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The effect of the administration of the mycotoxins OTA, ZEA and DON alone resp. in combination on animal health and the residue behavior of pigs from 50 – 60 kg living weight over 90 days was investigated in 4 separate studies. Due to its fast metabolisation the administration of 1000 µg DON resp. 250 µg ZEA per kg feed alone or in combination with other mycotoxins does not lead to detectable residues of these mycotoxins in organs and tissues. Therefore these mycotoxins should not be relevant to the consumer.There is an effect of the simultaneous administration of ZEA resp. DON on the metabolisation resp. secretion of OTA. OTA is of relevance from the point of view of residue toxicology.  相似文献   
Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Hippocampal volume loss has been described in several pathological conditions including sleep disorders. Whether differences in normal sleep are associated with...  相似文献   
Smith  Jodie E.  Schwarcz  Henry P.  Risk  Michael J. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,471(1-3):111-115
A specimen of Desmophyllum cristagalli, an azooxanthellate (non-photosynthetic) coral was intensively and systematically sampled on all interior and exterior coeval surfaces. Even though the coral grew at an almost-constant temperature of about 2.5 °C, 18O varied by almost 3 and was up to 3.25 depleted with respect to aragonite–seawater oxygen isotope equilibrium. Contour maps of 18O show that, although portions of the skeleton approached equilibrium, the location of those areas were unpredictable and were not associated with any readily identifiable characteristics, such as colour, texture or crystalline structure changes. The use of regression lines and intercepts will give the mean temperature experienced by individual corals (Smith et al., 2000, Palaios 15: 25), but the prospect of documenting temperature changes over the lifetime of an individual coral remains problematical. Because of the large and seemingly random degree of isotopic disequilibrium, several isotopic values from coeval skeletal material must be obtained for the determination of a single temperature. Although azooxanthellate corals have been shown to have growth banding, analogous to reef corals, the layers are thin and difficult to see with the naked eye, uneven and often discontinuous, rendering sampling for a `time series' impossible at present. Reasons for the degree of variation in the isotopic patterns remain unclear.  相似文献   
3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid oxygenase (3HAO; EC, the biosynthetic enzyme of the endogenous excitotoxin quinolinic acid, was purified to homogeneity from rat liver and partially purified from rat brain. The pure enzyme is a single subunit protein with a molecular weight of 37-38,000. Kinetic analyses of both pure liver and partially purified brain 3HAO revealed an identical Km of 3 microM for the substrate 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid. Evidence for the identity of liver and brain 3HAO was further provided by physicochemical (electrophoretic behavior, heat sensitivity) and biochemical (pH dependency, activation by Fe2+) means. Antibodies were produced against the pure liver enzyme and the identity of liver and brain 3HAO substantiated immunologically in immunotitration and Ouchterlony double-diffusion experiments. Immunohistochemical studies using purified anti-rat 3HAO antibodies were performed on tissue sections of perfused brains and demonstrated a preferential staining of astroglial cells. Notably, the cellular localization of 3HAO in the brain appears to be in part distinct from that of quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase, the catabolic enzyme of quinolinic acid. Pure rat 3HAO and its antibodies can be expected to constitute useful tools for the further elucidation of the brain's quinolinic acid system.  相似文献   
Quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (QPRT) [EC] from human liver and brain was purified to homogeneity. Identity of the pure enzymes isolated from the two organs was proven by biochemical, physiocochemical and, following the production and partial purification of anti-liver QPRT antibodies, immunological techniques. Human QPRT has a molecular weight of 170,000 and consists of five identical subunits. Kinetic analyses revealed a Km of 5.6 microM for the substrate (quinolinic acid) and 23 microM for the co-substrate (phosphoribosylpyrophosphate). Enzyme activity was dependent on Mg2+ (optimal concentration: 1 mM) and was inhibited by the enzymatic by-product, inorganic pyrophosphate. Pure QPRT and its antibodies will constitute useful tools in the examination of the possible role of quinolinic acid in the pathogenesis of human neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   
Long‐term ecological success of large‐scale restoration programs planned for the next decades will rely on genetic diversity (GD) of reintroduced or colonizing species, a limiting factor in highly fragmented landscapes. In small and isolated natural remnants or restoration areas, substantial reduction in population's size or connectivity may lead to local extinctions due to the accumulation of deleterious recessive alleles and ongoing reduction of fecundity, plant vigor, recruitment success, and adaptive potential. Despite the paramount role of GD for species persistence, its levels in restoration programs are poorly known. We assessed the GD of four model tree species (different succession stages, dispersal, and pollination syndromes) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, comparing two high‐diversity restoration plantations, one forest fragment and one conserved remnant. Contrary to the expectation that the plantation strategies adopted in the restoration programs could result in genetic composition homogenization, we found that restoration areas established heterogeneous genetic groups with similar levels of neutral GD and inbreeding to those observed in natural forest remnants. This pattern was consistent across the four functionally different tree species, despite some species idiosyncrasies. For instance, we observed lower allelic richness in early successional species in restoration sites, suggesting that some species may be more prone to reintroduction with lower GD. Thus, we advocate the use of high GD levels in restoration to support biodiversity conservation in human‐modified landscapes, thus reinforcing the role of ecological restoration for recovering the diversity of genes—the basic constituent of biodiversity.  相似文献   
Brain-Specific Modulation of Kynurenic Acid Synthesis in the Rat   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Abstract: This study was designed to investigate modulatory mechanisms that control the synthesis of the neuroprotective endogenous excitatory amino acid receptor antagonist kynurenate. De novo kynurenate formation was examined in vitro using tissue slices from rat brain, liver, and kidney. In slices from adult cerebral cortex, veratridine, quisqualate, and l -α-aminoadipate decreased kynurenate synthesis substantially. Glucose removal or changes in the ionic milieu, too, influenced kynurenate formation significantly, suggesting that demands on cellular energy interfere with kynurenate production in the adult rat brain. The effects of quisqualate and l -α-aminoadipate were also observed in the immature brain, in the quinolinate-lesioned adult striatum, and, to a lesser extent, in peripheral organs. In contrast, the effect of veratridine was not seen in the lesioned brain or in kidney and liver tissue, indicating its dependency on intact neuron-glia interactions. Compared with the normal adult brain, ionic manipulations yielded qualitatively distinct results in the developing brain and in the periphery, but their effects remained unchanged in the lesioned striatum. Glucose deprivation was less consequential in the immature than in the adult brain and was entirely ineffective in the lesioned striatum and in the periphery. These results further link cellular, especially astrocytic, energy metabolism to kynurenate formation in the brain. More generally, the existence of brain-specific mechanisms for the regulation of kynurenate production is suggestive of a modulatory role of this metabolite in excitatory amino acid receptor function and dysfunction.  相似文献   
We introduce here a simple approach for rapidly determining restriction maps for a number of regions of a genome; this involves "anchoring" a map with a rare restriction site (in this case the seldom-cutting EagI) followed by partial digestion of a frequent-cutting enzyme (e.g., Sau 3A). We applied this technology to five species of the Anopheles gambiae complex. In a single Southern blot we obtained about a 15-kb restriction map each for the mtDNA, rRNA gene, and a scnDNA region for each of five species. Phylogenetic analyses of these regions yield trees at odds with the more traditional chromosome inversion-based trees. The value of the approach for systematic purposes is the ease with which several large, independent regions of the genome can be quickly assayed for molecular variation.   相似文献   
ESR measurements were made on ten enamel subsamples from six teeth recovered in layers 4-5, 6, 10, and 12 in the site of Die Kelders Cave 1, South Africa. The teeth (enamel and dentine) contained significant concentrations of uranium and therefore the U uptake model has a large influence on the computed ages. Variations in moisture content in the sediment had a smaller effect on the dose rate and calculated ages. For any given model of U uptake and moisture content, all the teeth gave very similar ages, implying that the entire deposit was formed over a short interval (<10,000 y). Comparison with OSL ages for the sediments suggests that the teeth experienced early U uptake, in which case the average age of the deposit is 70+/-4 ka (assuming a moisture content of 10%). Agreement between replicate subsamples was excellent.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the utility of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in human dental enamel to reveal patterns of breastfeeding and weaning in prehistory. Enamel preserves a record of childhood diet that can be studied in adult skeletons. Comparing different teeth, we used δ13C to document the introduction of solid foods to infant diets and δ18O to monitor the decline of breastfeeding. We report enamel carbonate δ13C and δ18O of 33 first molars, 35 premolars, and 25 third molars from 35 burials from Kaminaljuyú, an early state in the valley of Guatemala. The skeletons span from Middle Preclassic through Late Postclassic occupations, ca. 700 B.C. to 1500 A.D. Sections of enamel were removed from each tooth spanning from the cusp to the cemento-enamel junction. Stable isotope ratios were measured on CO2 liberated by reaction of enamel with H3PO4 in an automated carbonate system attached to a VG Optima mass spectrometer. Within a skeleton, teeth developing at older ages are more enriched in 13C and more depleted in 18O than teeth developing at younger ages. Premolars average 0.5% higher in δ13C than first molars from the same skeleton (P = 0.0001), but third molars are not significantly enriched over premolars. The shift from first molars to premolars may be due to the shift to solid foods from lipid-rich milk. After 2 years, when premolars begin to mineralize, the δ13C in childhood diets did not change systematically. First molars and premolars are similar in δ18O, but third molars average 0.7% lower than first molars (P = 0.0001) and 0.5% lower than premolars (P = 0.0003). First molar and premolar δ18O is heavier, because breast milk is more enriched in 18O than is drinking water. Hence, many children continued to nurse during the period of premolar formation. Together, these results indicate that Kaminaljuyú children had begun to eat solid maize foods before the age of 2 years but continued to drink breast milk until much later. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:1–18, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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