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In order to study the influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) on the development of root rot infection, tomato plants were raised with or withoutGlomus mosseae and/orPhytophthora nicotianae var.parasitica in a sand culture system. All plants were fed with a nutrient solution containing one of two phosphorus (P) levels, 32µM (I P) or 96µM (II P), to test the consequence of enhanced P nutrition by the AM fungus on disease dynamics. Mycorrhizal plants had a similar development to that of control plants. Treatment withPhytophthora nicotianae var.parasitica resulted in a visible reduction in plant weight and in a widespread root necrosis in plants without mycorrhiza. The presence of the AM fungus decreased both weight reduction and root necrosis. The percentage reduction of adventitious root necrosis and of necrotic root apices ranged between 63 and 89% The enhancement of P nutrition increased plant development, but did not appreciably decrease disease spread. In our system, mycorrhiza increased plant resistance toP. nicotianae var.parasitica infection. Although a contribution of P nutrition by mycorrhiza cannot be excluded, other mechanisms appear to play a crucial role.  相似文献   
The metabolic changes of mature grape berries during periodsof anoxia and upon return to air were examined using two cultivars.Glutamate declined during anoxia, together with a correspondingaccumulation of -aminobutyrate (GABA). The reverse occurredduring a 24 h period of air. Total adenine nucleotide (AdN),ATP level, and adenylate energy charge (AEC) all declined duringperiods of anoxia but showed a reversible pattern upon subsequentaeration. However, aerobic recovery of metabolite levels wasnot observed when the duration of anoxia at 30°C exceeded6 d. Accumulated ethanol during anoxia (up to 0.22 M) triggered afurther increase in the rate of ethanol synthesis when stressedberries were returned to air. Ethanol may be the principal determinantgoverning the ability of grapes to withstand and recover fromanoxic stress. We propose that the imbalance between aerobicand fermentative pathways may be due to the ability of ethanolto impair mitochondrial membrane function and uncouple oxidativephosphorylation, the rate of anaerobic respiration being insufficientto meet energy requirements. Key words: Grape, energy metabolism, anaerobic stress, aeration, ethanol production  相似文献   
A flow injection anlytical system based on a gas diffusion membrane module for ammonia and an ammonium flow-through potentiometric detector has been set up for measurement of L-glutamine and ammonium ions in hybridoma cell cultures. The main feature of the system is that the same basic analytical concept and equipment is used in both measurements, the only difference being for the determination of L-glutamine, in which the sample flows through an immobilized glutaminase cartridge. The conditions to enable the performance of both analysis consecutively, avoiding potential interferences by unwanted deamination of other compounds in the samples, have been determined. Finally, the proposed system has been compared with reference analytical methods for batch hybridoma cell culture experiments.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress is a pathological condition characterized by an overload of oxidant products, named free radicals, which are not well counteracted by antioxidant systems. Free radicals induce oxidative damage to many body organs and systems. In neonatal red blood cells, free-radical mediated-oxidative stress leads to eryptosis, a suicidal death process of erythrocytes consequent to alteration of cell integrity. Neonatal red blood cells are targets and at the same time generators of free radicals through the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions. Enhanced eryptosis in case of oxidative stress damage may cause anemia if the increased loss of erythrocytes is not enough compensated by enhanced new erythrocytes synthesis. The oxidative disruption of the red cells may cause unconjugated idiopathic hyperbilirubinemia in neonates. High levels of bilirubin are recognized to be dangerous for the central nervous system in newborns, however, many studies have highlighted the antioxidant function of bilirubin. Recently, it has been suggested that physiologic concentration of bilirubin correlates with higher antioxidant status while high pathological bilirubin levels are associated with pro-oxidants effects. The aim of this educational review is to provide an updated understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying erythrocyte oxidant injury and its reversal in neonatal idiopathic hyperbilirubinemia.  相似文献   
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) is the most common adult B-cell leukaemia and despite improvement in patients' outcome, following the use of targeted therapies, it remains incurable. CLL supportive microenvironment plays a key role in both CLL progression and drug resistance through signals that can be sensed by the main components of the focal adhesion complex, such as FAK and PYK2 kinases. Dysregulations of both kinases have been observed in several metastatic cancers, but their role in haematological malignancies is still poorly defined. We characterized FAK and PYK2 expression and observed that PYK2 expression is higher in leukaemic B cells and its overexpression significantly correlates with their malignant transformation. When targeting both FAK and PYK2 with the specific inhibitor defactinib, we observed a dose–response effect on CLL cells viability and survival. In vivo treatment of a CLL mouse model showed a decrease of the leukaemic clone in all the lymphoid organs along with a significant reduction of macrophages and of the spleen weight and size. Our results first define a possible prognostic value for PYK2 in CLL, and show that both FAK and PYK2 might become putative targets for both CLL and its microenvironment (e.g. macrophages), thus paving the way to an innovative therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   
The near-global distribution of hadrosaurid dinosaurs during the Cretaceous has been attributed to mastication, a behaviour commonly recognized as a mammalian adaptation. Its occurrence in a non-mammalian lineage should be accompanied by the evolution of several morphological modifications associated with food acquisition and processing. This study investigated morphological variation in the dentary, a major element of the hadrosauroid lower jaw. Eighty-four hadrosauroid dentaries were subjected to geometric morphometric and statistical analyses to investigate their taxonomic, ontogenetic, and individual variation. Results suggest increased food acquisition and processing efficiency in saurolophids through a complex pattern of evolutionary and growth-related changes. The edentulous region grew longer relative to dentary length, allowing for food acquisition specialization anteriorly and processing posteriorly, and became ventrally directed, possibly associated with foraging low-growing vegetation, especially in younger individuals. The saurolophid coronoid process became anteriorly directed and relatively more elongate, with an expanded apex, increasing moment arm length, with muscles pulling the jaw more posteriorly, increasing mechanical advantage. During growth, all hadrosauroids underwent anteroposterior dental battery elongation by the addition of teeth, and edentulous region ventralization decreased. The dental battery became deeper in saurolophids by increasing the number of teeth per tooth family. The increased coronoid process anterior inclination and relative edentulous region elongation in saurolophids are hypothesized to have evolved through hypermorphosis and/or acceleration, peramorphic heterochronic processes; the development of an anteroposteriorly shorter but dorsoventrally taller saurolophid dentary, is probably due to post-displacement in dental battery elongation and edentulous region decreased ventral orientation, a paedomorphic heterochronic process.  相似文献   
KB-26.5, a murine hybridoma cell line producing an IgG3 monoclonal antibody used in blood type determination, primarily adapted to grow at 5% foetal calf serum (FCS) concentration has been adapted to grow at 0.5% FCS, maintaining its ability to produce antibodies at the same level. In the final step of adaptation, the addition of insulin, transferrin, ethanolamine and selenium to the media formulation was studied, using factorial assay techniques to check the effect of the different compounds and to optimize their required level for satisfactory growth and antibody secretion. KB-26.5 cells required only 20 g/ml of transferrin to adapt to 0.5% FCS medium. Furthermore, transferrin could be substituted by FeCl3, at a relatively low level of 2 g/ml. Maximum cell density decreased by 31.5% in spinner flask test, but the antibody titer was maintained, thus the specific productivity increased. However, inoculum size had to be increased three-fold with 0.5% FCS medium in order to assure cell growth.  相似文献   
A major component of variation in body height is due to genetic differences, but environmental factors have a substantial contributory effect. In this study we aimed to analyse whether the genetic architecture of body height varies between affluent western societies. We analysed twin data from eight countries comprising 30,111 complete twin pairs by using the univariate genetic model of the Mx statistical package. Body height and zygosity were self-reported in seven populations and measured directly in one population. We found that there was substantial variation in mean body height between countries; body height was least in Italy (177 cm in men and 163 cm in women) and greatest in the Netherlands (184 cm and 171 cm, respectively). In men there was no corresponding variation in heritability of body height, heritability estimates ranging from 0.87 to 0.93 in populations under an additive genes/unique environment (AE) model. Among women the heritability estimates were generally lower than among men with greater variation between countries, ranging from 0.68 to 0.84 when an additive genes/shared environment/unique environment (ACE) model was used. In four populations where an AE model fit equally well or better, heritability ranged from 0.89 to 0.93. This difference between the sexes was mainly due to the effect of the shared environmental component of variance, which appears to be more important among women than among men in our study populations. Our results indicate that, in general, there are only minor differences in the genetic architecture of height between affluent Caucasian populations, especially among men.  相似文献   
Minor satellite DNA, found at Mus musculus centromeres, is not present in the genome of the Asian mouse Mus caroli. This repetitive sequence family is speculated to have a role in centromere function by providing an array of binding sites for the centromere-associated protein CENP-B. The apparent absence of CENP-B binding sites in the M. caroli genome poses a major challenge to this hypothesis. Here we describe two abundant satellite DNA sequences present at M. caroli centromeres. These satellites are organized as tandem repeat arrays, over 1 Mb in size, of either 60- or 79-bp monomers. All autosomes carry both satellites and small amounts of a sequence related to the M. musculus major satellite. The Y chromosome contains small amounts of both major satellite and the 60-bp satellite, whereas the X chromosome carries only major satellite sequences. M. caroli chromosomes segregate in M. caroli x M. musculus interspecific hybrid cell lines, indicating that the two sets of chromosomes can interact with the same mitotic spindle. Using a polyclonal CENP-B antiserum, we demonstrate that M. caroli centromeres can bind murine CENP-B in such an interspecific cell line, despite the absence of canonical 17-bp CENP-B binding sites in the M. caroli genome. Sequence analysis of the 79-bp M. caroli satellite reveals a 17-bp motif that contains all nine bases previously shown to be necessary for in vitro binding of CENP-B. This M. caroli motif binds CENP-B from HeLa cell nuclear extract in vitro, as indicated by gel mobility shift analysis. We therefore suggest that this motif also causes CENP-B to associate with M. caroli centromeres in vivo. Despite the sequence differences, M. caroli presents a third, novel mammalian centromeric sequence producing an array of binding sites for CENP-B.  相似文献   
-Hexosaminidase gene mutations were analyzed in two adult-onset Sandhoff disease Italian patients by PCR analysis of a common known mutation (5) and by heteroduplex analysis of genomic and RT-PCR DNA fragments, covering the whole gene. The patients' genotypes were 5/C1214T, and G890A/C1214T, respectively. As mutation C1214T (Pro405Leu) is also present in the other two late-onset cases so far described, we suggest that C1214T is a common mutation in this type of Sandhoff disease. Mutation G890A (Cys297Tyr) is a novel mutation which presumably causes altered processing of the pro chain.  相似文献   
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