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Ling SD 《Oecologia》2008,156(4):883-894
Global climate change is predicted to have major negative impacts on biodiversity, particularly if important habitat-modifying species undergo range shifts. The sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii (Diadematidae) has recently undergone poleward range expansion to relatively cool, macroalgal dominated rocky reefs of eastern Tasmania (southeast Australia). As in its historic environment, C. rodgersii in the extended range is now found in association with a simplified 'barrens' habitat grazed free of macroalgae. The new and important role of this habitat-modifier on reef structure and associated biodiversity was clearly demonstrated by completely removing C. rodgersii from incipient barrens patches at an eastern Tasmanian site and monitoring the macroalgal response relative to unmanipulated barrens patches. In barrens patches from which C. rodgersii was removed, there was a rapid proliferation of canopy-forming macroalgae (Ecklonia radiata and Phyllospora comosa), and within 24 months the algal community structure had converged with that of adjacent macroalgal beds where C. rodgersii grazing was absent. A notable scarcity of limpets on C. rodgersii barrens in eastern Tasmania (relative to the historic range) likely promotes rapid macroalgal recovery upon removal of the sea urchin. In the recovered macroalgal habitat, faunal composition redeveloped similar to that from adjacent intact macroalgal beds in terms of total numbers of taxa, total individuals and Shannon diversity. In contrast, the faunal community of the barrens habitat is overwhelmingly impoverished. Of 296 individual floral/faunal taxa recorded, only 72 were present within incipient barrens, 253 were present in the recovered patches, and 221 were present within intact macroalgal beds. Grazing activity of C. rodgersii results in an estimated minimum net loss of approximately 150 taxa typically associated with Tasmanian macroalgal beds in this region. Such a disproportionate effect by a single range-expanding species demonstrates that climate change may lead to unexpectedly large impacts on marine biodiversity as key habitat-modifying species undergo range modification.  相似文献   
A new personal bioaerosol sampler has recently been developed and evaluated for sampling of viable airborne bacteria and fungi under controlled laboratory conditions and in the field. The operational principle of the device is based on the passage of air through porous medium immersed in liquid. This process leads to the formation of bubbles within the filter as the carrier gas passes through and thus provides effective mechanisms for aerosol removal. As demonstrated in previous studies, the culturability of sampled bacterium and fungi remained high for the entire 8-h sampling period. The present study is the first step of the evaluation of the new sampler for monitoring of viable airborne viruses. It focuses on the investigation of the inactivation rate of viruses in the bubbling process during 4 h of continuous operation. Four microbes were used in this study, influenza, measles, mumps, and vaccinia viruses. It was found that the use of distilled water as the collection fluid was associated with a relatively high decay rate. A significant improvement was achieved by utilizing virus maintenance fluid prepared by using Hank's solution with appropriate additives. The survival rates of the influenza, measles, and mumps viruses were increased by 1.4 log, 0.83 log, and 0.82 log, respectively, after the first hour of operation compared to bubbling through the sterile water. The same trend was observed throughout the entire 4-h experiment. There was no significant difference observed only for the robust vaccinia virus.  相似文献   
Inactivation of the Arabidopsis protein FERTILIZATION INDEPENDENT ENDOSPERM (FIE) induces division of the central cell of the embryo sac, leading to endosperm development in the absence of fertilization. The mechanism whereby FIE regulates this process is unknown. We postulated that activation of central cell division in fie mutant plants might involve the retinoblastoma protein (pRb), a cell cycle regulatory element. Pull-down and surface plasmon resonance assays demonstrated that FIE interacts in-vitro with the pRb homologues from Arabidopsis (AtRb), maize (ZmRb) and human (HuRb). The interaction of FIE with ZmRB and HuRb in the yeast two-hybrid system supports the possibility that a FIE-pRb interaction may occur also in planta. Mutational analysis showed that this interaction does not occur via the LxCxE motif of the FIE protein nor via the pocket B domain of pRb. These results suggest that FIE may inhibit premature division of the central cell of the embryo sac, at least partly, through interaction with pRb, and suppression of pRb-regulated genes.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by R. G. Herrmann  相似文献   
Immobilised-cell fermentors offer great benefits compared to traditional free-cell systems. However, a major problem is unbalanced flavour production when these fermentors are used for the production of alcoholic beverages. One of the keys to obtaining better control over flavour formation may be the concentration of dissolved CO2, which has inhibitory effects on yeast growth and metabolism. This article demonstrates that the presence of immobilisation matrices facilitates the removal of CO2 from the liquid medium, which results in a low level of dissolved CO2 during fermentation. Moreover, the formation of volatile higher alcohols and esters was greatly enhanced in the immobilised-cell system when compared to the free cell system. By sparging a CO2 flow (45 ml/min) into the immobilised-cell system, cell growth was reduced by 10–30% during the active fermentation stage, while the fermentation rate was unaffected. The uptake of branched-chain amino acids was reduced by 8–22%, and the formation of higher alcohols and esters was reduced on average by 15% and 18%, respectively. The results of this study suggest that mismatched flavour profiles with immobilised-cell systems can be adjusted by controlling the level of dissolved CO2 during fermentation with immobilised yeast.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to compare horse and donkey placentae using stereological techniques. Term placentae were collected at spontaneous foaling from seven Thoroughbred mares, seven pony mares, and six jenny donkeys. Maternal and foal weights were recorded and the mass, volume, and gross area of each allantochorion was also recorded. Ten random biopsies were recovered and processed for light microscopy from which the surface density of the microcotyledons (Sv) and the total microscopic area of fetomaternal contact were calculated stereologically. Gestation length was longer in the donkeys than the other two groups (median values: 371 vs. 327 and 341 days, P < 0.05). There were significant correlations between foal birthweight and gross area (rho = 0.89; n = 20; P < 0.05), mass (rho = 0.84; n = 20; P < 0.05) and volume (rho = 0.89; n = 20; P < 0.05) of the allantochorion. Sv was higher in the donkey placenta than the other groups (median values: 0.05 vs. 0.03 and 0.04 μm−1, P < 0.05) although placental efficiency was lower in the donkeys (median values: 0.87 vs. 1.33 and 1.32 kg/m2, P < 0.01). The results of the study confirmed that, although strong morphological similarities exist between the allantochorion of the horse and donkey, that of the donkey develops more complex microcotyledons, as judged stereologically, and exhibits a lower placental efficiency. These differences may be related to maternal genotype and/or the longer gestation length shown by the donkey compared to the horse, but a negative correlation (rho = −0.92, P < 0.01) was also found between age and placental efficiency in donkeys.  相似文献   
Plasma Physics Reports - The effects of different nuclear reactions on thermonuclear burn-up conditions of equimolar mixture of deuterium–tritium are investigated. The minimum requirements...  相似文献   
Functional organ bath experiments and radiolabelled ligand binding studies were used to investigate the relationship between beta-adrenoceptor-mediated relaxation and the total number of beta-adrenoceptors in human lung parenchymal tissue and bronchial tissue. Sensitivity to the beta-adrenoceptor agonist isoprenaline (pD2) varied almost 10-fold (pD2 values 6.00 to 6.85) for lung parenchymal preparations and 35-fold for bronchial preparations (pD2 values 6.16 to 7.67) between patients. The total number of [3H] DHA labelled beta-adrenoceptors (Bmax) varied almost 6-fold for lung parenchymal membrane preparations (Bmax 164 to 936 fmol/mg protein) and less than 2-fold for bronchial tissue membrane preparations (Bmax 188 to 342 fmol/mg protein) between patients. Comparison of sensitivity to isoprenaline and beta-adrenoceptor number for lung parenchymal tissue from the same patient demonstrated a negative correlation (r = -0.80 [95% confidence intervals: -0.13, -0.96], 6 d.f., P less than 0.05), suggesting that beta-adrenoceptor-mediated sensitivity of lung parenchymal tissue is inversely related to the number of beta-adrenoceptors. However, there was an absence of correlation between sensitivity to isoprenaline and beta-adrenoceptor number in bronchial tissue from the same patient. Thus, the findings of the present study do not support the possibility of a direct relationship between the beta-adrenoceptor-mediated responsiveness and the beta-adrenoceptor number of human airway preparations.  相似文献   
The myeloperoxidase-derived oxidant, hypochlorite (OCl-) was shown to be able to degrade proteoglycan aggregate prepared from bovine articular cartilage. Exposure of proteoglycan aggregate to OCl- concentrations less than 10(-4) M resulted in a decrease in the size of the constituent proteoglycan monomers, which were unable to reaggregate with hyaluronate due to the loss of the hyaluronic acid binding region as indicated by immunoblotting using the monoclonal 1-C-6 antibody. Analysis of the [35S]-labeled core proteins by SDS/polyacrylamide electrophoresis and fluorography indicated a decrease in the size of the core protein. These data suggest that concentrations of OCl- below 10(-3) M results in the cleavage of the proteoglycan core protein in or near the hyaluronic acid binding region. The physiological consequences of these data are discussed. Exposure to higher concentrations (greater than 10(-3)) of OCl- caused more extensive degradation of the core protein; however, there was no evidence to suggest that OCl- cleaves glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains.  相似文献   
Increased uterine artery resistance and angiogenic imbalance characterized by increased soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) and decreased free vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are often associated with placental insufficiency and preeclampsia but not synonymous with hypertension. We hypothesized chronic reductions in utero-placental perfusion (RUPP) for 5 days (d) during either mid- (d12-d17) or late (d14-d19) gestation would have disparate effects on plasma sFlt-1 and VEGF levels and blood pressure. Five days of chronic RUPP was achieved by placement of silver clips on the abdominal aorta and ovarian arteries on either gestational d12 or d14. Arterial pressure was increased (P < 0.05) in RUPP vs. normal pregnant (NP) in both d17 (10%) and d19 (25%) groups, respectively. Circulating free VEGF was decreased (P < 0.05) and sFlt-1:VEGF ratio increased (P < 0.05) after 5 days of RUPP ending on d19 but not d17 compared with NP controls. Angiogenic imbalance, measured by an endothelial tube formation assay, was present in the d19 RUPP but not the d17 RUPP compared with age-matched NP rats. Five days of RUPP from days 14 to 19 decreased fetal and placental weights 10% (P < 0.01) compared with d19 NP controls. After 5 days of RUPP, from days 12 to 17 of pregnancy, fetal weights were 21% lighter (P < 0.01) compared with d17 NP controls, but placental weight was unchanged. These findings suggest that the timing during which placental insufficiency occurs may play an important role in determining the extent of alterations in angiogenic balance, fetal growth restriction, and the severity of placental ischemia-induced hypertension.  相似文献   
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