulting in the inhibition of CHIP-mediated degradation of tAIF. Lentiviral transduction assay shows that knockdown of Cdk5 or overexpression of CHIPS20A, but not CHIPWT, attenuates tAIF-mediated neuronal cell death induced by hydrogen peroxide. Thus, we conclude that Cdk5-mediated phosphorylation of CHIP negatively regulates its neuroprotective function, thereby contributing to neuronal cell death progression following neurotoxic stimuli.Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is a member of cyclin-dependent kinase that is crucial for the regulation of various post-mitotic cellular processes in the nervous system.1, 2, 3, 4 Although Cdk5 is activated upon direct interaction with a neural-specific activator p35 in normal condition,1 it can be hyperactivated in numerous pathological conditions by the conversion of p35 to p25 via calpain.5 Therefore, dysregulation of Cdk5 activity has been linked to an array of neurodegenerative diseases.2, 5, 6 Consequently, Cdk5-mediated phosphorylation of several key intracellular substrates has received significant attention and has been identified to associate with the pathophysiology of neurodegeneration.6, 7Recently, our laboratory made an attempt to identify the novel substrate of Cdk5 and we came across that Cdk5 interacts with C-terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP). CHIP is composed of three major domains: (1) an amino-terminal three tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain interacting with Hsc/Hsp70 and Hsp90, (2) a highly charged central domain with unknown functions and (3) a carboxyl-terminal U-box domain conferring E3 ubiquitin ligase activity.8, 9, 10 Based on these domains, it has been indicated that CHIP has a crucial role as a molecular co-chaperone in the maintenance of protein homeostasis during cellular stress and recovery.8, 11, 12, 13 Indeed, CHIP has been demonstrated to serve as a crucial catalyst for ubiquitination of Hsp70 client proteins targeting for proteasome-dependent degradation.11 The function of CHIP with its molecular chaperones has been well documented to reduce cellular toxicity associated with several neurodegenerative diseases.11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 However, the mechanisms underlying how function of CHIP is regulated and, if any, the pathophysiological cascades contributing to CHIP-mediated neurodegeneration are not fully elucidated yet.Here, we propose the molecular cascade in which Cdk5 phosphorylation of CHIP at Ser20 disrupts the interaction between CHIP and truncated apoptosis-inducing factor (tAIF), thereby contributes to escaping of tAIF from CHIP-mediated proteasome-dependent degradation, and eventually leads to tAIF-mediated neuronal cell death. We argue that this cascade explains one plausible mechanism as to how dysregulation of Cdk5 leads to neuronal death by negatively regulating CHIP-mediated degradation of toxic molecules.  相似文献   
We use agent-based modeling to study osotua, a gift giving system used by the Maasai of East Africa. Osotua’s literal meaning is “umbilical cord,” but it is used metaphorically to refer to a specific type of gift-giving relationship. Osotua relationships are characterized by respect, responsibility and restraint. Osotua partners ask each other for help only if they are in need and provide help only when asked and only if they are able. We hypothesize that under the ecologically volatile conditions in which Maasai pastoralists have traditionally lived, such a system is particularly suited to risk pooling. Here we explore whether osotua increases the viability of herds by comparing herd survivorship and stability under osotua rules to a) no exchange and b) probabilistic rules for requesting and giving livestock. Results from this model suggest that this gift-giving system can dramatically increase herd longevity through a limited pooling of risk.  相似文献   
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