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Marine phages are the most abundant biological entities in the oceans. They play important roles in carbon cycling through marine food webs, gene transfer by transduction and conversion of hosts by lysogeny. The handful of marine phage genomes that have been sequenced to date, along with prophages in marine bacterial genomes, and partial sequencing of uncultivated phages are yielding glimpses of the tremendous diversity and physiological potential of the marine phage community. Common gene modules in diverse phages are providing the information necessary to make evolutionary comparisons. Finally, deciphering phage genomes is providing clues about the adaptive response of phages and their hosts to environmental cues.  相似文献   
The Cf-9 gene encodes an extracytoplasmic leucine-rich repeat protein that confers resistance in tomato to races of the fungus Cladosporium fulvum that express the corresponding avirulence gene Avr 9. We investigated whether the genomic Cf-9 gene functions in potato and tobacco. Transgenic tobacco and potato plants carrying Cf-9 exhibit a rapid hypersensitive cell death response (HR) to Avr 9 peptide injection. Cf 9 tobacco plants were reciprocally crossed to Avr 9-producing tobacco. A developmentally regulated seedling lethal phenotype occurred in F1 progeny when Cf9 was used as the male parent and Avr 9 as the female parent. However, when Cf9 was inherited in the maternal tissue and a heterozygous Avr 9 plant was used as the pollen donor, a much earlier reaction was caused, leading to no germination of any F1 seed. Detailed analysis of the Avr 9-induced responses in Cf 9 tobacco leaves revealed that (1) most mesophyll cells died within 3 hr (compared with 12 to 16 hr in tomato); (2) the macroscopic HR was visible at an Avr 9 titer five times lower than that which caused visible symptoms in tomato; (3) the HR invariably extended into noninjected panels of the tobacco leaf; (4) no HR occurred in leaves of young tobacco plants; (5) in older plants, the HR was dramatically enhanced by sequential Avr 9 challenges; and (6) coexpression of a salicylate hydroxylase transgene (nahG) from Pseudomonas putida reduced the severity of the macroscopic leaf HR and also restored germination to Cf 9 x 35S:Avr 9 F1 seedlings. Simultaneous introduction of Cf-9 homologs (Hcr 9-9 genes A and B or D) along with the native Cf-9 gene did not alter the responses that were specifically induced by Avr 9. Various ways to use the Cf-9-Avr 9 gene combination to engineer broad-spectrum disease resistance in several solanaceous species are discussed.  相似文献   
Adaptation kinetics in bacterial chemotaxis.   总被引:24,自引:10,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Cells of Escherichia coli, tethered to glass by a single flagellum, were subjected to constant flow of a medium containing the attractant alpha-methyl-DL-aspartate. The concentration of this chemical was varied with a programmable mixing apparatus over a range spanning the dissociation constant of the chemoreceptor at rates comparable to those experienced by cells swimming in spatial gradients. When an exponentially increasing ramp was turned on (a ramp that increases the chemoreceptor occupancy linearly), the rotational bias of the cells (the fraction of time spent spinning counterclockwise) changed rapidly to a higher stable level, which persisted for the duration of the ramp. The change in bias increased with ramp rate, i.e., with the time rate of change of chemoreceptor occupancy. This behavior can be accounted for by a model for adaptation involving proportional control, in which the flagellar motors respond to an error signal proportional to the difference between the current occupancy and the occupancy averaged over the recent past. Distributions of clockwise and counterclockwise rotation intervals were found to be exponential. This result cannot be explained by a response regular model in which transitions between rotational states are generated by threshold crossings of a regular subject to statistical fluctuation; this mechanism generates distributions with far too many long events. However, the data can be fit by a model in which transitions between rotational states are governed by first-order rate constants. The error signal acts as a bias regulator, controlling the values of these constants.  相似文献   
We describe here a simple, general procedure for the purification of a variety of lectins, and for the preparation of lectin-ferritin conjugates of defined molar composition and binding properties to be used as probes for cell surface saccharides. The technique uses a “universal” affinity column for lectins and their conjugates, which consists of hog sulfated gastric mucin glycopeptides covalently coupled to agarose. The procedure involes: (a) purification of lectins by chromatography of aqueous extracts of seeds or other lectin-containing fluids over the affinity column, followed by desorption of the desired lectin with its hapten suge; (b) iodination of the lectin to serve as a marker during subsequent steps; (c) conjugation of lectin to ferritin with glutaraldehyde; (d) collection of active lectin-ferritin conjugates by affinity chromatography; and (e) separation of monomeric lectin-ferritin conjugates from larger aggregates and unconjugated lectin by gel chromatography. Based on radioactivity and absorbancy at 310 nm for lectin and ferritin, respectively, the conjugates consist of one to two molecules of lectin per ferrritin molecule. Binding studies of native lectins and their ferritin conjugates to dispersed pancreatic acinar cells showed that the conjugation procedure does not significantly alter either the affinity constant of the lectin for its receptor on the cell surface or the number of sites detected.  相似文献   
Efforts to define serological correlates of protection against COVID-19 have been hampered by the lack of a simple, scalable, standardised assay for SARS-CoV-2 infection and antibody neutralisation. Plaque assays remain the gold standard, but are impractical for high-throughput screening. In this study, we show that expression of viral proteases may be used to quantitate infected cells. Our assays exploit the cleavage of specific oligopeptide linkers, leading to the activation of cell-based optical biosensors. First, we characterise these biosensors using recombinant SARS-CoV-2 proteases. Next, we confirm their ability to detect viral protease expression during replication of authentic virus. Finally, we generate reporter cells stably expressing an optimised luciferase-based biosensor, enabling viral infection to be measured within 24 h in a 96- or 384-well plate format, including variants of concern. We have therefore developed a luminescent SARS-CoV-2 reporter cell line, and demonstrated its utility for the relative quantitation of infectious virus and titration of neutralising antibodies.  相似文献   
A single administration of monocrotaline to rats results in pathologic alterations in the lung and heart similar to human pulmonary hypertension. In order to produce these lesions, monocrotaline is oxidized to monocrotaline pyrrole in the liver followed by hematogenous transport to the lung where it injures pulmonary endothelium. In this study, we determined specific endothelial targets for (14)C-monocrotaline pyrrole using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and autoradiographic detection of protein metabolite adducts. Selective labeling of specific proteins was observed. Labeled proteins were digested with trypsin, and the resulting peptides were analyzed using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry. The results were searched against sequence data bases to identify the adducted proteins. Five abundant adducted proteins were identified as galectin-1, protein-disulfide isomerase, probable protein-disulfide isomerase (ER60), beta- or gamma-cytoplasmic actin, and cytoskeletal tropomyosin (TM30-NM). With the exception of actin, the proteins identified in this study have never been identified as potential targets for pyrroles, and the majority of these proteins have either received no or minimal attention as targets for other electrophilic compounds. The known functions of these proteins are discussed in terms of their potential for explaining the pulmonary toxicity of monocrotaline.  相似文献   
Stimulation of metastatic MTLn3 cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) causes a rapid and transient increase in actin nucleation activity resulting from the appearance of free barbed ends at the extreme leading edge of extending lamellipods. To investigate the role of cofilin in EGF-stimulated actin polymerization and lamellipod extension in MTLn3 cells, we examined in detail the temporal and spatial distribution of cofilin relative to free barbed ends and characterized the actin dynamics by measuring the changes in the number of actin filaments. EGF stimulation triggers a transient increase in cofilin in the leading edge near the membrane, which is precisely cotemporal with the appearance of free barbed ends there. A deoxyribonuclease I binding assay shows that the number of filaments per cell increases by 1.5-fold after EGF stimulation. Detection of pointed ends in situ using deoxyribonuclease I binding demonstrates that this increase in the number of pointed ends is confined to the leading edge compartment, and does not occur within stress fibers or in the general cytoplasm. Using a light microscope severing assay, cofilin's severing activity was observed directly in cell extracts and shown to be activated after stimulation of the cells with EGF. Microinjection of function-blocking antibodies against cofilin inhibits the appearance of free barbed ends at the leading edge and lamellipod protrusion after EGF stimulation. These results support a model in which EGF stimulation recruits cofilin to the leading edge where its severing activity is activated, leading to the generation of short actin filaments with free barbed ends that participate in the nucleation of actin polymerization.  相似文献   
Successful mating of MATa Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells is dependent on Ste2p, the alpha-factor receptor. Besides receiving the pheromone signal and transducing it through the G-protein coupled MAP kinase pathway, Ste2p is active in the establishment and orientation of the mating projection. We investigated the role of the carboxyl terminus of the receptor in mating projection formation and orientation using a spatial gradient assay. Cells carrying the ste2-T326 mutation, truncating 105 of the 135 amino acids in the receptor tail including a motif necessary for its ligand-mediated internalization, display slow onset of projection formation, abnormal shmoo morphology, and reduced ability to orient the mating projection toward a pheromone source. This reduction was due to the increased loss of mating projection orientation in a pheromone gradient. Cells with a mutated endocytosis motif were defective in reorientation in a pheromone gradient. ste2-Delta296 cells, which carry a complete truncation of the Ste2p tail, exhibit a severe defect in projection formation, and those projections that do form are unable to orient in a pheromone gradient. These results suggest a complex role for the Ste2p carboxy-terminal tail in the formation, orientation, and directional adjustment of the mating projection, and that endocytosis of the receptor is important for this process. In addition, mutations in RSR1/BUD1 and SPA2, genes necessary for budding polarity, exhibited little or no defect in formation or orientation of mating projections. We conclude that mating projection orientation depends upon the carboxyl terminus of the pheromone receptor and not the directional machinery used in budding.  相似文献   
Rohwer F  Seguritan V  Choi DH  Segall AM  Azam F 《BioTechniques》2001,31(1):108-12, 114-6, 118
In the following report, thermal cycling coupled with random 10-mers as primers was used to construct randomly amplified shotgun libraries (RASLs). This approach allowed shotgun libraries to be constructed from nanogram quantities of input DNA. RASLs contained inserts from throughout a target genome in an unbiased fashion and did not appear to contain chimeric sequences. This protocol should be useful for shotgun sequencing the genomes of unculturable organisms and rapidly producing shotgun libraries from cosmids, fosmids, yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), and bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs).  相似文献   
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