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Both original and colonizer populations of Drosophila buzzatii have been analyzed for mtDNA restriction polymorphisms. Most of the mtDNA nucleotide variation in original populations of NW Argentina can be explained by intrapopulation diversity and only a small fraction can be accounted for by between-population diversity. Similar results are obtained using either the estimated number of nucleotide substitutions per site or considering each restriction site as a locus. Colonizer populations of the Iberian Peninsula are monomorphic and show only the most common haplotype from the original populations. Under the infinite island model and assuming that populations are in equilibrium, fixation indices indicate enough gene flow to explain why the populations are not structured. Yet, the possibility exists that populations have not reached an equilibrium after a founder event at the end of the last Pleistocene glaciation. Tajima's test suggests that directional selection and/or a recent bottleneck could explain the present mtDNA differentiation. Considering the significant population structure found for the chromosomal and some allozyme polymorphisms, the among- population uniformity for mtDNA variability argues in favor of the chromosomal and some allozyme polymorphisms being adaptive.   相似文献   
A recent analysis of amino acid sequence data (Graur et al.) suggested that the mammalian order Rodentia is polyphyletic, in contrast to most morphological data, which support rodent monophyly. At issue is whether the hystricognath rodents, such as the guinea pig, represent an independent evolutionary lineage within mammals, separate from the sciurognath rodents. To resolve this problem, we sequenced a region (2,645 bp) of the mitochondrial genome of the guinea pig containing the complete 12S ribosomal RNA, 16S ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA(VAL) genes for comparison with the available sciurognath and other mammalian sequences. Several methods of analysis and statistical tests of the data all show strong support for rodent monophyly (91%-98% bootstrap probability, or BP). Calibration with the mammalian fossil record suggests a Cretaceous date (107 mya) for the divergence of sciurognaths and hystricognaths. An older date (38 mya) for the controversial Mus- Rattus divergence also is supported by these data. Our neighbor-joining analyses of all available sequence data (25 genes) confirm that some individual genes support rodent polyphyly but that tandem analysis of all data does not. We propose that the conflicting results are due to several compounding factors. The unique biochemical properties of some hystricognath metabolic proteins, largely responsible for generating this controversy, may have a single explanation: a cascade effect resulting from inactivation of the zinc-binding abilities of insulin. After excluding six genes possibly affected by insulin inactivation, analyses of all available sequence data (7,117 nucleotide sites, 3,099 amino acid sites) resulted in strong support for rodent monophyly (94% BP for DNA sequences, 90% for protein sequences), which lends support to the insulin-cascade hypothesis.   相似文献   
We evaluated the activity of methanolic extracts of Melaleuca cajuputi flowers against the filarial worm Brugia pahangi and its bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia. Anti-Wolbachia activity was measured in worms and in Aedes albopictus Aa23 cells by PCR, electron microscopy, and other biological assays. In particular, microfilarial release, worm motility, and viability were determined. M. cajuputi flower extracts were found to significantly reduce Wolbachia endosymbionts in Aa23 cells, Wolbachia surface protein, and microfilarial release, as well as the viability and motility of adult worms. Anti-Wolbachia activity was further confirmed by observation of degraded and phagocytized Wolbachia in worms treated with the flower extracts. The data provided in vitro and in vivo evidence that M. cajuputi flower extracts inhibit Wolbachia, an activity that may be exploited as an alternative strategy to treat human lymphatic filariasis.  相似文献   
Lake Ichkeul in northern Tunisia is a Ramsar site, a MAB Biosphere Reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The system is one of the most important coastal wetlands in North Africa, especially as an over-wintering area for migratory birds, particularly Palaearctic waterfowl. The present study was aimed at diagnosing the status of fish species in Lake Ichkeul and documenting their annual and seasonal occurrence within the system. Fish samples were collected monthly at 22 sites from March 2011 to April 2012 using a variety of gears, including a dragnet, gillnet, trammelnet, frynet and beach-seine. Temperature and salinity measurements were taken at each site, while fishes were obtained from only 11 sites, representing mainly lacustrine stations. A total of 18 fish species belonging to 14 genera and 12 families were identified, with Mugilidae dominating with four species, followed by Syngnathidae with three species. This study represents a relative recovery in terms of fish species richness, since only 13 species were recorded here between 2003 and 2007. However, the numbers of fish caught, especially of the commercial taxa, seem to have declined in recent years, and the number of species currently present is much lower than that of several decades ago. Increasing human pressures, particularly reductions in catchment freshwater inputs, a breakdown in ecosystem connectivity, pollution and over-fishing appear to be the principal causes for the decline in fish abundance and diversity.  相似文献   
Gastric epithelial cells are important components of mucosal protection and targets of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-induced injury. Diclofenac (DFN) is one of the most widely used NSAIDs; however, even its short-term use can induce gastric erosions and ulcers. Nerve growth factor (NGF) has been reported to act not only on neuronal cells but also on endothelial cells; however, its action on gastric epithelial cells is unknown. This study was aimed to determine, whether NGF can protect gastric epithelial cells against DFN-induced injury, and to determine the underlying molecular mechanisms with a focus on mitochondria, survivin, and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Cultured normal rat gastric mucosal epithelial cells 1 (RGM1) were treated with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; control), NGF (100 ng/mL) and/or DFN (0.25-1.00 mM) for 4 hours. We examined: (1) cell injury by confocal microscopy; (2) cell death/survival using Calcein AM live cell tracking dye; (3) mitochondrial structure and membrane potential function using MitoTracker in live cells; and (4) expression of NGF, its receptor - tropomyosin receptor kinase A (TrkA), survivin and IGF-1 by immunostaining. DFN treatment of RGM1 cells for 4 hours caused extensive cell injury, mitochondrial disintegration, reduced cell viability (from 94 ± 3% in controls to 14 ± 4% in 0.5 mM DFN-treated cells; P < 0.001), and expression of survivin and IGF-1. NGF treatment significantly increased survivin and IGF-1 expression by 41% and 75%, respectively versus PBS controls. Pretreatment with NGF before DFN treatment reduced mitochondrial damage and cell death by 73% and 82%, respectively versus treatment with DFN alone (all P < 0.001). This study also showed the presence of high-affinity TrkA receptors in the plasma membrane and mitochondria of RGM1 cells indicating novel actions of NGF.  相似文献   
Fluorosis is a metabolic disease that is endemic in nearly 25 countries with India being one of the most affected. It primarily affects the bone and the teeth. Moringa oleifera (MO) leaves are known to reduce the effect of fluorosis on various tissues. Therefore, it is of interest to document the effect of Moringa oleifera leaves on the hematological profile of fluorosis affected rats. Twenty four Sprague Dawley rats were housed two per cage in a room with 12 hours light and 12 hours dark cycle. The rats were allowed to adjust to the laboratory environment for about one to two weeks before the beginning of the study. This study reveals that MO leaves is effective in reducing the plasma fluoride content. It also helps in improving the Hb % and RBC count in fluorosis affected rats. Data shows that Moringa olifera leaves powder is effective in reducing the plasma fluoride content. It also helps in improving the Hemoglobin percentage & Red Blood Cell count in fluorosis affected rats.  相似文献   


The EVIDENCE (EVidence of Interferon Dose-response: European North American Comparative Efficacy) study was an international, randomized, open-label, assessor-blinded, parallel-group study assessing the efficacy and tolerability of interferon (IFN) beta-1a, 44 mcg subcutaneously (sc) three times weekly (tiw), and IFN beta-1a, 30 mcg intramuscularly (im) once weekly (qw), in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). The aim of this analysis was to assess whether reductions in T2 burden of disease (BOD) were greater for patients receiving IFN beta-1a, 44 mcg sc tiw, than for those treated with IFN beta-1a, 30 mcg im qw, and to assess the impact of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs).  相似文献   
捕食和避免捕在动物生存和进化过程中起着重要作用,本文报道了我们自1990年3月至1992年元月观察黑长臂猿对人类和非人类捕食者的一系列反映,在遇到人类(观察者)后,据离观察者的远近和受惊程度不同,它们表现出5种回避方式,而在遇到非人类捕食者时,成年雌雄性一起将捕食者引开,以保护其后代个体免遭捕食。文中还对这些不同的行为方式进行了讨论。成年雄性是群体的主要保护者,成年雌性在群体保护中也起到重要的作用  相似文献   
Osteoblasts play an important role in bone regeneration and repair. The hypoxia condition in bone occurs when bone undergoes fracture, and this will trigger a series of biochemical and mechanical changes to enable bone repair. Hence, it is interesting to observe the metabolites and metabolism changes when osteoblasts are exposed to hypoxic condition. This study has looked into the response of human osteoblast hFOB 1.19 under normoxic and hypoxic conditions by observing the cell growth and utilization of metabolites via Phenotype MicroArrays™ under these two different oxygen concentrations. The cell growth of hFOB 1.19 under hypoxic condition showed better growth compared to hFOB 1.19 under normal condition. In this study, osteoblast used glycolysis as the main pathway to produce energy as hFOB 1.19 in both hypoxic and normoxic conditions showed cell growth in well containing dextrin, glycogen, maltotriose, D-maltose, D-glucose-6-phospate, D-glucose, D-mannose, D-Turanose, D-fructose-6-phosphate, D-galactose, uridine, adenosine, inosine and α-keto-glutaric acid. In hypoxia, the cells have utilized additional metabolites such as α-D-glucose-1-phosphate and D-fructose, indicating possible activation of glycogen synthesis and glycogenolysis to metabolize α-D-glucose-1-phosphate. Meanwhile, during normoxia, D-L-α-glycerol phosphate was used, and this implies that the osteoblast may use glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle and oxidative phosphorylation to metabolize glycerol-3-phosphate.  相似文献   
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