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We developed a set of hypervariable microsatellite markers for the Pacific red snapper (Lutjanus peru), an economically important marine fish for small-scale fisheries in the west coast of Mexico. We performed shotgun genome sequencing with the 454 XL titanium chemistry and used bioinformatic tools to search for perfect microsatellite loci. We selected 66 primer pairs that were synthesized and genotyped in an ABI PRISM 3730XL DNA sequencer in 32 individuals from the Gulf of California. We estimated levels of genetic diversity, deviations from linkage and Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, estimated the frequency of null alleles and the probability of individual identity for the new markers. We reanalyzed 16 loci in 16 individuals to estimate genotyping error rates. Eighteen loci failed to amplify, 16 loci were discarded due to unspecific amplifications and 32 loci (14 tetranucleotide and 18 dinucleotide) were successfully scored. The average number of alleles per locus was 21 (±6.87, SD) and ranged from 8 to 34. The average observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.787 (±0.144 SD, range 0.250–0.935) and 0.909 (±0.122 SD, range 0.381–0.965), respectively. No significant linkage was detected. Eight loci showed deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, and from these, four loci showed moderate null allele frequencies (0.104–0.220). The probability of individual identity for the new loci was 1.46?62. Genotyping error rates averaged 9.58%. The new markers will be useful to investigate patterns of larval dispersal, metapopulation dynamics, fine-scale genetic structure and diversity aimed to inform the implementation of spatially explicit fisheries management strategies in the Gulf of California.  相似文献   
We investigated the function of chlorophyll a/b binding antenna proteins Chlorophyll Protein 26 (CP26) and CP24 in light harvesting and regulation of photosynthesis by isolating Arabidopsis thaliana knockout lines that completely lacked one or both of these proteins. All three mutant lines had a decreased efficiency of energy transfer from trimeric light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) to the reaction center of photosystem II (PSII) due to the physical disconnection of LHCII from PSII and formation of PSII reaction center depleted domains in grana partitions. Photosynthesis was affected in plants lacking CP24 but not in plants lacking CP26: the former mutant had decreased electron transport rates, a lower DeltapH gradient across the grana membranes, reduced capacity for nonphotochemical quenching, and limited growth. Furthermore, the PSII particles of these plants were organized in unusual two-dimensional arrays in the grana membranes. Surprisingly, overall electron transport, nonphotochemical quenching, and growth of the double mutant were restored to wild type. Fluorescence induction kinetics and electron transport measurements at selected steps of the photosynthetic chain suggested that limitation in electron transport was due to restricted electron transport between Q(A) and Q(B), which retards plastoquinone diffusion. We conclude that CP24 absence alters PSII organization and consequently limits plastoquinone diffusion.  相似文献   
Immature capsids of the Betaretrovirus, Mason-Pfizer Monkey virus (M-PMV), are assembled in the pericentriolar region of the cell, and are then transported to the plasma membrane for budding. Although several studies, utilizing mutagenesis, biochemistry, and immunofluorescence, have defined the role of some viral and host cells factors involved in these processes, they have the disadvantage of population analysis, rather than analyzing individual capsid movement in real time. In this study, we created an M-PMV vector in which the enhanced green fluorescent protein, eGFP, was fused to the carboxyl-terminus of the M-PMV Gag polyprotein, to create a Gag-GFP fusion that could be visualized in live cells. In order to express this fusion protein in the context of an M-PMV proviral backbone, it was necessary to codon-optimize gag, optimize the Kozak sequence preceding the initiating methionine, and mutate an internal methionine codon to one for alanine (M100A) to prevent internal initiation of translation. Co-expression of this pSARM-Gag-GFP-M100A vector with a WT M-PMV provirus resulted in efficient assembly and release of capsids. Results from fixed-cell immunofluorescence and pulse-chase analyses of wild type and mutant Gag-GFP constructs demonstrated comparable intracellular localization and release of capsids to untagged counterparts. Real-time, live-cell visualization and analysis of the GFP-tagged capsids provided strong evidence for a role for microtubules in the intracellular transport of M-PMV capsids. Thus, this M-PMV Gag-GFP vector is a useful tool for identifying novel virus-cell interactions involved in intracellular M-PMV capsid transport in a dynamic, real-time system.  相似文献   
Phytochemical coevolution theory posits that specialist herbivores will be less sensitive than generalists to the defensive compounds of their host. On the other hand, both types of herbivores should allegedly be similarly sensitive to ‘quantitative’ defences, such as tannin compounds. In this paper, we critically examine the biological effects of two types of tannins: vescalagin (a quantitatively dominant hydrolysable tannin of Quercus robur), and a mix of condensed tannins. In a phylogenetically controlled design, we compare the response of two specialist moth species (Dichonia aprilina and Catocala sponsa) and two generalist species (Acronicta psi and Amphipyra pyramidea) to four artificial diets: a control diet, a diet with 50 mg g?1 vescalagin, a diet with 15 mg/g condensed tannins, and a diet with both 50 mg g?1 vescalagin and 15 mg g?1 condensed tannins. Overall, we find drastic effects of vescalagin and pronounced differences in the responses of generalist and specialist herbivores, but no detectable effects of condensed tannins, and no interaction between the two types of compounds. More specifically, vescalagin reduced the growth of generalist species to one‐half of control levels over 72 h. The compound served as a strong feeding deterrent to generalists, reducing ingestion rates by two‐thirds. Vescalagin also reduced the metabolic and growth efficiency of generalist species to between 16% and 56% of control levels – effects which were lacking or even reversed in specialist species. These patterns suggest that vescalagin forms an important part of the oak's defence against herbivores, and that specialist species have adapted to deal with such substances. In terms of biological effects, condensed tannins seem much less important. Given a quantitative dominance of hydrolysable tannins over condensed tannins in oak leaves, and a seasonal decline in overall tannin levels, these findings contradict the previous notion that widespread spring feeding among oak herbivores could be attributed to tannins.  相似文献   
Sonic hedgehog is involved in eye field separation along the proximodistal axis. We show that Hh signalling continues to be important in defining aspects of the proximodistal axis as the optic vesicle and optic cup mature. We show that two other Hedgehog proteins, Banded hedgehog and Cephalic hedgehog, related to the mouse Indian hedgehog and Desert hedgehog, respectively, are strongly expressed in the central retinal pigment epithelium but excluded from the peripheral pigment epithelium surrounding the ciliary marginal zone. By contrast, downstream components of the Hedgehog signalling pathway, Gli2, Gli3 and X-Smoothened, are expressed in this narrow peripheral epithelium. We show that this zone contains cells that are in the proliferative state. This equivalent region in the adult mammalian eye, the pigmented ciliary epithelium, has been identified as a zone in which retinal stem cells reside. These data, combined with double labelling and the use of other retinal pigment epithelium markers, show that the retinal pigment epithelium of tadpole embryos has a molecularly distinct peripheral to central axis. In addition, Gli2, Gli3 and X-Smoothened are also expressed in the neural retina, in the most peripheral region of the ciliary marginal zone, where retinal stem cells are found in Xenopus, suggesting that they are good markers for retinal stem cells. To test the role of the Hedgehog pathway at different stages of retinogenesis, we activated the pathway by injecting a dominant-negative form of PKA or blocking it by treating embryos with cyclopamine. Embryos injected or treated at early stages display clear proximodistal defects in the retina. Interestingly, the main phenotype of embryos treated with cyclopamine at late stages is a severe defect in RPE differentiation. This study thus provides new insights into the role of Hedgehog signalling in the formation of the proximodistal axis of the eye and the differentiation of retinal pigment epithelium.  相似文献   


Ganglionated plexuses (GP) are terminal parts of cardiac autonomous nervous system (ANS). Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for atrial fibrillation (AF) possibly affects GP. Changes in heart rate variability (HRV) after RFA can reflect ANS modulation.


Epicardial RFA of GP on the left atrium (LA) was performed under the general anesthesia in 15 mature Romanov sheep. HRV was used to assess the alterations in autonomic regulation of the heart. A 24???hour ECG monitoring was performed before the ablation, 2 days after it and at each of the 12 following months. Ablation sites were evaluated histologically.


There was an instant change in HRV parameters after the ablation. A standard deviation of all intervals between normal QRS (SDNN), a square root of the mean of the squared differences between successive normal QRS intervals (RMSSD) along with HRV triangular index (TI), low frequency (LF) power and high frequency (HF) power decreased, while LF/HF ratio increased. Both the SDNN, LF power and the HF power changes persisted throughout the 12???month follow???up. Significant decrease in RMSSD persisted only for 3 months, HRV TI for 6 months and increase in LF/HF ratio for 7 months of the follow???up. Afterwards these three parameters were not different from the preprocedural values.


Epicardial RFA of GP’s on the ovine left atrium has lasting effect on the main HRV parameters (SDNN, HF power and LF power). The normalization of RMSSD, HRV TI and LF/HF suggests that HRV after epicardial RFA of GPs on the left atrium might restore over time.
The diversity of autoimmune responses poses a formidable challenge to the development of antigen-specific tolerizing therapy. We developed 'myelin proteome' microarrays to profile the evolution of autoantibody responses in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a model for multiple sclerosis (MS). Increased diversity of autoantibody responses in acute EAE predicted a more severe clinical course. Chronic EAE was associated with previously undescribed extensive intra- and intermolecular epitope spreading of autoreactive B-cell responses. Array analysis of autoantigens targeted in acute EAE was used to guide the choice of autoantigen cDNAs to be incorporated into expression plasmids so as to generate tolerizing vaccines. Tolerizing DNA vaccines encoding a greater number of array-determined myelin targets proved superior in treating established EAE and reduced epitope spreading of autoreactive B-cell responses. Proteomic monitoring of autoantibody responses provides a useful approach to monitor autoimmune disease and to develop and tailor disease- and patient-specific tolerizing DNA vaccines.  相似文献   
This study examines the impact of boldness on foraging competition of the highly invasive round goby Neogobius melanostomus Pallas 1815. Individual risk tolerance, or boldness, was measured as the time to resume movement after a simulated predation strike. Fish that resumed movement faster were categorized as “bold,” fish that took more time to resume movement were categorized as “shy” and those that fell in between these two categories were determined to have “intermediate” boldness. Competitive impacts of boldness in N. melanostomus were determined in a laboratory foraging experiment in which interspecific (juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua Linnaeus 1758) and intraspecific (intermediate N. melanostomus) individuals were exposed to either bold or shy N. melanostomus competitors. G. morhua consumed fewer prey when competing with bold N. melanostomus than when competing with shy N. melanostomus, whereas intermediately bold N. melanostomus foraging was not affected by competitor boldness. Bold and shy N. melanostomus consumed similar amounts of prey, and the number of interactions between paired fish did not vary depending on the personality of N. melanostomus individuals. Therefore, intraspecific foraging competition was not found to be personality dependent. This study provides evidence that individual differences in boldness can mediate competitive interactions in N. melanostomus; nonetheless, results also show that competition is also governed by other mechanisms that require further study.  相似文献   
Proteasome inhibitors are novel therapeutic agents which may be used in treatment of cancer and other severe disorders. We studied the effect of proteasome inhibitor MG-132 on protein and amino acid metabolism. In MG-132-treated rats we observed a significant decrease in proteasome-dependent proteolysis in skeletal muscle and an increase in whole-body protein turnover (i.e., increase in whole-body proteolysis and protein synthesis). Proteasome-dependent proteolysis was activated in the liver and kidney, protein synthesis increased in skeletal muscle, liver, and kidney. Insignificant changes were found in jejunum and colon. MG-132 administration induced a significant increase in concentration of several amino acids in blood plasma and their decrease in jejunum and colon. We conclude that administration of MG-132 affects both protein anabolic and protein catabolic pathways via the direct effect on proteasome-dependent proteolysis and indirect effect on proteolysis and protein synthesis via unidentified mediators.  相似文献   
Intrinsic cardiac neurons (ICNs) are crucial cells in the neural regulation of heart rhythm, myocardial contractility, and coronary blood flow. ICNs exhibit diversity in their morphology and neurotransmitters that probably are age-dependent. Therefore, neuroanatomical heart studies have been currently focused on the identification of chemical phenotypes of ICNs to disclose their possible functions in heart neural regulation. Employing whole-mount immunohistochemistry, we examined ICNs from atria of the newborn pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) as ICNs at this stage of development have never been neurochemically characterized so far. We found that the majority of the examined ICNs (>60%) were of cholinergic phenotype. Biphenotypic neuronal somata (NS), that is, simultaneously positive for two neuronal markers, were also rather common and distributed evenly within the sampled ganglia. Simultaneous positivity for cholinergic and adrenergic neuromarkers was specific in 16.4%, for cholinergic and nitrergic—in 3.5% of the examined NS. Purely either adrenergic or nitrergic ICNs were observed at 13% and 3.1%, correspondingly. Purely adrenergic and nitrergic NS were the most frequent in the ventral left atrial subplexus. Similarly to neuronal phenotype, sizes of NS also varied depending on the atrial region providing insights into their functional implications. Axons, but not NS, positive for classic sensory neuronal markers (vesicular glutamate transporter 2 and calcitonin gene-related peptide) were identified within epicardiac nerves and ganglia. Moreover, a substantial number of ICNs could not be attributed to any phenotype as they were not immunoreactive for antisera used in this study. Numerous dendrites with putative peptidergic and adrenergic contacts on cholinergic NS contributed to neuropil of ganglia. Our observations demonstrate that intrinsic cardiac ganglionated plexus is not fully developed in the newborn pig despite of dense network of neuronal processes and numerous signs of neural contacts within ganglia.  相似文献   
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