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The exclusive use of characters coding for specific life stages may bias tree reconstruction. If characters from several life stages are coded, the type of coding becomes important. Here, we simulate the influence on tree reconstruction of morphological characters of Odonata larvae incorporated into a data matrix based on the adult body under different coding schemes. For testing purposes, our analysis is focused on a well‐supported hypothesis: the relationships of the suborders Zygoptera, ‘Anisozygoptera’, and Anisoptera. We studied the cephalic morphology of Epiophlebia, a key taxon among Odonata, and compared it with representatives of Zygoptera and Anisoptera in order to complement the data matrix. Odonate larvae are characterized by a peculiar morphology, such as the specific head form, mouthpart configuration, ridge configuration, cephalic musculature, and leg and gill morphology. Four coding strategies were used to incorporate the larval data: artificial coding (AC), treating larvae as independent terminal taxa; non‐multistate coding (NMC), preferring the adult life stage; multistate coding (MC); and coding larval and adult characters separately (SC) within the same taxon. As expected, larvae are ‘monophyletic’ in the AC strategy, but with anisopteran and zygopteran larvae as sister groups. Excluding larvae in the NMC approach leads to strong support for both monophyletic Odonata and Epiprocta, whereas MC erodes phylogenetic signal completely. This is an obvious result of the larval morphology leading to many multistate characters. SC results in the strongest support for Odonata, and Epiprocta receives the same support as with NMC. Our results show the deleterious effects of larval morphology on tree reconstruction when multistate coding is applied. Coding larval characters separately is still the best approach in a phylogenetic framework. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
For simultaneous identification of members of the betaproteobacterial order "Rhodocyclales" in environmental samples, a 16S rRNA gene-targeted oligonucleotide microarray (RHC-PhyloChip) consisting of 79 probes was developed. Probe design was based on phylogenetic analysis of available 16S rRNA sequences from all cultured and as yet uncultured members of the "Rhodocyclales." The multiple nested probe set was evaluated for microarray hybridization with 16S rRNA gene PCR amplicons from 29 reference organisms. Subsequently, the RHC-PhyloChip was successfully used for cultivation-independent "Rhodocyclales" diversity analysis in activated sludge from an industrial wastewater treatment plant. The implementation of a newly designed "Rhodocyclales"-selective PCR amplification system prior to microarray hybridization greatly enhanced the sensitivity of the RHC-PhyloChip and thus enabled the detection of "Rhodocyclales" populations with relative abundances of less than 1% of all bacteria (as determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization) in the activated sludge. The presence of as yet uncultured Zoogloea-, Ferribacterium/Dechloromonas-, and Sterolibacterium-related bacteria in the industrial activated sludge, as indicated by the RHC-PhyloChip analysis, was confirmed by retrieval of their 16S rRNA gene sequences and subsequent phylogenetic analysis, demonstrating the suitability of the RHC-PhyloChip as a novel monitoring tool for environmental microbiology.  相似文献   
Ribosomal 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing was used to explore whether the genetically modified (GM) Bt-maize hybrid MON 89034 × MON 88017, expressing three insecticidal recombinant Cry proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis, would alter the rhizosphere bacterial community. Fine roots of field cultivated Bt-maize and three conventional maize varieties were analyzed together with coarse roots of the Bt-maize. A total of 547 000 sequences were obtained. Library coverage was 100% at the phylum and 99.8% at the genus rank. Although cluster analyses based on relative abundances indicated no differences at higher taxonomic ranks, genera abundances pointed to variety specific differences. Genera-based clustering depended solely on the 49 most dominant genera while the remaining 461 rare genera followed a different selection. A total of 91 genera responded significantly to the different root environments. As a benefit of pyrosequencing, 79 responsive genera were identified that might have been overlooked with conventional cloning sequencing approaches owing to their rareness. There was no indication of bacterial alterations in the rhizosphere of the Bt-maize beyond differences found between conventional varieties. B. thuringiensis-like phylotypes were present at low abundance (0.1% of Bacteria) suggesting possible occurrence of natural Cry proteins in the rhizospheres. Although some genera indicated potential phytopathogenic bacteria in the rhizosphere, their abundances were not significantly different between conventional varieties and Bt-maize. With an unprecedented sensitivity this study indicates that the rhizosphere bacterial community of a GM maize did not respond abnormally to the presence of three insecticidal proteins in the root tissue.  相似文献   
Subterranean estuaries (STEs) are important coastal biogeochemical reactors facilitating unique niches for microbial communities. A common approach in determining STE greenhouse gas and nutrient fluxes is to use terrestrial endmembers, not accounting for microbially mediated transformations throughout the STE. As such, the microbial ecology and spatial distribution of specialists that cycle compounds in STEs remain largely underexplored. In this study, we applied 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing with paired biogeochemical characterisations to spatially evaluate microbial communities transforming greenhouse gases and nutrients in an STE. We show that methanogens are most prevalent at the terrestrial end (up to 2.81% relative abundance) concomitant to the highest porewater methane, carbon dioxide and dissolved organic carbon concentrations (0.41 ± 0.02 μM, 273.31 ± 6.05 μM and 0.51 ± 0.02 mM, respectively). Lower ammonium concentrations corresponded with abundant nitrifying and ammonia-oxidising prokaryotes in the mixing zone (up to 11.65% relative abundance). Methane, ammonium and dissolved organic carbon concentrations all decreased by >50% from the terrestrial to the oceanic end of the 15 m transect. This study highlights the STE's hidden microbiome zonation, as well as the importance of accounting for microbial transformations mitigating nutrient and greenhouse gas fluxes to the coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   
Research needs a balance of risk‐taking in “breakthrough projects” and gradual progress. For building a sustainable knowledge base, it is indispensable to provide support for both. Subject Categories: Careers, Economics, Law & Politics, Science Policy & Publishing

Science is about venturing into the unknown to find unexpected insights and establish new knowledge. Increasingly, academic institutions and funding agencies such as the European Research Council (ERC) explicitly encourage and support scientists to foster risky and hopefully ground‐breaking research. Such incentives are important and have been greatly appreciated by the scientific community. However, the success of the ERC has had its downsides, as other actors in the funding ecosystem have adopted the ERC’s focus on “breakthrough science” and respective notions of scientific excellence. We argue that these tendencies are concerning since disruptive breakthrough innovation is not the only form of innovation in research. While continuous, gradual innovation is often taken for granted, it could become endangered in a research and funding ecosystem that places ever higher value on breakthrough science. This is problematic since, paradoxically, breakthrough potential in science builds on gradual innovation. If the value of gradual innovation is not better recognized, the potential for breakthrough innovation may well be stifled.
While continuous, gradual innovation is often taken for granted, it could become endangered in a research and funding ecosystem that places ever higher value on breakthrough science.
Concerns that the hypercompetitive dynamics of the current scientific system may impede rather than spur innovative research have been voiced for many years (Alberts et al, 2014). As performance indicators continue to play a central role for promotions and grants, researchers are under pressure to publish extensively, quickly, and preferably in high‐ranking journals (Burrows, 2012). These dynamics increase the risk of mental health issues among scientists (Jaremka et al, 2020), dis‐incentivise relevant and important work (Benedictus et al, 2016), decrease the quality of scientific papers (Sarewitz, 2016) and induce conservative and short‐term thinking rather than risk‐taking and original thinking required for scientific innovation (Alberts et al, 2014; Fochler et al, 2016). Against this background, strong incentives for fostering innovative and daring research are indispensable.  相似文献   
Bacteria have adaptive immunity against viruses (phages) in the form of CRISPR-Cas immune systems. Currently, 6 types of CRISPR-Cas systems are known and the molecular study of three of these has revealed important molecular differences. It is unknown if and how these molecular differences change the outcome of phage infection and the evolutionary pressure the CRISPR-Cas systems faces. To determine the importance of these molecular differences, we model a phage outbreak entering a population defending exclusively with a type I/II or a type III CRISPR-Cas system. We show that for type III CRISPR-Cas systems, rapid phage extinction is driven by the probability to acquire at least one resistance spacer. However, for type I/II CRISPR-Cas systems, rapid phage extinction is characterized by an a threshold-like behaviour: any acquisition probability below this threshold leads to phage survival whereas any acquisition probability above it, results in phage extinction. We also show that in the absence of autoimmunity, high acquisition rates evolve. However, when CRISPR-Cas systems are prone to autoimmunity, intermediate levels of acquisition are optimal during a phage outbreak. As we predict an optimal probability of spacer acquisition 2 factors of magnitude above the one that has been measured, we discuss the origin of such a discrepancy. Finally, we show that in a biologically relevant parameter range, a type III CRISPR-Cas system can outcompete a type I/II CRISPR-Cas system with a slightly higher probability of acquisition.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird über die erfolgreiche Züchtung des perfekten Fruchtkörpers beiM. gypseum und, bei dem ihm nahe verwandtenEp. radiosulcatum var. flavum Szathmáry, 1940 mittels Erdbodenkulturen berichtet.Die Methode benutzte menschliche und tierische Haare, die einfach auf den Erdboden gelegt worden sind. Die Haare waren erst durch trockene Hitze sterilisiert und dann in 75% Methyl- oder Äthyl-alkohol aufbewahrt.Die jetzige Mitteilung behandelt hauptsächlich die Struktur, das Gerüst und Verzierung des Fruchtkörpers in den zwei benannten Gattungen.Das gleichzeitige Vorkommen der imperfekten und perfekten Formen der zwei Gattungen im Erdboden ist sehr häufig, ebenso wie ihre Vergesellschaftung mit anderen Gattungen der Dermatophyten.  相似文献   
  1. The young leaves are the main source of nucleic acids for population genetic studies in palm‐trees; however, the access to this tissue may be limited by specific features of each species. Using root tissues as an alternative source of nucleic acids could facilitate the sampling in large populations.
  2. This study tests root tissue viability as an alternative nucleic acid source (root versus. leaf) and explores different protocols (tissue storage and DNA extraction methods) to obtain high‐quality DNA samples.
  3. The results showed no significant differences in DNA concentration (603.7 vs. 599.1 ng/μl) and quality ratios (A260/280:2.1 vs. 1.9, and A260/230:2.1 vs. 2.0) for the comparisons of tissue source (leaf vs. root) and DNA extraction method (manual vs. kit). For tissue storage method, DNA concentration was significantly higher for root tissues stored in 70% and 90% alcohol solutions (692.8 and 822.6 ng/μl, respectively) versus those obtained from leaf tissue (603.7 ng/μl); however, for the quality parameters, no differences were found.
  4. Results showed the effective potential of using root tissue as an alternative source for nucleic acids, which could facilitate population sampling of palm‐tree species for future studies, and this methodological alternative could be applied to other plant systems with similar sampling challenges.
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Serial sections of 13 embryos and fetuses of the harbor porpoise from 10 mm crown-rump length up to 167 mm total length were studied. Unlike the adult animals, ontogenetic stages of 18–27 mm crown-rump length still show a typical mammalian olfactory bulb. The olfactory bulb primordium is penetrated by olfactory nerve fibers, the latter passing through the cribriform plate. However, the olfactory bulb anlage is gradually reduced in later stages, its placodal component being largely uncoupled from the telencephalon. As a ganglionlike structure, the remains of the placodal component stay in contact with the nasal septum and mucosa via thin bundles of nerve fibers. The ganglion and plexus can be traced within the meninges until the adult stage of the porpoise. There is strong evidence that they represent the material of the terminalis system, which cannot be distinguished from the olfactory system in earlier stages. A vomeronasal organ could not be detected in the embryonal and fetal material investigated.  相似文献   
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