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Six bengal tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) were immobilized five times at 2-wk intervals with ketamine hydrochloride (ketamine) and xylazine hydrochloride (xylazine) mixtures at different dose levels. Hematology and serum chemistry analyses on blood samples collected at each immobilization remained normal during the study. There were acute changes in hematocrit, chloride, potassium, glucose, and bilirubin as a function of xylazine dose level. The effect of yohimbine hydrochloride (yohimbine) on the depth and duration of immobilization was evaluated in a crossover design with every animal serving as its own control at each dose. Administration of yohimbine resulted in recovery of the animals within 4-8 min in contrast to greater than 60 min with no yohimbine treatment. There were no adverse effects noted with the yohimbine treatment and the tigers did not exhibit a relapse over the next 24 hr. Yohimbine at a dose of 5-15 mg per adult tiger provided effective reversal of 50-150 mg of xylazine per tiger.  相似文献   
Summary The technique described provides a rapid method for screening thermoplastic polyurethanes against deteriogenic micro-organisms using thin films (0.4–0.5 mm thick) of plastic prepared in an electric plantens press. The films are inoculated with a spore suspension of Gliocladium roseum and can be viewed directly under the light microscope for evaluation of surface effects; selective staining can be used to reveal fungal mycelium. Results can be obtained within a week which correlate with longer term tests using commercial samples. The technique can also be used to isolate potential polyurethane deteriorating micro-organisms from the environment and to confirm their biodeteriogenic activities.  相似文献   
W S Mason  G Seal    J Summers 《Journal of virology》1980,36(3):829-836
A virus found in the sera of Pekin ducks appears to be a new member of the human hepatitis B-like family of viruses. This virus had a diameter of 40 nm and an appearance in the electron microscope similar to that of human hepatitis B virus. The DNA genome of the virus was circular and partially single stranded, and an endogenous DNA polymerase associated with the virus was capable of converting the genome to a double-stranded circle with a size of ca. 3,000 base pairs. An analysis for viral DNA in the organs of infected birds indicated preferential localization in the liver, implicating this organ as the site of virus replication. In all of these aspects, the virus bears a striking resemblance to human hepatitis B virus and appears to be a new member of this family, which also includes ground squirrel hepatitis virus and woodchuck hepatitis virus.  相似文献   
During winters 1987-1988 (I) and 1988-1989 (II), we assessed the physiological status of moose (Alces alces) residing on the west and east ends of Isle Royale (Michigan, USA) by collecting and chemically analyzing urine deposited in snow (snow-urine) from January to early March. Samples were assayed for urea nitrogen (U), sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and creatinine (C). Throughout both winters, elevated urinary U:C ratios in snow-urine samples collected from east-end moose compared to west-end moose indicated greater dietary energy deprivation and accelerated net catabolism of endogenous protein. Sodium: C ratios were low throughout the study and were similar between moose from both ends of the island, except during the middle of winter I. Greater K:C, P:C and Ca:C ratios in east-end moose compared to west-end moose throughout winter I, and increases in these ratios and U:C in east-end moose from middle to late winter during the second year provided additional evidence of a greater deterioration in condition in east-end moose. The superior nutrition provided to moose on the west end of the island was associated with more developed soils and diverse vegetation and a lower stem density of balsam fir compared to the east end.  相似文献   
With the advent of high throughput genetic data, there have been attempts to estimate heritability from genome-wide SNP data on a cohort of distantly related individuals using linear mixed model (LMM). Fitting such an LMM in a large scale cohort study, however, is tremendously challenging due to its high dimensional linear algebraic operations. In this paper, we propose a new method named PredLMM approximating the aforementioned LMM motivated by the concepts of genetic coalescence and Gaussian predictive process. PredLMM has substantially better computational complexity than most of the existing LMM based methods and thus, provides a fast alternative for estimating heritability in large scale cohort studies. Theoretically, we show that under a model of genetic coalescence, the limiting form of our approximation is the celebrated predictive process approximation of large Gaussian process likelihoods that has well-established accuracy standards. We illustrate our approach with extensive simulation studies and use it to estimate the heritability of multiple quantitative traits from the UK Biobank cohort.  相似文献   
ConA的抗着床效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈蕙玲  周念辉  孙册 《生理学报》1988,40(2):202-207
本文用凝集素为探针,探索糖复合物在胚泡着床中的作用,报道了与甘露糖苷有专一结合的伴刀豆凝集素(ConA)有明显的抗小鼠胚泡着床作用。妊娠4d的小鼠,每只子宫角中注入Con A 25μg,22只子宫角中只有4只子宫角有胚泡着床,着床率为18.2%,与生理盐水对照组的着床率87.5%相比有明显差异。将相同剂量的Con A先与0.4mol/L α-甲基-D-甘露糖苷温育1—2h后再注入子宫,20只子宫角中有15只子宫角有胚泡着床,着床率提高到75%。用辣根过氧化物酶直接标记法证明,着床前子宫内膜细胞表面有Con A受体存在,并随着妊娠天数而增加,尤其是间质细胞,发情期时时为阴性反应,到着床期蜕膜细胞膜表面呈现出大量Con A受体。提示精复合物在着床中的重要作用。与甘露糖苷同样专一结合的,但寡糖结构专一性与Con A不同的豌豆凝集素注入子宫则无抗着床效应,着床率为85.7%。由此可以推测,N-连接的包含二个未被取代的或只在C-2位被取代的α-甘露糖苷的寡糖参于胚泡与子宫内膜相互作用的着床过程。  相似文献   
Gray wolves (Canis lupus) were immobilized with 0.5 mg/kg xylazine plus 7.5 micrograms/kg of either sufentanil (n = 8), etorphine (n = 8), or carfentanil (n = 2). Drug doses used in this study were selected to provide consistency for comparison and are not recommended doses for effective immobilization of wolves. Induction times were similar among groups (11.9 +/- 1.0 min). Thirty min after induction, wolves were given either 0.5 mg/kg naloxone hydrochloride plus 0.15 mg/kg yohimbine hydrochloride or saline only intravenously. Arousal times for wolves given naloxone and yohimbine (1.2 +/- 0.1 min) were shorter than wolves given saline (35.5 +/- 6.4 min). Respiratory rates were similar among the three drug groups (6.9 +/- 1.0 breaths/min). One animal given sufentanil then saline was found dead 108 min after induction. Presumptive diagnosis was renarcotization and hypothermia. Results indicated that sufentanil is an effective opioid immobilizing agent for gray wolves.  相似文献   
A simple ion-pairing reverse-phase HPLC method, with UV diode array detection, was developed and validated for quantitation of the urinary niacin metabolites 1-methylnicotinamide and l-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide in a single run. Urine samples were purified using a polymer-based mixed mode anion exchange reverse-phase cartridge. Analysis was performed on a reverse-phase C18 column, using a methanol gradient elution system, containing phosphate buffer pH 7.0, 1-heptanesulphonic acid as the ion-pairing agent and trimethylamine as a modifier. The assay was applied to the measurement of the niacin status of two subjects using spot urine samples. The samples were collected over 4 consecutive days and at four time points during 1 day. Status, expressed as the concentration ratios (2-PYR or 1-MN)/creatinine and 2-PYR/l-MN, varied within and between days and was least for fasting samples. This work illustrates the potential of spot urine sampling for niacin status assessment, but highlights the need for further validation prior to its use in field nutritional surveys.  相似文献   
We compared histochemical and immunohistochemical staining as well as fluorochrome labeling in murine bone specimens that were fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin to those fixed with HistoChoice®. We showed that sections from undecalcified tibiae fixed for 4 h in HistoChoice® resulted in enhanced toluidine blue and Von Kossa histochemical staining compared to formalin fixation. HistoChoice® produced comparable or improved staining for alkaline phosphatase. Acid phosphatase localization was better in formalin fixed specimens, but osteoclasts were visuralized more easily in HistoChoice® fixed specimens. As expected, immunohistochemical labeling was antibody dependent; some antibodies labeled better in HistoChoice® fixed specimens while others were better in formalin fixed specimens. Toluidine blue, Von Kossa, and alkaline phosphatase staining of sections fixed for 12 h produced sections that were similar to 4 h fixed sections. Fixation for 12 h preserved acid phosphatase activity better. Increasing fixation to 12 h affected immunolocalization differentially. Bone sialoprotein labeling in HistoChoice® fixed specimens was comparable to formalin fixed samples. On the other hand, after 12 h formalin fixation, osteocalcin labeling was comparable to HistoChoice®. For most histochemical applications, fixing murine bone specimens for 4 h with HistoChoice® yielded superior staining compared to formalin fixation. If immunohistochemical localization is desired, however, individual antibodies must be tested to determine which fixation process retains antigenicity better. In addition, there was no detectable difference in the intensity of fluorochrome labeling using either fixative. Finally, fixation duration did not alter the intensity of labeling.  相似文献   
SA Botti  CE Felder  S Lifson  JL Sussman    I Silman  I 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(5):2430-2450
We present a model for the molecular traffic of ligands, substrates, and products through the active site of cholinesterases (ChEs). First, we describe a common treatment of the diffusion to a buried active site of cationic and neutral species. We then explain the specificity of ChEs for cationic ligands and substrates by introducing two additional components to this common treatment. The first module is a surface trap for cationic species at the entrance to the active-site gorge that operates through local, short-range electrostatic interactions and is independent of ionic strength. The second module is an ionic-strength-dependent steering mechanism generated by long-range electrostatic interactions arising from the overall distribution of charges in ChEs. Our calculations show that diffusion of charged ligands relative to neutral isosteric analogs is enhanced approximately 10-fold by the surface trap, while electrostatic steering contributes only a 1.5- to 2-fold rate enhancement at physiological salt concentration. We model clearance of cationic products from the active-site gorge as analogous to the escape of a particle from a one-dimensional well in the presence of a linear electrostatic potential. We evaluate the potential inside the gorge and provide evidence that while contributing to the steering of cationic species toward the active site, it does not appreciably retard their clearance. This optimal fine-tuning of global and local electrostatic interactions endows ChEs with maximum catalytic efficiency and specificity for a positively charged substrate, while at the same time not hindering clearance of the positively charged products.  相似文献   
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