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The chicken avidin gene family consists of avidin and several avidin related genes (AVRs). Of these gene products, avidin is the best characterized and is known for its extremely high affinity for D-biotin, a property that is utilized in numerous modern life science applications. Recently, the AVR genes have been expressed as recombinant proteins, which have shown different biotin-binding properties as compared to avidin.  相似文献   
The Hodgkin-associated Ki-1 antigen was analyzed in different cell lines. In Hodgkin analogous L428 cells, biosynthetically labeled with radioactive amino acids, the Ki-1 antibody precipitated three glycoproteins with 90, 105, and 120 kDa, respectively. Surface-labeling revealed that the two larger components were membrane-associated forms of the Ki-1 antigen, although the 90-kDa molecule was shown in pulse-chase experiments to be the precursor of the 105- and 120-kDa forms. All three forms of the Ki-1 antigen possess a tunicamycin-sensitive 6-kDa N-linked carbohydrate moiety. O-Linked oligosaccharides could not be detected. Thus, the differences in m.w. are probably not due to glycosylation. The ionophore monensin prevented the appearance of the membrane-associated molecules, which demonstrated that they are assembled between the transcompartment of the Golgi complex and their insertion into the cell membrane. The 90-kDa precursor molecule cannot be generated by disulfide reduction from the two larger forms. After internal labeling with P-32, only the 105- and 120-kDa bands became visible, indicating that the Ki-1 molecule is phosphorylated after its processing into the two larger membrane-associated forms. Analysis of the Ki-1 antigens from other cell lines demonstrated that after external labeling of two other Hodgkin-derived cell lines, six Epstein-Barr virus lymphoblastoid cell lines and one human T leukemia virus I-positive T cell line, both the 105- and the 120-kDa membrane molecules could be detected, regardless of the presence or type of virus integrated.  相似文献   
The regulation of Mac-1, LFA-1, and p150,95 expression during leukocyte differentiation was examined. LFA-1 was present on almost all cell types studied. Both Mac-1 and p150,95 were present on the more mature cells of the myelomonocytic series, but only p150,95 was detected on some B cell lines and cloned cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) stimulation of B chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells dramatically increased p150,95 expression. The resultant Mac-1, LFA-1, p150,95 phenotype resembled hairy cell leukemia, a B cell plasmacytoid leukemia. The promonocytic cell line U937 and the promyeloblastic cell line HL-60 expressed only LFA-1. Monocytic differentiation of U937 cells was stimulated by PMA, and induced the concomitant expression of Mac-1 and p150,95, with more p150,95 induced than Mac-1. Granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) stimulation of U937 cells gave similar results. PMA-stimulated monocytic differentiation of the HL-60 cell line also induced expression of both Mac-1 and p150,95. The number of p150,95 molecules on PMA-stimulated U937 and HL-60 cells were 5 X 10(5) and 3 X 10(5), respectively. Retinoic acid stimulated myeloid differentiation of HL-60 cells and induced expression of both Mac-1 and p150,95. These cells acquired a Mac-1, LFA-1, p150,95 profile that resembled that of granulocytes, with more Mac-1 than p150,95 induced. GM-CSF stimulation of HL-60 cells induced a similar Mac-1 and p150,95 phenotype. The contributions of Mac-1, LFA-1, and p150,95 to aggregation of PMA-differentiated U937 cells were assessed. Monoclonal antibodies to the beta subunit and the LFA-1 alpha subunit, but not those to p150,95 or Mac-1 alpha subunit, inhibited this homotypic adherence.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that natural killer (NK) cells express the glycolipid asialo GM1, as evidenced by the sensitivity of NK cells to treatment with anti-asialo GM1 serum and complement. Because alloimmune cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were found to be insensitive to treatment with anti-asialo GM1 serum and complement, it was concluded that asialo GM1 is expressed by NK but not by CTL. However, fluorescence studies indicated that a significant proportion of peripheral T cells did express asialo GM1. Flow cytometric studies were undertaken to determine the extent to which alloimmune CTL express asialo GM1. Affinity-purified, monospecific IgG anti-asialo GM1 antibodies were used to label cells from mixed lymphocyte cultures. Separation of asialo GM1-positive and -negative fractions by cell sorting revealed that the majority of CTL activity resides in the asialo GM1-positive population. When these studies are compared with similar studies of splenic NK activity, it is apparent that, despite the relative insensitivity of CTL to treatment with anti-asialo GM1 and complement, both CTL and NK activity are enriched in the asialo GM1-positive cell population obtained by cell sorting.  相似文献   
Effect of starvation on endocrine cells in the rat stomach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of food deprivation on gastric G- and D-cells and on parietal cells was studied in the rat. In fed controls and groups of rats fasted for 12 and 96 h G-, D- and parietal cell densities, somatostatin and gastrin concentration in antral and fundic specimens and serum gastrin were compared. Gastrin in antral mucosa, serum gastrin, G-cell density as well as antral D-cell density decreased in long-term fasted rats by 52%, 90%, 58% and 42%, respectively. Fundic D-cell density remained unchanged. After 96 h starvation somatostatin concentration slightly increased in antral mucosa (+35%; P less than 0.05), but decreased in fundic mucosa (-40%; P less than 0.05). Parietal cell density was not influenced by prolonged fasting. These findings demonstrate that changes in D-cell morphology and mucosal somatostatin content are not parallel and that the rat gastric D-cell is less dependent on food in the gastric lumen than the G-cell. The unaltered fundic D-cell density reflects the functional activity of gastric D-cell which has also been shown to be independent of the presence or absence of food.  相似文献   
Three monoclonal antibodies specific for different carbohydrate antigens were used to analyze the development of the olfactory system in rats. CC2 antibodies react with a subset of main olfactory neurons, their axons, and terminals in the olfactory bulb. CC2 antigens are expressed on dorsomedial neurons in the olfactory epithelium (OE) from embryonic (E) day 15 to adults. In the olfactory bulb (OB), only dorsomedially located glomeruli express CC2 glycoconjugates from postnatal day (P) 2 to adults. Thus CC2 defines a dorsomedially organized projection that is established early in embryonic development and continues in adults. P-Path antibodies react with antigens that are expressed on the olfactory nerve in embryos, and are also detected on cell bodies in the neuroepithelium and in glomeruli of the OB at P2. At P14, P-Path staining is weaker, but remains present on many cells in the epithelium and in many glomeruli in the bulb. Postnatally, P-Path immunostaining continues to decrease in most regions of the OE and OB. At P35 and afterwards, only a few P-Path-positive neuronal cells can be detected in the OE. Furthermore, after P35 only two groups of glomeruli in the OB are P-Path immunoreactive. One is situated adjacent to the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) at the dorsocaudal surface of the OB. The other is adjacent to the AOB at the ventrocaudal surface of the OB. Thus, in adults, P-Path glycoconjugates are expressed in neurons and axons that project only to a specific subset of caudal glomeruli of the OB. Monoclonal antibody 1B2, reacts with β-galactose-terminating glycolipids and glycoproteins. At P2, 1B2 immunoreactivity is seen on a subset of cell bodies that are distributed throughout the OE and is expressed in most glomeruli in the OB at this age. By P35 and in adults, 1B2 continues to be expressed on a subset of neurons in the OE that project to only a small subset of glomeruli in the OB. Unlike CC2 and P-Path antigens that define specific groups of glomeruli, 1B2-immunoreactive glomeruli do not have a detectable spatial pattern. It is more likely that 1B2 antigens define a specific stage in the maturation of connections between the OE and OB.  相似文献   
The seeds of Heimia salicifolia do not contain alkaloids. Two unidentified alkaloids were detected in 1-week-old seedlings; these alkaloids were absent from older plant samples. Lyfoline, cryogenine, and lythrine were first detected in 2-week-old plants. Sinicuichine was first observed in 3-week-old plants and nesodine in 2-month-old plants. The maximum rates of synthesis for most of these alkaloids occurred in 1- to 2-month-old plants. Following administration of 14CO2 to H. salicifolia plants, small quantities of alkaloids were purified to constant specific activity without alkaloid dilution; 95.6% of the administered 14CO2 was assimilated and up to 0.16% of this activity was incorporated into known alkaloids. Sinicuichine and lyfoline were shown to undergo catabolism, while cryogenine was degraded very slowly, if at all. Evidence is presented for the conversion of lyfoline to lythrine.  相似文献   
Several novel glycosphingolipids have been isolated from the human teratocarcinoma cell line HT-E (833K). These cells contain two neutral glycolipids which metabolically incorporate radio-labelled fucose. In addition, there are three new gangliosides present, which are all members of the globoside series of glycolipids. One of the fucose containing glycolipids forms globoside when treated with α-fucosidase, and one of the gangliosides forms globoside when treated with neuraminidase. On the basis of chromatographic behavior, exoglycosidase treatment and antibody reactivity, the tentative structures of these new glycolipids are:
Fuc (α1??) GalNAc (βl?3) Gal (α1?4) Gal (β1?4) Glc (β1-Cer)
NeuAc (α2?3) GalNAc (β1?3) Gal (α1?4) Gal (β7?4) Gle (β1?Cer)
Glycolipid markers of murine lymphocyte subpopulations.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have shown previously that purified antibodies to ganglioside GM1 react with peripheral T cells and most thymocytes in several strains of mice, independent of Thy-1 phenotype. GM1 and the Thy-1.2 antigen cap independently on C3H thymocytes, which provides additional evidence that GM1 is not the Thy-1.2 antigen. In C3H and nude mice antibodies to GM1 also react with a population of cells, comprising about 25% of lymphocytes from lymph nodes or spleen, that bear surface immunoglobulin. After removal of immunoglobulin from these cells by digestion with proteolytic enzyme, the GM1+ cells regenerate their surface immunoglobulin during 18 hr in culture, which indicates that these double-labeled cells synthesize their surface immunoglobulin. Protease treatment of lymphocytes reveals receptors for antibodies to GM1 on most cells. These data indicate that T and B cells differ in the accessibility of GM1 to antibody, and not necessarily in their content of GM1. Purified antibodies to asialo GM1 react with mature T cells in all strains of mice tested. In contrast to anti-GM1, these antibodies do not react with most thymocytes, with immunoglobulin-bearing lymphocytes of C3H or nude mice, nor with pronase-treated B cells.  相似文献   
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