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Background: Heart failure (HF) is a deadly, disabling and often costly syndrome world-wide. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of data describing its economic impact in sub Saharan Africa; a region in which the number of relatively younger cases will inevitably rise. Methods: Heath economic data were extracted from a prospective HF registry in a tertiary hospital situated in Abeokuta, southwest Nigeria. Outpatient and inpatient costs were computed from a representative cohort of 239 HF cases including personnel, diagnostic and treatment resources used for their management over a 12-month period. Indirect costs were also calculated. The annual cost per person was then calculated. Results: Mean age of the cohort was 58.0±15.1 years and 53.1% were men. The total computed cost of care of HF in Abeokuta was 76, 288,845 Nigerian Naira (US$508, 595) translating to 319,200 Naira (US$2,128 US Dollars) per patient per year. The total cost of in-patient care (46% of total health care expenditure) was estimated as 34,996,477 Naira (about 301,230 US dollars). This comprised of 17,899,977 Naira- 50.9% ($US114,600) and 17,806,500 naira −49.1%($US118,710) for direct and in-direct costs respectively. Out-patient cost was estimated as 41,292,368 Naira ($US 275,282). The relatively high cost of outpatient care was largely due to cost of transportation for monthly follow up visits. Payments were mostly made through out-of-pocket spending. Conclusion: The economic burden of HF in Nigeria is particularly high considering, the relatively young age of affected cases, a minimum wage of 18,000 Naira ($US120) per month and considerable component of out-of-pocket spending for those affected. Health reforms designed to mitigate the individual to societal burden imposed by the syndrome are required.  相似文献   
放牧诱导的植物遗留效应可以通过较大的根系分配可塑性增强其干旱适应性 为探索植物的放牧遗留效应是否有利于天然草原生态系统应对干旱环境,我们采集了 内蒙古典型草原自由放牧和多年围封样地内的冰草(Agropyron cristatum)和黄囊苔草(Carex korshinskyi)幼苗 进行了温室控水试验。研究结果表明,干旱处理对自由放牧样地采集的冰草和黄囊苔草子株生物量、子株数量和总生物量的影响较小;自由放牧区的冰草与黄囊苔草较强的干旱适应性可部分由干旱处理下较大的根系分配可塑性来解释。本研究结果表明合理放牧是天然草原适应气候变化的潜在管理办法之一。  相似文献   
Geochemical modeling of heavy metals released from the activities of artisanal mining for gold exploitation was investigated in this study. Samples of mine water and sediment discharges were collected before and after treatment. Untreated discharge shows pollutant of arsenic, lead, cadmium and iron in water and sediment above the acceptable standard. Manganese was above detection limit in the treated water discharge after treatment. Aqueous modeling in solution and solid-state reaction showed over-saturated indices for tenorite, bixbyite, cupric ferrite, cerrusite and manganite in the untreated mines discharge and hausmannite, ferrihydrite and goethite after treatment.The identified toxic metals were absent or had low contamination factor in the mines discharge water after treatment. The study highlights the danger posed by artisanal mining to the environment and suggests treatment method.  相似文献   
Although the genome of Haloferax volcanii contains genes (flgA1-flgA2) that encode flagellins and others that encode proteins involved in flagellar assembly, previous reports have concluded that H. volcanii is nonmotile. Contrary to these reports, we have now identified conditions under which H. volcanii is motile. Moreover, we have determined that an H. volcanii deletion mutant lacking flagellin genes is not motile. However, unlike flagella characterized in other prokaryotes, including other archaea, the H. volcanii flagella do not appear to play a significant role in surface adhesion. While flagella often play similar functional roles in bacteria and archaea, the processes involved in the biosynthesis of archaeal flagella do not resemble those involved in assembling bacterial flagella but, instead, are similar to those involved in producing bacterial type IV pili. Consistent with this observation, we have determined that, in addition to disrupting preflagellin processing, deleting pibD, which encodes the preflagellin peptidase, prevents the maturation of other H. volcanii type IV pilin-like proteins. Moreover, in addition to abolishing swimming motility, and unlike the flgA1-flgA2 deletion, deleting pibD eliminates the ability of H. volcanii to adhere to a glass surface, indicating that a nonflagellar type IV pilus-like structure plays a critical role in H. volcanii surface adhesion.To escape toxic conditions or to acquire new sources of nutrients, prokaryotes often depend on some form of motility. Swimming motility, a common means by which many bacteria move from one place to another, usually depends on flagellar rotation to propel cells through liquid medium (24, 26, 34). These motility structures are also critical for the effective attachment of bacteria to surfaces.As in bacteria, rotating flagella are responsible for swimming motility in archaea, and recent studies suggest that archaea, like bacteria, also require flagella for efficient surface attachment (37, 58). However, in contrast to bacterial flagellar subunits, which are translocated via a specialized type III secretion apparatus, archaeal flagellin secretion and flagellum assembly resemble the processes used to translocate and assemble the subunits of bacterial type IV pili (34, 38, 54).Type IV pili are typically composed of major pilins, the primary structural components of the pilus, and several minor pilin-like proteins that play important roles in pilus assembly or function (15, 17, 46). Pilin precursor proteins are transported across the cytoplasmic membrane via the Sec translocation pathway (7, 20). Most Sec substrates contain either a class I or a class II signal peptide that is cleaved at a recognition site that lies subsequent to the hydrophobic portion of the signal peptide (18, 43). However, the precursors of type IV pilins contain class III signal peptides, which are processed at recognition sites that precede the hydrophobic domain by a prepilin-specific peptidase (SPase III) (38, 43, 45). Similarly, archaeal flagellin precursors contain a class III signal peptide that is processed by a prepilin-specific peptidase homolog (FlaK/PibD) (3, 8, 10, 11). Moreover, flagellar assembly involves homologs of components involved in the biosynthesis of bacterial type IV pili, including FlaI, an ATPase homologous to PilB, and FlaJ, a multispanning membrane protein that may provide a platform for flagellar assembly, similar to the proposed role for PilC in pilus assembly (38, 44, 53, 54). These genes, as well as a number of others that encode proteins often required for either flagellar assembly or function (flaCDEFG and flaH), are frequently coregulated with the flg genes (11, 26, 44, 54).Interestingly, most sequenced archaeal genomes also contain diverse sets of genes that encode type IV pilin-like proteins with little or no homology to archaeal flagellins (3, 39, 52). While often coregulated with pilB and pilC homologs, these genes are never found in clusters containing the motility-specific flaCDEFG and flaH homologs; however, the proteins they encode do contain class III signal peptides (52). Several of these proteins have been shown to be processed by an SPase III (4, 52). Moreover, in Sulfolobus solfataricus and Methanococcus maripaludis, some of these archaeal type IV pilin-like proteins were confirmed to form surface filaments that are distinct from the flagella (21, 22, 56). These findings strongly suggest that the genes encode subunits of pilus-like surface structures that are involved in functions other than swimming motility.In bacteria, type IV pili are multifunctional filamentous protein complexes that, in addition to facilitating twitching motility, mediate adherence to abiotic surfaces and make close intercellular associations possible (15, 17, 46). For instance, mating between Escherichia coli in liquid medium has been shown to require type IV pili (often referred to as thin sex pili), which bring cells into close proximity (29, 30, 57). Recent work has shown that the S. solfataricus pilus, Ups, is required not only for efficient adhesion to surfaces of these crenarchaeal cells but also for UV-induced aggregation (21, 22, 58). Frols et al. postulate that autoaggregation is required for DNA exchange under these highly mutagenic conditions (22). Halobacterium salinarum has also been shown to form Ca2+-induced aggregates (27, 28). Furthermore, conjugation has been observed in H. volcanii, which likely requires that cells be held in close proximity for a sustained period to allow time for the cells to construct the cytoplasmic bridges that facilitate DNA transfer between them (35).To determine the roles played by haloarchaeal flagella and other putative type IV pilus-like structures in swimming and surface motility, surface adhesion, autoaggregation, and conjugation, we constructed and characterized two mutant strains of H. volcanii, one lacking the genes that encode the flagellins and the other lacking pibD. Our analyses indicate that although this archaeon was previously thought to be nonmotile (14, 36), wild-type (wt) H. volcanii can swim in a flagellum-dependent manner. Consistent with the involvement of PibD in processing flagellins, the peptidase mutant is nonmotile. Unlike nonhalophilic archaea, however, the flagellum mutant can adhere to glass as effectively as the wild type. Conversely, the ΔpibD strain fails to adhere to glass surfaces, strongly suggesting that in H. volcanii surface adhesion involves nonflagellar, type IV pilus-like structures.  相似文献   
The Russian wheat aphid (RWA, ( Diuraphis noxia ) and the Bird cherry-oat aphid (BCA, ( Rhopalosiphum padi L.) cause severe damage to grain crops, including barley. An investigation of the effects of these aphids on a susceptible cultivar revealed that BCA-infested barley plants remained healthy looking for 2 weeks after feeding commenced. In contrast, signs of stress and damage, including chlorosis and leaf necrosis were evident in RWA-infested plants. Our study suggests that damage to the vascular tissue because of sustained feeding by BCA was not as extensive as that caused by RWA. In addition, there is a marked difference in the salivary secretion pattern within xylem elements punctured by aphids tapping the xylem for water. RWA deposit electron-dense, amorphous to smooth saliva, which completely encases the inner walls of affected elements, and saliva encases pit membranes between xylem elements, and between xylem vessels and xylem parenchyma. Xylem tapped by BCA contained more granular saliva, which apparently does not occlude vessel wall apertures or the pit membranes to the same extent, as was observed with RWA. Damage to phloem tissue, including phloem parenchyma elements, sieve tube–companion cell (CC–ST) complexes as well as thick-walled ST, was extensive. Plasmodesmata between phloem parenchyma elements as well as pore plasmodesmata between the CC and ST were occluded by callose. We conclude that severe, perhaps permanent damage to conducting elements in RWA-infested leaves may be responsible for the detrimental chlorosis and necrosis symptoms. These symptoms are absent in BCA-infested plants.  相似文献   
Leaf anatomical characters of twelve species from the genus Cyperus, a genus known to contain species with both C3 and C4 plants, have been investigated. We investigated and established the usefulness of all‐inclusive functional leaf anatomical characters for identifying the photosynthetic pathways of these species. The species investigated were C. articulatus L., C. compressus L., C. difformis L., C. dilatatus Schum. & Thonn., C. distans L., C. esculentus L., C. haspan L., C. imbricatus Retz., C. iria L., C. rotundus L., C. sphacelatus Rottb. and C. tenuiculmis (Boeck.) Hooper, collected from locations in southwestern Nigeria. Standard anatomical procedures for examining epidermal and cross sections of leaves were employed. Our data suggested that a combination of characters, such as the occurrence of Kranz tissue, maximum cell distant count, maximum lateral cell count, interveinal distance, and to some extent leaf and mesophyll thickness, provide a reliable basis for the assessment of the photosynthetic pathways of the investigated species as compared to the isolated characters used previously. The study indicate that C. difformis and C. haspan are C3 species while the rest follow the C4 photosynthetic pathway. A salient feature of this study is the identification of C. dilatatus as belonging to the C4 group.  相似文献   
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