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Dander from the domestic cat (Felis domesticus) is one of the most common causes of IgE-mediated allergy. Attempts to produce tetrameric folded major allergen Fel d 1 by recombinant methods with structural features similar to the natural allergen have been only partially successful. In this study, a recombinant folded Fel d 1 with molecular and biological properties similar to the natural counterpart was produced. A synthetic gene coding for direct fusion of the Fel d 1 chain 2 N-terminally to chain 1 was constructed by overlapping oligonucleotides in PCR. Escherichia coli expression resulted in a non-covalently associated homodimer with an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa defined by size exclusion chromatography. Furthermore, each 19,177-Da subunit displayed a disulfide pattern identical to that found in the natural Fel d 1, i.e. Cys3(1) Cys73(2), Cys44(1)-Cys48(2), Cys70(1)-Cys7(2), as determined by electrospray mass spectrometry after tryptic digestion. Circular dichroism analysis showed identical folds of natural and recombinant Fel d 1. Furthermore, recombinant Fel d l reacted specifically with serum IgE, inducing expression of CD203c on basophils and lymphoproliferative responses in cat-allergic patients. The results show that the overall fold and immunological properties of the recombinant Fel d 1 are very similar to those of natural Fel d 1. Moreover, the recombinant Fel d 1 construct provides a tool for defining the three-dimensional structure of Fel d 1 and represents a reagent for diagnosis and allergen-specific immunotherapy of cat allergy.  相似文献   
Several studies have demonstrated that zinc is required for the optimal functioning of the skin. Changes in intracellular zinc concentrations have been associated with both improved protection of skin cells against various noxious factors as well as with increased susceptibility to external stress. Still, little is known about the role of intracellular zinc in hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI))-induced skin injury. To address this question, the effects of zinc deficiency or supplementation on Cr(VI)-induced cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, DNA injury and cell death were investigated in human diploid dermal fibroblasts during 48 h. Zinc levels in fibroblasts were manipulated by pretreatment of cells with 100 microM ZnSO4 and 4 or 25 microM zinc chelator TPEN. Cr(VI) (50, 10 and 1 microM) was found to produce time- and dose-dependent cytotoxicity resulting in oxidative stress, suppression of antioxidant systems and activation of p53-dependent apoptosis which is reported for the first time in this model in relation to environmental Cr(VI). Increased intracellular zinc partially attenuated Cr(VI)-induced cytotoxicity, oxidative stress and apoptosis by enhancing cellular antioxidant systems while inhibiting Cr(VI)-dependent apoptosis by preventing the activation of caspase-3. Decreased intracellular zinc enhanced cytotoxic effects of all the tested Cr(VI) concentrations, leading to rapid loss of cell membrane integrity and nuclear dispersion--hallmarks of necrosis. These new findings suggest that Cr(VI) as a model environmental toxin may damage in deeper regions residing skin fibroblasts whose susceptibility to such toxin depends among others on their intracellular Zn levels. Further investigation of the impact of Zn status on skin cells as well as any other cell populations exposed to Cr(VI) or other heavy metals is warranted.  相似文献   
Balanced control of neuronal activity is central in maintaining function and viability of neuronal circuits. The endocannabinoid system tightly controls neuronal excitability. Here, we show that endocannabinoids directly target hippocampal glutamatergic neurons to provide protection against acute epileptiform seizures in mice. Functional CB1 cannabinoid receptors are present on glutamatergic terminals of the hippocampal formation, colocalizing with vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGluT1). Conditional deletion of the CB1 gene either in cortical glutamatergic neurons or in forebrain GABAergic neurons, as well as virally induced deletion of the CB1 gene in the hippocampus, demonstrate that the presence of CB1 receptors in glutamatergic hippocampal neurons is both necessary and sufficient to provide substantial endogenous protection against kainic acid (KA)-induced seizures. The direct endocannabinoid-mediated control of hippocampal glutamatergic neurotransmission may constitute a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of disorders associated with excessive excitatory neuronal activity.  相似文献   
It was recently found that the cytoplasmic butyryl-coenzyme A (butyryl-CoA) dehydrogenase-EtfAB complex from Clostridium kluyveri couples the exergonic reduction of crotonyl-CoA to butyryl-CoA with NADH and the endergonic reduction of ferredoxin with NADH via flavin-based electron bifurcation. We report here on a second cytoplasmic enzyme complex in C. kluyveri capable of energetic coupling via this novel mechanism. It was found that the purified iron-sulfur flavoprotein complex NfnAB couples the exergonic reduction of NADP+ with reduced ferredoxin (Fdred) and the endergonic reduction of NADP+ with NADH in a reversible reaction: Fdred2− + NADH + 2 NADP+ + H+ = Fdox + NAD+ + 2 NADPH. The role of this energy-converting enzyme complex in the ethanol-acetate fermentation of C. kluyveri is discussed.Clostridium kluyveri is unique in fermenting ethanol and acetate to butyrate, caproate, and H2 (reaction 1) and in deriving a large (30%) portion of its cell carbon from CO2. Both the energy metabolism and the pathways of biosynthesis have therefore been the subject of many investigations (for relevant literature, see references 12 and 27). (1)During growth of C. kluyveri on ethanol and acetate, approximately five ethanol and four acetate molecules are converted to three butyrate molecules and one caproate molecule (reaction 1a), and one ethanol molecule is oxidized to one acetate, one H+, and two H2 (reaction 1b) molecules (23, 31). How exergonic reaction 1a is coupled with endergonic reaction 1b and with ATP synthesis from ADP and Pi (ΔGo′ = +32 kJ/mol) has remained unclear for many years. (1a) (1b)We recently showed (12) that, in Clostridium kluyveri, the exergonic reduction of crotonyl-coenzyme A (crotonyl-CoA) (Eo′ = −10 mV) with NADH (Eo′ = −320 mV) involved in reaction 1a is coupled with the endergonic reduction of ferredoxin (Fdox) (Eo′ = −420 mV) with NADH (Eo′ = −320 mV) involved in reaction 1b via the recently proposed mechanism of flavin-based electron bifurcation (7). The coupling reaction is catalyzed by the cytoplasmic butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase-EtfAB complex (reaction 2) (12): (2)The reduced ferredoxin (Fdred2−) is assumed to be used for rereduction of NAD+ via a membrane-associated, proton-translocating ferredoxin:NAD oxidoreductase (RnfABCDEG) (reaction 3), and the proton motive force thus generated is assumed to drive the phosphorylation of ADP via a membrane-associated F1F0 ATP synthetase (reaction 4): (3) (4)The novel coupling mechanism represented by reactions 2 and 3 allowed for the first time the possibility of formulating a metabolic scheme for the ethanol-acetate fermentation that could account for the observed fermentation products and growth yields and thus for the observed ATP gains (27). One issue, however, remained open, namely, why the formation of butyrate from ethanol and acetate in the fermentation involves both an NADP+- and an NAD+-specific β-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (16), considering that, in the oxidative part of the fermentation (ethanol oxidation to acetyl-CoA), only NADH is generated (8, 9, 13).The presence of a reduced ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase was proposed based on results of enzymatic studies performed 40 years ago. Cell extracts of Clostridium kluyveri were found to catalyze the formation of H2 from NADPH in a ferredoxin- and NAD+-dependent reaction (34). The results were interpreted to indicate that C. kluyveri contains a ferredoxin-dependent hydrogenase and an NADPH:ferredoxin oxidoreductase with transhydrogenase activity. H2 formation from NADPH was strictly dependent on the presence of NAD+ and was inhibited by NADH, inhibition being competitive with the presence of NAD+, indicating that ferredoxin reduction with NADPH is under the allosteric control of the NAD+/NADH couple. The cell extracts also catalyzed the NADH-dependent reduction of NADP+ with reduced ferredoxin (21, 34). Purification of the enzyme catalyzing these reactions was not achieved, and no function in the energy metabolism of C. kluyveri was assigned.In this communication, we report on the properties of the recombinant enzyme that catalyzes the NAD+-dependent reduction of ferredoxin with NADPH and the NADH-dependent reduction of NADP+ with reduced ferredoxin and show that the cytoplasmic heterodimeric enzyme couples the exergonic reduction of NADP+ with reduced ferredoxin with the endergonic reduction of NADP+ with NADH in a fully reversible reaction. The transhydrogenation reaction is endergonic, because in vivo the NADH/NAD+ ratio is generally near 0.3 and the NADPH/NADP+ ratio is generally above 1 (2, 30). (5)NADP+ reduction is most probably the physiological function of the enzyme, which is why we chose the abbreviation NfnAB (for NADH-dependent reduced ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase).  相似文献   
It is generally assumed that turnover of the keratin filament system occurs by exchange of subunits along its entire length throughout the cytoplasm. We now present evidence that a circumscribed submembranous compartment is actually the main site for network replenishment. This conclusion is based on the following observations in living cells synthesizing fluorescent keratin polypeptides: 1) Small keratin granules originate in close proximity to the plasma membrane and move toward the cell center in a continuous motion while elongating into flexible rod-like fragments that fuse with each other and integrate into the peripheral KF network. 2) Recurrence of fluorescence after photobleaching is first seen in the cell periphery where keratin filaments are born that translocate subsequently as part of the network toward the cell center. 3) Partial keratin network reformation after orthovanadate-induced disruption is restricted to a distinct peripheral zone in which either keratin granules or keratin filaments are transiently formed. These findings extend earlier investigations of mitotic cells in which de novo keratin network formation was shown to originate from the cell cortex. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the keratin filament system is not homogeneous but is organized into temporally and spatially distinct subdomains. Furthermore, the cortical localization of the regulatory cues for keratin filament turnover provides an ideal way to adjust the epithelial cytoskeleton to dynamic cellular processes.  相似文献   
High frequency stimulation (HFS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is thought to be superior to stimulation of the internal pallidum (GPi) in alleviating symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). However, preliminary controlled studies comparing the effectiveness of both targets have not found significant differences in the improvement of parkinsonian symptoms, but have shown that STN stimulation allows a dramatic decrease in dopaminergic medication. We have previously shown that STN-HFS increases striatal extracellular dopamine (DA) metabolites, but not DA, in both naive and 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesioned rats, whereas stimulation of the entopeduncular nucleus (EP), the rodent equivalent of the internal pallidum, does not affect DA or metabolite levels. Intriguingly, STN-HFS increases striatal DA release after inhibition of DA reuptake or metabolism, suggesting that this observation may have been obscured in non-drug treated animals by rapid and effective DA reuptake. Since STN-HFS further enhances DA metabolism after DA reuptake inhibition or depletion it has been proposed that STN-HFS increases both, striatal DA release and metabolism, independently. Therefore, the present study assesses the impact of EP-HFS on striatal DA release and metabolism in normal rats after inhibition of DA reuptake or metabolism, using microdialysis. In summary, our data demonstrate that, contrary to STN stimulation, EP-HFS has no effect on striatal DA release and metabolism. Thus, the present study provides a partial explanation for the reported clinical differences, and experimental evidence for differential mechanisms of action between HFS of the internal pallidum and the STN, that are most likely related to differences in functional anatomy.  相似文献   
The GM2-activator protein (GM2AP) belongs to a group of five small, nonenzymatic proteins that are essential cofactors for the degradation of glycosphingolipids in the lysosome. It mediates the interaction between the water-soluble enzyme beta-hexosaminidase A and its membrane-embedded substrate, ganglioside GM2, at the lipid-water interphase. Inherited defects in the gene encoding this glycoprotein cause a fatal neurological storage disorder, the AB variant of GM2 gangliosidosis. With the aim to establish a convenient eukaryotic system that allows the efficient production of functionally folded, glycosylated GM2AP and offers the potential of cost-efficient isotopic labeling for structural studies by NMR spectroscopy, we established the expression of recombinant GM2AP in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. For the construction of expression plasmids, either the full cDNA encoding human GM2AP preproprotein was cloned in the expression vector pPIC3.5K, or the cDNA encoding only the mature form of GM2AP was inserted in the vector pPIC9K under control of the alcohol oxidase 1 promoter. Both plasmids led to the successful secretory expression of active, glycosylated GM2AP, which could easily be purified by Ni-NTA chromatography due to the hexahistidine tag introduced at the C-terminus. Remarkably, the expression of this membrane-active protein in P. pastoris was accompanied by two peculiarities which were not encountered in other expression systems for GM2AP: First, a significant fraction of the secreted protein existed in the form of aggregates, and second, considerable amounts of noncovalently bound lipids were associated with the recombinant protein. A three-step purification scheme was therefore devised consisting of Ni-NTA, reversed phase, and gel filtration chromatography, which finally yielded 10-12 mg of purified, monomeric GM2AP per liter of expression supernatant. MALDI- and ESI-TOF mass spectrometry were employed to assess the processing, homogeneity, and glycosylation pattern of the recombinant protein. Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy allowed the interaction of GM2AP with immobilized liposomes to be studied. A modified version of FM22 minimal medium was then used in the cost-effective (15)N-labeling of GM2AP to assess its amenability for the structural investigation by NMR spectroscopy. Initial (15)N,(1)H-HSQC experiments show a well-folded protein and provide evidence for extensive conformational exchange processes within the molecule.  相似文献   
Staurojoenina is a large and structurally complex genus of hypermastigont parabasalians found in the hindgut of lower termites. Although several species of Staurojoenina have been described worldwide, all Staurojoenina observed to date in different species of North American termites have been treated as the same species, S. assimilis. Here, we characterize Staurojoenina from the North American termite Neotermes jouteli using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and phylogenetic analysis of small subunit ribosomal RNA, and compare it with S. assimilis from its type host, Incisitermes minor. The basic morphological characteristics of the N. jouteli symbiont, including its abundant bacterial epibionts, are similar as far as they may be compared with existing data from S. assimilis, although not consistently identical. In contrast, we find that they are extremely distantly related at the molecular level, sharing a pairwise similarity of SSU rRNA genes comparable to that seen between different genera or even families of other parabasalians. Based on their evolutionary distance and habitat in different termite genera, we consider the N. jouteli Staurojoenina to be distinct from S. assimilis, and describe a new species, Staurojoenina mulleri, in honor of the pioneering parabasalian researcher, Miklos Muller.  相似文献   
The receptorial responsiveness method (RRM) was proposed to characterize changes in the concentration of degradable agonists in the microenvironment of their receptors. The characterization is done by providing concentrations of a stable agonist for the same receptor that is equieffective with the change in concentration to be characterized. RRM is based on the analysis of concentration-effect (E/c) curves reflecting the simultaneous action of the degradable and the stable agonist. In the present study, we investigated whether dissimilar affinity and (or) efficacy of the coacting agonists as well as the steepness of the E/c curves influence the reliability of RRM. E/c curves were simulated based on the operational model and then analyzed with RRM. We found that dissimilarity in affinity of the coacting agonists did not affect the accuracy of RRM estimates. In contrast, accuracy of the estimation depended on the magnitude of the concentration to be assessed, the operational slope factor, and the operational efficacy ratio of the coacting agonists. However, our results suggest that proper choice of a stable agonist for a degradable one can help to ensure reliable results, since information about the change in concentration of a degradable agonist is otherwise difficult to obtain.  相似文献   
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