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The impact of using a Femtosecond laser on final functional results of penetrating keratoplasty is low. The corneal incisions presented here result from laser ablations with ultrafast desorption by impulsive vibrational excitation (DIVE). The results of the current study are based on the first proof-of-principle experiments using a mobile, newly introduced picosecond infrared laser system, and indicate that wavelengths in the mid-infrared range centered at 3 μm are efficient for obtaining applanation-free deep cuts on porcine corneas.  相似文献   
Both environmental and host factors influence risk of cutaneous melanoma (CM), and worldwide, the incidence varies depending on constitutional determinants of skin type and pigmentation, latitude, and patterns of sun exposure. We performed genetic analysis of CDKN2A, CDK4, BAP1, MC1R, and MITFp.E318K in Danish high-risk melanoma cases and found CDKN2A germline mutations in 11.3% of CM families with three or more affected individuals, including four previously undescribed mutations. Rare mutations were also seen in CDK4 and BAP1, while MC1R variants were common, occurring at more than twice the frequency compared to Danish controls. The MITF p.E318K variant similarly occurred at an approximately three-fold higher frequency in melanoma cases than controls. To conclude, we propose that mutation screening of CDKN2A and CDK4 in Denmark should predominantly be performed in families with at least 3 cases of CM. In addition, we recommend that testing of BAP1 should not be conducted routinely in CM families but should be reserved for families with CM and uveal melanoma, or mesothelioma.  相似文献   
To assess the contribution of individual endocytic proteins to the assembly of clathrin coated pits, we depleted the clathrin heavy chain and the alpha-adaptin subunit of AP-2 in HeLa-cells using RNA interference. 48 h after transfection with clathrin heavy chain-specific short interfering RNA both, the heavy and light chains were depleted by more than 80%. Residual clathrin was mainly membrane-associated, and an increase in shallow pits was noted. The membrane-association of adaptors, clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia protein (CALM), epsin, dynamin, and Eps15 was only moderately affected by the knockdown and all proteins still displayed a punctate staining distribution. Clathrin depletion inhibited the uptake of transferrin but not that of the epidermal growth factor. However, efficient sorting of the epidermal growth factor into hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate-positive endosomes was impaired. Depletion of alpha-adaptin abolished almost completely the plasma membrane association of clathrin. Binding of Eps15 to membranes was strongly and that of CALM moderately reduced. Whereas the uptake of transferrin was efficiently blocked in alpha-adaptin knockdown cells, the internalization and sorting of the epidermal growth factor was not significantly impaired. Since neither clathrin nor AP-2 is essential for the internalization of EGF, we conclude that it is taken up by an alternative mechanism.  相似文献   
The wall of the asymmetrical saclike lungs of the fishes Polypterus and Erpetoichthys consists of several functionally different tissue layers. Their lumen is lined by a surface epithelium composed of (1) highly attenuated cells, termed pneumocytes I; (2) pneumocytes II with lamellar bodies, presumably indicating surfactant production; (3) mucous cells; and (4) ciliated cells. Underlying the pneumocytes I is a dense capillary net. The thin continuous endothelium of this net, together with the pneumocytes I, constitute the very thin blood-air barrier. The basement membrane of epithelium and endothelium fuse in the area of the blood-air barrier (thickness 210 m?m). Secretory and ciliary cells form longitudinal rows in the epithelium. Below the zone with a gas-exchanging tissue, a layer of connective tissue containing collagen and special elastic fibers occurs. The blood vessels that give rise to or drain the superficial capillary plexus are located in this connective tissue. The outermost layer of the lung consists of muscle cells, a narrow inner zone with smooth muscle cells, and an outer, broader zone with cross-striated muscle cells. The lung is innervated by myelinated and nonmyelinated nerve fibers. The morphology of the gas-exchange tissue in the lungs of these primitive bony fish is fundamentally very similar to that of the lungs of tetrapod vertebrates. The morphologic observations are in close agreement with physiologic data, disclosing well-developed respiratory capacities. Structural simplicity can be regarded as a model from which the lungs of the higher vertebrates derived. In addition to respiratory function, the lungs seem also to have hydrostatic tasks.  相似文献   
Studying protease/peptide inhibitor interactions is a useful tool for understanding molecular recognition in general and is particularly relevant for the rational design of inhibitors with therapeutic potential. An inhibitory peptide (PMTLEYR) derived from the third domain of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor and optimized for specific porcine pancreatic elastase inhibition was introduced into an inhibitor scaffold to increase the proteolytic stability of the peptide. The trypsin-specific squash inhibitor EETI II from Ecballium elaterium was chosen as the scaffold. The resulting hybrid inhibitor HEI-TOE I (hybrid inhibitor from E. elaterium and the optimized binding loop of the third domain of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor) shows a specificity and affinity to porcine pancreatic elastase similar to the free inhibitory peptide but with significantly higher proteolytic stability. Isothermal titration calorimetry revealed that elastase binding of HEI-TOE I occurs with a small unfavorable positive enthalpy contribution, a large favorable positive entropy change, and a large negative heat capacity change. In addition, the inhibitory peptide and the hybrid inhibitor HEI-TOE I protected endothelial cells against degradation following treatment with porcine pancreatic elastase.  相似文献   
Two types of proteinaceous endoxylanase inhibitors occur in different cereals, i.e. the TAXI [Triticum aestivum endoxylanase inhibitor]-type and XIP [endoxylanase inhibiting protein]-type inhibitors. The present paper focuses on the TAXI-type proteins and deals with their structural characteristics and the identification, characterisation and heterologous expression of a TAXI gene from wheat. In addition, to shed light on the mechanism by which TAXI-type endoxylanase inhibitors work, the enzyme specificity, the optimal conditions for maximal inhibition activity, the molar complexation ratio and the inhibition kinetics of the inhibitors are explained and the effect of mutations of an endoxylanase on the inhibition by TAXIs is discussed.  相似文献   
The protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 is a negative regulator of multiple signal transduction pathways. We observed that SHP-1 effectively antagonized Src-dependent phosphorylations in HEK293 cells. This occurred by dephosphorylation of Src substrates, because Src activity was unaffected in the presence of SHP-1. One reason for efficient dephosphorylation was activation of SHP-1 by Src. Recombinant SHP-1 had elevated activity subsequent to phosphorylation by Src in vitro, and SHP-1 variants with mutated phosphorylation sites in the C terminus, SHP-1 Y538F, and SHP-1 Y538F,Y566F were less active toward Src-generated phosphoproteins in intact cells. A second reason for efficient dephosphorylation is the substrate selectivity of SHP-1. Pull-down experiments with different GST-SHP-1 fusion proteins revealed efficient interaction of Src-generated phosphoproteins with the SHP-1 catalytic domain rather than with the SH2 domains. Phosphopeptides that correspond to good Src substrates were efficiently dephosphorylated by SHP-1 in vitro. Phosphorylated "optimal Src substrate" AEEEIpYGEFEA (where pY is phosphotyrosine) and a phosphopeptide corresponding to a recently identified Src phosphorylation site in p120 catenin, DDLDpY(296)GMMSD, were excellent SHP-1 substrates. Docking of these phosphopeptides into the catalytic domain of SHP-1 by molecular modeling was consistent with the biochemical data and explains the efficient interaction. Acidic residues N-terminal of the phosphotyrosine seem to be of major importance for efficient substrate interaction. Residues C-terminal of the phosphotyrosine probably contribute to the substrate selectivity of SHP-1. We propose that activation of SHP-1 by Src and complementary substrate specificities of SHP-1 and Src may lead to very transient Src signals in the presence of SHP-1.  相似文献   
The functional consequences of a series of point mutations in transmembrane segment M1 of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase were analyzed in steady-state and transient kinetic experiments examining the partial reaction steps involved in Ca2+ interaction and phosphoenzyme turnover. Arginine or leucine substitution of Glu51, Glu55, or Glu58, located in the N-terminal third of M1, did not affect these functions. Arginine or leucine substitution of Asp59, located right at the bend of M1 seen in the crystal structure of the thapsigargin-bound form, caused a 10-fold increase of the rate of Ca2+ dissociation toward the cytoplasmic side. Mutation of Leu60 to alanine or proline and of Val62 to alanine also enhanced Ca2+ dissociation, whereas an 11-fold reduction of the rate of Ca2+ dissociation was observed upon alanine substitution of Leu65, thus providing evidence for a relation of the middle part of M1 to a gating mechanism controlling the dissociation of occluded Ca2+ from its membranous binding sites. Moreover, phosphoenzyme processing was affected by some of the latter mutations, in particular leucine substitution of Asp59, and alanine substitution of Leu65 accelerated the transition to ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme and blocked its dephosphorylation, thus demonstrating that this part of M1, besides being important in Ca2+ interaction, furthermore, is a critical element in the long range signaling between the transmembrane domain and the cytoplasmic catalytic site.  相似文献   
Recent studies have suggested that bone marrow cells might possess a much broader differentiation potential than previously appreciated. In most cases, the reported efficiency of such plasticity has been rather low and, at least in some instances, is a consequence of cell fusion. After myocardial infarction, however, bone marrow cells have been suggested to extensively regenerate cardiomyocytes through transdifferentiation. Although bone marrow-derived cells are already being used in clinical trials, the exact identity, longevity and fate of these cells in infarcted myocardium have yet to be investigated in detail. Here we use various approaches to induce acute myocardial injury and deliver transgenically marked bone marrow cells to the injured myocardium. We show that unfractionated bone marrow cells and a purified population of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells efficiently engraft within the infarcted myocardium. Engraftment was transient, however, and hematopoietic in nature. In contrast, bone marrow-derived cardiomyocytes were observed outside the infarcted myocardium at a low frequency and were derived exclusively through cell fusion.  相似文献   
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