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Normal rat kidney (NRK) cells infected with a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant of mouse sarcoma virus (NRK [MSV-1b]) express the transformed phenotype when grown under permissive conditions, but acquire the normal phenotype when grown under restrictive conditions. Addition of 3', 5' cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to NRK (MSV-1b) cells grown at the restrictive temperature results in morphological transformation. To determine whether other markers associated with the transformed phenotype were coordinately expressed after cAMP exposure, concanavalin A (Con A) agglutinability, hexose transport rate, and incorporation of radioactively labeled fucose into fucolipid III and fucolipid IV (FL III and FL IV ) of the cells were examined. NRK cells transformed by wild-type MSV or NRK(MSV- 1b) grown under permissive conditions were agglutinated by low concentrations of Con A and exhibited relatively high maximal agglutination levels which were specifically inhibited by α-methyl-D-mannoside. In contrast, NRK (MSV-1b) cells grown under restrictive conditions were weakly agglutinated by Con A and exhibited reduced maximal agglutination levels, similar to uninfected NRK cells. Treatment of NRK (MSV-1b) cells at the restrictive temperature with cAMP resulted in morphological transformation and a change in the pattern of incorporation of labeled fucose inot FL III and FL IV to one comparable to that of NRK (MSV-1b) cells at the permissive temperature or to NRK cells transformed by wild-type MSV. In contrast, cAMP treatment resulted in no increase in Con A agglutinability or 2 deoxy-D- [(3)H]glucose transport relative to mock treated cultures. The results demonstrate that cAMP-induced morphological transformation and altered fucolipid composition of NRK (MSV-1b) cells are not correlated with alterations in hexose transport rate or Con A agglutinability.  相似文献   
In situ hybridization has become a standard method for localizing DNA or RNA sequences in cytological preparations. We developed two methods to extend this technique to the transmission electron microscope level using mouse satellite DNA hybridization to whole mount metaphase chromosomes as the test system. The first method devised is a direct extension of standard light microscope level using mouse satellite DNA hybridization to whole mount metaphase chromosomes as the test system. The first method devised is a direct extension of standard light microscope in situ hybridization. Radioactively labeled complementary RNA (cRNA) is hybridized to metaphase chromosomes deposited on electron microscope grids and fixed in 70 percent ethanol vapor; hybridixation site are detected by autoradiography. Specific and intense labeling of chromosomal centromeric regions is observed even after relatively short exposure times. Inerphase nuclei present in some of the metaphase chromosome preparations also show defined paatterms of satellite DNA labeling which suggests that satellite-containing regions are associate with each other during interphase. The sensitivity of this method is estimated to at least as good as that at the light microscope level while the resolution is improved at least threefold. The second method, which circumvents the use of autoradiogrphic detection, uses biotin-labeled polynucleotide probes. After hybridization of these probes, either DNA or RNA, to fixed chromosomes on grids, hybrids are detected via reaction is improved at least threefold. The second method, which circumvents the use of autoradiographic detection, uses biotin-labeled polynucleotide probes. After hybridization of these probes, either DNA or RNA, to fixed chromosomes on grids, hybrids are detected via reaction with an antibody against biotin and secondary antibody adsorbed to the surface of over centromeric heterochromatin and along the associated peripheral fibers. Labeling is on average ten times that of background binding. This method is rapid and possesses the potential to allow precise ultrastructual localization of DNA sequences in chromosomes and chromatin.  相似文献   
The preservation for electron microscopy of saturated phospholipids in general, and phosphatidyl choline (PC)in particular, remains and unsolved problem since OsO(4) and glutaraldehyde are incapable of interacting with PC directly. However, by introducing tannic acid preceding osmication, we were able to demonstrate highly ordered, preserved lamellar structures in model experiments with saturated PC, and in vivo experiments type II pneumocytes of lung tissue. The secretory bodies of the latter are known to contain a high proportion of these saturated phospholipids. In both cases, the repeating periodicity approximated 45 A. It was determined that tannic acid interacts with the choline component of PC to form a "complex," which then could be stabilized by treatment with OsO(4). In the absence of osmication, the PC-tannic acid complex acid did not survive conventional dehydration techniques, but osmication permitted conventional Epon embedment. Sphingomyelin (SPH), which contains choline, behaved similarly in model experiments. But there was no evidence of a comparable reaction with tannic acid using phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PEA), phosphatidyl serine (PS), or phosphstidy inositol (PI). Chemical studies indicted a high pH dependency for the formation of the PC- tannic acid complex. Also, experiments demonstrated its dissociation in various organic solvents. Sharp delineation and great contrast of the polar zones in the ordered lamellar structures was achieved by additional staining with lead citrate thus leading to the conclusion that tannic acid serves as a multivalent agent, capable of simultaneous interaction with saturated PC, OsO(4), and lead citrate stains.  相似文献   
We found that nonlethal lysosomal enzyme release from human peripheral blood leukocytes during phagocytosis of opsonized zymosan in vitro was modified by the oxygen tension under which the cells were incubated; with decreasing Po(2), zymosan-induced release of lysosomal enzymes was potentiated. The effect on enzyme release could not be attributed secondarily to an effect on phagocytosis, because, as others have reported, Po(2) had little effect on that response. Metabolic responses that accompany phagocytosis were also modified by oxygen tension. Stimulation of oxidation by way of the pentose cycle was further enhanced by increasing Po(2). Conversely, anaerobic glycolysis was promoted by decreasing oxygen tension. ATP levels fell as a function of time and concentration of phagocytic stimulus, mirroring lysosomal enzyme release as modified by Po(2). Cyclic AMP levels fell during phagocytosis and lysosomal enzyme release, a change that could act to facilitate lysosomal enzyme release. However, the fall in nucleotide level was greatest with highest Po(2) (i.e., when lysosomal enzyme release was least). The inverse relationship between oxidative metabolism and enzyme release suggested that a product of oxidative metabolism might adversely influence enzyme release. Sulfhydryl antioxidants (Cysteine, glutathione) and scavengers of oxygen-derived reactants (superoxide dismutase, catalase, benzoate, hypoxanthine, xanthine, histidine, azide) all potentiated zymosan- stimulated enzyme release. These findings are consistent with the interpretation that one or more factors (e.g., superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, singlet oxygen), generated in association with the burst of oxidative metabolism which accompanies phagocytosis, acts to inhibit lysosomal enzyme release.  相似文献   


Osteopontin (OPN) has been implicated as a mediator of Th17 regulation via type I interferon (IFN) receptor signaling and in macrophage activity at sites of tissue repair. This study assessed whether increased circulating plasma OPN (cOPN) precedes development of organ damage in pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus (pSLE) and compared it to circulating plasma neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (cNGAL), a predictor of increased SLE disease activity.


cOPN and cNGAL were measured in prospectively followed pSLE (n = 42) and adult SLE (aSLE; n = 23) patients and age-matched controls. Time-adjusted cumulative disease activity and disease damage were respectively assessed using adjusted-mean SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) (AMS) and SLICC/ACR damage index (SDI).


Compared to controls, elevated cOPN and cNGAL were observed in pSLE and aSLE. cNGAL preceded worsening SLEDAI by 3-6 months (P = 0.04), but was not associated with increased 6-month AMS. High baseline cOPN, which was associated with high IFNalpha activity and expression of autoantibodies to nucleic acids, positively correlated with 6-month AMS (r = 0.51 and 0.52, P = 0.001 and 0.01 in pSLE and aSLE, respectively) and was associated with SDI increase at 12 months in pSLE (P = 0.001). Risk factors for change in SDI in pSLE were cOPN (OR 7.5, 95% CI [2.9-20], P = 0.03), but not cNGAL, cumulative prednisone, disease duration, immunosuppression use, gender or ancestry using univariate and multivariate logistic regression. The area under the curve (AUC) when generating the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) of baseline cOPN sensitivity and specificity for the indication of SLE patients with an increase of SDI over a 12 month period is 0.543 (95% CI 0.347-0.738; positive predictive value 95% and negative predictive value 38%).


High circulating OPN levels preceded increased cumulative disease activity and organ damage in SLE patients, especially in pSLE, and its value as a predictor of poor outcome should be further validated in large longitudinal cohorts.  相似文献   
Concentric electrodes have been fabricated from 304 stainless steel in which a small anode (0.031 cm2) and large cathode (4.87 cm2) are induced by the application of a current density of 11A cm–2 at the anode. It has previously been shown that reproducible pitting and maintenance of a galvanic current occurs only in the presence of a consortium of bacteria containing sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Actively corroding systems that had maintained a galvanic current for at least 24 h after the applied current was removed were treated with inhibitors of the SRB. The only inhibitor tested which had any marked effect on the galvanic current was sodium molybdate which is a known inhibitor of corrosion as well as SRB.  相似文献   
The montane forests of northern Mozambique’s isolated massifs are inhabited by numerous range-restricted and threatened bird species, but until recently were extremely little-known. We report on a first avifaunal survey of the isolated montane habitats of Mt Mecula (1 442 m), Niassa National Reserve, notable as the only currently protected montane area in northern Mozambique. Mount Mecula’s moist forest is small (approximately 136 ha in total) and patchy, and although known botanically to have some montane affinities, was found to support an avifauna more typical of riparian forests of medium to low altitude. The only montane forest species recorded was Lemon Dove Aplopelia larvata. Other montane elements included Vincent’s Bunting Emberiza (capensis) vincenti, one of six species recorded new to the Niassa National Reserve list. Overall, it appears that despite its intermediate location, Mt Mecula does not represent a biogeographical ‘stepping stone’ for montane forest bird species. This probably owes to its remoteness from the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania to the north and the massifs of other parts of northern Mozambique, to the south and west.  相似文献   


Bioinformatics is confronted with a new data explosion due to the availability of high throughput DNA sequencers. Data storage and analysis becomes a problem on local servers, and therefore it is needed to switch to other IT infrastructures. Grid and workflow technology can help to handle the data more efficiently, as well as facilitate collaborations. However, interfaces to grids are often unfriendly to novice users.  相似文献   


Globalization and subsequent growth in international trade in animals and animal products has increased the importance of international disease reporting. Efficient and reliable surveillance systems are needed in order to document the disease status of a population at a given time. In this context, passive surveillance plays an important role in early warning systems. However, it is not yet routinely integrated in the assessment of disease surveillance systems because different factors like the disease awareness (DA) of people reporting suspect cases influence the detection performance of passive surveillance. In this paper, we used scenario tree methodology in order to evaluate and compare the quality and benefit of abortion testing (ABT) for Brucella melitensis (Bm) between the disease free situation in Switzerland (CH) and a hypothetical disease free situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), taking into account DA levels assumed for the current endemic situation in BH.


The structure and input parameters of the scenario tree were identical for CH and BH with the exception of population data in small ruminants and the DA in farmers and veterinarians. The sensitivity analysis of the stochastic scenario tree model showed that the small ruminant population structure and the DA of farmers were important influential parameters with regard to the unit sensitivity of ABT in both CH and BH. The DA of both farmers and veterinarians was assumed to be higher in BH than in CH due to the current endemic situation in BH. Although the same DA cannot necessarily be assumed for the modelled hypothetical disease free situation as for the actual endemic situation, it shows the importance of the higher vigilance of people reporting suspect cases on the probability that an average unit processed in the ABT-component would test positive.


The actual sensitivity of passive surveillance approaches heavily depends on the context in which they are applied. Scenario tree modelling allows for the evaluation of such passive surveillance system components under assumed disease free situation. Despite data gaps, this is a real opportunity to compare different situations and to explore consequences of changes that could be made.
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