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两种野生花卉的扦插繁殖研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
开展野生花卉车轮梅(Raphiolepis indica)和赤楠(Syzygium buxifolium)扦插试验,结果表明:车轮梅硬枝扦插需一定浓度的外源激素方能生根;对激素浓度大小不敏感;总体上NAA组合生根质量优于IBA组合。综合不同处理生根率、根数和不定根根长3个指标,以800 mg/L NAA或800 mg/L IBA作为车轮梅生产上扦插的激素种类和浓度。赤楠生根率较低,最高扦插率达66.7%,生根时间长,约需45 d始生根。综合生根率、不定根根数和不定根根长3个生根指标,试验的4种激素均能较好促进赤楠生根,200×根太阳在生根率和根数上效果最好,生产上可用200×根太阳浸泡2 h,也可用50-100 mg/L NAA或100-400 mg/L IBA浸泡2 h后进行扦插。  相似文献   
果蝇程序化死亡基因5(PDCD5)同源cDNA的克隆和序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 为了解人类白血病细胞凋亡相关新基因 TFAR1 9(PDCD5,programmed cell death5)在不同种属间的序列同源性 ,利用 EST(expression sequence tag)拼接、RT- PCR、DNA序列测定技术及计算机分析技术 ,首次成功地进行了果蝇 PDCD5同源 c DNA编码区基因克隆和序列分析 .发现果蝇与小鼠及果蝇与人 PDCD5在核苷酸水平上分别有 57.5%和 57.1 %的同源性 ,在氨基酸水平上分别有 46.8%和 46.4%的同源性 .功能区分析发现 ,果蝇 PDCD5c DNA编码 1 33个氨基酸 ,计算机预测可能是一种核蛋白 ,含 5个可能的酪蛋白激酶 (casein kinase )磷酸化位点 ,2个可能的 PKC磷酸化位点 ,与人 PDCD5的功能区类似 .因而果蝇 PDCD5是与人 PDCD5同源的新基因 ,可能都与细胞程序化死亡相关 .  相似文献   
居民对农业文化遗产的认知态度影响其行为选择,并对农业文化遗产的保护及可持续发展具有重要意义。基于人文地理学及环境心理学领域的地方认同理论,选择历史认同、现实认同、情感认同及行为认同4个维度变量,通过问卷调查,以福州居民对全球重要农业文化遗产"福州茉莉花与茶文化系统"的认知及保护态度作为研究对象,并通过构建福州居民农业文化遗产认知及保护规律定量分析居民认知态度、保护行为与人口特征之间的关系。结果表明:(1)福州居民对茉莉花与茶文化系统的行为认同维度得分高于其他维度,且福州市民各维度得分均高于外来居民;(2)受访居民对农业文化遗产的地方认同与其年龄、受教育水平、收入水平及在福州居住时间长短的关系较为密切;(3)通过构建福州居民农业文化遗产认知及保护规律发现,福州居民对农业文化遗产的保护行为主要受其对该遗产项目认知态度的影响,与居民人口特征相关性较弱。拓展农业文化遗产领域的研究视角及方法,促进农业文化遗产地动态保护与可持续发展具有参考价值。  相似文献   
Entomopathogenic fungi have great potential to control agricultural and horticultural insect pests, however optimizing conidial production systems to demonstrate high productivity and stability still needs additional efforts for successful field application and industrialization. Although many virulent entomopathogenic fungal isolates have been viewed as potential candidates in a laboratory environment, very few of the isolates are being used in practice for application in agricultural fields as commercial products. I. javanicus is an entomopathogenic fungus that is parasitic to various diverse coleopteran and lepidopteran insects and thought good candidate as biopesticdes. In this work, the basic characteristics of two entomopathogenic fungi, I. javanica FG340 and Pf04, were investigated in morphological examinations, genetic identification, and virulence against Thrips palmi, and then the feasibility of various grains substrates for conidial production was assessed, particularly focusing on conidial productivity and thermotolerance. Isaria javanica FG340 and Pf04 conidia were solid-cultured on 12 grains for 14?days in a Petri dish. Of the tested Italian millet, perilla seed, millet and barley-based cultures showed high conidial production. The four-grain media yielded >1?×?109 conidia/g of I. javanica FG340 and Pf04. Pf04 strain had enhanced thermotolerance up to 45?°C when cultured on Italian millet. In application, it was easy to make a conidial suspension using the cultured grains, and several surfactants were tested to release the conidia. This work suggests several possible inexpensive grain substrates by which to promote conidial production combined with enhanced stability against exposure to high temperature.  相似文献   
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a bioactive lipid that serves as an extracellular signaling molecule acting through cognate G protein-coupled receptors designated LPA(1-6) that mediate a wide range of both normal and pathological effects. Previously, LPA(1), a G(αi)-coupled receptor (which also couples to other G(α) proteins) to reduce cAMP, was shown to be essential for the initiation of neuropathic pain in the partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL) mouse model. Subsequent gene expression studies identified LPA(5), a G(α12/13)- and G(q)-coupled receptor that increases cAMP, in a subset of dorsal root ganglion neurons and also within neurons of the spinal cord dorsal horn in a pattern complementing, yet distinct from LPA(1), suggesting its possible involvement in neuropathic pain. We therefore generated an Lpar5 null mutant by targeted deletion followed by PSNL challenge. Homozygous null mutants did not show obvious base-line phenotypic defects. However, following PSNL, LPA(5)-deficient mice were protected from developing neuropathic pain. They also showed reduced phosphorylated cAMP response element-binding protein expression within neurons of the dorsal horn despite continued up-regulation of the characteristic pain-related markers Caα(2)δ(1) and glial fibrillary acidic protein, results that were distinct from those previously observed for LPA(1) deletion. These data expand the influences of LPA signaling in neuropathic pain through a second LPA receptor subtype, LPA(5), involving a mechanistically distinct downstream signaling pathway compared with LPA(1).  相似文献   
水稻白叶枯病广谱抗性基因Xa21导入两用不育系培矮64S   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
以克隆的Xa21基因为外源基因,成熟胚愈伤组织为转化受体,应用农杆菌介导法对水稻两用型核不育系培矮64S进行转化,获46株转基因植株。PCR和Southern分析结果表明,Xa21已整合到受体基因组。用稻白叶枯病病原菌(Xanthomonasoryzaepv.oryzae)菲律宾小种6号接种鉴定,结果表明大多数转基因植株获得了抗病性。已整合的Xa21基因能够稳定地遗传,在所检测转基因株系的T1代中,Xa21基因显示3:1的分离。  相似文献   
Caspase family proteases play important roles in the regulation of apoptotic cell death. Initiator caspases are activated in response to death stimuli, and they transduce and amplify these signals by cleaving and thereby activating effector caspases. In Drosophila, the initiator caspase Nc (previously Dronc) cleaves and activates two short-prodomain caspases, Dcp-1 and Ice (previously Drice), suggesting these as candidate effectors of Nc killing activity. dcp-1-null mutants are healthy and possess few defects in normally occurring cell death. To explore roles for Ice in cell death, we generated and characterized an Ice null mutant. Animals lacking Ice show a number of defects in cell death, including those that occur during embryonic development, as well as during formation of adult eyes, arista and wings. Ice mutants exhibit subtle defects in the destruction of larval tissues, and do not prevent destruction of salivary glands during metamorphosis. Cells from Ice animals are also markedly resistant to several stresses, including X-irradiation and inhibition of protein synthesis. Mutations in Ice also suppress cell death that is induced by expression of Rpr, Wrinkled (previously Hid) and Grim. These observations demonstrate that Ice plays an important non-redundant role as a cell death effector. Finally, we demonstrate that Ice participates in, but is not absolutely required for, the non-apoptotic process of spermatid differentiation.  相似文献   
Vibrio anguillarum ghosts (VAG) were generated, for the first time, using a conjugation vector containing a ghost bacteria inducing cassette, pRK-λPR-cI-Elysis, in which the expression of PhiX174 lysis gene E was controlled by the P R /cI regulatory system of lambda phage. By scanning electron microscopy, holes ranging 80–200 nm in diameter were observed in the VAG. To avoid the presence of bacterial genomic DNA and an antibiotic resistance gene in the final VAG product, we constructed a new dual vector, pRK-λPR-cI-E-SNA, containing the E-mediated lysis cassette and the staphylococcal nuclease A (SNA)-mediated DNA degradation cassette, and generated safety-enhanced VAG for use as a fish vaccine.  相似文献   
Summary Fed-batch culture was carried out to increase cell mass followed by batch culture for spore production ofbacillus thuringiensis. High cell mass obtained by increasing the feeding glucose concentration in constant fed-batch culture which supported fast cell growth resulted in good sporulation during subsequent batch culture, and the maximum cell mass of 72.6 g/L and spore concentration of 1.25×1010 spores/mL could be obtained.  相似文献   
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