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The natural abundance 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of human serum low density lipoproteins (LDL) shows significant temperature-dependent changes. These temperature-dependent spectra have been used to monitor changes in the organization of cholesterol esters within the LDL particle. Comparison with 13C NMR spectra of both cholesterol linoleate and an aqueous codispersion of cholesterol linoleate and egg phosphatidylcholine suggests that at low temperatures (10 degrees C), the cholesterol esters in LDL are organized in a smectic-like, liquid-crystalline arrangement. At temperatures above the order-disorder transition exhibited by the cholesterol esters of LDL, the cholesterol esters appear to be partially melted but still are motionally restricted compared with liquid cholesterol esters.  相似文献   
Event-related Potential Study of Novelty Processing Abnormalities in Autism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To better understand visual processing abnormalities in autism we studied the attention orienting related frontal event potentials (ERP) and the sustained attention related centro-parietal ERPs in a three stimulus oddball experiment. The three stimulus oddball paradigm was aimed to test the hypothesis that individuals with autism abnormally orient their attention to novel distracters as compared to controls. A dense-array 128 channel EGI electroencephalographic (EEG) system was used on 11 high-functioning children and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 11 age-matched, typically developing control subjects. Patients with ASD showed slower reaction times but did not differ in response accuracy. At the anterior (frontal) topography the ASD group showed significantly higher amplitudes and longer latencies of early ERP components (e.g., P100, N100) to novel distracter stimuli in both hemispheres. The ASD group also showed prolonged latencies of late ERP components (e.g., P2a, N200, P3a) to novel distracter stimuli in both hemispheres. However, differences were more profound in the right hemisphere for both early and late ERP components. Our results indicate augmented and prolonged early frontal potentials and a delayed P3a component to novel stimuli, which suggest low selectivity in pre-processing and later-stage under-activation of integrative regions in the prefrontal cortices. Also, at the posterior (centro-parietal) topography the ASD group showed significantly prolonged N100 latencies and reduced amplitudes of the N2b component to target stimuli. In addition, the latency of the P3b component was prolonged to novel distracters in the ASD group. In general, the autistic group showed prolonged latencies to novel stimuli especially in the right hemisphere. These results suggest that individuals with autism over-process information needed for the successful differentiation of target and novel stimuli. We propose the potential application of ERP evaluations in a novelty task as outcome measurements in the biobehavioral treatment (e.g., EEG biofeedback, TMS) of autism.  相似文献   
Quaternary climatic fluctuations have left contrasting historical footprints on the neutral genetic diversity patterns of existing populations of different tree species. We should expect the demography, and consequently the neutral genetic structure, of taxa less tolerant to particular climatic extremes to be more sensitive to long‐term climate fluctuations. We explore this hypothesis here by sampling all six pine species found in the Iberian Peninsula (2464 individuals, 105 populations), using a common set of chloroplast microsatellite markers, and by looking at the association between neutral genetic diversity and species‐specific climatic requirements. We found large variation in neutral genetic diversity and structure among Iberian pines, with cold‐enduring mountain species (Pinus uncinata, P. sylvestris and P. nigra) showing substantially greater diversity than thermophilous taxa (P. pinea and P. halepensis). Within species, we observed a significant positive correlation between population genetic diversity and summer precipitation for some of the mountain pines. The observed pattern is consistent with the hypotheses that: (i) more thermophilous species have been subjected to stronger demographic fluctuations in the past, as a consequence of their maladaptation to recurrent glacial cold stages; and (ii) altitudinal migrations have allowed the maintenance of large effective population sizes and genetic variation in cold‐tolerant species, especially in more humid regions. In the light of these results and hypotheses, we discuss some potential genetic consequences of impending climate change.  相似文献   
近年来,可用于昆虫迁飞研究且可自动运行的垂直波束雷达(vertical-looking radar,VLR)的发展使得对迁飞性害虫的周年长期自动监测成为可能。本文提供了我们对能否将这种雷达应用于中国的褐飞虱和其他水稻害虫的监测与预测体系以改善其综合治理的可行性研究结果。以往的研究已经表明,这些害虫一般在300—2000m高度迁飞;而我们根据褐飞虱的雷达和射有效截面的计算结果表明,目前使用的3.2cm波长的VLR对褐飞虱个体目标的最大可检测高度仅约240m;虽然建造一部8.8mm波长的VLR即可覆盖褐飞虱迁飞高度的绝大部分,但其造价和维护费用均过于昂贵。为此,一个更可行的解决方案是,以3.2cm波长的VLR作为包括大多数水稻害虫在内的个体较大的迁飞性害虫的监测工具。  相似文献   
On a global scale, changing climates are affecting ecological systems across multiple levels of biological organization. Moreover, climates are changing at rates unprecedented in recent geological history. Thus, one of the most pressing concerns of the modern era is to understand the biological responses to climate such that society can both adapt and implement measures that attempt to offset the negative impacts of a rapidly changing climate. One crucial question, to understand organismal responses to climate, is whether the ability of organisms to adapt can keep pace with quickly changing environments. To address this question, a syntheses of knowledge from a broad set of biological disciplines will be needed that integrates information from the fields of ecology, behavior, physiology, genetics, and evolution. This symposium assembled a diverse group of scientists from these subdisciplines to present their perspectives regarding the ability of organisms to adapt to changing climates. Specifically, the goals of this symposia were to (1) highlight what each discipline brings to a discussion of organismal responses to climate, (2) to initiate and foster a discussion to break barriers in the transfer of knowledge across disciplines, and (3) to synthesize an approach to address ongoing issues concerning biological responses to climate.  相似文献   
A core challenge in global change biology is to predict how species will respond to future environmental change and to manage these responses. To make such predictions and management actions robust to novel futures, we need to accurately characterize how organisms experience their environments and the biological mechanisms by which they respond. All organisms are thermodynamically connected to their environments through the exchange of heat and water at fine spatial and temporal scales and this exchange can be captured with biophysical models. Although mechanistic models based on biophysical ecology have a long history of development and application, their use in global change biology remains limited despite their enormous promise and increasingly accessible software. We contend that greater understanding and training in the theory and methods of biophysical ecology is vital to expand their application. Our review shows how biophysical models can be implemented to understand and predict climate change impacts on species' behavior, phenology, survival, distribution, and abundance. It also illustrates the types of outputs that can be generated, and the data inputs required for different implementations. Examples range from simple calculations of body temperature at a particular site and time, to more complex analyses of species' distribution limits based on projected energy and water balances, accounting for behavior and phenology. We outline challenges that currently limit the widespread application of biophysical models relating to data availability, training, and the lack of common software ecosystems. We also discuss progress and future developments that could allow these models to be applied to many species across large spatial extents and timeframes. Finally, we highlight how biophysical models are uniquely suited to solve global change biology problems that involve predicting and interpreting responses to environmental variability and extremes, multiple or shifting constraints, and novel abiotic or biotic environments.  相似文献   
Nuclear energy, already a practical solution for supplying energy on a scale similar to fossil fuels, will likely increase its footprint over the next several decades to meet current climate goals. Gamma radiation is produced during fission in existing nuclear reactors and thus the need to detect leakage from nuclear plants, and effects of such leakage on ecosystems will likely also increase. At present, gamma radiation is detected using mechanical sensors that have several drawbacks, including: (i) limited availability; (ii) reliance on power supply; and (iii) requirement of human presence in dangerous areas. To overcome these limitations, we have developed a plant biosensor (phytosensor) to detect low-dose ionizing radiation. The system utilizes synthetic biology to engineer a dosimetric switch into potato utilizing the plant's native DNA damage response (DDR) machinery to produce a fluorescent output. In this work, the radiation phytosensor was shown to respond to a wide range of gamma radiation exposure (10–80 Grey) producing a reporter signal that was detectable at >3 m. Further, a pressure test of the top radiation phytosensor in a complex mesocosm demonstrated full function of the system in a ‘real world’ scenario.  相似文献   
Impaired mucociliary clearance (MCC) is a key feature of many airway diseases, including asthma, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, and primary ciliary dyskinesia. To improve MCC and develop new treatments for these diseases requires a thorough understanding of how mucus concentration, mucus composition, and ciliary activity affect MCC, and how different therapeutics impact this process. Although differentiated cultures of human airway epithelial cells are useful for investigations of MCC, the extent of ciliary coordination in these cultures varies, and the mechanisms controlling ciliary orientation are not completely understood. By introducing a pattern of ridges and grooves into the underlying collagen substrate, we demonstrate for the first time, to our knowledge, that changes in the extracellular matrix can induce ciliary alignment. Remarkably, 90% of human airway epithelial cultures achieved continuous directional mucociliary transport (MCT) when grown on the patterned substrate. These cultures maintain transport for months, allowing carefully controlled investigations of MCC over a wide range of normal and pathological conditions. To characterize the system, we measured the transport of bovine submaxillary gland mucin (BSM) under several conditions. Transport of 5% BSM was significantly reduced compared with that of 2% BSM, and treatment of 5% BSM with the reducing agent tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) reduced viscosity and increased the rate of MCT by approximately twofold. Addition of a small amount of high-molecular-weight DNA increased mucus viscosity and reduced MCT by ~75%, demonstrating that the composition of mucus, as well as the concentration, can have significant effects on MCT. Our results demonstrate that a simple patterning of the collagen substrate results in highly coordinated ciliated cultures that develop directional MCT, and can be used to investigate the mechanisms controlling the regulation of ciliary orientation. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that this method provides an improved system for studying the effects of mucus composition and therapeutic agents on MCC.  相似文献   
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