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Spin probes have been used to study at the molecular level the influence of cholesterol on bilayers of egg lecithin and dipalmitoyl lecithin. Distinct differences between the two lecithin systems were revealed. Increasing amounts of cholesterol result in extension of the fatty acid chains and decreased amplitude of motion of the long axes of the fatty acids in egg lecithin. In dipalmitoyl lecithin cholesterol causes an increase in the mobility and amplitude of motion of the fatty acid side chains, presumably due to alteration of the molecular interactions between phospholipids by relaxing the close packing of these molecules. These data provide an explanation for the condensing and fluidizing effects of cholesterol in water-containing phases and monolayers of egg lecithin and dipalmitoyl lecithin, respectively, and for the permeability behavior of egg lecithin and dipalmitoyl lecithin liposomes in the presence and absence of cholesterol. Differences are revealed between the spin bilayer environments in hydrated phospholipid films and vesicles.  相似文献   
Chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane, infected with the Blacksburg strain of Newcastle disease virus, was examined with an electron microscope to investigate the sequence of viral-induced host cell alterations. These were evident mostly in the endodermal epithelial cells lining the allantoic sac and were divided arbitrarily into three stages. Stage 1 was characterized by commencement of cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia and presence of fewer cytoplasmic inclusion bodies normally found in the cells; in stage 2, juxtanuclear nucleocapsid-glycogen aggregates appeared, and there were increased numbers of microvilli; stage 3 was characterized by increased cytoplasmic density and evidence of viral assembly and release. The morphological features of viral assembly and the virion are also described.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das Fungicid Captan erwies sich bei 37 Stämmen von Chlorella als ein wirksamer Wachstumshemmstoff. Nur 3 Chlorella-Stämme besitzen eine gewisse Captanresistenz. Das Merkmal Captanresistenz scheint in der Gattung Chlorella nicht artspezifisch verteilt zu sein.Bei Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans Hortob. und Scenedesmus armatus (Chod.) Smith wird Captan noch in einer Dosis von 50 mg/l vertragen, ohne daß Anzeichen einer Hemmwirkung zu erkennen sind.
Differential action of captan on the growth of some strains of Chlorella and Scenedesmus
Summary The fungicide captan was found to inhibit strongly the photoautotrophic growth of 37 Chlorella strains. Only 3 strains are fairly resistant to captan. In the genus Chlorella resistance to captan does not seem to be species specific.Two strains of Scenedesmus (Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans Hortob. and Scenedesmus armatus (Chod.) Smith) tolerate captan up to 50 mg/l without being inhibited at all.
Zusammenfassung 19 Patienten, die nach einer Nierentransplantation mit Imuran behandelt wurden, wiesen eine erhöhte Anzahl Chromosomenabnormitäten im Vergleich zu 30 gesunden Kontrollpersonen der gleichen Altersklasse auf. Keine signifikant erhöhte Anzahl an Chromosomenabnormitäten fand sich jedoch bei 7 Patienten, die vor und unter der Imuran-behandlung untersucht wurden. Es wird vermutet, daß die Chromosomenabnormitäten bei den 19 mit Imuran behandelten Patienten wahrscheinlich nicht durch Imuran, sondern durch die Urämie entstanden sind.
Summary 19 patients treated with Imuran after a renal transplantation showed a high frequency of chromosome abnormalities, compared with 30 healthy control persons in the same age range. No significantly higher frequency of chromosome abnormalities was, however, found in 7 patients examined before and during treatment with Imuran. It is suggested that the chromosome abnormalities found in the 19 patients treated with Imuran were probably not due to Imuran but to Uremia.
Allogeneic bone marrow grafts carried out after previous administration of antilymphocytic serum alone were attempted in 16 patients. Of these, six had acute myeloblastic leukaemia, four acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and one a blast cell crisis in polycythaemia vera. Ten of these patients were in an overt phase of the disease and resistant to chemotherapy, while nine had complete agranulocytosis. In five of these patients erythrocyte and leucocyte antigenic markers demonstrated the establishment of the graft. One patient had thalassaemia major, and four others had aplasia of the bone marrow, in one case due to chloramphenicol poisoning and in another to virus hepatitis. The grafts were successful in the last two patients and transformed their clinical condition.No signs of early acute secondary disease were noted in any of the patients, either when the donor had been given antilymphocytic serum or when he was untreated. The grafts had no adoptive immunotherapeutic effect on the acute leukaemia. These observations have clearly shown that antilymphocytic serum has an immunosuppressive effect in man when it is used alone.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Je höher marine Gastropoden ins Supralitoral vordringen, umso größer wird ihre Salinitätstoleranz. Das äußert sich im Überleben auf extremen Salinitäten, in der Waschstumsgeschwindigkeit und in der Fortpflanzungsrate.Die toleranz wird bei den drei großen Gastropodengruppen—Opisthobranchier (Limapontia depressa)—Prosobranchier (Assiminea grayana)—Pulmonaten (Ovatella myosotis)—im niedrigsalzigen Bereich durch Entwicklung einer Hypertonieregulation und bei hoher Salinität durch Poikilosmotie ermöglicht. Während adulte Schnecken des Supralitorals große Schwankungen im Salzgehalt ertragen, sind die Eier dagegen sehr empfindlich; Embryonen entwickeln sich bevorzugt bei Salinitäten, bei denen die Gelege von den Adulten produziet wurden.
The emigration of Gastropods from the seaII. Studies on Limatpontia capitata, L. depressa und Assiminea grayana
Summary The higher marine Gastropods live on the shore the more their salinity tolerance increases. This is expressed in the animals' survival, their growth rate, and their reproduction rate on extreme salinity concentrations. In all the three gastropod groups—Opisthobranchia (Limapontia depressa), Prosobranchia (Assiminea grayana), Pulmonata (Ovatella myosotis)—a more or less effective hyperosmotic regulation has evolved which enables the animals to live with low salinity concentrations in their surrounding. In high salinities they are poikilosmotic. Adult supralittoral Gastopods can stand considerable salinity changes. The eggs are more delicate: The embryos develop best when the eggs stay on the salinity where they were produced even if the concentrations are extremely high or low.
Ursula Seelemann 《Oecologia》1968,1(1-2):130-154
Zusammenfassung Die Überwindung der biologischen Grenze zwischen Meer und Land durch Mollusken ist bisher nur wenig im Hinblick auf physiologische Umstellungen untersucht worden. Unter diesem Aspekt wurden Experimente durchgeführt an Alderia modesta, einem amphibisch lebenden Opisthobranchier des unteren Supralitorals, und an Ovatella myosotis, einer Pulmonate, die im oberen Supralitoral vorkommt. Alderia zeigt eine relativ enge Salinitätstoleranz. Zu hohe und zu niedrige Salzgehalte hemmen die Entwicklung, führen zu Mißbildungen bei der Embryonalentwicklung und lassen adulte tiere rasch eingehen. In Beziehung zu der Salinität der angrenzenden Gewässer (Brackwasser der Ostsee und der Ästuare, Meerwasser der Nordsee) existieren verschiedene Biotypen, die auf Aussüßung und hohe Salzkonzentration unterschiedlich reagieren.Die weiter ins Supralitoral vorgedrungene Ovatella myositis hat eine wesentlich breitere Salinitätstoleranz. Schädigungen der Adulten treten auf Süßwasser nicht, auf Salzwasser erst oberhalb von 55 auf. Durch schrittweise Adaptation können höhere Konzentrationen ertragen werden. Der Toleranzunterschied zwischen den untersuchten Populationen ist genetisch bedingt. Eiablage, Embryonalentwicklung und Wachstum erfolgen im Bereich zwischen 5 und mindestens 50 Substratsalinität.Physiologisch wird diese große Salinitätstoleranz durch ein fast durchgehendes poikilosmotisches Verhalten ermöglicht. Auf sehr ausgesüßtem Substrat sind die Schnecken stark hypertonisch (auf Süßwasser hat das Binnenmedium auf 7), im ganzen übrigen Bereich weniger stark (3–4 über der Substratsalinität). Im oberen Extrembereich vermögen die Tiere diese Hypertonie offenbar nur schwer aufrechtzuerhalten (vgl. S. 149).Die Veränderungen von Gastropoden auf dem Wege vom Meer über das Supralitoral zum Land werden diskutiert; im Gebiet der Salzwiesen läßt sich ein günstigeres Schema zu dieser Frage aufstellen als bei den bisher meist zitierten Littorinen.
On the emigration of gastropodes from the sea: Studies on Alderia modesta and Ovatella myosotis
Summary Up to now little attention has been paid to the phylogenetic emigration of gastropods from the sea: almost nothing is known about the physiological changes which enable snails to live in terrestrial habitats. To help solve this question, experiments were carried out on Alderia modesta, an opisthobranch slug of the lower supralittoral, and Ovatella myositis, a primitive pulmonate snail of the upper supralittoral. In each case two subspecies were studied.North Sea Alderias differ from their Baltic counterparts in size and salinitytolerance. The difference in size between Ovatella of the Mediterranean and of the Baltic is very slight. There is a marked difference, however, in the salinity-tolerance. Alderia modesta survives in a comparatively narrow range of different salinities. The optimum is between 10 and 20 for Baltic specimens and between 15 and 35 for those of the North Sea. The results are the same in and out of water. Ovatella can live on a freshwater substratum as well as on 55. Specimens of the Mediterranean can even become adapted to 90. Flooded with water of differrent salinities the tolerated range becomes markedly smaller. Eggs are produced between 5 and 50 (Baltic specimens) or 5 and 65 (Mediterranean specimens). All eggs develop without being damaged between 5 and 40 and 10 and 45 respectively. The optimal salinity-concentration for growth and egg-production is 10. Salinity-concentrations below and above these marks disturb the development. In one spawn-mass some eggs cleave normally, others become deformed, and again others do not cleave at all. This heterogeneous reaction points to the existence of something like a physiological polymorphism in regard to salinity-tolerance. The salinity-concentration of the blood of Ovatella was measured after a long-term acclimatisation. Ovatella is poikilosmotic and slightly hypertonic (3–4) throughout almost the whole range of salinities it tolerates. On extremely low concentrations it becomes more hypertonie; on extremely high concentrations it becomes nearly isotonic.
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