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The major component of starch is the branched glucan amylopectin. Structural features of amylopectin, such as the branching pattern and the chain length distribution, are thought to be key factors that enable it to form semicrystalline starch granules. We varied both structural parameters by creating Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking combinations of starch synthases (SSs) SS1, SS2, and SS3 (to vary chain lengths) and the debranching enzyme ISOAMYLASE1-ISOAMYLASE2 (ISA; to alter branching pattern). The isa mutant accumulates primarily phytoglycogen in leaf mesophyll cells, with only small amounts of starch in other cell types (epidermis and bundle sheath cells). This balance can be significantly shifted by mutating different SSs. Mutation of SS1 promoted starch synthesis, restoring granules in mesophyll cell plastids. Mutation of SS2 decreased starch synthesis, abolishing granules in epidermal and bundle sheath cells. Thus, the types of SSs present affect the crystallinity and thus the solubility of the glucans made, compensating for or compounding the effects of an aberrant branching pattern. Interestingly, ss2 mutant plants contained small amounts of phytoglycogen in addition to aberrant starch. Likewise, ss2ss3 plants contained phytoglycogen, but were almost devoid of glucan despite retaining other SS isoforms. Surprisingly, glucan production was restored in the ss2ss3isa triple mutants, indicating that SS activity in ss2ss3 per se is not limiting but that the isoamylase suppresses glucan accumulation. We conclude that loss of only SSs can cause phytoglycogen production. This is readily degraded by isoamylase and other enzymes so it does not accumulate and was previously unnoticed.Starch, the major storage carbohydrate in plants, is composed of two α-1,4- and α-1,6-linked glucan polymers: moderately branched amylopectin and predominantly linear amylose. Amylopectin, which constitutes approximately 80% of most starches, is synthesized by three enzyme activities. Starch synthases (SSs) transfer the glucosyl moiety of ADP-Glc to a glucan chain, forming a new α-1,4 glucosidic linkage, extending the linear chains. Branching enzymes (BEs) cleave some α-1,4 linkages and reattach chains of six Glc units or more via α-1,6 linkages, creating branch points. Debranching enzymes (DBEs) hydrolyze some of these branches, tailoring the structure of the polymer. However, the way in which the individual enzymes work together to create crystallization-competent amylopectin remains unclear.The coordinated actions of SSs, BEs, and DBEs are thought to produce a glucan with a tree-like architecture in which the branch points are nonrandomly positioned. According to models of amylopectin, clusters of unbranched chain segments are formed. Within these clusters, adjacent chains form double helices, which align in parallel giving rise to crystalline lamellae. These alternate with amorphous lamellae containing the branch points and chain segments that span the clusters (Zeeman et al., 2010). In the context of this amylopectin model, glucan chains can be categorized according to their length and connection to other chains. The A chains are external chains that do not carry other branches. The B chains carry one or more branches (either an A chain or another B chain) and have both external and internal segments. The B chains can span one or more clusters (e.g. a B1 chain spans one cluster). The C chain is the single chain that has a reducing end (Manners, 1989). The A chains tend to be the shortest, having an average chain length (ACL) of 12 to 16, depending on the species (Hizukuri, 1986). Together with the B1 chains, the A chains are thought to make up the crystalline clusters. Longer chains such as B2 chains (ACL 20–24) or B3 chains (ACL 42–48) are presumed to connect clusters (Hizukuri, 1986). Amylose is a distinct polymer synthesized within the amylopectin matrix by granule-bound SS (Tatge et al., 1999). Mutants lacking granule-bound SS also lack amylose but still make starch granules, showing that amylose synthesis is not required for this (Zeeman et al., 2010).The structural properties of amylopectin contrast with those of glycogen, the Glc polymer synthesized in organisms such as fungi, animals, and most bacteria. Glycogen also consists of α-1,4-linked Glc chains with α-1,6-linked branches, but differs in three major ways from amylopectin. First, its external branches are considerably shorter (6–8 Glc units compared with 12–16 in amylopectin). Second, the branch frequency (10%) is twice as high as in amylopectin. Third, its branch points are assumed to be distributed homogeneously, whereas branching in amylopectin is thought to be nonhomogeneous. These differences prevent the formation and parallel alignment of double helices in glycogen, rendering it soluble. Glycogen synthesis requires only a single glycogen synthase enzyme and a single glycogen BE, whereas several SS and BE isoforms are involved in amylopectin synthesis. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), there are four SSs (SS1–SS4) and two BEs (BE2 and BE3; Li et al., 2003; Streb and Zeeman, 2012). In addition, Arabidopsis has three DBEs. ISOAMYLASE1-ISOAMYLASE2 (hereafter referred to simply as ISA), a heteromultimeric enzyme composed of the two subunits ISA1 and ISA2, is implicated in amylopectin synthesis (Delatte et al., 2005). The other two DBEs, ISA3 and LIMIT DEXTRINASE (LDA), are implicated in starch degradation (Delatte et al., 2006).Loss of specific SS isoforms has different effects on the starch amount, amylopectin chain length distribution (CLD), and starch granule morphology, suggesting distinct functions for each isoform. For example, amylopectin from SS1-deficient mutants of Arabidopsis (Delvallé et al., 2005; Szydlowski et al., 2011) and rice (Oryza sativa; Fujita et al., 2006) has fewer chains with a degree of polymerization (DP; i.e. chain length) between 8 and 12 and more chains with a DP between 17 and 20 compared with the wild-type starches. This is consistent with in vitro data for the maize (Zea mays; Commuri and Keeling, 2001) and rice SSI enzymes (Fujita et al., 2006), which preferentially elongate short chains of DP 6 or 7 up to a length of DP 10. This indicates that SSI functions to elongate the short chains created by BEs by a few Glc units (Commuri and Keeling, 2001; Delvallé et al., 2005). Comparable studies in SS2-deficient mutants reveal amylopectin with more chains with DP 6 to 11, but depletion in chains with DP 13 to 20 compared with the corresponding wild-type amylopectins. Thus, SS2 is suggested to elongate shorter chains (e.g. those made by SS1) to a length of between DP 13 and 20 (Edwards et al., 1999; Yamamori et al., 2000; Umemoto et al., 2002; Morell et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2004, 2008). SS3 was proposed to be important for the generation of long, cluster-spanning chains (Jeon et al., 2010; Tetlow and Emes, 2011), as well as contributing to A chain and B1 chain elongation (Edwards et al., 1999; Zhang et al., 2005, 2008). By contrast, SS4 appears to have a specialized role in initiating or coordinating granule formation (Roldán et al., 2007; Crumpton-Taylor et al., 2012, 2013). Arabidopsis ss4 mutants have just one round starch granule per chloroplast rather than five or more lenticular granules observed in the wild type.Partial loss of BE activity in maize (Stinard et al., 1993), rice (Mizuno et al., 1993), and potato (Solanum tuberosum; Schwall et al., 2000) leads to starches with high apparent amylose, most likely caused by the accumulation of less frequently branched amylopectin. A total lack of branching activity in Arabidopsis be2be3 mutants, however, abolishes starch production. Instead, maltose accumulates, suggesting that linear glucans are produced, but degraded by α- and β-amylases (Dumez et al., 2006).Loss of DBE of the ISA1 class causes a dramatic phenotype, with production of a soluble glucan (phytoglycogen) in place of starch. This has been observed in starch-synthesizing tissues of several species, including Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells (Mouille et al., 1996), Arabidopsis leaves (Delatte et al., 2005; Wattebled et al., 2005), and the endosperms of maize (Zea Mays; James et al., 1995), rice (Oryza sativa; Nakamura et al., 1997), and barley (Hordeum vulgare) seeds (Burton et al., 2002). Phytoglycogen has structural similarities to glycogen in that both are water soluble and have a higher branch frequency than amylopectin. Accordingly, it was proposed that the trimming of glucans produced by SS and BE isoforms by ISA1 removes branches that interfere with the formation of secondary and tertiary structures (i.e. organized arrays of double helices), thereby facilitating amylopectin biosynthesis and crystallization (Ball et al., 1996). Compared with ISA1, the other two DBEs (LDA and ISA3) have different substrate specificities, both preferring substrates with short outer chains, such as β-limit dextrins, suggesting that their role is primarily in starch degradation. Consistently, mutating these genes in Arabidopsis causes a starch-excess phenotype rather than phytoglycogen accumulation (Delatte et al., 2006).Although it is now widely accepted that a degree of debranching occurs to control branch number and positioning in amylopectin, the importance of this for crystalline starch production is still uncertain. Several studies have shown that some cell types in isa1-deficient mutants still produce some starch (e.g. epidermal and bundle sheath cells in Arabidopsis mutants; Delatte et al., 2005), indicating that other factors can also affect the partitioning between phytoglycogen and starch.No starch granules are made in the Arabidopsis isa1isa2isa3lda quadruple mutant, which lacks all three DBEs (Streb et al., 2008). Although suggestive of redundancy between the DBEs, the loss of each enzyme has distinct effects on amylopectin or phytoglycogen structure, consistent with their different substrate specificities. Furthermore, the loss of starch granules in isa1isa2isa3lda was shown to be at least partly due to the actions of α-amylase; typical α-amylolytic products (short malto-oligosaccharides) accumulated alongside phytoglycogen. Mutation of the gene encoding the chloroplastic α-AMYLASE3 (AMY3) eliminated these short malto-oligosaccharides and restored starch granule biosynthesis in all cell types examined. This unexpected result showed that crystalline glucans can be produced in the absence of DBE activity, despite an altered branching pattern. Streb et al. (2008) proposed that AMY3 shortens external chains of the glucans made by SSs and BEs so that they cannot form double helices with their neighbors. This idea is consistent with models for amylopectin, in which a suitable CLD is a critical factor in the formation of the secondary and higher-order crystalline structures (Gidley and Bulpin, 1987; Pfannemüller, 1987). Thus, factors that affect the CLD, such as a failure to sufficiently elongate new branches or concomitant chain degradation by amylases, should also affect crystallinity. Indeed, early studies of maize mutants (that were subsequently shown to be affected in DBE and SS activities) reported that loss of SS in a DBE mutant background altered the ratio of starch to phytoglycogen compared with the DBE mutants alone (Cameron and Cole, 1954; Creech, 1965).The aim of this work was to use genetics to systematically vary both branch point position and chain lengths and determine the impact on glucan amount, structure, and starch granule formation in Arabidopsis. We analyzed mutants lacking combinations of SSs (to vary chain lengths) in the absence of the debranching enzyme ISA1-ISA2 (to change branch point distribution/frequency). This revealed that the length of external chains is a key factor in the production of a crystallization-competent glucan. Remarkably, our results also provide evidence for phytoglycogen production due to mutations just in SSs. Our results indicate that this phenomenon is largely masked by the presence of ISA1-ISA2, which degrades the aberrant glucan instead of trimming it to amylopectin.  相似文献   
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity, leptodactylic type (lepto-SEMDJL, aka SEMDJL, Hall type), is an autosomal dominant skeletal disorder that, in spite of being relatively common among skeletal dysplasias, has eluded molecular elucidation so far. We used whole-exome sequencing of five unrelated individuals with lepto-SEMDJL to identify mutations in KIF22 as the cause of this skeletal condition. Missense mutations affecting one of two adjacent amino acids in the motor domain of KIF22 were present in 20 familial cases from eight families and in 12 other sporadic cases. The skeletal and connective tissue phenotype produced by these specific mutations point to functions of KIF22 beyond those previously ascribed functions involving chromosome segregation. Although we have found Kif22 to be strongly upregulated at the growth plate, the precise pathogenetic mechanisms remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   
We investigated how the Bradford assay for measurements of protein released from a drug formulation may be affected by a concomitant release of a pharmaceutical polymer used to formulate the protein delivery device. The main result is that polymer-caused perturbations of the Coomassie dye absorbance at the Bradford monitoring wavelength (595 nm) can be identified and corrected by recording absorption spectra in the region of 350–850 mm. The pharmaceutical polymers Carbopol and chitosan illustrate two potential types of perturbations in the Bradford assay, whereas the third polymer, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), acts as a nonperturbing control. Carbopol increases the apparent absorbance at 595 nm because the polymer aggregates at the low pH of the Bradford protocol, causing a turbidity contribution that can be corrected quantitatively at 595 nm by measuring the sample absorbance at 850 nm outside the dye absorption band. Chitosan is a cationic polymer under Bradford conditions and interacts directly with the anionic Coomassie dye and perturbs its absorption spectrum, including 595 nm. In this case, the Bradford method remains useful if the polymer concentration is known but should be used with caution in release studies where the polymer concentration may vary and needs to be measured independently.  相似文献   
We investigated the existence of a bisphosphonate (BP) target site in osteoblasts. Binding assays using [3H]-olpadronate ([3H]OPD) in whole cells showed the presence of specific, saturable and high affinity binding for OPD (Kd = 1.39 ± 0.33 μM) in osteoblasts. [3H]OPD was displaced from its binding site by micromolar concentrations of lidadronate, alendronate and etidronate (Kd = 1.42 ± 0.15 μM, 2.00 ± 0.2 μM and 2.4 ± 0.4 μM, respectively), and by millimolar concentrations of the non-permeant protein phosphatase (PP) substrates p-nitrophenylphosphate and α-naphtylphosphate. PP inhibitors orthovanadate, NaF or vpb(bipy) did not displace [3H]OPD.As expected, specific OPD binding was detected in the plasma membrane of ROS 17/2.8 cells, although significant BP binding was also found intracellularly. Moreover, OPD increased DNA synthesis in these cells with a temporal profile similar to the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitors, Na3VO4 and vpb(bipy); but different from a general PP inhibitor (NaF). The stimulatory effect of OPD and PTP inhibitors on osteoblast proliferation was inhibited by the protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors genistein and geldanamycin. These results provide new evidence on the existence of a BP target in osteoblastic cells, presumably a PTP, which may be involved in the stimulatory action of BPs on osteoblast proliferation.  相似文献   
Several effects of the endogenous opioid peptide dynorphin A (Dyn A) are not mediated through the opioid receptors. These effects are generally excitatory, and result in cell loss and induction of chronic pain and paralysis. The mechanism(s) is not well defined but may involve formation of pores in cellular membranes. In the 17-amino acid peptide Dyn A we have recently identified L5S, R6W, and R9C mutations that cause the dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder Spinocerebellar ataxia type 23. To gain further insight into non-opioid neurodegenerative mechanism(s), we studied the perturbation effects on lipid bilayers of wild type Dyn A and its mutants in large unilamellar phospholipid vesicles encapsulating the fluorescent dye calcein. The peptides were found to induce calcein leakage from uncharged and negatively charged vesicles to different degrees, thus reflecting different membrane perturbation effects. The mutant Dyn A R6W was the most potent in producing leakage with negatively charged vesicles whereas Dyn A L5S was virtually inactive. The overall correlation between membrane perturbation and neurotoxic response [3] suggests that pathogenic Dyn A actions may be mediated through transient pore formation in lipid domains of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
The positively charged side chains of cationic antimicrobial peptides are generally thought to provide the initial long-range electrostatic attractive forces that guide them towards the negatively charged bacterial membranes. Peptide analogs were designed to examine the role of the four Arg side chains in the cathelicidin peptide tritrpticin (VRRFPWWWPFLRR). The analogs include several noncoded Arg and Lys derivatives that offer small variations in side chain length and methylation state. The peptides were tested for bactericidal and hemolytic activities, and their membrane insertion and permeabilization properties were characterized by leakage assays and fluorescence spectroscopy. A net charge of +5 for most of the analogs maintains their high antimicrobial activity and directs them towards preferential insertion into model bacterial membrane systems with a similar extent of burial of the Trp side chains. However the peptides exhibit significant functional differences. Analogs with methylated cationic side chains cause lower levels of membrane leakage and are associated with lower hemolytic activities, making them potentially attractive pharmaceutical candidates. Analogs containing the Arg guanidinium groups cause more membrane disruption than those containing the Lys amino groups. Peptides in the latter group with shorter side chains have increased membrane activity and conversely, elongating the Arg residue causes slightly higher membrane activity. Altogether, the potential for strong hydrogen bonding between the four positive Arg side chains with the phospholipid head groups seems to be a determinant for the membrane disruptive properties of tritrpticin and many related cationic antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   
Most protease-substrate assays rely on short, synthetic peptide substrates consisting of native or modified cleavage sequences. These assays are inadequate for interrogating the contribution of native substrate structure distal to a cleavage site that influences enzymatic cleavage or for inhibitor screening of native substrates. Recent evidence from HIV-1 isolates obtained from individuals resistant to protease inhibitors has demonstrated that mutations distal to or surrounding the protease cleavage sites in the Gag substrate contribute to inhibitor resistance. We have developed a protease-substrate cleavage assay, termed the cleavage enzyme- cytometric bead array (CE-CBA), which relies on native domains of the Gag substrate containing embedded cleavage sites. The Gag substrate is expressed as a fluorescent reporter fusion protein, and substrate cleavage can be followed through the loss of fluorescence utilizing flow cytometry. The CE-CBA allows precise determination of alterations in protease catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(M)) imparted by protease inhibitor resistance mutations in protease and/or gag in cleavage or noncleavage site locations in the Gag substrate. We show that the CE-CBA platform can identify HIV-1 protease present in cellular extractions and facilitates the identification of small molecule inhibitors of protease or its substrate Gag. Moreover, the CE-CBA can be readily adapted to any enzyme-substrate pair and can be utilized to rapidly provide assessment of catalytic efficiency as well as systematically screen for inhibitors of enzymatic processing of substrate.  相似文献   
Meier S  Jensen PR  Duus JØ 《FEBS letters》2011,585(19):3133-3138
The direct tracking of cellular reactions in vivo has been facilitated with recent technologies that strongly enhance NMR signals in substrates of interest. This methodology can be used to assay intracellular reactions that occur within seconds to few minutes, as the NMR signal enhancement typically fades on this time scale. Here, we show that the enhancement of (13)C nuclear spin polarization in deuterated glucose allows to directly follow the flux of glucose signal through rather extended reaction networks of central carbon metabolism in living Escherichia coli. Alterations in central carbon metabolism depending on the growth phase or upon chemical perturbations are visualized with minimal data processing by instantaneous observation of cellular reactions.  相似文献   
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