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Recent advances in the fields of chromatography, mass spectrometry, and chemical analysis have greatly improved the efficiency with which carotenoids can be extracted and analyzed from avian plumage. Prior to these technological developments, Brush (1968) [1] concluded that the burgundy-colored plumage of the male pompadour Cotinga Xipholena punicea is produced by a combination of blue structural color and red carotenoids, including astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, isozeaxanthin, and a fourth unidentified, polar carotenoid. However, X. punicea does not in fact exhibit any structural coloration. This work aims to elucidate the carotenoid pigments of the burgundy color of X. punicea plumage using advanced analytical methodology. Feathers were collected from two burgundy male specimens and from a third aberrant orange-colored specimen. Pigments were extracted using a previously published technique (McGraw et al. (2005) [2]), separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and analyzed by UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy, chemical analysis, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and comparison with direct synthetic products. Our investigation revealed the presence of eight ketocarotenoids, including astaxanthin and canthaxanthin as reported previously by Brush (1968) [1]. Six of the ketocarotenoids contained methoxyl groups, which is rare for naturally-occurring carotenoids and a novel finding in birds. Interestingly, the carotenoid composition was the same in both the burgundy and orange feathers, indicating that feather coloration in X. punicea is determined not only by the presence of carotenoids, but also by interactions between the bound carotenoid pigments and their protein environment in the barb rami and barbules. This paper presents the first evidence of metabolically-derived methoxy-carotenoids in birds.  相似文献   
A two-chain, disulfide linked, insulin-like compound embodying the A-domain of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and the B-chain of insulin has been synthesized and characterized with respect to insulin-like biological activity and growth-promoting potency. The compound displays a potency of ca. 41% relative to insulin in assays for insulin-like activity (e.g., lipogenesis) but significantly higher activity than insulin, ca. 730% relative to insulin, in growth factor assays (e.g., thymidine incorporation). The compound is, however, a less potent growth factor than IGF-I itself, ca. 26.5% relative to IGF-I, and is not recognized by IGF carrier proteins. We conclude that structural features contained in the A-domain of IGF-I are primarily responsible for the growth-promoting ability displayed by IGF-I, while features in the B-domain are responsible for recognition by IGF carrier proteins.  相似文献   
Injury of an axon leads to at least four independent events, summarized in Figure 1: first, deprivation of the nerve cell body from target-derived or mediated substances, which leads to a derepressed or a permissive state; second, disruption of anterograde transport, with a resultant accumulation of anterogradely transported molecules; third, environmental response with possible consequent changes in constituents of the extracellular matrix and substances secreted from the surrounding cells; and fourth, appearance of growth inhibitors and modified protease activity. It seems that the first three of these events are obligatory, but not sufficient, i.e., they lead to a growth state only if the cell body is able to respond to the injury-induced signals from the environment (a and b). The regenerative state is characterized by alterations in protein synthesis and axonal transport and by sprouting activity. The subsequent elongation of the growing fibers depends on a continuous supply of appropriate growth factors. These factors are presumably anchored to the appropriate extracellular matrix that serves as a substratum for elongating fibers. It should be mentioned that the proliferating nonneuronal cells have a conducive effect on regeneration by forming a scaffold for the growing fibers. Accordingly, the lack of regeneration may stem from a deficiency in the ability of glial cells to provide the appropriate soluble components or from insufficient formation of extracellular matrix. In this respect, one may consider regeneration of an injured axon as a process which involves regeneration of both the nonneuronal cells and the supported axons. The regeneration of glial cells may fulfill the rules which are applied to regeneration of any other proliferating tissue. Furthermore, the processes of regeneration in the axon and the glial cells are mutually dependent. Perhaps the triggering factors provided by the nonneuronal cells affect the nonneuronal cells themselves by modulating their postlesion gliosis and thereby inducing their appropriate activation. In such a case, regeneration of nonneuronal cells may resemble an autocrine type of regulation that exists also during ontogeny. The growth regulation is shifted back to the paracrine type upon neuronal maturation or cessation of axonal growth. When the elongating fibers reach the vicinity of the target organ, they are under the influence of the target-derived factors, which guide the fibers and eventually cease their elongation.  相似文献   
Our previous work has suggested that glucocorticoid pretreatment suppresses the enhanced responsiveness to GnRH seen in serum LH 12 h after castration. By contrast, serum FSH continues to show the castration-induced hypersensitivity to GnRH. Our attempts to replicate this LH suppression in static pituitary culture in vitro were not successful. This suggested to us the possibility that corticoids in vivo might be preventing castration-induced increases in pituitary GnRH receptor levels. We tested this at 24 h post-castration and, in fact, corticoids did not suppress the increase in GnRH receptors. In addition to the aforementioned effects of corticoids, we have seen that cortisol reverses the castration-induced drop in pituitary FSH content. It does this for 7 days post-castration, even though it no longer has an effect in suppressing serum LH. Thus, our accumulated data reveal that glucocorticoids have a differential effect on LH and FSH synthesis and secretion. Further studies are needed to clarify the site(s) of action of glucocorticoids in gonadotropin secretion and synthesis. Glucocorticoids may well prove to be a key in unlocking the mystery of the mechanism of differential control of regulation of LH and FSH.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that DNA strand breaks are the molecular lesions responsible for radiation-induced lethality and that their repair is the basis for the recovery of irradiated cells from sublethal and potentially lethal damage. EM9 is a Chinese hamster ovary cell line that is hypersensitive to killing by X rays and has been reported to have a defect in the rate of rejoining of DNA single-strand breaks. To establish the importance of DNA strand-break repair in cellular recovery from sublethal and potentially lethal X-ray damage, those two parameters, recovery from sublethal and potentially lethal damage, were studied in EM9 cells as well as in EM9's parental repair-proficient strain, AA8. As previously reported, EM9 is the more radiosensitive cell line, having a D0 of 0.98 Gy compared to a D0 of 1.56 Gy for AA8 cells. DNA alkaline elution studies suggest that EM9 cells repair DNA single-strand breaks at a slower rate than AA8 cells. Neutral elution analysis suggests that EM9 cells also repair DNA double-strand breaks more slowly than AA8 cells. All of these data are consistent with the hypothesis that DNA strand-break ligation is defective in EM9 cells and that this defect accounts for increased radiosensitivity. The kinetics and magnitude of recovery from sublethal and potentially lethal damage, however, were similar for both EM9 and AA8 cells. Six-hour recovery ratios for sublethal damage repair were found to be 2.47 for AA8 cells and 1.31 for EM9 cells. Twenty-four-hour recovery ratios for potentially lethal damage repair were 3.2 for AA8 and 3.3 for EM9 cells. Both measurements were made at approximately equitoxic doses. Thus, the defect in EM9 cells that confers radiosensitivity and affects DNA strand-break rejoining does not affect sublethal damage repair or potentially lethal damage repair.  相似文献   
Populations of the vernal cladoceranDaphniopsis ephemeralis are found in woodland ponds throughout southern Ontario. The species reproduces by cyclic parthenogenesis, and genotype frequencies at allozyme loci are ordinarily in good agreement with Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Occasional heterozygote deficiencies are apparently the consequence of admixture of ephippial hatchlings produced in temporally separated bouts of sexual reproduction. Considerable heterogeneity in genotypic frequencies exists among local populations in southwestern Ontario, indicating that gene flow among populations is restricted. Inbreeding coefficients suggest that populations receive an average of 0.3 migrants per generation. The completion of a sexual life cycle is made possible despite the brief persistence of populations by the emergence of males from ephippial eggs and by the production of equal numbers of male and female progeny in the first parthenogenetic brood.  相似文献   
Erwinia chrysanthemi, a phytopathogenic enterobacterium, secretes three antigenically and structurally distinct proteases, A, B, and C and produces a protease inhibitor, a low-molecular-weight, heat-stable protein which remains mostly intracellular and which binds specifically to the A, B, and C proteases. The structural genes for proteases A, B, and C and for the inhibitor are clustered on a ca. 40-kilobase DNA fragment present in cosmid pEW4. Escherichia coli strains harboring pEW4 secrete the three proteases into the medium during the exponential phase of growth, without intracellular accumulation and in the absence of detectable cell lysis. An 8.5-kilobase EcoRI fragment derived from the cosmid encodes proteases B and C and the inhibitor as well as functions involved in the synthesis or secretion (or both) of the proteases. The inhibitor is not required for protease synthesis or secretion.  相似文献   
The platelet membrane glycoprotein IIb X IIIa heterodimer complex (GPIIb X IIIa) is the platelet receptor for adhesive proteins, containing binding sites for fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, and fibronectin on activated platelets. GPIIb X IIIa also appears to be a member of a family of membrane adhesive protein receptors that plays a major role in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. GPIb is the larger component of this platelet receptor and is composed of two disulfide-linked subunits. In this report we describe the analysis of cDNA clones for human GPIIb that were isolated from a lambda gt11 expression library prepared using RNA from HEL cells. A total of 3.3 kilobases of cDNA was sequence, revealing a continuous open reading frame encoding both GPIIb subunits. The cDNA encodes 1039 amino acids: 137 constituting the smaller subunit, 871 constituting the larger subunit, and 30 constituting an NH2-terminal signal peptide. No homology was found between the larger and smaller subunits. The smaller subunit contains a 26-residue hydrophobic sequence near its COOH terminus that represents a potential transmembrane domain. Four stretches of 12 amino acids present in the larger subunit are homologous to the calcium binding sites of calmodulin and troponin C. Northern blot analysis using HEL cell RNA indicated that the mature mRNA coding for GPIIb is 4.1 kilobases in size. A comparison of the GPIIb coding region with available cDNA sequences of the alpha-chains of the vitronectin and fibronectin receptors revealed 41% DNA homology and 74% and 63% amino acid homology, respectively. Our data establish the amino acid sequence for the human platelet glycoprotein IIb and provide additional evidence for the existence of a family of cellular adhesion protein receptors.  相似文献   
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