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B cell-enriched preparations were prepared from human peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues by the depletion of T cells and monocytes. Only B cells by virtue of their staining with anti-B1 conjugated to fluorescein were additionally examined. Dual fluorescence staining and flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that the majority of resting human peripheral blood and splenic B cells co-express the B cell-restricted B1 and B2 antigens and lack B5, a B cell-restricted activation antigen, and interleukin 2 receptor (IL 2R). In contrast, nearly 2/3 and 1/3 of B1+ cells isolated from lymph node expressed IL 2R and B5 antigens, respectively. When B1+ B cells from peripheral blood and spleen were activated by anti-Ig, they lost the B2 antigen and acquired the B5 and/or IL 2R antigens. 2/3 of B1+ cells strongly expressed IL 2R, and up to 1/2 of B1+ cells co-expressed B5. Delineation of increased numbers of B1+ cells that co-express B5 and/or IL 2R within lymphoid tissues obtained from patients with diseases characterized by activated B cells provides in vivo confirmation that these phenotypic changes correlate with B cell activation. We believe that the identification and isolation of these and similar subsets of cells defined by differing cell surface phenotypes should further our understanding both of normal B cell activation and the pathophysiology of B cell disease states.  相似文献   
By utilizing naturally occurring autoimmune antibodies from patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, we have isolated and functionally characterized two unique subpopulations of T cells. JRA+ T cells, i.e., those identified by sera from these patients, react poorly in response to allogeneic cells, respond to Con A but not PHA, and do not help in the synthesis and secretion of Ig by B cells. In contrast, JRA- T cells, i.e., those not identified by sera from these patients, respond very well to allogeneic cells, proliferate well in response to PHA but not Con A, and more interestingly, can greatly enhance the secretion of Ig by B cells.  相似文献   
X-ray reflectivity is used to study the interaction of C2 domains of cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)alpha-C2) with a Langmuir monolayer of 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (SOPC) supported on a buffered aqueous solution containing Ca(2+). The reflectivity is analyzed in terms of the known crystallographic structure of cPLA(2)alpha-C2 domains and a slab model representing the lipid layer to yield an electron density profile of the lipid layer and bound C2 domains. This new method of analysis determines the angular orientation and penetration depth of the cPLA(2)alpha-C2 domains bound to the SOPC monolayer, information not available from the standard slab model analysis of x-ray reflectivity. The best-fit orientation places the protein-bound Ca(2+) ions within 1 A of the lipid phosphate group (with an accuracy of +/-3 A). Hydrophobic residues of the calcium-binding loops CBL1 and CBL3 penetrate deepest into the lipid layer, with a 2 A penetration into the tailgroup region. X-ray measurements with and without the C2 domain indicate that there is a loss of electrons in the headgroup region of the lipid monolayer upon binding of the domains. We suggest that this is due to a loss of water molecules bound to the headgroup. Control experiments with a non-calcium buffer and with domain mutants confirm that the cPLA(2)alpha-C2 binding to the SOPC monolayer is Ca(2+)-dependent and that the hydrophobic residues in the calcium-binding loops are critical for membrane binding. These results indicate that an entropic component (due to water loss) as well as electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions contributes to the binding mechanism.  相似文献   
Chromatography on DEAE-cellulose of an extract from etiolated leaves of sorghum ( Sorghum vulgare Pers. cv. INRA 450), a C4 plant, gave only one form of phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase with functional and regulatory properties of a C3 type plant enzyme. Greening of the leaves resulted in a significant increase in activity. This increase was due to the appearance of a new form of the enzyme, which eluted at lower ionic strength and exhibited new properties. This form was glucose-6-P activated and showed a sigmoidal curve response to the concentration of the substrate phosphoerralpyruvate. These kinetic properties are typical of a C4 plant enzyme.  相似文献   
We developed a new mAb, anti-1A4, which recognizes an epitope on the CD27 molecule distinct from those recognized by several known anti-CD27 mAb. Although it has been suggested that the CD27 molecule is a T cell activation Ag, there was little direct evidence that the structure was involved in the T cell activation process. In this study, we showed that anti-1A4 inhibited anti-CD2, anti-CD3, mitogens, or soluble Ag-induced T cell proliferation as well as PWM-driven B cell IgG synthesis. Interestingly, anti-1A4 inhibited IL-2 secretion without affecting IL-2R expression. In addition, pretreatment of T cells with anti-1A4 inhibited the normally sustained intracellular calcium mobilization seen after triggering of T cells via the CD2 or CD3 pathways. Thus, binding of anti-1A4 to the CD27 molecule appears to induce a negative effect on T cell activation. This may be due to either a direct signal to T cells or the blocking of an interaction between T cells and accessory cells or both. These findings support the notion that the CD27 molecule plays an integral role in the process of T cell activation.  相似文献   
We studied the mechanisms whereby human T cells and NK cells are activated and directed to lyse tumor targets through the CD2 (T11/E-rosette) Ag. Using two cloned NK lines, we showed that these cells, as had previously been shown for T cells, could be directed to lyse an "NK-resistant" tumor target in the presence of antibody heterodimers. These heterodimers consisted of a (mAb) to CD2 (anti-T11(2) or anti-T11(3] linked to a mAb recognizing the tumor cell (J5, anti-CALLA). However, distinct differences between NK cells and T cells were observed with regard to the requirements for such directed lysis: first, only one epitope of CD2 on NK cells (either T11(2) or T11(3] needed to be recognized by the antibody heterodimer in order for directed lysis to occur, whereas for T cells both T11(2) and T11(3) epitopes had to be recognized. Second, in confirmation of previous data with monomeric anti-T11(2) or anti-T11(3) antibody, heterodimers constructed with these reagents enhanced conjugate formation between NK cells and tumor targets, whereas no such enhancement was seen with T cells. All types of heterodimer directed lysis were dependent on the adhesion molecule LFA-1, as an anti-LFA-1 antibody-blocked lysis. Third, whereas in T cells lysis mediated through CD2 appeared to be regulated by CD3 but not vice versa, all types of lysis by NK cells appeared to be regulated through CD2. Finally we showed that F(ab')2 fragments of the anti-T11(2) and anti-T11(3) antibodies could activate NK cells, but were unable to activate T cells either as cloned cytolytic lines, or in populations of PBL. The implications of our findings with regard to the role of CD2 in the activation of cytolytic cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Variations in intracellular Ca2+ levels in developing thymocytes are likely to play a major role in both the activation-associated differentiation of thymocytes and in the selection or clonal deletion of cells. Here we examine the role of CD4, CD8, CD2, and CD45 in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ levels in mature and immature thymocytes. Mature and immature thymocytes, distinguished on the basis of their CD5 expression, were analyzed simultaneously for their ability to mobilize Ca2+ after coaggregation of their CD3/TCR with other thymic surface Ag. Flow cytometric analysis by using Indo-1 showed that coaggregation of CD4, CD8, and CD2 with CD3/TCR clearly enhances a minimal signal delivered via CD3/TCR on immature thymocytes. Coaggregation with class I MHC had no discernible effect. The responsiveness of immature thymocytes correlated strictly with CD3 surface expression, such that loss of responsiveness occurred with reduced CD3 cell-surface density. However, even thymocytes with very low CD3 expression were able to respond to triggering via CD3 under optimal conditions, indicating that the CD3 signal-transducing mechanism is functional on early thymic cells. Intracellular increases in Ca2+ concentrations induced via CD3, could effectively be inhibited by cross-linking of CD45 and CD3 on immature thymocytes. Although triggering via CD2 alone induced a strong Ca2+ flux, prolonged incubation with activating anti-CD2 antibodies made thymocytes refractory to subsequent triggering. Refractoriness was associated with partial loss of surface CD3 and CD3 zeta. Our results indicate that thymic surface Ag are differentially involved in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ levels in immature as well as mature thymocytes.  相似文献   
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