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Transgenic corn expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab gene is highly insecticidal to Ostrinia nubilalis (European corn borer) larvae. We ascertained whether Cry1F, Cry9C, or Cry9E recognizes the Cry1Ab binding site on the O. nubilalis brush border by three approaches. An optical biosensor technology based on surface plasmon resonance measured binding of brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) injected over a surface of immobilized Cry toxin. Preincubation with Cry1Ab reduced BBMV binding to immobilized Cry1Ab, whereas preincubation with Cry1F, Cry9C, or Cry9E did not inhibit BBMV binding. BBMV binding to a Cry1F-coated surface was reduced when vesicles were preincubated in Cry1F or Cry1Ab but not Cry9C or Cry9E. A radioligand approach measured 125I-Cry1Ab toxin binding to BBMV in the presence of homologous (Cry1Ab) and heterologous (Cry1Ac, Cry1F, Cry9C, or Cry9E) toxins. Unlabeled Cry1Ac effectively competed for 125I-Cry1Ab binding in a manner comparable to Cry1Ab itself. Unlabeled Cry9C and Cry9E toxins did not inhibit (125)I-Cry1Ab binding to BBMV. Cry1F inhibited (125)I-Cry1Ab binding at concentrations greater than 500 nM. Cry1F had low-level affinity for the Cry1Ab binding site. Ligand blot analysis identified Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, and Cry1F binding proteins in BBMV. The major Cry1Ab signals on ligand blots were at 145 kDa and 154 kDa, but a strong signal was present at 220 kDa and a weak signal was present at 167 kDa. Cry1Ac and Cry1F binding proteins were detected at 220 and 154 kDa. Anti-Manduca sexta aminopeptidase serum recognized proteins of 145, 154, and 167 kDa, and anti-cadherin serum recognized the 220 kDa protein. We speculate that isoforms of aminopeptidase and cadherin in the brush border membrane serve as Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, and Cry1F binding proteins.  相似文献   
The myelin axonal growth inhibitor NI-220/250 (Nogo-A) has attracted considerable attention in elucidating the mechanisms that account for the lack of plasticity in the adult central nervous system. The cognate monoclonal antibody IN-1, which was obtained prior to the molecular characterization of its Nogo-A antigen, has played a crucial role in this respect. However, this murine IgM/kappa antibody does not only provide an inappropriate format for in vivo studies, its low antigen affinity has also hampered the thorough structure-function analysis of its neutralizing effect toward the Nogo-A inhibitor on a molecular basis. We describe here the affinity maturation of a bacterially produced functional IN-1 F(ab) fragment via protein engineering. A soluble fragment of Nogo-A derived from the central exon 3 of its gene, which was prepared by secretion into the periplasm of Escherichia coli, served as a target in these experiments. After repeated cycles of site-directed random mutagenesis and screening, the mutant II.1.8 of the IN-1 F(ab) fragment was obtained, carrying five side chain substitutions within CDR-L3. Its dissociation constant for the complex with the recombinant Nogo-A fragment was determined in surface plasmon resonance measurements as approximately 1 microM. The affinity of the unmutated IN-1 F(ab) fragment was 8-fold lower. The engineered F(ab) fragment appeared to be well suited for the specific detection of Nogo-A in immunochemical assays and for the histochemical staining of myelin-rich tissue sections. Most importantly, its concentration-dependent neutralizing effect on the Nogo-A inhibitory activity was significantly enhanced in cell culture. This study confirms Nogo-A to be the antigen of the IN-1 antibody and it demonstrates increased potential of the engineered F(ab) fragment as a reagent for promoting axonal regeneration in vivo.  相似文献   
Chlorogenic acid derivatives are potent inhibitors of hepatic glucose production by inhibition of the glucose-6-phosphate translocase component of the hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase system. The pharmacological proof of concept was clearly demonstrated during i.v. infusion of potent derivatives (S 4048, S 3483) in rats. However, the blood glucose lowering effect of S 4048 after bolus i.v. injection lasted only 60-90 min. Plasma clearance of S 4048 was very high, and the parent compound was rapidly and efficiently excreted into the bile of Wistar and GY/TR(-) rats, indicating that mrp-2 was not involved in this hepatobiliary elimination process. About 72% of the total administered radioactivity appeared in the bile within 20 min after i.v. bolus injection of the radiolabeled analogue [(3)H]S 1743 in a Wistar rat. However, in GY/TR(-) rats the dicarboxylic analogue of S 4048, S 3025, was cleared from the plasma less rapidly than its parent compound and its biliary elimination was comparatively low. In contrast, S 3025 exhibited comparable pharmacokinetics and biliary elimination profile as S 4048 in Wistar rats, suggesting that biliary elimination of S 3025 is facilitated by mrp-2, functionally absent in GY/TR(-) rats. Targeting to mrp-2 resulted in a significantly prolonged reduction of blood glucose levels in GY/TR(-) rats after i.v. bolus administration of S 3025.  相似文献   
Dissipation of petroleum contaminants in the rhizosphere is likely the result of enhanced microbial degradation. Plant roots may encourage rhizosphere microbial activity through exudation of nutrients and by providing channels for increased water flow and gas diffusion. Phytoremediation of crude oil in soil was examined in this study using carefully selected plant species monitored over specific plant growth stages. Four sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) genotypes with differing root characteristics and levels of exudation were established in a sandy loam soil contaminated with 2700 mg crude oil/kg soil. Soils were sampled at three stages of plant growth: five leaf, flowering, and maturity. All vegetated treatments were associated with higher remediation efficiency, resulting in significantly lower total petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations than unvegetated controls. A relationship between root exudation and bioremediation efficiency was not apparent for these genotypes, although the presence of all sorghum genotypes resulted in significant removal of crude oil from the impacted soil.  相似文献   
Chiral natural flavor compounds exhibit characteristic enantiomeric excesses due to stereoselective, enzymatically catalyzed reactions during biogenesis. Although the enzymatic formation of the strawberry key flavor compound 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone (HDMF; Furaneol(R)) is anticipated, the naturally occurring compound is racemic. As racemization due to keto-enol-tautomerism of HDMF could account for this observation, HDMF was investigated by (1)H-NMR spectroscopy tracing the exchange of the proton bound to the furanone-ring at C2 with deuteron from the medium (D(2)O). In addition, the racemization rate of HDMF was directly determined by cyclodextrin-modified capillary electrophoresis of enantiomerically enriched HDMF stored at different pH values. Tautomerism and the racemization rate of HDMF was lowest at pH values between 4 and 5. However, tautomerism and thus racemization was catalyzed under stronger acidic conditions (pH 2) and especially at pH values greater than 7, the value published for plant cell cytosol. Approximately 50% of the protons at C2 were exchanged with deuteron within 1 h at pH 7.2. Therefore, in order to demonstrate the enzymatic formation of HDMF, incubation experiments with Zygosaccharomyces rouxii as well as strawberry protein extract were carried out under slightly acidic conditions (pH 5), the most suitable pH value for studies on the enantiomeric ratio of HDMF. In both experiments the formation of enantiomerically enriched HDMF could be demonstrated for the first time, whereas incubation experiments under neutral conditions resulted in the detection of racemic HDMF.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to develop a simple and reliable method for differentiation of the two phenotypic, very similar Eurasian and North American beavers. Hair bulbs were plucked as tissue samples from the fur of living animals. The mitochondrial cytochrome b locus was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced. The fragments of the two species differed at 44/41 nucleotide sites. RsaI recognised two mutations, resulting in a restriction fragment length polymorphism that seems to be species specific, as could be revealed by the banding pattern. Zoo Biol 19:511-515, 2000. Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Pienta KJ  Schwab ED 《BioTechniques》2000,28(2):272-4, 276-7
Several techniques are available that detect variations in gene expression between cellular populations. These include subtractive hybridization (SH), differential colony hybridization (DCH) and mRNA differential display, all based on the analysis of mRNA. The first two techniques, however, are limited because they require large amounts of mRNA for SH or several rounds of screening for DCH. Differential display overcomes both of these limitations. However, the conventional differential display technique is plagued by false positives and is labor intensive. The identification of genes that are truly differentially expressed, therefore, becomes a formidable task. We describe a modified differential display technique that overcomes the limitations of the conventional technique. This new technique eliminates a source of false positives, decreases the time required to screen a set of primers and reduces the use of radioactivity.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies binding to different domains of nucleolin have been used to localize nucleolin in tissue culture cells ofXenopus laevis.The monoclonal antibody b6-6E7 binds to an epitope in the N-terminal domain, which contains arrays of phosphorylation consensus sites. This monoclonal antibody binds to nucleolin of oocytes and of eggs with high affinity. In contrast, the monoclonal antibody Nu-1H6 binds poorly to the modified forms of nucleolin arising during meiosis and mitosis. In interphase cells, monoclonal antibody b6-6E7 preferentially stains the periphery of the nucleoli, where most of the rRNA accumulates. Staining by monoclonal antibody Nu-1H6 complements this pattern by staining mainly the center of the nucleoli. The epitope of monoclonal antibody Nu-1H6 is within the central domain of nucleolin, which contains the first two RNA binding domains. RNase treatment of cells results in loss of nucleolin from nucleoli. In mitotic cells, both monoclonal antibodies decorate the surface of condensing chromosomes in prophase. The periphery of the condensed chromosomes in metaphase and anaphase is preferentially stained by monoclonal antibody b6-6E7.  相似文献   
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