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Abscisic acid (ABA) is a key phytohormone involved in adaption to environmental stress and regulation of plant development. Clade A protein phosphatases type 2C (PP2Cs), such as HAB1, are key negative regulators of ABA signaling in Arabidopsis. To obtain further insight into regulation of HAB1 function by ABA, we have screened for HAB1‐interacting partners using a yeast two‐hybrid approach. Three proteins were identified, PYL5, PYL6 and PYL8, which belong to a 14‐member subfamily of the Bet v1‐like superfamily. HAB1–PYL5 interaction was confirmed using BiFC and co‐immunoprecipitation assays. PYL5 over‐expression led to a globally enhanced response to ABA, in contrast to the opposite phenotype reported for HAB1‐over‐expressing plants. F2 plants that over‐expressed both HAB1 and PYL5 showed an enhanced response to ABA, indicating that PYL5 antagonizes HAB1 function. PYL5 and other members of its protein family inhibited HAB1, ABI1 and ABI2 phosphatase activity in an ABA‐dependent manner. Isothermal titration calorimetry revealed saturable binding of (+)ABA to PYL5, with Kd values of 1.1 μm or 38 nm in the absence or presence of the PP2C catalytic core of HAB1, respectively. Our work indicates that PYL5 is a cytosolic and nuclear ABA receptor that activates ABA signaling through direct inhibition of clade A PP2Cs. Moreover, we show that enhanced resistance to drought can be obtained through PYL5‐mediated inhibition of clade A PP2Cs.  相似文献   
The discussion about the impact of pastoralists on ecosystems has been profoundly shaped by Hardin’s tragedy of the commons that held pastoralists responsible for overgrazing the range. Research has shown that grazing ecosystems are much more complex and dynamic than was previously assumed and that they can be managed adaptively as commons. However, proponents and critics of Hardin’s thesis continue to argue that open access to common-pool resources inevitably leads to a tragedy of the commons. A longitudinal study that we conducted of pastoral mobility and primary production in the Logone floodplain in the Far North Region of Cameroon suggest that open access does not have to lead to a tragedy of the commons. We argue that this pastoral system is best conceptualized as an open system, in which a combination of individual decision-making and coordination of movements leads to an ideal-free type of distribution of mobile pastoralists. We explain how this self-organizing system of open access works and its implications for theories of management of common-pool resources and our understanding of pastoral systems.  相似文献   
In patients with mitochondrial disease a continuously increasing number of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations and polymorphisms have been identified. Most pathogenic mtDNA mutations are heteroplasmic, resulting in heteroduplexes after PCR amplification of mtDNA. To detect these heteroduplexes, we used the technique of denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC). The complete mitochondrial genome was amplified in 13 fragments of 1–2 kb, digested in fragments of 90–600 bp and resolved at their optimal melting temperature. The sensitivity of the DHPLC system was high with a lowest detection of 0.5% for the A8344G mutation. The muscle mtDNA from six patients with mitochondrial disease was screened and three mutations were identified. The first patient with a limb-girdle-type myopathy carried an A3302G substitution in the tRNALeu(UUR) gene (70% heteroplasmy), the second patient with mitochondrial myopathy and cardiomyopathy carried a T3271C mutation in the tRNALeu(UUR) gene (80% heteroplasmy) and the third patient with Leigh syndrome carried a T9176C mutation in the ATPase6 gene (93% heteroplasmy). We conclude that DHPLC analysis is a sensitive and specific method to detect heteroplasmic mtDNA mutations. The entire automatic procedure can be completed within 2 days and can also be applied to exclude mtDNA involvement, providing a basis for subsequent investigation of nuclear genes.  相似文献   
Disfunctioning of human mitochondria is found in a rapidly increasing number of patients. The mitochondrial system for energy transduction is very vulnerable to damage by genetic and environmental factors. A primary mitochondrial disease is caused by a genetic defect in a mitochondrial enzyme or translocator. More than 60 mitochondrial enzyme deficiencies have been reported. Secondary mitochondrial defects are caused by lack of compounds to enable a proper mitochondrial function or by inhibition of that function. This may result from malnutrition, circulatory or hormonal disturbances, viral infection, poisoning, or an extramitochondrial error of metabolism. Once mitochondrial ATP synthesis decreases, secondary mitochondrial lesions may be generated further, due to changes in synthesis and degradation of mitochondrial phospholipids and proteins, to mitochondrial antibody formation following massive degradation, to accumulation of toxic products as excess acyl-CoA, to the depletion of Krebs cycle intermediates, and to the increase of free radical formation and lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   
During meiosis, homologous chromosomes recognize each other, align, and exchange genetic information. This process requires the action of RecA-related proteins Rad51 and Dmc1 to catalyze DNA strand exchanges. The Mnd1–Hop2 complex has been shown to assist in Dmc1-dependent processes. Furthermore, higher eukaryotes possess additional RecA-related proteins, like XRCC3, which are involved in meiotic recombination. However, little is known about the functional interplay between these proteins during meiosis. We investigated the functional relationship between AtMND1, AtDMC1, AtRAD51, and AtXRCC3 during meiosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. We demonstrate the localization of AtMND1 to meiotic chromosomes, even in the absence of recombination, and show that AtMND1 loading depends exclusively on AHP2, the Arabidopsis Hop2 homolog. We provide evidence of genetic interaction between AtMND1, AtDMC1, AtRAD51, and AtXRCC3. In vitro assays suggest that this functional link is due to direct interaction of the AtMND1–AHP2 complex with AtRAD51 and AtDMC1. We show that AtDMC1 foci accumulate in the Atmnd1 mutant, but are reduced in number in Atrad51 and Atxrcc3 mutants. This study provides the first insights into the functional differences of AtRAD51 and AtXRCC3 during meiosis, demonstrating that AtXRCC3 is dispensable for AtDMC1 focus formation in an Atmnd1 mutant background, whereas AtRAD51 is not. These results clarify the functional interactions between key players in the strand exchange processes during meiotic recombination. Furthermore, they highlight a direct interaction between MND1 and RAD51 and show a functional divergence between RAD51 and XRCC3.  相似文献   
Y Pinto  HS Scholte  VA Lamme 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42929
Although tracking identical moving objects has been studied since the 1980''s, only recently the study into tracking moving objects with distinct identities has started (referred to as Multiple Identity Tracking, MIT). So far, only behavioral studies into MIT have been undertaken. These studies have left a fundamental question regarding MIT unanswered, is MIT a one-stage or a two-stage process? According to the one-stage model, after a location has been attended, the identity is released without effort. However, according to the two-stage model, there are two effortful stages in MIT, attending to a location, and attending to the identity of the object at that location. In the current study we investigated this question by measuring brain activity in response to tracking familiar and unfamiliar targets. Familiarity is known to automate effortful processes, so if attention to identify the object is needed, this should become easier. However, if no such attention is needed, familiarity can only affect other processes (such as memory for the target set). Our results revealed that on unfamiliar trials neural activity was higher in both attentional networks, and visual identification networks. These results suggest that familiarity in MIT automates attentional identification processes, thus suggesting that attentional identification is needed in MIT. This then would imply that MIT is essentially a two-stage process, since after attending the location, the identity does not seem to come for free.  相似文献   

While the beneficial effects of secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease are undisputed, implementation remains challenging. A gap between guideline-mandated risk factor targets and clinical reality was documented as early as the 1990s. To address this issue, research groups in the Netherlands have performed several major projects. These projects address innovative, multidisciplinary strategies to improve medication adherence and to stimulate healthy lifestyles, both in the setting of cardiac rehabilitation and at dedicated outpatient clinics. The findings of these projects have led to changes in prevention and rehabilitation guidelines.

Protists, a crucial part of the soil food web, are increasingly acknowledged as significant influencers of nutrient cycling and plant performance in farmlands. While topographical and climatic factors are often considered to drive microbial communities on a continental scale, higher trophic levels like heterotrophic protists also rely on their food sources. In this context, bacterivores have received more attention than fungivores. Our study explored the connection between the community composition of protists (specifically Rhizaria and Cercozoa) and fungi across 156 cereal fields in Europe, spanning a latitudinal gradient of 3000 km. We employed a machine-learning approach to measure the significance of fungal communities in comparison to bacterial communities, soil abiotic factors, and climate as determinants of the Cercozoa community composition. Our findings indicate that climatic variables and fungal communities are the primary drivers of cercozoan communities, accounting for 70% of their community composition. Structural equation modelling (SEM) unveiled indirect climatic effects on the cercozoan communities through a change in the composition of the fungal communities. Our data also imply that fungivory might be more prevalent among protists than generally believed. This study uncovers a hidden facet of the soil food web, suggesting that the benefits of microbial diversity could be more effectively integrated into sustainable agriculture practices.  相似文献   
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