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There is an immediate need for improved methods to systematically and precisely quantify large sets of peptides in complex biological samples. To date protein quantification in biological samples has been routinely performed on triple quadrupole instruments operated in selected reaction monitoring mode (SRM), and two major challenges remain. Firstly, the number of peptides to be included in one survey experiment needs to be increased to routinely reach several hundreds, and secondly, the degree of selectivity should be improved so as to reliably discriminate the targeted analytes from background interferences. High resolution and accurate mass (HR/AM) analysis on the recently developed Q-Exactive mass spectrometer can potentially address these issues. This instrument presents a unique configuration: it is constituted of an orbitrap mass analyzer equipped with a quadrupole mass filter as the front-end for precursor ion mass selection. This configuration enables new quantitative methods based on HR/AM measurements, including targeted analysis in MS mode (single ion monitoring) and in MS/MS mode (parallel reaction monitoring). The ability of the quadrupole to select a restricted m/z range allows one to overcome the dynamic range limitations associated with trapping devices, and the MS/MS mode provides an additional stage of selectivity. When applied to targeted protein quantification in urine samples and benchmarked with the reference SRM technique, the quadrupole-orbitrap instrument exhibits similar or better performance in terms of selectivity, dynamic range, and sensitivity. This high performance is further enhanced by leveraging the multiplexing capability of the instrument to design novel acquisition methods and apply them to large targeted proteomic studies for the first time, as demonstrated on 770 tryptic yeast peptides analyzed in one 60-min experiment. The increased quality of quadrupole-orbitrap data has the potential to improve existing protein quantification methods in complex samples and address the pressing demand of systems biology or biomarker evaluation studies.Shotgun proteomics has emerged over the past decade as the most effective method for the qualitative study of complex proteomes (i.e., the identification of the protein content), as illustrated by a wealth of publications (1, 2). In this approach, after enzymatic digestion of the proteins, the generated peptides are analyzed by means of liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)1 in a data dependent mode. However, the complexity of the digested proteomes under investigation and the wide range of protein abundances limit the reproducibility and the sensitivity of this stochastic approach (3), which is critical if one aims at the systematic quantification of the proteins. Thus, alternative MS approaches have emerged for the systematic quantitative study of complex proteomes, the MS-based targeted proteomics (4). In this hypothesis-driven approach, only specific subsets of analytes (a few targeted peptides used as surrogates for the proteins of interest) are selectively measured in predefined m/z ranges and retention time windows, which overcomes the bias toward most abundant compounds commonly observed with shotgun proteomics. When applied to complex biological samples—for example, bodily fluids such as urine or plasma—targeted proteomics requires high performance instruments allowing measurements of a wide dynamic range (many orders of magnitude), with high sensitivity in order to detect peptides in the low amol range and sufficient selectivity to cope with massive biochemical background (5). Selected reaction monitoring (SRM) on triple quadrupole (6) or triple quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometers (7) has emerged as a means to conduct such analyses (8). Initially applied in the MS analysis of small molecules (9, 10), SRM has gradually emerged as the reference quantitative technique for analyzing proteins (or peptides) in biological samples. When coupled with the isotope dilution strategy (11, 12), this very effective technique allows the precise quantification of proteins (1318). However, despite the increased selectivity provided by the two-stage mass filtering of SRM (at the precursor and fragment ion levels), the low resolution of mass selection does not allow the systematic removal of interferences (19, 20). Moreover, in proteomics, the biochemical background has a composition similar to that of the analytes of interest, which remains a major hurdle limiting the sensitivity of assays, especially in a bodily fluid matrix. High resolution/accurate mass (HR/AM) analysis represents a promising alternative approach that might more efficiently distinguish the compounds of interest from interferences in targeted proteomics. Such analyses can be conducted on orbitrap-based mass spectrometers because of their high sensitivity and high mass accuracy capabilities (21). The introduction of the benchtop standalone orbitrap mass spectrometer (Exactive) (22) further strengthened the attractiveness of the approach, especially in the field of small molecule analysis (23, 24). However, as quantification using trapping devices intrinsically suffers from a limited dynamic range because of the overall ion capacity, the complexity of biological samples remains very challenging even with the HR/AM approach (25). Targeted protein analysis with triple quadrupole mass spectrometers keeps on showing significant superiority for such samples.2 The recently developed quadrupole-orbitrap mass spectrometer (Q-Exactive) can potentially address this issue.3 It is constituted of an orbitrap mass analyzer equipped with a quadrupole mass filter as the front-end for precursor ion mass selection (26, 27). This configuration combines advantages of triple quadrupole instruments for mass filtering and orbitrap-based mass spectrometers for HR/AM measurement. The ability of the instrument to select a restricted m/z range or (sequentially) a small number of precursor ions offers new opportunities for quantification in complex samples by selectively enriching low abundant components. The resulting data, acquired in the so-called single ion monitoring (SIM) mode, fully benefit from the trapping capability while keeping a high acquisition rate as a result of the fast switching time between targeted precursor ions of the quadrupole. Although this mode of data acquisition is possible with a configuration combining a linear ion trap with the orbitrap (as in the LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometer), its effectiveness is far more limited in this case. The quadrupole-orbitrap configuration presents significant benefits by selectively isolating a narrow population of precursor ions. Other features of the instrument include its multiplexed trapping capability (26) using either the C-trap or the higher energy collisional dissociation (HCD) cell (28, 29), which opens new avenues in the design of innovative acquisition methods for quantification studies. For the first time, a panel of acquisition methods is designed and applied to targeted quantification at the MS and MS/MS levels. In the latter case, the simultaneous monitoring of multiple MS/MS fragmentation channels, also called parallel reaction monitoring4 (PRM), is particularly promising for quantifying large sets of peptides with increased selectivity.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Colado JC, Garcia-Masso X, Triplett TN, Flandez J, Borreani S, Tella V. Concurrent validation of the OMNI-Resistance Exercise Scale of perceived exertion with Thera-Band resistance bands. J Strength Cond Res 26(11): 3018-3024, 2012-The concurrent validity of the OMNI-Resistance Exercise Scale (OMNI-RES) of perceived exertion for use with elastic bands was studied during isotonic resistance exercises. Twenty healthy, physically active subjects completed both familiarization and testing sessions. The criterion variables were myoelectric activity, recorded by electromyography, and heart rate, recorded by a heart rate monitor. The subjects performed 2 separate sets of 15 repetitions in each of the 2 testing sessions and for each of the exercises applied (i.e., frontal and lateral raises). One set was carried out with the separation between the hands gripping the elastic band allowing that 15 repetition maximum to be performed in the selected exercise, whereas the other set was carried out with the separation between hands at +50% of the previous grip. The perceived exertion rating for the active muscles and for the overall body, muscular activity, and heart rate were measured during the final repetition of each set. The results showed significant differences (p ≤ 0.001) in myoelectric activity, heart rate, and OMNI-RES scores between the low- and high-intensity sets and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.72-0.76. So it can be concluded that the OMNI-RES can be used for monitoring the intensity of exercises when elastic bands are used. This would allow the training stimulus dosage to be precisely controlled in both the session in progress and between different sessions, and allowing to differentiate between different levels of intensity according to the physical aptitudes and special physiological needs of the subjects.  相似文献   
The hypothalamic melanocortin system, which includes neurons that produce pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides, is a major negative regulator of energy balance. POMC neurons begin to acquire their unique properties during neonatal life. The formation of functional neural systems requires massive cytoplasmic remodeling that may involve autophagy, an important intracellular mechanism for the degradation of damaged proteins and organelles. Here we investigated the functional and structural effects of the deletion of an essential autophagy gene, Atg7, in POMC neurons. Lack of Atg7 in POMC neurons caused higher postweaning body weight, increased adiposity, and glucose intolerance. These metabolic impairments were associated with an age-dependent accumulation of ubiquitin/p62-positive aggregates in the hypothalamus and a disruption in the maturation of POMC-containing axonal projections. Together, these data provide direct genetic evidence that Atg7 in POMC neurons is required for normal metabolic regulation and neural development, and they implicate hypothalamic autophagy deficiency in the pathogenesis of obesity.  相似文献   
Flagellated heterotrophic microeukaryotes have key roles for the functioning of marine ecosystems as they channel large amounts of organic carbon to the upper trophic levels and control the population sizes of bacteria and archaea. Still, we know very little on the diversity patterns of most groups constituting this evolutionary heterogeneous assemblage. Here, we investigate 11 groups of uncultured flagellates known as MArine STramenopiles (MASTs). MASTs are ecologically very important and branch at the base of stramenopiles. We explored the diversity patterns of MASTs using pyrosequencing (18S rDNA) in coastal European waters. We found that MAST groups range from highly to lowly diversified. Pyrosequencing (hereafter ‘454'') allowed us to approach to the limits of taxonomic diversity for all MAST groups, which varied in one order of magnitude (tens to hundreds) in terms of operational taxonomic units (98% similarity). We did not evidence large differences in activity, as indicated by ratios of DNA:RNA-reads. Most groups were strictly planktonic, although we found some groups that were active in sediments and even in anoxic waters. The proportion of reads per size fraction indicated that most groups were composed of very small cells (∼2–5 μm). In addition, phylogenetically different assemblages appeared to be present in different size fractions, depths and geographic zones. Thus, MAST diversity seems to be highly partitioned in spatial scales. Altogether, our results shed light on these ecologically very important but poorly known groups of uncultured marine flagellates.  相似文献   
Recombinant proteins are of great commercial and scientific interest. However, most current production methods using mammalian cells involve the time- and labor-intensive step of creating stable cell lines. Although production methods based on transient gene expression could offer a significant improvement, transient transfection is currently still limited by low titers and low specific productivity compared to stable cell lines. To overcome these bottlenecks, we have explored the use of various growth factors to enhance specific productivity and titers in the context of transient gene expression. For that purpose, several growth factors were cloned and screened for their effect on transient gene expression in HEK293E and CHO-DG44 cells. In particular, acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) was able to increase specific productivity by 60% and recombinant protein titers by 80% in HEK293E cells, while FGF9 increased titers by 250% in CHO-DG44 cells.  相似文献   
The min system spatially regulates division through the topological regulation of MinCD, an inhibitor of cell division. MinCD was previously shown to inhibit division by preventing assembly of the Z ring (E. Bi and J. Lutkenhaus, J. Bacteriol. 175:1118-1125, 1993); however, this was questioned in a recent report (S. S. Justice, J. Garcia-Lara, and L. I. Rothfield, Mol. Microbiol. 37:410-423, 2000) which indicated that MinCD acted after Z-ring formation and prevented the recruitment of FtsA to the Z ring. This discrepancy was due in part to alternative fixation conditions. We have therefore reinvestigated the action of MinCD and avoided fixation by using green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions to division proteins. MinCD prevented the localization of both FtsZ-GFP and ZipA-GFP, consistent with it preventing Z-ring assembly. Consistent with a direct interaction between FtsZ and the MinCD inhibitor, we find that increased FtsZ, but not FtsA, suppresses MinCD-induced lethality. Furthermore, strains carrying various alleles of ftsZ, selected on the basis of resistance to the inhibitor SulA, displayed variable resistance to MinCD. These results are consistent with FtsZ as the target of MinCD and confirm that this inhibitor prevents Z-ring assembly.  相似文献   
Understanding the origin and evolution of pathogenicity and biotrophic life-style of rust fungi has remained a conundrum for decades. Research on the molecular mechanisms responsible for rust fungi evolution has been hampered by their biotrophic life-style until the sequencing of some rust fungi genomes. With the availability of multiple whole genomes and EST data for this group, it is now possible to employ genome-wide surveys and investigate how natural selection shaped their evolution. In this work, we employed a phylogenomics approach to search for positive selection and genes undergoing accelerated evolution at the origin of rust fungi on an assembly of single copy genes conserved across a broad range of basidiomycetes. Up to 985 genes were screened for positive selection on the phylogenetic branch leading to rusts, revealing a pervasive signal of positive selection throughout the data set with the proportion of positively selected genes ranging between 19.6–33.3%. Additionally, 30 genes were found to be under accelerated evolution at the origin of rust fungi, probably due to a mixture of positive selection and relaxation of purifying selection. Functional annotation of the positively selected genes revealed an enrichment in genes involved in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and several metabolism and transporter classes.  相似文献   
Calcium-dependent release of neurotrophic factors plays an important role in the maintenance of neurons, yet the release mechanisms are understudied. The inositol triphosphate (IP3) receptor is a calcium release channel that has a physiological role in cell growth, development, sensory perception, neuronal signaling and secretion. In the olfactory system, the IP3 receptor subtype 3 (IP3R3) is expressed exclusively in a microvillous cell subtype that is the predominant cell expressing neurotrophic factor neuropeptide Y (NPY). We hypothesized that IP3R3-expressing microvillous cells secrete sufficient NPY needed for both the continual maintenance of the neuronal population and for neuroregeneration following injury. We addressed this question by assessing the release of NPY and the regenerative capabilities of wild type, IP3R3+/−, and IP3R3−/− mice. Injury, simulated using extracellular ATP, induced IP3 receptor-mediated NPY release in wild-type mice. ATP-evoked NPY release was impaired in IP3R3−/− mice, suggesting that IP3R3 contributes to NPY release following injury. Under normal physiological conditions, both IP3R3−/− mice and explants from these mice had fewer progenitor cells that proliferate and differentiate into immature neurons. Although the number of mature neurons and the in vivo rate of proliferation were not altered, the proliferative response to the olfactotoxicant satratoxin G and olfactory bulb ablation injury was compromised in the olfactory epithelium of IP3R3−/− mice. The reductions in both NPY release and number of progenitor cells in IP3R3−/− mice point to a role of the IP3R3 in tissue homeostasis and neuroregeneration. Collectively, these data suggest that IP3R3 expressing microvillous cells are actively responsive to injury and promote recovery.  相似文献   
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