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The complex spatio-temporal patterns of development and anatomy of nervous systems play a key role in our understanding of arthropod evolution. However, the degree of resolution of neural processes is not always detailed enough to claim homology between arthropod groups. One example is neural precursors and their progeny in crustaceans and insects. Pioneer neurons of crustaceans and insects show some similarities that indicate homology. In contrast, the differentiation of insect and crustacean neuroblasts (NBs) shows profound differences and their homology is controversial. For Drosophila and grasshoppers, the complete lineage of several NBs up to formation of pioneer neurons is known. Apart from data on median NBs no comparable results exist for Crustacea. Accordingly, it is not clear where the crustacean pioneer neurons come from and whether there are NBs lateral to the midline homologous to those of insects. To fill this gap, individual NBs in the ventral neuroectoderm of the crustacean Orchestia cavimana were labelled in vivo with a fluorescent dye. A partial neuroblast map was established and for the first time lineages from individual NBs to identified pioneer neurons were established in a crustacean. Our data strongly suggest homology of NBs and their lineages, providing further evidence for a close insect-crustacean relationship.  相似文献   
The fossil scorpionWaeringoscorpio hefteri Størmer, 1970 (Arachnida: Scorpiones) from the Lower Devonian of the Rhenish Massif of Germany is redescribed based on both the original type and newly collected material. A second, more tuberculate species from Siegenian strata near Bürdenbach in the Westerwald (also part of the Rhenish Massif) is described asW. westerwaldensis n. sp. Details of the coxo-sternal region — including the lack of an oral tube — and the number of ventral mesosomal plates are discussed.Waeringoscorpio Størmer, 1970 is best known for its possession of externally-projecting ‘gills’. Our new material reveals that these are indeed pair-wise bundles of rigid, branching filaments which originate laterally, quite possibly from those segments of the mesosoma associated with the book lungs in extant scorpions. Their gross morphology is most consistent with a respiratory organ adapted for use in water. Indeed their closest modern analogues are the tracheal gills of secondarily aquatic insects. We suggest that the morphology and likely palaeoenvironment ofWaeringoscorpio could indicate an aquatic animal, but we draw attention to the uniqueness of its gill-structures, which may not be part of the scorpion ground-pattern. Thus,Waeringoscorpio was perhaps a secondarily aquatic scorpion adapted for benthic life in oxygen-stressed, freshwater-brackish environments.  相似文献   
Species richness and abundance of dung beetles were assessed across a range of bait types that acted as surrogates for the food resources available in Chobe National Park, Botswana. These bait types were comprised of the dung of pig (omnivore), cattle (ruminant herbivore dropping fine-fiberd pads), sheep (pellet-dropping ruminant herbivore), and elephant (monogastric, nonruminant herbivore producing coarse-fibered droppings), and chicken livers (carrion). Species richness was similar between traps baited with pig, cattle, and elephant dung but was relatively lower in those baited with sheep dung and carrion. In traps baited with pig dung, abundance was relatively greater than in all other bait types. A cluster analysis of species abundance distributions for the 30 most abundant species identified four different patterns of bait type association at a 60% level of similarity. All but 1 of the 15 species in cluster A were attracted primarily to the dung of omnivores and pad-dropping ruminant herbivores (pig and cattle). All seven species of cluster B were attracted primarily to coarse-fibered, nonruminant herbivore dung (elephant). All four species of cluster C were primarily carrion and pig dung associated, whereas all four species of cluster D were carrion specialists. In conclusion, the most abundant species were attracted to all bait types, but most species were largely specialized to different dung types or carrion, with dung attracting the majority of the fauna in terms of both species richness and abundance.  相似文献   
Hydrogen-exchange rates were measured for RNase T1 and three variants with Ala --> Gly substitutions at a solvent-exposed (residue 21) and a buried (residue 23) position in the helix: A21G, G23A, and A21G + G23A. These results were used to measure the stabilities of the proteins. The hydrogen-exchange stabilities (DeltaG(HX)) for the most stable residues in each variant agree with the equilibrium conformational stability measured by urea denaturation (DeltaG(U)), if the effects of D(2)O and proline isomerization are included [Huyghues-Despointes, B. M. P., Scholtz, J. M., and Pace, C. N. (1999) Nat. Struct. Biol. 6, 210-212]. These residues also show similar changes in DeltaG(HX) upon Ala --> Gly mutations (DeltaDeltaG(HX)) as compared to equilibrium measurements (DeltaDeltaG(U)), indicating that the most stable residues are exchanging from the globally unfolded ensemble. Alanine is stabilizing compared to glycine by 1 kcal/mol at a solvent-exposed site 21 as seen by other methods for the RNase T1 protein and peptide helix [Myers, J. K., Pace, C. N., and Scholtz, J. M. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94, 3833-2837], while it is destabilizing at the buried site 23 by the same amount. For the A21G variant, only local NMR chemical shift perturbations are observed compared to RNase T1. For the G23A variant, large chemical shift changes are seen throughout the sequence, although X-ray crystal structures of the variant and RNase T1 are nearly superimposable. Ala --> Gly mutations in the helix of RNase T1 at both helical positions alter the native-state hydrogen-exchange stabilities of residues throughout the sequence.  相似文献   
In an effort to quantify the importance of hydrogen bonding and alpha-helix formation to protein stability, a capping box motif was introduced into the small phosphocarrier protein HPr. Previous studies had confirmed that Ser46, at the N-cap position of the short helix-B in HPr, serves as an N-cap in solution. Thus, only a single-site mutation was required to produce a canonical S-X-X-E capping box: Lys49 at the N3 position was substituted with a glutamic acid residue. Thermal and chemical denaturation studies on the resulting K49E HPr show that the designed variant is approximately 2 kcal mol-1 more stable than the wild-type protein. However, NMR studies indicate that the side-chain of Glu49 does not participate in the expected capping H-bond interaction, but instead forms a new tertiary H-bond that links helix-B to the four-stranded beta-sheet of HPr. Here, we demonstrate that a strategy in which new non-native H-bonds are introduced can generate proteins with increased stability. We discuss why the original capping box design failed, and compare the energetic consequences of the new tertiary side-chain to main-chain H-bond with a local (helix-capping) side-chain to main-chain H-bond on the protein's global stability.  相似文献   
We previously suggested that proteins gain more stability from the burial and hydrogen bonding of polar groups than from the burial of nonpolar groups (Pace, C. N. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 310-313). To study this further, we prepared eight Thr-to-Val mutants of RNase Sa, four in which the Thr side chain is hydrogen-bonded and four in which it is not. We measured the stability of these mutants by analyzing their thermal denaturation curves. The four hydrogen-bonded Thr side chains contribute 1.3 +/- 0.9 kcal/mol to the stability; those that are not still contribute 0.4 +/- 0.9 kcal/mol to the stability. For 40 Thr-to-Val mutants of 11 proteins, the average decrease in stability is 1.0 +/- 1.0 kcal/mol when the Thr side chain is hydrogen-bonded and 0.0 +/- 0.5 kcal/mol when it is not. This is clear evidence that hydrogen bonds contribute favorably to protein stability. In addition, we prepared four Val-to-Thr mutants of RNase Sa, measured their stability, and determined their crystal structures. In all cases, the mutants are less stable than the wild-type protein, with the decreases in stability ranging from 0.5 to 4.4 kcal/mol. For 41 Val-to-Thr mutants of 11 proteins, the average decrease in stability is 1.8 +/- 1.3 kcal/mol and is unfavorable for 40 of 41 mutants. This shows that placing an [bond]OH group at a site designed for a [bond]CH3 group is very unfavorable. So, [bond]OH groups can contribute favorably to protein stability, even if they are not hydrogen-bonded, if the site was selected for an [bond]OH group, but they will make an unfavorable contribution to stability, even if they are hydrogen-bonded, when they are placed at a site selected for a [bond]CH3 group. The contribution that polar groups make to protein stability depends strongly on their environment.  相似文献   
The ability of several naturally occurring substances known as osmolytes to induce helix formation in an alanine-based peptide have been investigated. As predicted by the osmophobic effect hypothesis, the osmolytes studies here do induce helix formation. Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) is the best structure-inducing osmolytes investigated here, but it is not as effective in promoting helix formation as the common cosolvent trifluoroethanol (TFE). We also provide a semiquantitative study of the ability of TMAO to induce helix formation and urea, which acts as a helix (and protein) denaturant. We find that on a molar basis, these agents are exactly counteractive as structure inducing and unfolding agents. Finally, we extend the investigations to the effects of urea and TMAO on the stability of a dimeric coiled-coil peptide and find identical results. Together these results support the tenets of the osmophobic hypothesis and highlight the importance of the polypeptide backbone in protein folding and stability.  相似文献   
Current interest in the potential use of pancreatic stem-cells in the treatment of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus has led to increased research into normal pancreatic development. Pancreatic organogenesis involves branching morphogenesis of undifferentiated epithelium within surrounding mesenchyme. Current understanding is that the pancreatic islets develop exclusively from the epithelium of the embryonic buds. However, a cellular contribution to islets by mesenchyme has not been conclusively excluded. We present evidence that the mesenchyme of both the dorsal pancreatic bud and stomach rudiment make a substantial contribution of cells to islets during development in a three-dimensional avian model. These data suggest that mesenchyme can be a source not only of signals but also of cells for the definitive epithelia, making pancreatic organogenesis more akin to that of the kidney than to other endodermal organs. This raises the possibility for the use of mesenchymal cells as stem-or progenitor-cells for islet transplantation.Key Words: islets, stem-cells, development, epithelium, mesenchyme, pancreas, stomach, chick-quail, 3-dimensional, endocrine  相似文献   


To compare central nervous system (CNS) outcomes in participants treated during acute HIV infection with standard combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) vs. cART plus integrase inhibitor and CCR5 antagonist (cART+).


24-week randomized open-label prospective evaluation.


Participants were evaluated then randomized to initiate cART (efavirenz, tenofovir, and either emtricitabine or lamivudine) vs. cART+ (cART plus raltegravir and maraviroc) during acute HIV and re-evaluated at 4, 12 and 24 weeks. We examined plasma and CSF cytokines, HIV RNA levels, neurological and neuropsychological findings, and brain MRS across groups and compared to healthy controls.


At baseline, 62 participants were in Fiebig stages I-V. Randomized groups were similar for mean age (27 vs. 25, p = 0.137), gender (each 94% male), plasma log10 HIV RNA (5.4 vs. 5.6, p = 0.382), CSF log10 HIV RNA (2.35 vs. 3.31, p = 0.561), and estimated duration of HIV (18 vs. 17 days, p = 0.546). Randomized arms did not differ at 24 weeks by any CNS outcome. Combining arms, all measures concurrent with antiretroviral treatment improved, for example, neuropsychological testing (mean NPZ-4 of -0.408 vs. 0.245, p<0.001) and inflammatory markers by MRS (e.g. mean frontal white matter (FWM) choline of 2.92 vs. 2.84, p = 0.045) at baseline and week 24, respectively. Plasma neopterin (p<0.001) and interferon gamma-induced protein 10 (IP-10) (p = 0.007) remained elevated in participants compared to controls but no statistically significant differences were seen in CSF cytokines compared to controls, despite individual variability among the HIV-infected group.


A 24-week course of cART+ improved CNS related outcomes, but was not associated with measurable differences compared to standard cART.  相似文献   
The stability and structure of several beta-hairpin peptide variants derived from the C-terminus of the B1 domain of protein G were investigated by a number of experimental and computational techniques. Our analysis shows that the structure and stability of this hairpin can be greatly affected by one or a few simple mutations. For example, removing an unfavorable charge near the N-terminus of the peptide (Glu42 to Gln or Thr) or optimization of the N-terminal charge-charge interactions (Gly41 to Lys) both stabilize the peptide, even in water. Furthermore, a simple replacement of a charged residue in the turn (Asp47 to Ala) changes the beta-turn conformation. Finally, we show that the effects of combining these single mutations are additive, suggesting that independent stabilizing interactions can be isolated and evaluated in a simple model system. Our results indicate that the structure and stability of this beta-hairpin peptide can be modulated in numerous ways and thus contributes toward a more complete understanding of this important model beta-hairpin as well as to the folding and stability of larger peptides and proteins.  相似文献   
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