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A highly-efficient protocol for the large-scale isolation ofguard cell protoplasts from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) hasbeen developed. Optimization of conditions for culturing theseprotoplasts resulted in extensive cell division and colony formation,at frequencies exceeding 50%. Plants can subsequently be regeneratedfrom these guard cell-derived colonies. This provides definitiveconfirmation that, in sugar beet leaf protoplast populations,only guard cells are the source of totipotent protoplasts. Thesefindings are the outcome of a directed, non-empirical approachto overcoming plant cell recalcitrance which was initiated byexploiting computer-assisted microscopy to couple in vitro responseto cell origin. The results reaffirm the conclusion that, inplants, extreme degrees of cytodifferentiation need not entailterminal specialization. The responsive nature of this systemcan be ascribed to the unique use of cultures essentially comprisinga single in vivo cell type. A uniform model system has thusbeen created with potential for widespread application. Theirdistinct morphological (and mechanical) features make guardcells a valuable choice for studying various fundamental aspects,not only of stomatal physiology, but also of plant cell (de)differentiation,differential gene expression etc. Furthermore, an applied valuefor such a system can also be envisaged. Results indicate thatthese cells are highly amenable to genetic manipulation techniques.The importance of these observations to our understanding ofplant cell function and behaviour is discussed. Key words: Beta, guard cells, stomatal physiology, totipotency, transformation  相似文献   
Sequence similarity has given rise to the proposal that IF-2, EF-G, and EF-Tu are related through a common ancestor. We evaluate this proposition and whether the relationship can be extended to other factors of protein synthesis. Analysis of amino acid sequence similarity gives statistical support for an evolutionary affiliation among IF-1, IF-2, IF-3, EF-Tu, EF-Ts, and EF-G and suggests further that this association is a result of gene duplication/fusion events. In support of this mechanism, the three-dimensional structures of IF-3, EF-Tu, and EF-G display a predictable domain structure and overall conformational similarity. The model that we propose consists of three consecutives duplication/fusion events which would have taken place before the divergence of the three superkingdoms: eubacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. The root of this protein superfamily tree would be an ancestor of the modern IF-1 gene sequence. The repeated fundamental motif of this protein superfamily is a small RNA binding domain composed of two α-helices packed along side of an antiparallel β-sheet. Received: 17 October 1996 / Accepted: 10 June 1997  相似文献   
Abstract: The primary objective of this study was to determine the influence of stretch-induced cell injury on the metabolism of cellular phosphatidylcholine (PC). Neonatal rat astrocytes were grown to confluency in Silastic-bottomed tissue culture wells in medium that was usually supplemented with 10 µM unlabeled arachidonate. Cell injury was produced by stretching (5–10 mm) the Silastic membrane with a 50-ms pulse of compressed air. Stretch-induced cell injury increased the incorporation of [3H]choline into PC in an incubation time- and stretch magnitude-dependent manner. PC biosynthesis was increased three- to fourfold between 1.5 and 4.5 h after injury and returned to control levels by 24 h postinjury. Stretch-induced cell injury also increased the activity of several enzymes involved in the hydrolysis [phospholipase A2 (EC and C (PLC; EC] and biosynthesis [phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (PCT; EC] of PC. Stretch-induced increases in PC biosynthesis and PCT activity correlated well (r = 0.983) and were significantly reduced by pretrating (1 h) the cells with an iron chelator (deferoxamine) or scavengers of reactive oxygen species such as superoxide dismutase and catalase. The stretch-dependent increase in PC biosynthesis was also reduced by antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin E succinate, vitamin E phosphate, melatonin, and n-acetylcysteine). Arachidonate-enriched cells were more susceptible to stretch-induced injury because lactate dehydrogenase release and PC biosynthesis were significantly less in non-arachidonate-enriched cells. In summary, the data suggest that stretch-induced cell injury is (a) a result of an increase in the cellular level of hydroxyl radicals produced by an iron-catalyzed Haber-Weiss reaction, (b) due in part to the interaction of oxyradicals with the polyunsaturated fatty acids of cellular phospholipids such as PC, and (c) reversible as long as the cell's membrane repair functions (PC hydrolysis and biosynthesis) are sufficient to repair injured membranes. These results suggest that stretch-induced cell injury in vitro may mimic in part experimental traumatic brain injury in vivo because alterations in cellular PC biosynthesis and PLC activity are similar in both models. Therefore, this in vitro model of stretch-induced injury may supplement or be a reasonable alternative to some in vivo models of brain injury for determining the mechanisms by which traumatic cell injury results in cell dysfunction.  相似文献   
Abstract: Neurons containing multiple excitatory inputs may sort and target glutamate receptor subtypes to subsets of synapses. A good model for testing this hypothesis is the Purkinje cell, which expresses significant levels of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate, kainate, N -methyl- d -aspartate, δ-, and metabotropic glutamate receptors. Purkinje cells receive two excitatory inputs, the parallel and climbing fibers; the combined effect of stimulation of these two inputs is to produce long-term depression of parallel fiber/Purkinje cell neurotransmission. Distribution of glutamate receptors in these two synapse populations in rat cerebella was studied using preembedding immunocytochemistry with antibodies to GluR1, GluR2/3, GluR5-7, NR1, δ1/2, and mGluR1α. Moderate/dense postsynaptic staining was most frequent in postsynaptic densities and spines of both parallel and climbing fiber synapses with mGluR1α antibody, was intermediate in frequency with GluR2/3 and GluR5-7 antibodies, and was least frequent with GluR1 and NR1 antibodies. The most striking finding was the absence of significant postsynaptic staining with δ1/2 antibody in climbing fiber synapses in adult animals, even though postsynaptic staining was prevalent in parallel fiber synapses with this antibody. In contrast to adults, moderate/dense postsynaptic immunolabeling of climbing fiber synapses with δ1/2 antibody was common in rats at 10 days postnatal. This study provides direct morphological evidence that δ-glutamate receptors are differentially targeted to synapse populations. Our results support previous suggestions that δ2 is involved in development of parallel and climbing fiber synapses and in long-term depression of parallel fiber/Purkinje synaptic responses in adults.  相似文献   
Abstract: Amyloid β protein (Aβ) deposition in the cerebral arterial and capillary walls is one of the major characteristics of brains from patients with Alzheimer's disease and hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis-Dutch type (HCHWA-D). Vascular Aβ deposition is accompanied by degeneration of smooth muscle cells and pericytes. In this study we found that Aβ1–40 carrying the "Dutch" mutation (HCHWA-D Aβ1–40) as well as wild-type Aβ1–42 induced degeneration of cultured human brain pericytes and human leptomeningeal smooth muscle cells, whereas wild-type Aβ1–40 and HCHWA-D Aβ1–42 were inactive. Cultured brain pericytes appeared to be much more vulnerable to Aβ-induced degeneration than leptomeningeal smooth muscle cells, because in brain pericyte cultures cell viability already decreased after 2 days of exposure to HCHWA-D Aβ1–40, whereas in leptomeningeal smooth muscle cell cultures cell death was prominent only after 4–5 days. Moreover, leptomeningeal smooth muscle cell cultures were better able to recover than brain pericyte cultures after short-term treatment with HCHWA-D Aβ1–40. Degeneration of either cell type was preceded by an increased production of cellular amyloid precursor protein. Both cell death and amyloid precursor protein production could be inhibited by the amyloid-binding dye Congo red, suggesting that fibril assembly of Aβ is crucial for initiating its destructive effects. These data imply an important role for Aβ in inducing perivascular cell pathology as observed in the cerebral vasculature of patients with Alzheimer's disease or HCHWA-D.  相似文献   
Small-subunit ribosomal RNA nucleotide sequences were inferred for Giraudyopsis stellifera Dangeard (Chrysomeridales), as well as for Pulvinaria sp. and Sarcinochrysis marina Geitler (Sarcinochrysidales,). Phylogenetic analyses of the molecular data indicate that the former is weakly related to the Phaeophyceae/Xanthophyceae clade, whereas the latter two have affinities to the Pelagophyceae, and the Sarcinochrysidales sensu stricto is transferred to this class. A recent study proposed that the Pelagophyceae belongs to a larger assemblage of chromophytic species characterized by reduced flagellar apparatuses. Although the flagellar apparatus characterizing the Sarcinochrysidales is reduced relative to the Chysomeridaels and some other chromophytes, it is the most complicated to be associated with “the reduced flagellar apparatus” lineage. Cladistic analyses of a traditional data set (largely ultrastructural features of the flagellar apparatus) and a combined traditional/molecular data set were used to assess the evolutionary trends of reduction in the flagellar apparatus within the heterokont chromophytes.  相似文献   
Siconolfi, Steven F., Randal J. Gretebeck, William W. Wong,Robert A. Pietrzyk, and Sheril S. Suire. Assessing total body andextracellular water from bioelectrical response spectroscopy. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 704-710, 1997.We developed and validated assessments for total body water(TBW) and extracellular water (ECW) by using two resistance values of anew electric circuit model (CM) (two resistors: a capacitor and aninductor) with or without body mass. Fluid shifts occurring after 40 min of supine rest did not decrease the validity of either estimate. CMestimates were valid; r = 0.941 to0.969, low SE of estimates of 1.15-2.28 kg, nonsignificant meandifferences (CM  dilution; % = 0.4 to 1.3%) thatwere close to the expected measurement errors for TBW (±1%) andECW (±5%), and Bland-Altman pairwise comparisons that showedequivalence between methods. The CM estimates of TBW and ECW hadmarginally better validity than the previously published bioimpedancemodels. The advantage of the CM model is its assessments of multiplefluid spaces and that it does not require gender-specific equations. Weconclude that CM estimate of TBW is acceptable, whereas furthervalidation is needed before the ECW estimate should be used in aclinical or research setting.

Objective: To compare weight-specific and global psychosocial concerns and health-compromising behaviors among overweight and nonoverweight youth across gender and ethnicity. Methods: A cross-sectional school-based survey of 31,122 adolescents in grades 7 to 12. Based on self-reported heights and weights, respondents were categorized as nonoverweight (body mass index (BMI) <85th percentile), moderately overweight (85th percenile <BMI <95th percentile), or severely overweight (BMI >95th percentile). Results: Global psychosocial concerns, such as emotional well-being, suicidal ideation, future job concerns, and peer concerns, did not differ greatly between nonoverweight, moderately overweight, and severely overweight adolescents. Substance abuse behaviors were equally or less prevalent among the overweight group. Overweight girls were significantly less likely to consume alcohol, whereas overweight boys were at lower risk for marijuana use. In contrast, overweight youth were more likely to perceive their health as only fair or poor and were more likely to express weight-specific concerns and engage in behaviors such as chronic dieting and binge eating than nonoverweight youth. Overweight American Indian girls perceived their physical health more positively than nonoverweight American Indian girls. Strong associations were found between overweight status and chronic dieting among African American boys and girls. Conclusions: Nutritional counseling and educational programs need to address the weight-specific concerns and behaviors of overweight adolescents. However, assumptions regarding global psychosocial concerns and health-compromising behaviors among overweight adolescents of different genders and ethnicities should be avoided. These broad issues need to be explored in more depth at both the research and intervention levels.  相似文献   
Hanger, Christopher C., Robert G. Presson, Jr., Osamu Okada,Steven J. Janke, John J. Watkins, Wiltz W. Wagner, Jr., and Ronald L. Capen. Computer determination of perfusion patterns in pulmonarycapillary networks. J. Appl. Physiol.82(4): 1283-1289, 1997.Individual pulmonary capillaries are notsteadily perfused. By using in vivo microscopy, it can readily bedemonstrated that perfusion continually switches between capillarysegments and between portions of the network within a single alveolarwall. These changes in capillary perfusion occur even when upstream pressure and flow are constant. Flow switching between capillary segments in the absence of hemodynamic changes in large upstream vessels suggests that capillary perfusion patterns could be random. Tocalculate the probability that perfusion patterns could occur bychance, it is necessary to know the total number of possible perfusionpatterns in a given capillary network. We developed a computer programthat can determine every possible perfusion pattern for any givencapillary network, and from that information we can calculate whetherperfusion of individual segments in the network is random. With theresults of the computer program, we have obtained statistical evidencethat some capillary segments in a network are nonrandomly perfused.

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