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Nitrate reductase (NR, EC was tested in crude extracts of leaves from Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi plants growing under alternating light/darkness as well as in excised leaves kept in continuous light or darkness. In most extracts NR activity was inhibited 20–80% by 5 m M Mg2+ A light or darkness shift (30 min darkness) during the first part of the photoperiod gave an increase in the Mg2+ inhibition and a decrease in NR activity. Magnesium ion inhibition of NR also showed diurnal variations. Strongest inhibition was found in extracts made during the latter part of the photoperiod and start of the dark period. Pre-incubation of crude extracts with ATP increased Mg2+ inhibition, indicating that phosphorylation of NR is involved in regulation of NR in Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants. In continuous light an increase in Mg2+ inhibition occurred after 20 h and 40 h, indicating a rhythm in the phosphorylation of NR. A delay in the production of nitrite in the assay (hysteresis) was generally seen in extracts susceptible to Mg2+ inhibition. The rhythms related to NR activity showed the same period length (20 h) as the rhythm in CO2 exchange. However, in contrast to the rhythm in CO2 exchange, NR rhythms were strongly damped in continuous light. In constant darkness the rhythms were even more damped. The results show that post-translational modification of CAM NR is influenced by light/darkness and by an endogenous rhythm.  相似文献   
Ships that enter the Great Lakes laden with cargo carry only residual ballast water and sediment in ballast tanks. These ships are designated ‘no ballast on board’ (NOBOB) and constitute > 90% of inbound traffic. We conducted in situ experiments using emergence traps to assess the viability and the introduction potential of invertebrate diapausing stages present in ships’ ballast sediment. All trials commenced while vessels operated on the lower lakes (Erie, Ontario) and were completed 6–11 days later at ports on the upper lakes (Michigan, Lake Superior). Eight trials were conducted on four ships using five different ballast sediments. Hatching was observed on every ship, although not from all sediments on all ships. Overall hatch rates were very low (0.5 individuals per 500 g sediment), typically involving activation of < 0.05% of total eggs present. Five species of rotifers and copepod nauplii were hatched from ballast sediments, although only one or two species typically hatched from any one sediment. Results of this study indicate that hatching of diapausing eggs contained in ballast sediment of NOBOB ships poses a relatively low risk of invasion to the Great Lakes. However, as reproduction may occur in tanks, and non‐indigenous species may be involved in numerous introduction events, the risk posed by this vector is small but potentially important. While dormancy is a characteristic enabling enhanced survival during transportation in ballast tanks, it becomes a hindrance for introduction.  相似文献   
Abstract: Rats were given 75 mg/kg of 5,5-diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin) or vehicle 30 min prior to 75 mg/kg of 1, 1, 1-trichloro-bis( p -chlorophenyl)ethane ( p, p' -DDT) (p.o.) or chlordecone (i.p.) and tremor was measured 12 h later. Rats were then killed, and regional brain levels of biogenie amines and their acid metabolites and amino acids were determined. Pretreatment with phenytoin significantly attenuated the tremor produced by p, p' -DDT but enhanced that produced by chlordecone. p, p' -DDT had significant effects on the levels of asparate, glutamate, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), whereas chlordecone increased glycine, 5-HIAA, and MHPG levels. Pretreatment with phenytoin blocked p.p' -DDT-induced increases of aspartate in the brainstem and spinal cord, 5-HIAA in the hippocampus, and MHPG in the brainstem and hypothalamus. Phenytoin significantly enhanced chlordecone-induced increases of MHPG in the brainstem. These data indicate that organo-chlorine-induced increases in noradrenergic activity in the brainstem and spinal cord may be directly related to the tremorigenic effects of these chemicals.  相似文献   
Vector-based risk assessment is a powerful and efficient management approach for nonindigenous species (NIS). By managing a vector, an entire assemblage of associated NIS is simultaneously considered. The majority of current risk assessment frameworks have been conducted for a single, or selected few, target species and thus are not useful for managing vectors transporting a large number of potentially unknown species. Here we develop a predictive framework to assess relative invasion risk for a vector (ballast water) transporting an unknown species assemblage, using the Canadian Arctic as a case study. Ballast water discharge is a known high-risk vector globally, but its magnitude in the Arctic has not been well characterized. Our framework determined relative invasion risks between different transit pathways by quantifying the probability of NIS successfully transiting all stages of the invasion process and the magnitude of consequences of introduction to those ports. Churchill, Manitoba was ranked at ‘higher’ invasion risk via ballast water discharged by international merchant vessels than any other recipient port studied. The overall pattern of ballast water discharge suggests that water originating from coastal domestic sources carried by international merchant vessels may be important for dispersal of NIS. In addition, ballast-mediated NIS are more likely to arrive to the Hudson Bay region during summer months. These results can be useful for developing prevention and early detection programs for the region. Our risk assessment framework is not limited to ballast water and could be applied to other vectors for effective management of NIS.  相似文献   
Human papillomavirus-like particles (HPV VLPs) have shown considerable promise as a parenteral vaccine for the prevention of cervical cancer and its precursor lesions. Parenteral vaccines are expensive to produce and deliver, however, and therefore are not optimal for use in resource-poor settings, where most cervical HPV disease occurs. Transgenic plants expressing recombinant vaccine immunogens offer an attractive and potentially inexpensive alternative to vaccination by injection. For example, edible plants can be grown locally and can be distributed easily without special training or equipment. To assess the feasibility of an HPV VLP-based edible vaccine, in this study we synthesized a plant codon-optimized version of the HPV type 11 (HPV11) L1 major capsid protein coding sequence and introduced it into tobacco and potato. We show that full-length L1 protein is expressed and localized in plant cell nuclei and that expression of L1 in plants is enhanced by removal of the carboxy-terminal nuclear localization signal sequence. We also show that plant-expressed L1 self-assembles into VLPs with immunological properties comparable to those of native HPV virions. Importantly, ingestion of transgenic L1 potato was associated with activation of an anti-VLP immune response in mice that was qualitatively similar to that induced by VLP parenteral administration, and this response was enhanced significantly by subsequent oral boosting with purified insect cell-derived VLPs. Thus, papillomavirus L1 protein can be expressed in transgenic plants to form immunologically functional VLPs, and ingestion of such material can activate potentially protective humoral immune responses.  相似文献   
Summary Short-circuited toad bladders were loaded with K42 from the serosal medium in a chamber stirred by rotating impellers. The chambers were washed with nonradioactive Ringer's, and all effluent was collected from the two chambers separately for 30-sec intervals for 30 min and counted. Count rate data were fitted to sums of exponentials and analyzed by the methods of compartmental analysis. There are at least two potassium compartments, with half times of 2.42 and 18.48 min. These compartments contain 2.01 and 7.93 Equiv×100 mg dry weight–1, respectively, amounting to 45% of total tissue K. Determinations of the rate of buildup of tracer in the tissue after immersing the bladder in K42 Ringer's confirmed the fact that only a portion of tissue K exchanges even after one hr; thus the rest must have a considerably slower exchange rate. Fluxes at the inside border are far greater than at the outside, as predicted from electrophysiological data. Of the two tissue compartments, only the smaller and faster one appears to be related to Na transport, since only this compartment shows changes after Na removal (unidirectional serosal K fluxes decrease by some 50%) or after the addition of vasopressin (serosal fluxes and pool size increase by over two-fold). The results also are consistent with the operation of a 11 Na–K exchange pump at the serosal border.  相似文献   
While best practices for evaluating restoration ecology projects are emerging rapidly, budget constraints often limit postrestoration monitoring, which emphasizes the need for practical and efficient monitoring strategies. We examined the postrestoration outcome for an ENGO (Nature Conservancy of Canada) project, to assess retroactively how variation in intensity and frequency of sampling would have affected estimates of plant species composition, diversity, and richness over time. The project restored four habitat types (mesic forest, oak woodland, wet meadow, and sand barren) using sculptured seeding of tallgrass prairie and woody species. Species‐level plant cover was monitored annually for 10 years in 168 2 × 2–m quadrats. We performed randomization tests to examine estimates of species diversity and richness as a function of the number of quadrats sampled, and assessed the necessity of annual sampling for describing changes in species composition and successional trajectories. The randomization tests revealed that sampling 10–17 quadrats, depending on habitat type, was sufficient to obtain estimates of species diversity that were at least 95% of values obtained from the whole dataset. Species richness as a function of number of quadrats sampled did not plateau, which suggests that rather than increasing the number of sampling quadrats, richness could be estimated more efficiently using nonquadrat based sampling techniques. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis revealed that plant species composition largely stabilized by 3–5 years postrestoration depending on habitat type. By that time, native, seeded species dominated the restoration, and the benefits of annual sampling for tracking changes in species composition diminished.  相似文献   
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